Bradley County Arkansas in the News

From The Files - 1940

The Eagle Democrat

"Through the years the Eagle Democrat has published news of the past under
headings like "From The Files" and "News of Other Days." These items contain wonderful
information about the county and also about individual people." ~~Jann Woodard

25 Jan 1940

Three persons suffered broken bones here this week as direct results of ice and snow that is hazardous both to motorists and pedestrians. Included are Bernie Clyde Halley, 14 year old son of Mrs. Elva Halley, who suffered a broken arm in a fall on the railroad track; Clifton Brown, Southern Lumber Company employee, who suffered a broken elbow when a lumber tractor skidded on an icy tramway and overturned; and Evora Hamilton who was thrown from a sled pulled by a car and sustained two breaks of the right arm. Practically all schools here are closed because of the freeze and have been closed for over a week. The new grade school at Banks burned Tuesday afternoon. The loss is nearly covered by insurance, according to Superintendent Sam Sullivan. The school building had been completed in 1938. Two fires were reported here this week. One was in the home of Mrs. S. C. Johnston on South Myrtle, the other in the Vernon Brooks home in the Bradley Courts.

7 Mar 1940

Dr. Merl Crow, house surgeon at Charity Hospital, Shreveport was a weekend guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. T. Crow. Senior Class of Warren High School has conducted its who’s who election. Among the selections: best looking – Helen Lloyd and Howard Apple; most popular – Bennie Erwin and Wayne Wisener; Most dependable – Musette Hargraves; Most valuable – Mildred Squires; Most studious – Arthur Jolley and Verla Jenkins; Idead – Jane Broome and James “Buddy” Landers; best athlete – Hugh Risher. The Lumberjacks won the District 8 basketball championship here Saturday night, beating Hermitage, the 1939 champs, 37-20. Grider of Hermitage was the high scorer with 13 points, while Kay Wisener of Warren made 10. On the all-tournament team were Wisener, Wayne Wisener, Johnson of Hermitage, McFarland of Banks and Whitten of Hamburg

14 Mar 1940

Philip W. Coker, 69, owner and operator of the Coker Hotel for 34 years, died at his home Tuesday morning. Prior to operating the hotel, he had run mercantile establishments in Warren. County Judge Harvey L. Rowland was in charge at the dedication of the new NYA-built Mount Olive School Sunday. Hunted since early Thursday night for the murder of Elmo Kelley, 17, of Warren, H. G. Holtzclaw, alias Harry Martin, 47, surrendered to officers Saturday afternoon. Holtzclaw was captured at Tinsman, armed with two .45 pistols, both of them loaded. Kelley was killed and I. D. Beasley, Jr., young service station attendant, was wounded by Holtzclaw in an altercation near the Southerm Mill Thursday night. Holtzclaw had bought gas at South Main Street station and driven away without paying for it. Beasley and Kelley gave pursuit and caught Martin just past the Southern Mill on the Camden road. Holtzclaw drew two guns, and threatened to kill the two. Later, Beasley grappled with Holtzclaw, and as he did so, the desperado’s gun went off, wounding Beasley on the nose and killing Kelley.

28 Mar 1940

Jasper H. Tullos and C. A. Burns have entered the race for County Treasurer. Sheriff C. W. Hickman is seeking reelection. Nominated Tuesday as directors for the Warren Rotary Club of next year are, Rev. Bruce C. Boney, Sidney Wharton, Bernie Hargis, Harry Krauss and Mack Tarpley. Miss Cynthia Hester of Warren became the bride of Vance Edmondson of Searcy in a ceremony Easter Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Blankinship are the parents of a son, Curtis, Jr., born at a Monticello hospital, March 20. Robert Ed Green, a student at the University of Arkansas, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. J. C. Clary, who is in charge of the county welfare office, has said that there will be a slight increase in pensions given to the Bradley County Confederate veterans shortly.

11 Apr 1940

B. G. Holtzclaw, alias Harry Martin, will today hear the State of Arkansas, as represented by Prosecuting Attorney John Goldren, ask for his life for the slaying of Elmo Kelley here early last month. The man has been charged with murder in the first degree. Ray Clanton has announced that he will oppose Carroll Hollensworth in the race for representative from this county. R. C. Waller, 79, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe E. Bond, on Thursday night. Warren High School’s choral club will be represented by a quartet in the Southeast Arkansas vocal contest at Arkansas A&M this weekend. Included in the quartet are Louis Selig, James Hargis, Joe Wilson and James Lowman.

