Bradley County Arkansas in the News

From The Files - 1904 - 1915

The Eagle Democrat

"Through the years the Eagle Democrat has published news of the past under
headings like "From The Files" and "News of Other Days." These items contain wonderful
information about the county and also about individual people." ~~Jann Woodard

8 Dec 1904

Candidates in the Democrat-News piano contest have been announced. Included among the young ladies in the contest are Jeanie Martin of Warren, Geneva Neal of Warren, Jodie Gorman of Marsden, Pearl Heatherington of Wilmar, Virgie Lehman of West Warren, Hettie Moseley of Orlando, and Gladys Rucks of Warren. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hickman went down to Marsden Saturday to attend the funeral of his mother, an account of which may be found in these columns. Claude Mack has accepted a position as stenographer for a large lumber concern near Swylle, La. Alvin Wheeler didn’t show up at the store this morning. Congratulations. It is a girl! Construction has begun on the new steam laundry located a block north of the court square on Main Street. It is hoped that the new business will be open and ready for work shortly after the first of the year.

9 Jun 1909

[this particular file was from the Bradley County Leader] A special train was run to Memphis for the benefit of those who wanted to attend the reunion of soldiers of the Civil War. On the train from Warren were: J. T. Beard, W. N. Berry, W. H. Blankinship and his son, S. L. Glover, J. Bond, S. W. McLean, S. C. Kight, J. R. Neely, H. L. Turner, J. W. Johnson, Capt. Wise, W. C. Williams, Simon Bryant, J. T. Drummond, E. N. Wilson, J. M. Bailey, A. G. Stedman, D. M. Parkman, J. B. Thompson, B. T. Williams, Bob Rogers, A. L. Durham, M. B. Garrison, Dr. J. A. Bond, J. D. Balfour, Sherrod McLean, W. M. Forrester, W. H. Shanks and Sheriff G. B. Colvin. Mrs. J. Culbreath entertained the bridge players Friday. Present were Miss Leila Dunn, Mrs. Parks of Hot Springs, Mrs. C. L. Hoyle of the Arkansas Camp, and Mmes. Derby, J. Scobey, Fontaine, Pierce, Treadwell, Porter, Hoyle, Gannaway, Roan, Wheeler, Connell, Hobbs, Miss J. Hamilton, C. Cunningham, C. Ederington and Parks. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Childs of Lanark attended the marriage of their niece, Elva Gannaway, at the Baptist Church. Today’s ballgame: The home team beat Kingsland, 16-1. Robertson pitched and Bond was the catcher. Rev. J. F. Lawson didn’t preach at the Presbyterian Church Sunday night. Rather, a musical program was presented including two solo numbers by Mr. Emerson, Bernice Scobey and Mrs. C. A. Derby, plus a singing of “The Heavens Are Telling,” by the choir. Alvis Scull, Norma Scull and Anna Downey have been attending Hinemon University at Monticello. If your telephone fails to ring after the fifteenth, you may know you haven’t paid your telephone bill. – adv. Etta Martin, Georgia Wilson, Bessie Thompson, Elmore Thompson, Frank Culbreath and Earl Garrison spent Sunday at Parnell Springs.

Nov 1912

[no day given] Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moseley entertained Friday with a dinner in honor of the faculty of the West School. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Moseley and Misses Camp, Gladden, Stinson, Ernestine and Allie Bryant. Judge W. F. Culbreath was victor in the contested election this week, defeating Mr. Quinney by 22 votes. Lost in the underbrush of the L’Aigle bottoms, the little four year old girl of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risher wandered from her home after darkness Wednesday night. She was found three hours later at the home of Elmer Smith, where she finally made her way to civilization. She had been looking for hickory nuts.

30 Jul 1914

Russell Hollis returned to his home in Pine Bluff Tuesday after a visit of several days with his brother, Carl Hollis. R. D. Beard reports a chicken with four legs, but adds the freak did not live long after hatching out. The Masons have raised a purse to build a concrete sidewalk in front of their building Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Roddey on last Friday, a fine boy. Lige Moseley brought to town a load of watermelons Monday in which each of the melons averaged around 40 pounds. The is said to be the finest load of melons ever seen in Warren. Miss Ina Culbreath entertained about 25 of her friends this morning in honor of her cousin, Miss Nowell of Georgia. The morning was spent playing Bunco.

10 Sep 1914

John R. Gannaway’s barn burned Wednesday noon. Miss Jessie Turner will leave Friday for Crossett where she will teach in the high school this season. Bernie Hargis left this morning for Arkadelphia where he will be in s chool this winter. Miss Julius Frazer returned to her home in this city Tuesday after a week’s visit with friends in Thornton. Mrs. A. Weiss and son, Albert, left Monday for a visit in Great Bend, Kansas. Mr. Weiss accompanied them to Little Rock. J. B. Hurley, O. O. Axley, H. B. Sanderlin, G. B. Colvin, F. L. Purcell, and W. H. Pumphrey and others are spending this week in the forks of the Saline and Ouachita Rivers hunting and fishing.

23 Dec 1915

Miss Frances Powers is home from school at Milford, Texas, to spend the holidays. Joe Bond is spending the holidays with home people in Warren. Earl Hairston and Bernie Hargis came in Wednesday night from Ouachita College. Miss Gillis Herring, who has been attending the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is spending the holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Garrison came in Tuesday from Mineral Springs, Texas. Miss Jessy Harley and Miss Corinne Coker came in Saturday night from Arkadelphia where they attended Henderson-Brown College. Misses Edith and Marion Meek, who are attending school at Maryland College for Women, Baltimore, are home for the holidays. Miss Gertrude Wheless has returned from Eureka Springs were she attended Crescent College.

Submitted by Jann Woodard

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