Clay County Courier Narratives 1900 - 1931

Submitted by Danny Moore

Rev. Cunningham baptized seven converts of the Baptist Church last Sunday afternoon (February) at the lake in the South part of town. Nearly every inhabitant of Corning was present and witnessed the Baptizing.
Wm. M. Selph has opened his candy works next door to his office. 
There is only one case of Smallpox in Corning. All reports to the contrary not withstanding.
Wesley Lovins, baker at Harbs bakery got outside of a jag last Sunday, and started to paint the town when he ran against a "bad man from Bitter Creek" who welded a hammer with the telling effect on Lovin's; cranium. 
If there is a society in Corning that has anything to do with objects of charity, an extreme case can be found in the St. James Hotel, in the person of a woman (pauper) helplessly ill with consumption, who needs charitable attention. Mr. Matthews says he has done all he can and others should help a little. The woman has been in bed there for several weeks.
On account of smallpox at Moark. it has. been decided by the Election Commissioners that the voting place for Cleveland township be changed from Moark to H. H. Williams' store for the primary on April 7.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Sheeks are receiving the congratulations of their numerous friends upon the arrival of a fine boy who made his appearance at the Sheeks home in this city. Wednesday morning.
The municipal election passed off quietly in this city last Tuesday, and as there was only one ticket in the field. a very light vote was polled. E. L. Black who was unanimously nominated, was elected in the same way, as were also the other gentlemen on the ticket, not a dissenting vote among the 49 votes being cast. The officers being elected are: E. L. Black, mayor; S. P. Lindsey. recorder and J. N. Martin, W. R. Brown, E. A. Kelley, U. S. Wells and J. G. Rinker. aldermen.
Rev. J. R. Catt of near Thurman reports a Quaker revival progressing at the Richwoods church west of town. The meeting, which began a week, ago, is a very successful revival and is being conducted by Revs. Rush and Lewis, noted Quaker ministers of Northeast Indiana assisted by Rev. Catt and others.
H. L. Harmon and family of Olney, Ill., arrived in Corning the first part of this week and will make their home here. Mr. Harmon was in Corning some time since and traded for a section of land about five miles southeast of Corning where he will begin farming. He and his family will reside in this city
Ode Smith, a barber, employed at Reno's Shop, became violently insane for a short time this afternoon and was taken to jail. Smith became overheated while working at the fire up town this afternoon and while in that condition took some whiskey, when he became crazed and attempted to shoot himself in the head with a pistol, the bullet look some hair, but doing no damage. Then he rushed out of the barbershop with a pistol and two razors and created wild consternation from Reno's Shop to Harb Brothers store where he was forcibly disarmed and arrested. Fortunately the pistol contained but two cartridges, the second one was discharged in Vandover's Saloon.
At a meeting held in the Bank of Corning last Saturday, that institution was incorporated, with a capitol of $30,000 with the following officers: G.. B. Oliver, president; D. Hopson, vice president; W. D. Polk, cashier: J.W. Harb, E. V. Sheeks, Dr. N. J. Latimer and R. Whitaker, directors. This bank was established about five years ago and conducted up to this time as a private institution by Mr. Polk as proprietor and cashier. It has from the beginning, been a safe and reliable bank. Now with an increased number of such competent and conservative businessmen, bids fair to make more rapid progress as one of the foremost banking institutions in Northeast Arkansas
At the City Council meeting last Friday night, William Fisher was appointed city marshal. He was the successful applicant over many others for that position.
The new court house, which has just been completed in Corning, was received by the commissioners last Saturday.
C. Hans who was in jail at this place, awaiting the action of the Grand Jury charged with the murder of his brother-in-law a few days ago at Knobel. escaped from the jail Wednesday by walking out the door of the iron cage and crawling through a hole in the brick outer wall.
Staley Drug Store is headquarters for chess players in this section. T. B. Staley, E. V. Sheeks, Drs. McKinney and Latimer, Lee Brown, Dan Schandi and G. B. Johnson (Newport) are among the number of local players and several of them have solved some very difficult chess problems lately.
At the school election last Saturday J.W. Harb was elected school director, and the proposition to build a new school house, not to cost over $10,000.00 and the 50 mill tax. for building funds, also carried.
During the month of March, Black and Walk's sawmill turned out 30 cars of lumber amounting to $5,216.68; in April 28 cars and in May 36 cars.
The ladies of the Christian Church will give a lawn social at the Courthouse Square next Saturday night June 16, at which Ice Cream, Cake Lemonade and sodawater will be served. Music will be furnished during the evening by the Corning Band. The proceeds will go toward the debt of the Church.
The Courier, with this issue, completes its 15th year of existence .
E. V Sheeks left the first of this week for Little Rock to buy machinery for a new gin, which we understand, he will locate near his flour mill and electric plant he also attended the State Democratic Convention in Little Rock, and the Congressional Convention in Newport of this week
The ticket nominated at the National Democratic Convention at Kansas City today: William J Bryan of Nebraska for President and Adalai E Stevenson of Illinois for vice president.
Dr Simpson spent the 4th in St Louis where he bought a railroad cycle which he may travel with, by virtue of his being railroad surgeon for Corning and other nearby railroad towns.
The Baptist Church building has lately been greatly improved by repapering the interior and adding electric lights.
The barroom is a bank. You deposit your money. and loose it; your time, and loose it: your strength and loose it: your independence and loose it; your wife's happiness and lose it: your own soul. and loose it. Does it Pay?
Joseph Dudgeon is having Z.T. Daniel move the old court square to the Corner lot South of the Dudgeon House. When the old structure is out of the square its absence will greatly enhance the beauty of the Court Square. and the large building will add much to the appearance of the corner where the little old building stood.
Valentine Nading, an old German about 60 years of age, attempted to end his life by cutting his throat last Friday with a dull pocket knife at his home in the Heelstring settlement. He plunged the blade through his throat from side to side and his life had been despaired by one of the at attending physicians, Dr. F. Hill. Until yesterday when his condition became much better and he may recover. It seems. he was jealous of his young wife and had threatened to kill her and their seven months old daughter and then commit suicide, but Mrs. Nading called on Constable W.G. Smith in time to prevent a wholesale killing.
In case of unusual interest. especially to the people of Clay County, has been pending for some time before Judge Royall at Piggott and was finally disposed of on last Saturday. The style of the case has J.M. Talkington and others. plaintiffs. vs. W.A. Vandover and others, defendants. The suit was the outcome of a hot temperance battle brought on by the prohibition folk of Corning to create a local option district. Corning is a 'wet' town the county of Clay having voted. For' license' at the last general election. 
Recently a religious revival was held at Corning and the normal reform element. believing that pupil's sentiment was ripe for a crusade against the saloons, proceeded to circulate petitions asking the county judge to issue an order prohibiting the sale of intoxicants within three miles of Corning. On Saturday June 30th the case came up on its first hearing before Judge Royall.
The defense admitted that the petitioners constituted a majority of the adults within the prohibited district, and they asked that the Court in making its order exempt from its provisions the saloons already in operation under the license that do not expire until the first of January, 1901. The plaintiffs contended for an hour with out any modifications. The court was inclined to grant the order sought by the plaintiffs and so that indicated his decision, but at the request of attorneys for the defense consented to a further hearing on last Saturday, when the Court after considering the case further on the argument of council and the presentations of authorities, granted the modified order asked for by the defense. From this decision the plaintiffs appealed to the Circuit Court and the case will be heard by Judge Taylor at the August term of the Clay County Circuit
Two train loads of soldiers and two trains of horses of this U.S. Calvary passed through Corning Tuesday and Wednesday, enroute to China to fight the heathen.
A great many of Corning's citizens are making strong kicks on account of the stock ordinance lately reenacted into a law by the City Council. The law prohibits horses, mules, jacks, and jennies from running anywhere within the incorporate limits of Corning.
Everybody and his neighbors came to Corning Wednesday in holiday attire and despite the heat and dust the large crowds thronged the streets, of business
houses and the picnlc ground near the school house. The band boys had a number of fat hogs sheep barbecued and plenty of well-cooked meats and other vegetables were served on long tables on the grounds. The candidates for Governor, Davis and Remmel were scheduled to speak here at 11 a.m., but on account of important business at his office, the filling of several S5.000.00 suits against the ice companies of Little Rock under the antitrust law, Attorney General Davis did not arrive until 1:15 p.m. The speakers then toasted each other from 2:30 until 5 o'clock.
Freight train Number 73, Southbound, broke in two early yesterday morning just North of the water tank at Moark. ditching several cars loaded with merchandise, a number of the cars being completely demolished.
I. H. Cantwell and Henry Collins killed 62 squirrels Saturday afternoon in a few hours and would have killed more had they not ran out of ammunition about the time they began to find them most plentiful.
Professor J,K. Browning is taking the school census for this school district, No, 8. and has completed the census in Corning. The number of pupils in Corning West of the railroad is 380. and the number East of Corning is 83.
Large numbers of wolves are said to inhabit the jungle North of Palatka. The large timber on both sides of the Arkansas Missouri state line near Palatka has been cut and the underbrush and dead treetops make a first class place for wolves to rear their young. Citizens living near that section report hearing large droves of wolves howling most every night.
An unknown man was picked by Constable Ed Richardson downtown Wednesday afternoon. apparently, very drunk. but upon examination the unknown was found to unconscious and afflicted with congestion of the brain or unconscious by the effect of some drug. The doctors are unable to determine the cause of illness.
He was carried to Pete Miller's restaurant where he has lain ever since in an unconscious condition and has been hourly expected to die. No one knows when or how the stranger came to Corning or where he came from. He appears to be about 50 years old, and is of medium stature. He had 28 cents in his pockets and had a new hat and shirt.
The Methodists of this place have decided to erect a new church house, and for this purpose they have started a subscription for funds headed with S500 by G.B. Oliver, which is a liberal contribution for Mr. Oliver. The old church house was built many years ago when Corning was quite a small place, when the church was weak numerically and financially; but now since the church and town have grown strong. and the old building is in a dilapidated condition. we need and deserve a comfortable up to date building worthy the advanced state of our town and the intelligence and liberality of our people.
Some time ago the official reports from Washington, published broadcast in the newspapers, giving the census of the various towns of Arkansas as well as of other towns and states, gave the census of Corning at 784. The census of 1890 was 584. This showed the increase of only about 34 percent. Hon. C.R. Beloate, knowing that our town has made a steady growth for the past decade, was dissatisfied with the figures and wrote his grievances to the Director of the Census at Washington. He was informed that the population of the town of Corning is 1041 and that if the township outside of the town is 784, and that the figures will so appear in the final report.
Chas. E. Rhea is the large new deputy marshal. He is big enough and we'll bet he'll be a good one.
The ladies of the Christian church gave a big Thanksgiving dinner at the Harb Bros. vacant store room yesterday. Turkey, cranberry sauce, roast pork and numerous other meats and choice brands were served at 25 cents for a meal. A large sum of money was raised for the church.