25 Apr 1940

Final report of the appraisers of the estate of the late C. J. Mansfield showed a total value of $287,678.40, according to papers filed with the county clerk here. Included was an undivided one-fifth interest in over 65,000 acres of timberland. This was valued at $38,699.11. B. G. Appleton of Warren won the grand prize in the Southeast Arkansas Photographic Salon, held here last week. Named the most popular entry in the salon was “pastoral,” a picture by Barney Walker. Other Warren winners included J. R. S. Meek, Jr., Martha Garrison, G. C. Pinckney, and Dr. Louis Hundley. Cone Turner, Sr., will soon announce for County Treasurer, according to the statements of friends. Others expected to announce for county offices soon include Trave Beard for sheriff and Senator Lee Reaves f or re-election. Unofficial totals for the city of Warren indicate that the 1940 census will note 2,500 people living within the city limits unless other people can be found

2 May, 1940

The announcement of J. C. Neal, prominent farmer and businessman of Hermitage, for county judge is carried in this week’s issue of the Eagle Democrat. James E. Hurley, for many years sales manager for the Southern Lumber Company, announced last week that he was tendering his resignation effective May 1 and would go into business for himself as a wholesale agent for timber products in Arkansas. Mr. Hurley and his family and his family will continue their long residence in Warren. R. P. Dial, director of the Warren Lumberjack Band, this week rejected an offer from one of the junior high schools in Little Rock, making it known that he prefers to remain here in Warren. Bradley Softball Team showed up well in the season’s first game Monday night. Home runs were hit by Mayberry, Ed Cary, Williams, Lain, and Elmo Chaney. Ed Cary allowed only four hits in the first game, and Lester Cary let the visitors down with two hits in the second game. Warren Cemetery Association and the Herbert B. Martin Post of the American Legion are planning a joint Memorial Day and Homecoming service at the Oakland Cemetery Sunday afternoon, May 26. An invitation has been extended to Judge George Abernathy of Shawnee, Oklahoma, who was reared here to deliver the address for the occasion. Honorable Shields M. Goodwin of Little Rock has been invited to be master of ceremonies.

30 May 1940

Verla Jenkins and Ouida Davidson, both with a perfect grade point average, have tied for the honor of valedictorian of Warren High School. Commencement Exercises will be Friday night, with Hugh Risher, class president, presiding. Other class officers with parts on the program will be Jack Lewis, vice-president, and Terrell Lasiter, secretary. YMCA swimming school will open June 10. Classes for beginners will be in charge of R. L. Newton, who has taught hundreds thefundamentals of swimming. Earl Berry Piper will assist with the swimming. Miss Betty Krausz and Hartsell Toney gave an invitation dance at the American Legion Hut Saturday night. Over 25 young couples attended. B. Ball is improving rapidly from an illness at the Army-Navy Hospital, Hot Springs. Miss Mary Louise Holland of Warren and Arkadelphia is the bride-elect of Joe Reaves, III, of Warren. The wedding will be June 30 in the First Methodist Church of Arkadelphia

8 Jun 1940

Sixth grade students were promoted to Junior High School in ceremonies last week sponsored by Mrs. Lester Temple, principal of the school. Speakers were Norman Carter, Frankie Baldwin, George May, and Ross Adams. Miss Ona Caplinger of Chicago is a guest of her sister, Mrs. G. C. Morgan. Billy Hargis arrived Tuesday from Ouachita College, where he has completed his freshman year. He will spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hargis. John Clay Burch of Warren is the newly-elected president of the Christian Adventure Assembly now in session at Monticello

13 Jun 1940

Employees of the Southern Lumber Company and members of their family will be entertained at a barbecue at the Southern ballpark June 19. Wiley O’Rear is the general chairman for the barbecue. Jeanette Wise and Anne Crow announced Tuesday completion of plans for various physical activities for girls at the Warren YMCA this summer. Wet weather has slowed the harvest, but a carload of Irish potatoes is being loaded at present by the Bradley County Truck Growers Association, according to Earl Hairston, chairman of the organization. Miss Betty Hankins of Warren and Richard Milton Henry of Russellville and Warren, were married in a beautiful ceremony at the First Methodist Church yesterday. Forest and Hugh Herring yesterday opened their new cleaning establishment on Church Street. It’s called Herring Cleaners, and the plant is in the building formerly occupied by Hargis Brothers. In addition to Forrest and Hugh, the personnel of the company will include Walter Moseley, who has returned to Warren from Little Rock.

