Doggett - Holt Family

Shirley Mae Doggett, Warren, 1934

Shirley Mae Doggett

Warren, 1934

Shirley Mae Doggett (born 1933) is my mother. She is the daughter of Devoy Doggett and Nina Mae Merril or Merrill (spelling unknown).
Nina died when my Mother was an infant. I believe Devoy Doggett is the son of Wes Doggett.
My Mother's step brothers and sisters are; Gwen, Lois, Sandy, Estelle, William, George, Jerry and Dwayne.

Johnny Fred Holt, SCHOOL DAYS 1947 - '48, Warren Elementary

Johnny Fred Holt

SCHOOL DAYS 1947 - '48, Warren Elementary

Johnny Fred Holt (born 1934) is my father. He is the son of John Calvin Holt and Levy Ivy Gardener.
My Father's brothers and sisters are; James Lee, Katherine (Kat), Nadine and Betty Sue.

John Calvin Holt and his sister Sophronia Holt, possibly 1909-1910

John Calvin Holt and Sophronia Holt

John Calvin Holt and his sister Sophronia Holt (born 3/5/1899), were both orphans at what was then called "The Arkansas Baptist Orphanage Home" in Monticello.
They are listed on the Orphanage Home Census page.
Sophronia died in the home on July 5, 1912 and John Calvin left on his own accord in July of 1916.

I believe the picture was taken outside of the orphanage around 1909-1910.

John Calvin Holt was born May 21, 1903 and died Aug 27, 1966 and is listed in the Willoughby Cemetery Records page.

Shirley Mae Doggett and Johnny Fred Holt, May 1951

Shirley Mae Doggett and Johnny Fred Holt

May 1951

They are my parents.

John Calvin Holt's Step Family

Unknown family

Written on the back of the photo is "John Calvin Holt's Step Family"

John Calvin Holt's birth information

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A letter of record dated January 12, 1942

From the "Bottom's Baptist Orphanage," certifying the birth of John Calvin Holt. It was signed by the superintendent of the home and the County Clerk of Drew County.

If anyone has any information on R. L. Holt or Dolly Holt, the parents of John Calvin Holt, please contact Barbara Curtis at

These photographs and information appear courtesy of Barbara Curtis.

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