The new plank walk being built, in installments, in Court Square is a good thing. It has been long needed to enable people to get to the Court House without having to wade in soft mud and water, or using a boat or flying machine.
A meeting of the citizens and business men of Corning was held in one of the downtown offices last Wednesday for the purpose of discussing, with the Prosecuting Attorney and the presiding Circuit Judge, as to ways and means of enforcing the liquor laws in Corning. About 40 to 50 representative business men were in attendance. Dr. J.G. Dickson was made chairman of the meeting.
The largest financial crash that ever took place in Corning, if fact the largest in Northeast Arkansas, occurred Tuesday when the Corning Mercantile CO., by its proprietor, Dr. Jas. G. Dickson, made an assignment of property including three stocks of merchandise, two cotton gins and all other property, two stores and one gin being located in this city, and the other store and gin being located at and near Reyno for benefit of creditors, mostly in St. Louis and Memphis. In the assignment papers, filed in the Chancery Clerk's office here Tuesday, the liabilities are put at $36,000.
As will be observed to our Professional Card Column, J.L. Taylor and
J.N. Moore, two of Corning's most brilliant and wide-awake young lawyers, have formed a partnership.
The store building owned by J.W. Harb, and lately occupied by Harb Bros., is now being filled with a stock of general merchandise by J.M. Hawks, the Reyno merchant, who has done a large mercantile and cotton business in Reyno for several years. Mr. Hawks has been a resident of Corning the past years or two, having bought a fine home for himself and his family in the Matthews Addition. We understand he will discontinue his store at Reyno and open up a large scale business in Corning. He also managed cotton plantations near Corning.
The business men and citizens of Corning secured the services of Ex-Representative C.R. Beloate, who left Wednesday night to go before the General Assembly, now in session at Little Rock to help procure the passage of a bill to make Corning a regular stopping point for the fast mail trains and a flag station for the night cannon ball trains.
At a meeting of members of the M.E. Church, South, on Sunday, February 10, 1901, the following was adopted: "That the newspapers of the city be requested to publish the law against selling goods on Sunday, and that we request all keepers of stores, shops and other places where goods, wares or merchandise are sold, to obey the law, and that if voluntary compliance is not given to this request, then we demand that our officers see that the law is enforced.
We also request of our Mayor and Justices of the Peace that they issue a proclamation declaring their intention to enforce the law against all violations of the law. J.M. Talkington, Pastor. 
The members of the Corning Baptist Church, in conference, Wednesday night, February 13, 1901, adopted the above resolution. S. Bishop, Church Clerk.
On information filed by the City Attorney Hopson, L. Boshears and W.A. Vandover were tried this week for alleged violations of the "blind tiger" laws. Boshears' trial was by jury Tuesday afternoon at the court house before Mayor E.L. Black. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and assessed the fine at $100.00 and costs.
The defendant has had the case appealed to circuit court. W.A. Vandover's case came up in the Mayor's court yesterday afternoon, but was dismissed or noile prossed by the city attorney after several witnesses had been examined by the jury. insufficient evidence was obtained to secure a conviction, hence, the city attorney's action as above stated.
Corning Public School's first commencement. The Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered at Court house, by Rev. Frank Barrett, Sunday, March 24, at 11 a.m.
Graduating class, 1901: Estella Black, Opal Burnes, Eugene Hill, Gussie Reed, Bessie Barnhill, Myrtle Hettle, John W. Crabtree, Mazie Barnhill, R.C. Stewart, Janie Tinsley, Maude Oliver, F.H. Dickson, Clarence E. Beloate, Effie Crabtree, Wm. K. Spillman.
S.B. Neal desires The Courier to state that in withdrawing his candidacy for Mayor, he did not withdraw in favor of G.B. Oliver, but in favor of J.L. Taylor. Mr. Taylor was not a candidate at that time, hence, The Courier's natural conclusion that Mr. Neal withdrew in favor of Mr. Oliver, the latter being the only other candidate in the field. Since then we have understood that Mr. Taylor has withdrawn and that the only two candidates now are G. B. Oliver and R. M. Pickens.
R.P. Morrison, an architect from Newport, is in Corning today, figuring with the board of education for the erection of a $7,000 brick school building in Corning.
Dr. Latimer's spirited team of bays ran away with him and his buggy yesterday, overturning the vehicle and throwing him out at the corner of Second and Main Streets. Dr. Latimer sustained a few slight bruises and a sprained ankle.
D. Hobson, G.B. Oliver and W.R. Brown have erected a windmill on the back end of Mr. Hopson's residence lots on Second Street and are arranging to supply their residences with water from a 60 barrel tank 30 feet from the ground in the mill tower. The tower is 60 feet high and power is supplied by a 10 foot wheel.
This will be a great convenience as well as protection in case of fire. We understand that W.D. Polk will erect a similar outfit immediately.
According to the private opinion publicly expressed of some of Corning's pessimistic croakers, the town is going to the demnition bow-wows at a hand gallop. According to them the new railroad leaving us out has killed the town dead, and no need for an autopsy. Two or three of the beaneries are going to quit, and owing to the present, past and future unfriendliness the Iron Mountain Railway company is seriously considering all sorts of retaliatory antics, all business will be stagnated, et cetera ad nauseam. It is confidently believed by a few, however, that we will continue to receive the sun, wind and rains of heaven in the future as in the past.
Miss Spears, the biggest little girl in the world, was in this city, today with her mother. They reside in the country near Paragould. She is now eight years old and weighs nearly 200 pounds.
Postmaster John A. Dudgeon with his assistants, Tuesday evening, moved the Corning postoffice from the Arnold building where it had been located the past three years, to the Dr. Simpson building on the Southeast corner of Second and Olive Streets. There is more room in the new location and it is about a block nearer the center of the town.
Corning is to have a fine school building, in fact, the property will be worth more than $10,000 when it is finished. The exact cost of the building is to be $9,484.
According to official reports from Washington. issued by President Roosevelt last Tuesday, the postoffice at Corning Ark. will on and after January 1. 1902, be a presidential postoffice. The salary of the postmaster is fixed at $1100 per year. Who says Corning is not growing?
Peter Polk of Poplar Bluff, an old time darky. 75 years of age, who was a slave belonging to Harvey Polk, father of W.D. Polk, visited the latter of last I week. The good old colored man was brought to the Western District from Tennessee by his master, Harvey Polk, in 1857. 
Dr. N.J. Latimer assumed charge of the J.P. Potter drug store last Saturday. Mr. Potter having sold it. Dr. Latimer and Pharmacist R.E.L. Brown will continue to conduct the former's drug store in the Potter building.
Stockholders of the Bank of Corning held a meeting one day last week in the rooms of the Bankbuilding. G.B. Oliver was re-elected president, E.V. Sheeks, vice president; W.D. Polk and S.P. Lindsey were elected cashier and assistant cashier, respectively. The bank of Corning now has about $55000 deposits.

