Unknown 3 - Can you help identify these loggers?

Unknown - Can you help identify these loggers? 139 KB image

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Unknown loggers in Graveridge - Can you help identify these people?

This picture is of a logging crew; no names on the photo. It has "Gravelridge" on the back of the picture, and also has "Miss Ma___" ( looks like it may be Miss Marie). Sorry, date is unknown.

Can you help identify any of these people?

UPDATE - 18 May 2005 -

"Just to the left of the big tree is John Wesley Smith. At the right end of the saw is William Donald "Don" Smith. To his right is Ray Outlaw. This photo would be about 1930 and I believe an event such as a clearing for a road or school." ~~ Janet Smith Patton

This photograph appears courtesy of Margarett Hollingsworth.

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