Goodspeed's History of Benton County, p.13

Location and Boundary

The county of Benton lies in the extreme northwestern corner of the State of Arkansas, and is bounded north by McDonald and Barry Counties in the State of Missouri, east by Carroll and Madison Counties in Arkansas, south by Washington County in the same State, and west by the Indian Territory. The meridian of longitude 94 west from Greenwich, England, or 17 west from Washington, passes through the eastern part of the county near the village of Garfield, and the parallel of latitude 36º and 20' north, passes east and west through the county near its center. The boundary lines of the county are described as follows, to-wit: "Commencing on the State line between Missouri and Arkansas at the northeast corner of fractional section 8, Township 21 north, Range 27 west; thence south to the southeast corner of Section 8 Township 18 north, Range 27 west; thence west eight miles to the southwest corner of Section 7, Township 18 north, Range 28 west; thence south two miles to the southeast corner of Section 24, Township 18 north, Range 29 est; thence west eighteen miles to the northeast corner of Section 25, Township 18 north, Range 32 west; thence south five miles to the southeast corner of Section 13 Township 17 north, Range 32 west; thence west three miles to the northeast corner of Section 21, in the same township and range; thence south three miles to the southeast corner of Section 33; thence west nine miles (more or less) to the southwest corner of the county at the corner, to Townships 16 and 17, and Ranges 33 and 34; thence north on the eastern boundary line of the Indian Territory, on a bearing of about 10º west, twenty-nine miles, more or less, to the northwest corner of the State; thence east on the State line to the place of beginning.