
Societies & Groups


Ouachita-Calhoun Genealogical Society

The Ouachita-Calhoun Genealogical Society was formed in 1977 by a group of
people interested in family history and in the preservation of the rich heritage of the
area. In 1981, they began to publish "Researchin' Ouachita-Calhoun Counties", aimed
at meeting the needs of researchers. The publication is published twice a year in
April and October.

Their collection of genealogy materials are housed at the Public Library of Camden
and Ouachita County located at 120 Harrison Street, N. W. in Camden, Arkansas.

Annual membership fee is $15. Monthly meetings are held regularly on the fourth
Sunday afternoon at 2:00 P.M. in the Library. Membership and correspondence may
be mailed to : Ouachita-Calhoun Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 2092, Camden, AR
71711 | Membership Form |