A farmer wishing to surprise his wife, decided while going home that he would appear before her dressed in a new suit of clothes just purchased. Stopping at a bridge he peeled off his old suit and had thrown it in the creek before he discovered that the bundle containing his new clothes had jarred out of the wagon. Although it was a cold night it was also a dark one, for which he was thankful. Upon reaching home the surprise to his wife was even more complete than he had arranged for.
It is being told around town that there is a suit pending in the courts to take from the town the land purchased some years ago for cemetery purposes. An inspection of the records will show that there is not now, nor has there ever been, any suit, of any kind, calling in question the title of the town to this property.
To do good work in the Corning Public schools the coming year, there should be not less than six teachers. Five were employed during the past year.
It has been suggested and the plan considered best, that each patron of the school donate a stated amount, payable at different times, so that six teachers can be employed for nine months, permitting all pupils to attend the entire time.
The school funds apportioned for the district now afford only six months term and five teachers.
Chas. L. Bailey the timer and his father, Geo. A. Bailey, are moving the tinshop and store from the Barnes building, on Second Street, to the Reyno building on First Street. They will occupy the Pat Martin dwelling up town, as their place of residence.
Out of the cesspools. A cowardly political trick that should make Satan blush. On eve of the primary, some anonymous enemy of C.R. Beloate issues a libelous charge. Thirty years of manhood against five minutes of calumny-Beloate denies and neighbors and friends exonerate him. A midnight stab that failed.
The old Green saloon building is being torn down by orders of L. Rosemblum. The removal of that dilapidated old fire trap is a move in the right direction.
The ordinance of Baptism, according to the Christian church creed. was administered by Rev. Mobley to the following named persons last Sunday afternoon at the lake just South of town: Nellie Sisk. Lillie Lett. Jessie and Sallie Langdon and Whitney and Harper Harb.
Another baptizing for the same church took place Monday afternoon, when Mrs. W.T. Stephens Birdie Lett, Lucy Robinson. Denzil Barnhill and Bert
Harb were immersed.
Harry Harmon and Milo Black are preparing to open an ice cream parlor in the Barnes building on Second Street.
We are authorized to announce that $25 will be paid by the citizens of Corning for evidence sufficient to convict anyone of illegal sale of liquor or intoxicating bitters, or the soliciting of orders for intoxicants, within the town of Corning.
A dog supposed to have had hydrophobia. created some excitement last Saturday. It bit John Dell's youngest son. a boy about 14 years old. Dr. McKinney cauterized the wounds which were on the boy's thighs.
He was taken to a madstone at Palatka last Sunday and it is reported the stone stuck to the wounds for a half hour or more. The dog was followed up the road two miles northeast of Corning where he was shot and killed by Charles Robinson.
Star coffee at E.L. Black's, only ten cents per pound.
Dr. R.J. Robinson with his medicine show, arrived from North last Sunday night. The large tent, on the vacant lots North of the Bank, has been filled with pleased spectators every night this week, and will remain here for a week or two.
Oliver and Company will give a premium, a ten dollar suit of clothes to the farmer bringing the biggest wagon load of seed cotton to this market during the month of November, 1902.
Oliver and Company have discontinued their store at Stillwater, O.T., and removed to Corning, bringing their immense stock of new dry goods from that place to their store in Corning.

J. Steinberg, formerly of Neelyville, but now of Poplar Bluff was in Corning a day or two this week, with a view of locating here, and made arrangements to open a dry goods store in the large East room of the first floor of the St. James Hotel building. We understand he will open his store here on or about the 22nd and will move his family here.
Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Martin's eldest little son and daughter, Lantie and Lelia, gave their friends a tacky party at the Martin home last evening. It was a farewell party, as Mr. Martin and family will leave in a few days to Albuquerque N.M.
A little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Nance died last Saturday about 24 hours of the most horrible agony. The little boy, about one and one-half years of age, just learning to toddle around, took a large tin cup of scalding tea from the hearth and drank and spilled a quantity of it before anyone about the house was aware of the awful accident having occurred .
Joe Steinberg, wife and five sons, and Mrs. Steinberg's sister, Miss Hammerschlach of Europe, arrived Wednesday from Poplar Bluff with their household goods and now occupy Frank Harris' residence property, lately vacated by J.N. Martin and family on the Northeast corner of Third and Vine streets. Mr. Steinberg also has a carload of dry goods and store fixtures, which he moved from his recent place of business in Poplar Bluff.
The Beehive is the new name George Barnhill has given his store, on First Street.
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Boulton and family living in the Western part of Corning, certainly deserve and have the sympathy of their large number of friends and neighbors. The family seems to be in the midst of an almost unparalleled series of sad misfortunes, in that they have lost their infant son, and all the balance of their children, two more sons and a daughter are dangerously ill with malignant fever, their sons Herman and Hardy being considered beyond hope of recovery. Their daughter Sallie, has slight chances and may recover. Herman is now dying. The youngest, Fred, died about a month ago.
E.A. Kelley and W.R. Wynn bought out L. Rosenblum, one of Corning's oldest and most successful merchants, last Saturday .
C.L. Daniel, while splitting kindling at his home down town Wednesday morning, got his axe caught by a wire and almost cut off his right foot.
Mayor Oliver is ridding the town of bad characters. Two of three families, including several women, girls and few men, all toughs of the worst order, were given two or three days in which to leave the town. These persons have "pulled their freight."
Fred Phipps seems to be in luck these days. He just received a large graphophone
with which regales his many friends and customers with the finest music. He, last Tuesday, won a good young horse in raffle, the ticket costing 49c.
Citizens Bank a new financial institution established in Corning last Friday. According to the articles of incorporation recorded at the court house, the new bank is capitalized at $20,000 in 800 shares, all subscribed for and ten percent paid in as follows: F.G. Taylor. 20; J.A. Dudgeon, 12, J.M. Hawks, 40; Dr. A.R. Simpson. 12; Wm. Felsberg, 20; W.E. Talley, 680; Dr. George Beeeher, 12; I,.D. Oaks. 4. The organization was effected at a meeting held last Friday night at the law office of Taylor and Taylor in the Barker Brick.
J.M. Hawks is president of the bank. Since the organization, the Barker two-story brick was bought from W.D. Polk for $1,600 cash. and the following shareholder subscribed for the number of shares opposite their name, out of W.E. Talley's 680 shares: W.R. Welch, 8; Mrs. Ida M. Beloate, 4; C.V. Beloate, 8; W.W. Bee, 8; and Mrs. Joe Spence. 4. The Barker Brick is to be fitted up and the new bank opened for business April 1st.
Last Sunday morning one eyed George Duncan accidentally shot the two
middle fingers of his left hand to pieces and that evening he came to town and had Drs. McKinney and Simpson amputate the torn parts and sew up the stub ends. Duncan displayed considerable nerve in not taking chloroform during the painful and tedious operation .
The school directors of this district met last Monday and employed the principal and assistant teachers to teach the Corning public free school for the 1903 and 04 term. The following named are reemployed: principal B..T. Stephens and assistants Mrs. Prichard, Misses Mazie Barnhill.
Geo. Booser of Mentone. Ind.. has been here a few days. with a view of locating a large factory for the manufacture of slack barrels. He is said to be very impressed favorably with Corning and especially the timber in this vicinity. and Corning stands a good chance of getting the new enterprise located just South of Black and Arnold's sawmill.
One of the Iron Mountain's heaviest engines in switching some heavily loaded cars on Berguson and Wheeler's spur near the main track yesterday spread the rails and derailed three cars. Rotten crossties allowed the track to spread. Section Foreman Underwood and crew got them back on the rails that night.
Captain Huff intends to build a steamboat here this Summer. He says that it will be the finest thing on Black River when completed .
Frank Jones and Cole Younger, the once famous outlaws, whose hands are red with human gore, were the center of attraction alike in Pocahontas last week to both young and old, rich and poor. Everyone wanted a square look at these men.
The F.H. Smith Lumber Company of St. Louis is establishing large lumber yards in East Corning along Ferguson and Wheeler's spur and along the East side of the Iron Mountain tracks. About 1200 feet along these tracks have been secured for lumber stacks. The Corning branch of this lumber company is in charge of J.S. Gaunt.
Captain Beloate attained the ripe age of 70 years yesterday. Captain and Mrs. Beloate's, sons C.V. and W.E. and a number of grandchildren met with them at their home and held a reunion. Capt.. Beloate was born in Tennessee and came with his family to Pocahontas about 30 years ago and soon after settled in Corning where he reared his family. He is one of our most influential citizens despite his age, which he bears remarkably well, being stout and hale. He owns and conducts two drug stores, one which he has run here for about 25 years and the other which he opened in Knobel, to which latter place he goes every week day on the 9:30 a.m. train and returns on the 1 p.m. train to his home and business in Corning. He has served two or three terms as postmaster of Corning and one term as representative in the Arkansas legislature.
Mrs. Angeline Mullen. one of Corning's oldest residents. had the bones
of her two dead sons, Henry and Reece, exhumed last Monday by Undertaker Brown, and shipped to Pentwater, Mich., her former home, to which she will soon return. Her sons died and were buried about fourteen years ago. Mrs. Mullen lately came into possession of about $500 back pension money and will receive $8 per month the balance of her life.
The Board of Education and patrons of Corning public schools at a recent meeting decided to employ a principal and reopen the high school department of the school on Monday, October 26.
Mrs. Ida Prichard is Principal of Corning public school since Professor Richardson resigned last Friday evening.
Wednesday afternoon, at about 16 minutes past one o'clock during the last of two severe earthquake shocks, the contents of George A. Booser's larger dry Kiln, just south of the new slack barrel plant, at this place, pitched sideways against the wall loose from the building about three feet, tearing down the brick foundation timbers, truck supports and steam pipes beneath the immense weight of about 12 carloads of green barrel heading timber, which had been rolled into the kiln.
Rev. A. E. Holloway will move from Black River to Corning and take charge of the Methodist Church.

