Langston and Poole Family

Sarah Theodocia Langston Poole about 21 years old Fred Poole

Sarah Theodocia "Docia" Langston, about 21 years old, and Fred Poole

Sarah Theodocia Langston Poole was born 4-21-1881 and died 5-13-1949. She was the daughter of James L. Langston and Mary Frances Parker. Mary Frances Parker was the daughter of Walter C. Parker and Mary L. Hudson. Walter C. Parker was the son of Uriah H. Parker and Susannah J. Davis who married in Georgia on 11-26-1819

Docia married Fred Poole on 12-25-1902. He was a carpenter and fell while working in Little Rock, AR. and later died of pneumonia when my dad was 4 years old; he is buried in Oakland Cemetery in Little Rock. Docia never remarried.

After her husband Fred died she and her children lived with a sister, Mattie Langston the widow of Issac Langston, until she came to live with my parents, Clarence Albert and Lola Mae Vines Poole on South York Street in Warren. They lived in Warren from 1913 until 1959 when they moved to Crossett, AR.

Sarah Theodocia Langston Poole


Gladys Poole is buried in Gravel Ridge Cemetery beside Docia, her mother; Gladys is my aunt. She lived with my mom and dad until she died. She was an invalid and never married. Otha Lewis Poole is buried there also, He is my Dad's oldest brother; he is also Robert William Poole's Dad. All of my Mother's people are buried there: Will and Hattie Gorman Vines, Jim and Lucille Vines and James Vines. I have a baby brother and sister also buried there: Albert Dan Poole, and Bessie Loraine Poole, the first two children of Lola Mae Vines Poole and Clarence Poole.

Docia never remarried; she managed to raise their six children alone:
Lilly Odel Poole...................Born 2-11-1905.......Died 6-26-1971
Otha Lewis Poole................Born 10-12-1907.....Died 4-26-1982
Frances Genetta Poole.......Born 3-09-1909.......Died 6-06-1967
Clarence Albert Poole........Born 3-11-1913.......Died 7-13-1976
Hardie E. Poole...................Born 10-8-1916........Killed 11-6-1944 in World War II
Gladys Poole.......................Born 3-14-1918.......Died 3-3-1952.

Otha Lewis, Frances Genetta and Lilly Odel Poole

Otha Lewis, Frances Genetta and Lilly Odel Poole circa 1910 - 1911

Otha Lewis Poole - Married Esteen (Tennie) Hollingsworth on 7-26-1928
Frances Genetta Poole - Married Oma Hah Gates on 8-02-1925
Lilly Odel Poole - Married Enoch Hollingsworth on 6-04-1921 and Elzie Gardner on 8-22-1936

Gladys Poole

Gladys Poole

"This picture of Gladys was on our front porch on York Street in Warren. I was about 2 years old when this was taken. She was an exceptional person, sweet, kind, and very smart; she just couldn't walk or stand. She played a game with us that she called "Hulley Gulley." We would put something in our hand and hold them out for the other person to guess how many marbles (or whatever we were playing with) were in our hand. She most always won. My brother and I would play with her for hours. She is buried at Gravel Ridge beside her mother." ~~Nora Johnson

Poole Family

Poole Family

The picture of Poole Family left to right are: Docia; not sure about two ladies in middle; Lewis is standing far right.
Front from left is Clarence and Hardie Poole

Fred Poole and friends Lewis Poole

LEFT: John Robison, Fred Poole and John McDodd;

RIGHT: Lewis Poole

Hardy Poole, Gladys Poole and Marie ? Clarence A. Poole David and Clarence A. Poole

LEFT: Hardie Poole, Gladys Poole and Marie ?

MIDDLE: Clarence A. Poole

RIGHT: David and Clarence A. Poole


Hardie E. Poole was born Oct. 8, 1916 at 7:00am in Big Rock Township, Pulaski County, AR. He married Louise Gorman on August 2, 1941, married by S. H. Vaughn, recorded in Bradley County by Clarence Parnell in Book R, page 429, filed on the 4th day of Aug. 1941. Hardie joined the Army on Oct. 2, 1942 and died on November 6, 1944 in WWII on Leyte Island, Japan and was buried there. Hardie and Louise had two children (living).

"My Dad, Clarence A. Poole, was an Auto Mechanic and his shop was behind our house. A small road led up to it. I was born in a little Shot-gun house at the very end of the road that is now named "Poole Street" off the south end of York Street in Warren. The house is gone now, there is just an empty lot. Mr. James Tillman and his family own it. At that time my Dad, worked nights at the Bradley Mill and did Mechanic work in his shop during the day to support us six children. He loved to fish and took my brothers. He also trapped for mink, raccoon, and beaver to buy our Christmas presents. He would let one of us go with him to run his traps. We always had more than enough. Those were the Happy Years growing up in Warren." ~~Nora Johnson

Poole House Clarence A. Poole and his shop

Poole House in Warren

Clarence A. Poole and his shop

Photos and information courtesy of
Nora M. Johnson.

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