27 Jun 1940

Gordon Harrison and J. E. Stewart, head of a committee of Bradley Lumber Company employees that will be in charge of the company’s annual picnic July 4. Between 1,750 and 1,800 employees and members of their families will attend. Thirty hogs and two beeves will provide the mean for the party. Julian Auto Company of Pine Bluff, has opened an agency here in Warren with Turner King as manager. The company’s new cars are kept at Ernest Hankins’ service station at Main and Church Streets, and Bennie Hollingsworth is doing the mechanical repairs on the Cars. Mrs. Carl Steplock of Buenos Aires, Argentina, arrived recently for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Vera Lipton. Mrs. Steplock will spend the balance of this summer in Chicago visiting with her son, C. L. Steplock, Jr. “Two Gun” Hart allowed the Bradley softball team only one hit Saturday night as the Shreveport softball team prevailed in Fullerton Park.Catcher Davis of the Bradley team got the one hit. The play of Warren’s Second Baseman “Dub” McGibbony was outstanding.

11 Jul 1940

Elmo Chaney, athletic director of the Warren High School for the past three years, has tendered his resignation effective immediately. Mr. Chaney will be connected with the Civilian Conservation Corps at Pocahontas. Other Warren High School teachers who will not return next year include Lillie Mae Martin, Hattie Bell Lea, Sara Venable, Willistine Cherry and Mrs. Ruth Kight. Superintendent O. C. Landers said that Robert Smith, coach at Crossett, was being considered for Chaney’s job. A record-breaking rainfall of over 11 inches has already been reported at Warren during July, according to Nick Turner, local weather observer. Mrs. Leroy Lyon suffered injuries yesterday afternoon when the car which her husband was driving was struck by one driven by Joe Wilson, Jr., at the corner of Pine and Martin Streets. Mr. and Mrs. Z. K. Thomas and Mrs. S. B. Meek returned home Tuesday from a stay of several weeks at Miami, Fla. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Taylor Earle of Miami, who will visit friends and relatives here. Attending the German dance in Dermott July 4 were Miss Leon May and Claude Mack Thurman, Jack Turner, Louise White of Wilmar, Perry Councille, Ed McEwen, Mary McCroskey of Dermott, Kenneth Martin, Mary Lu Fullerton, Charles Jackson of Monticello, Alleta Billups of Greenwood, Miss., Dick Davis of Monticello, Helen Saeler of Hermitage, Henry Ford, Sue Clinton, Dick Whitehead, Lee Reaves, Bill Hoffman, J. C. Thompson, Jr., Ralph Thompson, and Bunn Caplinger, all of Hermitage.

20 Aug 1940

Miss Frances Broughton has returned from Rock Hill, S. C., where she attended Winthrop College this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Moseley and their son, James Ed, and Mrs. E. V. Carraway left Monday for New York City, where they will attend the New York World’s Fair. Contractor Sam Dixon was the successful bidder for construction through the Moro Creek bottoms on the Fordyce-New Edinburg road. Driving an old car with no brakes, a Negro bashed into the automobile of the M. R. Fergusons yesterday afternoon at the intersection of Wheeler and Fullerton, turning the Ferguson auto over and bruising its six occupants. In the car were Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and their young son, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Womble and their young son. None were seriously hurt. Carroll Hollensworth was re-elected Bradley County Representative by a margin of 88 votes Tuesday, defeating Ray Clanton. Others elected included R. H. Grider, county judge; Clarence Parnell, county clerk; and Ernest McFarland, county treasurer.

5 Sep 1940

Bradley Lumber Company’s softball team, having won the State Softball Championship last week, is in Detroit, Michigan this week at the National Softball Tournament. S. B. Fullerton is sponsor of the team and Charlie Stewart is team manager. One of Bradley County’s outstanding young men, Hugh Moseley, Jr., has opened his offices for the practice of dentistry in the Warren Bank Building. Thirty enthusiastic prospective football players are working out under Coach Robert Smith in preparation for Warren’s opening football game. The schedule includes Bearden, Lake Village, Malvern, Fordyce, Bauxite, Crossett, Stuttgart, Smackover, Rison, McGehee and Dermott. Warren has only two returning lettermen: Halfback, Buddy Davis, and Tackle, W. F. Lyon. Kay Wisener arrived Monday from Baton Rouge, La., where he will enter his senior year in Warren High School. Robert Ed Green of Warren and Louis Ramsey of Fordyce are being looked on for heavy duty this fall when the Arkansas Razorbacks take the field against Southwest Conference opposition.