H.W. Lasater, J.M. Hawk W.R. Brown, I.M. Reed, Ferd Phipps and R.O. Cummins were quail hunting first of last week over in Randolph county, west of here, and bagged 282 birds. They were guests of Dr. Horace E. Ruff and wife, near whose place at Pitman, they did their hunting.
At an early hour yesterday morning supposedly professional cracksmen used nitro glycerine and blew the doors off the iron safe in the postoffice. securing about $400 in money and stamps belonging to the office and $480 belonging to Postmaster Dudgeon. The safe blowers broke open the iron doors with a crowbar. They overlooked a package of over $100 which was in a desk above the safe, and also left the registered mail on hand, which was in the safe.
H. W. Conger is the new cashier of the Citizens Bank. succeeding W.A. Stapleton who has resigned and will leave here.
Marion Clark. while skating on Staley Lake this morning, fell Into and open place. went under, floated his hat and lost it, was completely drenched and had hair and clothes frozen before he got home.
Following are officials figures compiled by Dr. McKinney of births and deaths in Corning for the year ending December 31, 1903.
Total births, 60; Deaths. 9.8 to the thousand. The death rate is computed on the basis of the school census of last July.
Ordinance No. 133. An ordinance to regulate privies.
Be it ordained by the council of the Incorporated Town of Corning Arkansas: Section 1.
That hereafter, it shall be unlawful for any person within limits of the incorporated town of Corning to erect or use a privy except as provided in this ordinance.
The Citizens bank through its resident J. M. Hawks, closed a deal with J. W. Harb, Wednesday, buying from Mr. Harb, a plot of ground 40 by 142 feet, between the Green Hotel and Hawk's store, adjoining the latter and fronting on First Street, and will have erected within the next 60 days a pressed brick building 40 x 60 feet.
The moving picture show at the court house last evening was attended by a house full of people. The Culture Club under whose auspices it was given received about $9 for the Corning school.
The Republicans of Corning held a big pow-wow at the court house Monday night, at which speeches were made by George Barnhill, W.R. Barringer, C.T Bloodworth and others.
Rev. P. Steyer of Lafe, pastor of the GermanLutheran Church three miles North of town, arrived Monday and opened a school in the church in that neighborhood. teaching the German language.
The Roosevelt Republican League Club of Corning has about completed all arrangements to give absolutely free a big barbecue of fresh meats, bread. pickles etc.. in the grove East of the Staley residence, on East side of town, Friday. July 8. Everybody is invited and urged to attend this barbecue which will be free. It will be the best and biggest picnic given here for many years past, and will be no fake. Dinner will be prepared for 2000 people, but if 5000 attend all will be fed. H.H. Myers and other able speakers will entertain the audience during intermission from eating and other enjoyments. Don't fail to come and bring your wife and babies.
Announcement - The First National Bank of Corning, Arkansas, operating under charter from the Treasury Department of the United States, is now open for business in its new quarters on First Street, just North of the Hotel Green. A share of the business of the citizens of Corning and vicinity is solicited.
H. R. Kline, beginning with this issue, takes editorial and business control of' The Courier plant., which had leased from C. C. Estes on account of recent and present ill health from the past 12 years steady grind, is forced to make a change to outside work and will represent the Courier as agent or solicitor and will call on people of this and adjoining counties, soliciting subscriptions, advertising job printing and also collecting accounts.
A. Risk of Success was here Saturday and gave us the particulars of one of the most peculiar accidents we ever heard of. A mare belonging to a farmer wandered to the track of the R.M. and A. railroad and becoming entangled in a culvert, train No. 66 came along and struck the animal, knocking her into the ditch tearing her open and instantly killing her. The train men were amazed to see a mule colt crawl from the wreck of the mother and stagger to its feet. The train was stopped and the crew went back to view the phenomena. There was the mare Lying dead and torn all to pieces. There was the colt unharmed and looking as innocent as a candidate for office.
Corning has more than six miles of sidewalks. Where is the city of 1500 inhabitants that can beat us for length and good substantial sidewalks? A city that invites capital and those look for good homes to locate in the best town and County in Northeast Arkansas. Besides having the best sidewalks in this part of the country we also have
the best schools. Our city also has a number of good church buildings. The people are energetic law abiding and thrifty and we are living under an antilicense administration, and to the satisfaction of a large majority of our county voters.
Burgulars " yeggemen" or cracksmen broke into the postoffice here last night and blew the doors off of Postmaster Dudgeon's new safe with nitroglycerin. probably obtaining a considerable amount of postage stamps. A number of persons in the south part of town say they heard as many as four explosions reports about 12:30 or 1 o' clock this morning.
The burglars failed to get into E.A. Kelly and Company safe. The charge of the explosive tore a hole in the bottom of the outside door and knocked a leg and roller off one of the front corners, allowing the safe to fall over on the face. which prevented further operations on account of the heavy weight of the safe.
Every town the size and importance of Corning ought to have a night Marshal
watchman or detective.
George A. Booser of the Booser Slack Barrel Manufactory, and by the way one of the enterprises of which Corning is proud, is feeling mighty good these dusty days, especially since the election. Booser is now putting in an electric dynamo which will furnish electric lights throughout his entire establishment. The lights will be used during the afternoon and all night, and an extra force of men will be put to work as soon as the new improvement is installed. He now has at his manufactury between 25 and 30 regular employed men and in the future that number will be greatly increased.
Rev. A.E. Hollaway and family left the first of the week to attend Methodist conference at Augustus. Mr. Holloway carried a most satisfactory report to make for Corning M.E. Church for the past year.

It shows that 57 members have been added to this church. that the pastor's salary $600. has been overpaid by $200 and a surplus left on hand that all benevolent collections asked for have been paid, that the Sunday school collections for the year amounted to over $201, that $350 have been raised and expended on church and parsonage improvements, that the Ladies Aid Society raised and expended about $300. Total for all church purposes, over $1700. and $ 250 more than for the year previous.
Do you know that I have got the only fresh candy in Corning. It is made fresh each day. Sugar retails at seven cents per pound. Pure candy is made from sugar. " H. Holtzmen, Vandover building.

The municipal election held here Tuesday was a very orderly one, not much interest being manifested. A.W Roberts was defeated by T.J Crowder by a vote of 82 to 28 and R.E.L. Brown for Recorder and Dr. Simpson, J.F. Arnold, W.M Letbetter, S.B. Neal and W.H Henning for Aldermen went in without opposition.
Attorney J.N. Moore broke ground yesterday in his South lot on Second Street for the erection of a two story concrete building. He purposes to make the first floor for up to date offices and store rooms and the second for a splendidly planned lodge and convention room.
W.F. Barnes began moving his old store building to the rear end of his lot on Second Street yesterday, and will erect a commodious and fine double store building in its place. He will have the new structure built of concrete blocks.
The Bank of Corning reports business increasing. On last Monday deposits were being made in this bank to the amount of more than ten thousand dollars and Mr. Polk says the deposits average about $6000 daily at the present time. The bank is the oldest bank in Clay County and deserves the patronage of the Public appreciates this institution.
The world renowned Carrie Nation of Kansas hatchet fame, was one of the attractions at the Paragould chautauqua last week. Carrie missed her train at Knobel and rather than remain in that burg 18 hours, she hired a conveyance and was driven to Paragould. G.W. Roundtree was the gentleman in charge of the conveyance and the trip was not made with precision and care, for before they reached their destination the buggy struck a stump. while going at a rapid speed, throwing Mr. Rountree and Mrs. Nation over the dash board upon the muddy ground. Rountree suffered a broken wrist while the strenuous but fortunate Carrie landed on top of him and escaped injury.
Newt Wells and Edgar Stephens came very near being killed Monday night, beside the railroad track near the section house. They were going up the track, like many others, to see a small wreck that happened near the public road crossing that evening when the local engine, carrying an extra long switch tie across the pilot, was moving up the track at the same time. The boys stepped to one side thinking they were safe, but in the inky darkness failed to see the projecting piece of timber which struck their heads, knocking them senseless. Wells, the worse hurt, had to have several stitches taken on the right side of his face and head.
Stephen M. Long's barn, the largest one in or near Corning, caught fire from some unknown cause last Wednesday night about ten o'clock and burned completely, the fire having gained such headway that the interior was a roaring mass of flames before scarcely anyone knew there was a fire in town. This is the third barn burned in Corning within the past year. Willis Heaton's about a year ago and W.D. Polk's last Summer.

Colonel J.M. Hawks, the big merchant on First Street. now carries the belt as being the champion quail shot and hunter in this part of the state. Last Thursday Mr. Hawks, accompanied by his fine bird dog, went over to the Richwoods community in quest of the numerous quail reported in that neighborhood. Mr. Hawks was not disappointed and he had the best of luck. returning home late in the evening with 65 quail.
Esq. I.M. Reed and H.W. Lasater went over to Success last week where they were joined by George Vannada and Joe McCracken. Jr. in a three day quail hunt. During the hunt 172 quail were bagged.
The Courier has neglected to mention the new law firm of Jordan and Brown, lawyers, which was recently created by Judge J.S. Jordan and A.L. Brown, for the purpose of practicing law.
The holiness meeting. which had been conducted during the past two weeks in the S.M. Long vacant corner building on First Street. by Elder J.H. Ball, closed Wednesday night. This denomination formed an organization here and expect to hold regular services and Sunday school weekly.
George Washington Kelley is dead. The news of his death, probably the oldest man in Northeast Arkansas, will cause a gloom of sorrow to his host of friends throughout Clay County and Northeast Arkansas. He passed away very quietly at his residence in this city Saturday evening. His death was not unexpected, for he fell on the icy sidewalk about two years ago, breaking two of his ribs which caused an absess. He was born in St. Louis County, Missouri in 1813. He was a playmate and companion of U.S. Grant who was also reared in St. Louis County. Mr Kelley came to Clay County, Arkansas in the year 1874 and has been a constant resident here since. The remains of the one grand old man were laid to rest in the Corning Cemetery.
George W. Wright, in sealing some fruit cans for his wife at their home north of town, one of the cans smashed while he was gripping it and terribly lacerated his hands, cutting one thumb almost to shreds.
Pastor Holloway has postponed the corner stone laying ceremonies which were to be held today at the site of the new Methodist Church on account of an unavoidable delay.
I.M. Lindsey, I.M. Reed, R.H. Cantwell and James Luttrell with their young negro man cook and a fine big camping outfit, deer hounds, etc.., left here about ten days ago for the most famous hunting grounds in Northeast Arkansas, somewhere near Marked Tree. D.W. Vickery and L.L. Wood joined them the first of this week and H. W. Lasater and Larry Boshears and a few other expect to go down soon.
Fire losses from he recent fire: J.O. Langdon, restaurant, stock, fixtures, clothing, household goods, rooming house furniture, etc.., total loss about $3,000 no insurance; D. Hopson two story building. occupied by Langdon's restaurant and rooming house, loss $1,000, no insurance; Langdon and Harris. ten pin alley and fixtures, loss $800, insurance $400; Dudgeon and Lindsey general merchandise stock and fixtures, loss $4,000, insurance $1,000; J.A. Dudgeon postoffice and store building, loss $1,000, insurance $750; American Telephone and Telegraph Co. booth and apparatus, $250. insured; W.R. Hurst. photo tent. apparatus, supplies. etc., $250; George Barnhill. damage to residence and damage on account of moving furniture. etc., $50: J. N. Moore, glass front. about $40: W.F. Barnes. glass front, $100: C.R. Beloate. glass fronts, $75; Mrs.Estes. glass fronts, $30.
Largest property loss ever caused by fire in Corning. Heart of the business section. The burned district will be rebuilt with brick.

