Front Street, Corning, 1900

From the Clay County Courier:

"This is an L. D. Oaks picture of Corning, made on New Year's Day, 1900.  The tall pole in the foreground holds the wires of the recent innovation to Corning life -- electric lights!  On the East side, from the left, is the Waters Pierce Oil facility, the Iron Mountain Stockyards, a grist mill and a storage barn.  West First Street shows the row of wooden store buildings between Pine and Vine.  The Old Mound House, at the corner of Pine and First, was unpainted and shows only as a dark blue.  More frame store buildings from Vine to Hop Alley opened about 1910.  The brick Ferguson and Wheel store and next the Green Hotel, the original structure of the Akers Hotel of the 70s.  The Langdon restaurant, one of many locations, a vacant lot, Harb Brothers and Rosenblums."

Submitted by Danny Moore