16 Oct 1940

A trailer of the Bud Anderson Shows Saturday morning failed to negotiate the turn at the corner of Pine and Main Streets, overturning into the yard of the V. C. Ford home. Three elephants and two attendants were pinned under the truck, though none were hurt. Homer Adkins, governor-elect of Arkansas will crown Miss Nancy Richardson of Warren as Bradley County livestock show queen here this afternoon. Runner-ups were Miss Ernell Smith and Miss Virginia Lyon. Fordyce beat Warren, 25-7, here last Friday night. Buddy Davis passed to Daymond Gaddy in an 80-yard pass play for Warren’s only score. W. J. Savage, aged 74, died at Morganfield, Kentucky, last Saturday. He was a native of Iowa who lived in Warren for many years. He came here as agent for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.

21 Nov 1940

Rev. L. E. N. Hundley has been appointed to serve his sixth year as minister of the local Methodist Church. K. K. Carrithers, who has been serving the Hermitage circuit, was appointed to the Drew circuit. A score of Bradley county sportsmen, meeting at the YMCA Monday night, elected G. W. Botts, Jr., as a delegate to attend the district meeting in Camden next week. He goes instructed to legislate for the appointment of Lester Temple of Warren to the State Game and Fish Commission. Bradley County will be 100 years old early next month. Collis Studio and the City Electric Shoe Shop were destroyed by fire in the early morning hours on Sunday. Cone and Harley Stell, who attend Ouachita College, spent the weekend here with their parents. Anna Faye Martin won the beauty contest at the Pastime Theater last week, with judges being traveling salesmen who call on Warren. Mary Elizabeth Apple won second place.

5 Dec 1940

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Herring and daughters, Helen and Mildred of West Memphis, were Thanksgiving guests of his brother, Roscoe Herring and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hargis, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hargis and son, James, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Carter spent Thanksgiving Day in Arkadelphia to attend the Ouachita-Hendrix football game. They were accompanied home by these Ouachita students, who spent the holidays in Warren: Katherine and Billy Hargis, Hurley Carter and Cone Stell and Cecil Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. H. Southerland Davis and daughter, Ann, of Shelbyville, Ky., have been the houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fullerton. Sometime Sunday night the Missouri Pacific station office here was broken into. The bulky safe was turned on its side and a hole dug in it with a pick. A fingerprinting expert from Little Rock has been here investigating the thing.

12 Dec 1940

Fired caused an explosion in the northern most “cyclone” atop the Bradley Lumber Company’s sawmill at 6 a.m. Monday. The damage was repaired during the day. Sue Carolyn Clingman, aged 8, was killed when struck by an automobile on South Main Street Tuesday night. Martin’s Electric Shoe Shop has reopened in the south portion of the Southerland Hotel. Ernest Martin is proprietor. F. W. Girdner has been reelected president of the Warren YMCA. Other officers reelected include, L. H. Derby, Elmer Lane, G. W. Botts, Jr., R. L. Newton, general secretary.

19 Dec 1940

The Methodist Church will present its Christmas music program Sunday night. Soloists will include; Mrs. A. L. Moody, Mrs. F. M. Holt, Mrs. Watt Childs, C. L. Tarleton and V. B. Harris. Interest centers this week on the Christmas Day marriage of Miss Mary Montgomery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Montgomery, and Marvin Culp of Bearden. New presidents have been named by several county home demonstration clubs. Included among these are: Mrs. Warren Smith, Hilo-Moro; Mrs. A. B. Reymolds, Hopewell; Mrs. T. Z. Dees, Ingalls; Mrs. J. P. Johnson, Jersey; Mrs. H. R. Calloway, Johnsville; Mrs. A. M. Hyman, Knotch Springs; Mrs. R. E. McLeod, Lanark; Mrs. Herbert Neely, Oak Dale; Mrs. Sam Bryant, Prospect; Mrs. G. H. King, South Warren; Mrs. Keith Sanders, South Oak Grove; Marnett Hickman, Pattsville; and Lena Hickman, Pine Crest. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Quimby of Hermitage was destroyed in a fire one night last week.

Submitted by Jann Woodard

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