Corning Marble and Granite Works is the firm name of a new business association just formed here.
A negro barbecue held at Biggers, on Saturday, wound up to be a fight in which pistols were freely used and five negroes were shot. Will Bird and Sam Ivy quarreled and finally got into a fight which culminated in the shooting. Two mules were also struck by stray bullets. Bird and Ivy were not hurt.
The building committee of Corning IOOF Lodge, No. 110, C.V. Beloate, President, Judge D. Hopson, Vice President, W.W. Henry, Secretary, J.F. Arnold treasurer and W. F. Varnes. 
R.E.L. Brown and J.M. Williams yesterday let the contract for the new IOOF building to Contractor J.W. Abbott of Biggers who executes bond to build the splendid two story 48x100 brick building and have it completed by some time next December. To be built at corner of Vine and Second Streets and to cost $10,600.
Francis N. Jones, the aged man who was burned about the head and shoulders, in the St. James hotel fire last Friday night, died from the effect of his injuries last Tuesday afternoon. His remains were interred in Corning Cemetery.
Tony Berg, the popular and efficient young bookkeeper at W.R. Alexander's mill, while helping carry away furniture from the St. James Hotel fire last Friday night, was struck on the nose by the iron end-hook of a bedrail thrown from an upstairs window, his nose was torn off and he fell to the sidewalk unconscious. Friends carried him to Dr. Simpson who sewed his nose on before he became conscious again.
Over $10,000 fire. St. James Hotel, West's bakers, Mrs. Sullivan's Residence and G.L. West Residence. Worst ever known in Corning. Fire broke out about ten o'clock this Friday night in G.L. West's bakery, rapidly spreading to the St. James Hotel and Mrs. Sullivan's cottage consuming those buildings and contents. The wind by that time blew the flames across the street South to G.L. West's home and it was soon burned, but the household goods were saved from it.
There were no fatalities in the buildings, but Newton F. Jones, an aged boarder in the St. James was taken off the front veranda with the back of his head, shoulders and hands so seriously burned from fire which caught in his clothing and hair that there is no chance for his recovery. The Bank of Corning big brick, across on West Side of the Street was not in much danger, as the wind was blowing south, but every precaution was taken, and iron roofing placed in front of the windows and saved them.
The furnishings for the new Methodist Church are now all here, the pews having arrived yesterday, and that splendid new house of worship is being put in order under the supervision of Pastor Hollaway, the building committee and others in authority, for use immediately, but the formal opening will not take place until the 28th, the last Sunday in April when Rev. Clarence Burton of Poplar Bluff will be here and deliver the opening sermon.
The striking section men, of whom there are 77 crew on the main line of the Iron Mountain, returned to work Wednesday for an advance to $1.40 per day. Their wages had recently been advanced from $1.25 to $1.35. They expected to $1.50 but as much as a majority returned to work for $1.40. all went to work and declared the strike off.
Following is the arrangement of players in Corning's new brass band, which starts out with promises for a successful fixture as a first class musical organization: Tubas, Dick Bowe, A.A. Brown; Baritone, Newt Wells; Slide Trombones, Will Grayson, Lucien Street, Chas. Street, Landon Gilliland; Altos, Roy Walk, Henry Gilbert, John Gallegly, Ewell Vandover, Chas. Black, Fred Peterson; Coronets, Ed Hall, Edgar Stephens, Ferd Phipps, Curtis Black, Paul Oliver, Tiffany Hawks, James Hawks, Earl Taylor, Chas. Gage, Geo. Boyd, Has. Bryant; Clarinets. Henry Coleman. Lanie Black, John Crabtree, Andy Bollenbacher, C.E. Hughes, Goldie Oliver; Flutes; Tony Berg, A.G. Vantreese; Piccolo, Sam Smith, Snare Drum, Sam Hall; Bass Drum, Arthur Gallegly. C.E. Hughes director
Rev. Jas. G. Miller was about, if not, the first pastor at Corning. He was appointed here in '75 or '76. He was followed by Rev. Samuel L. Bayless. His term of service is not definitely known to your contributor. In 1880 Rev. W.M. Watson, an honored member of the conference, was pastor. He, assisted by Rev. F. Jernigan who was stationed at Boydsville and Oak Bluff, held the first revival of any note in Corning.
The meeting was held in the old school house that stood out west of town. It was indeed a great meeting for those days, about 54 conversions. Methodist in Corning began to grow and the increase has steadily moved on until now there is to be seen a handsome brick church. with a good membership and an annual conference being royally entertained. 
Only a few of the old guards are now on duty, either as to church work or citizenship. Among them are C.V. Beloate, Capt. and Mrs. Beloate, Mrs. M.E. Green, Mrs., Eliza West, Mrs. D.N. Thomas.
Among the citizens are E.V. Sheeks, Mrs. Ella See, Jacob Brobst, C. Woodall and others.

The Corning Orchestra has opened an all electric motion picture show in the Opera House.
Some dirty baseball,-ball game almost ends in lynching. Woman starts Riot, enraged fans threatened to swing to a limb Poplar Bluff players on diamond at Corning. 50 persons surround Pitcher McCullough. Air filled with cries of "Lynch Them" but team gets away without harm. Poplar Bluff won the fame.
The Public school term began Monday with the following teachers: J.L. McClurkin, Supt.; Vergie Redwine, assistant; Wm. Caton, Sixth grade; Mrs. D.B. Renfro, fifth; Mrs. J.F. Fowlkes, fourth; Miss Rhea Crutchfield, third; Miss Mazie Barnhill, second; Mrs. Estelle Westbrook, first.
The Iron Mountain has opened the new brick depot at Poplar Bluff. The construction costs, $35.000.
Faust is set for showing at the opera house, Saturday, April 11. This huge attraction will jump from Pine Bluff to DeSoto, Mo., with Corning the only other showing. Tickets at an advanced price of 35c, 50c and 75c due to the cost of this attraction. On sale at Welch's Bakers.
Heart disease claims E.V. Sheeks while in buggy from trip in the country.
The Dr. Harb home north of D. Hopson's house has been sold to W.D. Long for $2500.
The Steve Long farm of 240 acres near S.W. Corning has been sold to G.A. Hoffman for $4,400.
Contract for dredging the Cypress Creek ditch has been let.
The baseball fans of Corning are building a grandstand and fenced enclosure in NW Corning for the coming season.
The drainage contract for Sub Ark. No. 1, Black Creek ditch, has been awarded for $75,000 for digging over 31 miles of the ditch.
C.L. Bailey has moved his tinshop from the Barnes Building on Second Street to the former Long Meat market site on First. The Long building has been fireproofed by a cover of sheet iron.
Up to date showing of moving pictures and beautiful illustrated song slides every week day night at 8:15 at Opera House. Admissions 5 and 10 cents.
Trolley Railway under consideration---The best citizens are interested in a trolley railroad to run from Corning west to a point midway between Datto and Success on the Frisco Ry. J.E. Matthews advocates the extension of the line to Success, Datto, Reyno, Biggers and Maynard.
George A. Booser was in St. Louis purchasing machinery for an ice plant. The plant will begin operating on May 1st.
Some local citizens are concerned about the earth passing thru the tail of Halley's Comet April 8th. The Comet is visible in the western sky with glasses.
The ladies of Corning have organized a cemetery association to beautify the local burying site. President; Mrs. Willie B. Sheeks, Treasurer; Mrs. G.B. Oliver; Secretary; Mrs. A.R. Simpson. A vice president will be appointed from each church congregation at the next meeting. The association plans to observe Decoration Day with appropriate services.
The city council met for the first session with G.B. Oliver, Mayor. Dick Brown resigned and condemned the C.H. Robinson livery stable as a nuisance. Razing to begin within :30 days. S.P. Lindsey is recorder J. M. Rhea, Wm Letbetter, R.E. Hawks, W.A. Vandover, W.D. Bennett are aldermen for the next year.
The big stick of candy in the show window of T. Toalson's Bon-Ton Bakery weighed 69 pounds. Winners in the weight guessing contest were J.H. Carter, Irma Ray, Dr. Simpson, Goldie Oliver, Sol Steinberg, Elias White and H. Masterson. Guesses ranged from four to 1,000 pounds.
J.M. Hawks is moving from First Street to the Oddfellow brick on Second Street and is having a stock reducing sale beginning January 20th for 30 days.
The Corning Electric Light Co. has been sold by E.V. Sheeks to George A. Booser. The plant will be moved from the flour mill site at Elm and East First to the Booser Stave Factory.
Mr. Sheeks will move his store from the square to Elm and First and the old Sheeks Stephens Store, a landmark since 1880, will be razed. The Phoenix Gin will he moved from Market and Fourth to a site east of the depot on Main 
J. M. Hawks has announced opening day for February 29, 1908! His statement to the public," "Hoping to see you all with your wife, babies, young ladies and their sweethearts."
The third annual 4th of July picnic was held on the club house grounds on Corning Lake.
Roy Dunigan, local aeronaut treated the visitors with his daring balloon ascension of 3,000 feet and parachute jump at 11:52 a.m. Corning Military Band furnished music between the speeches of candidates.
Games in the afternoon. square dancing, shooting by the Gun Club and the fireworks from the lake at 8p.m. finished a grand celebration. The T.C. Hicks family won the prize for the largest family on the grounds, for the third time...
The Methodist ladies will hold their annual bazaar and turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day in the Beloate building on Second Street. Dinner and supper will be served for 25 cents. Come in, have a good meal and buy items from the Bazaar.
Claude Skinner, who has been in the army in the Phillipine Islands several years, has arrived home.

