John Cary Hickman

John Cary Hickman identified by Robert C. Reeder


John Cary Hickman

"He is my great, great grand father. I have other pictures of him and one of the same one you have here on the page." ~~Robert C. Reeder

"Mrs. Bobbie Lehman attended our Stedman/Steadman reunion and allowed me to take two manilla envelopes filled with "Old" pictures; "TinTypes," in hope of identifying the persons in the photos. All of these have been collected within the Bradley County Region "Old Region" when people went to Fordyce, Monticello, Warren and Crossett for pictures. Some are old TinTypes that came with the families from back east, or even some made here in Warren, Arkansas." ~~ Carolann Stanton St. John

This photo belongs to Mrs. Bobbie Lehman and was submitted to the website by Carolann Stanton St. John

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