Corning will enjoy excellent electric light service again this summer. G.A. Booser announces that day service will begin again June 1st and will extend until the last of October, or as long as warm weather continues to make electric fan needed.
The Corning baseball club with T. Toalson. manager, promises a better team than ever for the Corning fans.
Sunday School is well attended in Corning. Last Sunday, the attendance was: Methodist. 191: Baptist. 38; Christian 54: Holiness, 47. Total 320.
The IFF, composed of some young girls of Corning, met in the home of Miss Ethel Black Saturday afternoon and a pleasant time was spent. Games were played. prizes awarded and refreshments served. IFF means In For Fun. The next meeting will be with Anne Bryant.
Pupils of Corning Public School have purchased a 350 pound school bell costing $26.00. A belfry will be erected on the roof of the school house. The bell can be heard for two miles. J. L. McClurkin, Superintendent has directed the money raising program . The pupils next project is a flag pole with old glory flying on the school grounds. Hurrah for the boys and girls of our school.
The Gang-A society of young girls, was organized at the home of Jenie Oliver on Saturday afternoon. Members of the club are Jenie Oliver, Fay Champion, Laurena Oliver, Ethel Estes, Eunice Piland, Nesa Barnhill, Ruth McKinney and Marie Black. The Gang meets with Miss Nesa next Saturday afternoon.
The Corning Orchestra has been rated as one of the best musical groups in the state of Arkansas. The musician practice Sunday afternoons at the Opera House and provide music for the stage shows. Members are: W.W. Henry director and violin,. Mrs. W.W Henry, piano: Dr. V. H. Tate Clarinet; Ed Hall, Coronet: Charley Gage, Trombone: George Richards, French horn and Sam Hall, trap drums.
The baseball park in NW Corning has been put in fine condition and Manager Toalson is rounding up the team of players for the team.
The Clionian Literary Society of C.H.S. has raised $14 to buy a basketball and equipment for a girls basketball team. Miss Virginia Redwine, Principal, will coach the girls and chaperon the team when it plays out of town.
Don't forget Mack Ward's new Starlight show house, corner of First and Vine (Vandover Building). Elevated seats. Illustrated song slides. cooled by Electric fans. Big shows every week day and night, 5 and 10 cents.
D. Hopson has begun clearing site for a 100 x 80 size brick by moving
the two frame residences North of Brown's Drug Store. The new brick will have four business rooms. a concrete walk will replace the wooden walk from Second Street to First, known as Hop Alley.
W. D. Polk will put up two brick buildings north of the two story brick that is occupied by the Corning Furniture Co.
Reverend Arthur Connor, who lives three miles North of Palatka, was visiting in Corning this week. The grand old citizen is still hale and healthy in his 97th year.
The city election vote is as follows: For Mayor, I.M. Reed 59, G.B. Oliver 1; For Recorder, W.W. Henry 56, Lee Brown 1, Wm. Matthews 1; For Aldermen, Larry Boshears 57, W. D. Hopson 55, W.D. Polk 41, W.M. Letbetter 59, W.D, Bennett 4, J.H. Dew 14 and J.M. Oliver 1.
Clay County will have compulsory school attendance of children eight to 16 years of age. Our county is one out of 30 that is included in the recent act of the Arkansas Legislature.
The Fourth annual picnic on he large ground drew crowds estimated at 2,500 to 3,000 people. Roy Dunigan, our home grown aeronaut, thrilled with his balloon ascension, and parachute drop. Candidates interspread oratory with music by the Corning Military Band. Square dancing began on Friday night and lasted until dawn Sunday. Fireworks from the Corning Lake barge were most spectacular.
W.R. Wynn has bought the Larry Boshears frame just south of The Courier office on First Street and will begin the erection of a brick business 50 by 70 feet. The Wynn's will enter general merchandise with W.R.'s son, Tom, as manager.
Since the electric lights system went under the control of Geo. A. Booser, Corning has had service not enjoyed by many towns of our size or excelled by few larger ones. Last summer a day current was run which was of great convenience to many of our business firms, and Mr. Booser scarcely realized the expense. This year, however, the day service will, it is hoped, receive a good support and will open for business June I and continue until the latter part of October.
The Corning Telephone Company is fortunate in having in its employ Miss Edith Barnhill who answers calls promptly and is accommodating at all times.
Last Sunday morning was all one could desire who wished to attend Sunday schools or church services, and we presume the attendance was up to the average. The attendance was: Methodist 191; Baptists 38; Christian 54; Holiness 47. Total 320.
The alarm of a fire sounded Tuesday evening at Seven o'clock and the warehouse containing hay and salt back of Bowen and Boyd's grocery and general merchandise store was found to be on fire. Heroic work was done by our citizens, but to no avail and in a few moments the Bowen and Boyd building was on fire beyond our control.
Quite a number of our influential and substantial business men at the opera house Tuesday evening for the purpose of learning the sentiment of our citizens in regard to the building of an electric car line from Corning to Maynard. a distance of 18 miles.
Motion was made and carried that Dr. A. B. McKinney act as Chairman of the meeting and S. P. Lindsey secretary. A motion was made and carried that a committee of five be appointed by the chairman to solicit stock. But a substitute was made, that we inform the promoters that we want the road and that we will assist in procuring right of way, take some stock and ask for an expression as to what the promoters desire of the citizens of Corning.
For several days past, the citizens living between Knobel and Boydsville have noticed a negro acting somewhat strangely at different times in that community. The officers were notified of the negro's actions and last Saturday he was captured on the Ball farm near Knobel and brought and placed into the Corning jail by Deputy Sheriff C.B. Cox of Knobel. The negro gave his name as Will Smith. He is the first negro ever placed in either of the Clay County jails and it is very doubtful where jailer D.L. Wall would let him go under any authority as he would make a good attraction for the picture shows of Clay County. There are no colored people in Corning, or Clay County for that matter, and Will is being given the very best attention.
Corning is the only town of it size in the state that can boast of the all day and night electric service without the electric cars attached. There are 40 electric fans, 13 electric motors, ranging from a 15 horse power down, and 1,500 electric lights in residences and street lights on all the principal corners in the business and residence districts.
Another fact was brought to notice last Saturday that goes to show conclusively, that it pays to raise hogs in Clay County. R. H. Cantwell, who lives just across Black River, east of Corning, brought a fine hog to town, Saturday that weighed 370 pounds and was purchased by J. T. Frazier the meat market man, at seven cents a pound.
From general appearance it seems that we are now on the verge of another great building boom in Corning, not only in the business sections, but in the residence districts as well.
W. R. Wynn, the merchant on First Street, will erect a large brick building where now stands the building occupied by Sullin's Restaurant and the tailor shop.
J.M. Oliver will place a large concrete building where now stands his store building.
R.E. Hawks has purchased the property. and lots on the southeast corner of Vine and Second Streets from Mrs. M.E. Bishop, the consideration being $3,500. The property is now occupied by J.T. Frazier's meat market and John Rhea's harness shop.
John Rhea, one of Corning's substantial business men, is having erected a handsome residence on his property on northern First Street. It is a two-story structure built in front of his old house and the old department, will be used as a kitchen and addition to his new home.
One evening last week, while sitting on the bench at the east end of Hop Alley with his legs crossed and after the command of Harry Lasater to move over, William Matthews, the restaurant man fell from the bench and dislocated his right elbow.
Two bright little boys and four pretty, sweet little girls acted as pages during the recent conference held in this city, and they received much praise from the officers and delegates for their promptness in answering every call and want. They were: John Crutchfield and Willie Oliver and the little Misses Eddie Tinsley, Wilma Barringer, Mary Thomas and Bessie Prichard.
Rev. A. Conner, who resided three miles north of Palatka, in Clay County, celebrated his 97th birth anniversary last Saturday. May 22nd. His many friends and neighbors have been gathering annually to help him celebrate the occasion of his birthday, but at this time the crowd exceeded like gatherings in the past and it is estimated that between three and fur hundred were present to participate in the celebration. Rev. Conner is the oldest man in Clay County and probably the oldest Missionary Baptist Preacher in the United States. Bro. Conner was pastor of many of the old-time Baptist Churchmen when, after church services the congregation would indulge in a big dance. Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Reynolds of Reyno were the first persons ever baptized by Rev. Conner and this was immediately following the Civil War:
The Courier last week called attention of the necessity of our citizens raising sum of money in order to secure a manufacturing industry that desired to locate in our town for the purpose of operating a band sawmill and box factory. The land cost $3,500 and the sum has been fully subscribed by the citizens of our town and it is now assured that Corning will have the largest band sawmill and box factory in this section of the country, constantly giving employment to 150 to 200 men. The company will be incorporated under the title of the Luehrmann Lumber Company and W.A. Krimminger will be the local manager. A $3,500 bonus was given by our citizens which will be paid to the trustee as follows: One half due when said sawmill is erected and in operation and the balance when said railroad has been constructed to Black River, provided the said trustee shall hold such money until the said road is completed said distance, with a bridge or transfer across Black River, it is being understood that said road, when so completed said distance a common carrier and be independent of the Iron Mountain end Southern railway. 
The Company's site is located east of the city cemetery and east of the Iron Mountain railroad, and they will construct a railroad to their timbered lands east of Black River several miles.
Miss Maud Dudgeon, daughter of Postmaster Dudgeon end our popular clerk et Uncle Sam's establishment, was absent from duty lest week on account of sickness end her place was filled by her sister, Miss Ida May.
As the spring advances the rumors of e substantial end rapid growth of Corning takes on tangible shape than ever before. As soon as the weather will permit, the two residences north of Brown's Drug Store on Second Street, will be moved to other parts of the city end used as homes. The property belongs to Judge D. Hopson, who intends to put up a find brick building 100x80 feet. The new building will contain four store rooms, and be one story high at present, although the foundation will be built strong enough for a four story building.
The stairways will also be left for an additional story is the future. The low places on this property, which at the present time is a pond of stagnant water, will be seweraged and thoroughly drained and leveled up immediately. A concrete walk will be built through Hop Alley. It is said that W.D. Polk will also build two large brick buildings on Second Street, north of the Corning Furniture Company.
A number of representatives citizen of Corning met at the opera house Monday night to confer with John Pickrell, one of the promoters of the proposed electric car line from the Corning to Maynard. Pickrell desired that the citizens of Corning take $60,000 worth of stock in the energy enterprise and give a bonus of $20,000 making a total for Corning's end of the line. $80,000. Many of our citizens are of the opinion that this amount is too large and can never be raised but another meeting will be held in the near future, when our business men will make known what amount of stock will be taken and how much bonus they will give.
Wolves in great packs are making nightly ravages upon livestock in the vicinity of Neelyville and many farmers have had animals slain by the hungry wolves. In one community alone it is reported that 100 hogs and ten head of cattle were killed in one week by wolves.
R.E. Hawks has bought the two-story frame Bishop at Vine and Second. The building will be moved and replaced next year by a two room brick,
H.S. Mobley, printer and pastor of the Christian Church, has moved to Fayetteville and the Morleys are now living in an Ozark cave near the city.
The Hopson Brick on Second Street, North of Hop Alley, will be the First National Rank, W.A. Schnable boots and shoes, Sam Cantwell harness and hardware, Webb Bros. pool room. Tenants along Hop Alley, west to cast, T.J. Crowder law office, Mrs. Daniels and Sprague Millinery shop, G.H. Champion restaurant and confectionery, - Dr. A. B. McKinney office. Upstairs over the bank, Oscar M. Williams, contractor, V.H. Tate, DDS and the Corning Telephone Company.
Heroic work of citizens saves town from total destruction. The fire whistle at 7 p.m. summoned fire fighters to the warehouse of Boyd end Brown in the rear of their store on First Street. The hay in the warehouse spread the flames and First Street was razed by the blaze from Elm to the brick that housed the First National Bank. Business burned were A.C. Beilus restaurant, the B.H. Champion restaurant and confectionery, Bower and Bower in building occupied until 1907 by J.M. Hawks, Clagg Brothers barber shop and J.W. Harb, successor to E.V. Sheeks who died in December, 1908.

Prof. J.O. Porter, who was a school teacher in this locality about four years ago and afterwards read law in the office of one of our Corning Attorneys was arrested last week on the charge of whipping one his his pupils at Grubbs. It is alleged that the child was beaten severely with a piece of window faceing.
For some time past a woman by the name of Ollie James from Walnut Ridge, bas been coming to Corning on the 11:35 o'clock train at night and returning on the four o'clock train in morning coming here for immoral purposes. Last Friday night the officers were on the lookout for the woman and sure enough she arrived on time and was taken to Hotel DeWall (jail) where she occupied a cell for until the mayor's court opened the next morning. She was fined $20.15 and told that if she ever visited Corning again she would be given the full extent of the law with a jail sentence thrown in for good measure.
Great interest is being manifested in the meeting conducted by Evangelist John B. Andrews at the Methodist church in this city and the interest seems to be growing with each service and probably between 50 and 60 souls have been won for the Lord.
It is true that Corning has several cases of Smallpox at the present time but there are very few towns in the state the size of ours that have not been affected with this disease during the Fall or Winter.
Poor George Blunk has given up to the inevitable that must and will come to every person, death. He died at his home early Sunday morning from the bursting of an enlarged artery. He was 40 years old.
One man in Clay County buried $600 under a doorstep and another man dug it up. A woman in the same county saved $250 from selling butter and eggs and a purse snatcher got that. The best place for money that is not working is in a bank vault.
According to information given out by the Iron Mountain railroad the management has determined to build a "hog tight" fence from St. Louis to Texarkana a distance of 494 miles, and the work will be start in the very near future.
Steps have been taken to construct an iron bridge over Black River near Bennett's ferry, two miles east of Corning.
A destructive fire ited Corning last Saturday morning, destroying an old residence owned by Mrs. D.W. Vickery, J. H. Carter's hotel and restaurant, McCollum's shoe shop and a small residence, the two latter owned by G. B. Clagg, all situated east of the railroad near the depot.
Valentine Tapley, owner of the longest beard in the world, died Saturday at his home in Spenceburg, Pike County, Mo. He was 80 years old. It is said that when Lincoln 22 was a candidate for the presidency Tapley, who was a democrat, made a vow that if Lincoln were elected he would never cut his beard. The length of his beard was 12 and one-half feet for several years. He took great pride in his whiskers and wore them wrapped in silk and wound about his body..
Just 50 years ago Tuesday, J. M. Hawks came into this world, being born in a log cabin near Warren, this state. From a poor boy, J. M. Hawks has wended his way to that of one of the most successful, in financial circles, to be found in the state.
While in town Saturday afternoon, Chris Bauschlicher received by express four quarts of fine whiskey, which was sent to him by some friend in the North. Chris placed the whiskey in his wagon, back of Oliver and Co. store, and went about town doing his trading. He had not much more that gotten out of sight of the wagon when two young men, Dan and Lem Keller, were noticed making away with Bauschilicher's four quarts of bug juice. Marshal Crutchfield was notified and overtook the fugitives just outside of the city limits. The $ 25 fine was paid and the one hour in jail remitted, but Bauschlicher received only one of his bottles back.,
The Standard Oil Co., through its representatives R.A. McCutcheon and F. Murray, have closed a deal which gives them a lease on 15,000 acres of land Northeast of Corning for the purpose of experimenting for oil. This company also has options on land South, West and Northeast of town.
Wm T. Tant, 18 years of age, bad a thrilling experience Saturday afternoon when be successfully made an ascension in a balloon, but was unable to cut loose from it with his parachute. The balloon swooped down at a rapid rate, alighting between the housetop and a tree in a yard of Mrs. Ernest Floto. Tant's cries for help could be heard for blocks and those who heard them were badly frightened. Mrs. Robinson, who lives in the Floto home fainted, when she saw the young man's predicament.
The ascension was pronounced the best ever given in Corning and was witnessed by probably 2,500 people. Tant was unhurt.
The old fiddlers contest, pulled off at the Corning opera house last Friday night, was a grand success and those who attended spent a pleasant time and received their money's worth. While the old fiddler was decided in favor of Ed Patterson; second, W.G. Gage; best two playing together, John F. and Ed Patterson; best boy fiddler, Sherman Hays; best singer, John Hays; homeliest fiddler, Sherman Hays; tallest fiddler; Ed Patterson, fattest fiddler; W . B . Gage, largest fiddler; Dr. Geo. Gray, Fiddler with biggest feet; W.C. Honeycutt, fiddler with the longest whiskers.
An indebtedness of about $500 on the Baptist Church of this city, which had been standing against that institution for some time in the past, has virtually been paid, according to Rev. I.W. Russell, pastor.
Unbleached muslin, 6c a yard; Ladies fine dress skirts; $1.89; Ladies fine taylor-made suits in all colors, $8.98; The Chicago Store, opposite the depot. B. Levit proprietor.
As Thomas Lincoln was walking the railroad track to Moark Sunday morning to ring the bell for Sunday school, he found a dead man lying on the track about one half mile North of the town. A jury was enpanelled and the verdict was the death of the unknown man was caused by being struck by an engine on the Iron Mountain Railroad. He was buried on the railroad right-of-way Sunday afternoon.

Among the many law suits that have been on the docket of the Western District of Clay County, there is none that had gained such whispered notoriety and acted with such magnetic power in drawing a large audience to the courthouse as has the one ended Friday evening, which occupied the attention of the court since the previous Tuesday morning, consuming practically four days. The courthouse was packed since its beginning with men, women, and children. At the previous term of court, last August, Charles McCollum, by his attorneys, Moore and Bloodworth, filed a lawsuit against J. M. Hawks and others for alleged desecration, mutilation and defacing the graves of his children, and therefore asking damages to the amount of $10,000. By reason of an overcrowded docked the case was continued until recent term. The case grew out of an effort on the part of the citizens of Corning to clear off. beautify and establish driveways over the long neglected grounds of the Corning cemetery and for such purpose an organization known as the Corning Cemetery Association was formed, principally of ladies of the different churches of the city, empowered with authority to solicit funds for the furtherance of their work. It was during the discharge of these duties that the defendants were stopped by the plaintiff and action begun by citing them to trial. After retirement and deliberation for a few minutes the jury brought in a verdict in favor of the defendants.
Harry W. Lasater and George Richard of this city and Col. C. R. McCracken of Success were busy several days this week appraising the goods of the bankrupt stocks of J. M. Hawks at this place, Peach Orchard, Reyno, Success and Neelyville.
The Sunday Lid which had been the source of more comment and jokes than anything in Corning the past year, was thrown wide open last Sunday to the great benefit of many restaurants and peanut stands in the city. 
The new city officers were sworn in last Friday night and the first official act done was to grant the pool room license and that place is now open and you can play pool as long as you want to, just so you have got the price. The pool room. license had been revoked by the former mayor, Hon. G. B. Oliver. Robert Motsinger is the city marshal.
Tom Wynn, junior member of the firm of Wynn and Son, First Street merchants, has been walking on crutches the past week. His many friends thought he had been running around too late at night, but Tom says it is just "plain old rheumatism."
At ten o'clock last Saturday night occurred one of, if not the most atrocious murders ever committed in this county, when Henry G. Wilson a nursery agent and ex-preacher, after a few days of drunkenness, brutally shot his wife Jane Wilson, age about 45, and his stepson, Allen Maynard, age 22, at their home in northeast Corning with a .38 caliber Iver Johnson pistol. Wilson had been drunk and quarreling at his wife for some time and when he renewed the quarrel early Saturday, scalding her with coffee, she went to the mayor's office and procured a warrant of arrest which was acted on by Marshal Motsinger, immediately taking Wilson before acting Mayor C. R. Black. Wilson demanded a trial which was set for three o'clock that afternoon; the prisoner furnished bond for his appearance and was liberated. All except young Maynard knew that the couple had been having domestic troubles at their home for a day or two previous to the tragedy. The step son, who had been laboring for the past year or two in the country near here, had not been to his mother's home for two weeks until just a few minutes before the shooting. Sheriff J. E. Matthews, to prevent any possibility of mob violence, of which they were slight indications during the afternoon, took Wilson south on the local freight just before noon and he and his prisoner boarded a northbound Frisco train at Hoxie and went to Pocahontas where Wilson was placed in jail that evening. Drs. A. R. Simpson, J. C. Black, George D. Gray, J. W. Bowers and others rendered surgical aid. Mrs. Wilson was buried in the Corning Cemetery, Sunday afternoon.
About 30 feet width and ten feet in height of brickwork, the central part of the second story front wall of Phipps and Arnold's new brick business house on Second Street collapsed on Friday afternoon. The work was under supervision of contractor, O. M. Williams who was sick in bed at the time it fell, and the brick masons were completing their work on the two story building having the walls all up except the fire walls.

Most everyone can be an editor. All an editor has to do is to sit at his desk six days a week, four weeks of the month and 12 months a year and "edit" such stuff as this: 
Mrs. Jones of Lost Creek let a can opener slip last week and cut herself in the pantry. A mischievous lad of Matherton threw a stone and struck a companion in the alley last Tuesday. Joe Doe climbed on the roof of his house last week looking for a leak and fell striking himself on the back porch. Irish Trimmer was playing with a cat Friday when it scratched him on the verandah. Mr. Jones, while harnessing a bronco last Saturday was kicked south of the corn crib.
Dr. A. R. Simpson and son, Perry, and Dr. J. M. Oliver and J. W. Crabtree received their two automobiles and unloaded some here Wednesday and Thursday. W. D. Bennett. who owns the first automobile brought to this city, assisted them in unloading and putting the machines in operation. The machines are of Ford make and are good machines.
George A. Booser, proprietor of the Booser stave and heading factory of this city, has recently purchased the largest steamboat that ever plied the waters of Black River in this vicinity.
The Northern Construction Co. has recently completed the levee from Murphy Lake for a distance of seven miles up the stream and the big dredge boat has plowed its way to the lake bridge in the south end of town. It has cut a ditch of 35 feet wide and thrown a high levee between the ditch and the lake.
Carpenter contractor Evans and brick contractor Johnson are pushing the work of reconstruction the residence of Dr. A. R. Simpson on south Second Street. The building will virtually be a new one from basement to garret when completed. The building is being made square and a large addition is being put on the east end which will be used as a kitchen, pantry and bath room. When completed the doctor's residence will contain 12 large rooms.
Miss Birdie Sullins, the accomplished daughter of Esquire and Mrs. Otto Sullins, has attended graduation exercises at Paragould's Business School and was awarded her diploma as a stenographer. Miss Birdie was a graduate of C.H.S. in 1912.
Tom Wynn, John Gallegley, Sam Hall, Ewell Vandover and John Hardesty spent last Sunday in Piggott in Tom's new automobile. They report the roads in good condition. 
No picnic, so it was a quiet day the 4th of July.
The result of the great fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Flynn received round by round over Western Union. The decision was given the Negro claiming foul tactics used by Flynn.
The store room in the Hopson brick, north of Sam Cantwell's Harness and Hardware, has been donated by the owner, D. Hopson, as quarters of the Wilson for President Club.
The big drainage ditch near completion. The big boat is now in the John Dudgeon field in south Corning. Northern Construction has cut a lateral to Corning Lake for water to float the huge vessel.
W. D. Bennett, Clyde Lasater and Torn Wynn went to Campbell, Mo., the latter part of last week to bring through the country Bennett and Son's new Ford automobile which they bought from an agent at that place. They arrived home Friday afternoon, coming back by way of Piggott, Rector and Paragould. Chas. Tweedle, son of the man from whom the auto was bought came with them, showing the mechanical parts of the car. Bennett and Son will use the car in connection with their livery stable, making long drives. 
Last Tuesday morning, shortly after 10, a phone message came over from the Ring neighborhood beyond Black River, about ten miles northeast of Corning summoning Sheriff Matthews and Drs. McKinney and Latimer to the old Renchler place in that neighborhood where a sanguinary battle with firearms had been fought between Mrs. Mary Renchler and Dave Kelley, a young man formerly of here, on one side and Wm. Kidd on the other. Sheriff Matthews and his deputy, Sam Sims, arrived there about noon and placed all the combatants under arrest. The doctors quickly dressed the wounds of the injured woman and man. It seems that Mrs. Renchler and Kidd, her tenant, had been having some trouble over a share crop contract. 
One of Bennett and Son's teams with a heavy load of coal, driven by Bill Magee, stuck in a mud hole in front of this office Wednesday morning, the front wheels of the wagons going down to the hubs. The driver, with the assistance of another team, succeeded in pulling out without unloading his coal. Marshal Bailus arrived on the scene in a few minutes and had some cinders hauled and put in the hole and now the teams are driving over the former bad place.
The Corning Library will be open in the room above the First National Bank every Wednesday afternoon from now on. Get a good book to read in your home.
Patrons at the post office Wednesday morning were surprised to find a new office with golden oak fixtures, lock boxes and three service windows. Postmaster Dudgeon says the new postmaster will be appointed before the new year comes in.
The lawsuit against the improvers of The Corning Cemetery for $10,000 has been decided in their favor. The organization had been charged with willfully destroying the grave of a child by putting a driveway across it.
George Booser has begun building a three mile tram road from his stave mill on Corning Lake to Kelley Hole on Black River, a distance of three miles. Pile drivers are driving piling for the trestle across the north end of Corning Lake.
Corning's oldest and greatest mercantile store, Oliver and Co., is operating in its new brick. The store began business as C. O. Watts and Co. in 1884 in the abandoned 1873-1877 courthouse at First and Main. Dr. Oliver married into the family in 1891 and the title became Oliver and Co. 1884 to 1911 makes a total of 27 years for Mrs. Mary L. Oliver in business on the corner.
In the municipal election Rev. G. A. Hoffman was a victor by a big majority. W. A. Vandover 59: G. A. Hoffman, 133.
The public school graduating exercises of Corning High School at the Opera House featured a girls only class for four sweet girl graduates. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Rev. C. M. Reeves, the class address by Dr. C. H. Baugh. Miss Laurena Oliver delivered the salutatory indeed a literary gem. Miss Ethel Black, in a clear voice, delivered a splendid essay and rendered a vocal solo. Miss Naomi Curry, in her graceful and winning way, gave the class history and prophecy. Miss Ruth McKinney delivered the valedictory and impressed everyone with her charming mariners and eloquence. The graduates were overwhelmed with gifts and bouquets.
Tom Wynn, junior member of W. R. Wynn and Son, last Saturday received his brand new automobile, sold by the Piggott agent of Studebaker who came over and showed Tom how to drive the horseless carriage. The machine is a Flanders 20 and any day now you can see Tom behind the wheel and hear his "honk, honk."

Pursuant to a call by Mayor Chas. R. Black, a large mass meeting of citizens was held at the courthouse last Friday night and nominees for city candidates were chosen for the municipal election, April 1st. The ticket, for mayor, Chas. R. Black; for recorder, Arthur B. Gallegly; aldermen, F. A. Harold, W. M. Fowler, B. C. Smith, J. R. Rhyne and Wm. Caton.
Mrs. M. E. Bishop has recently had platted several lots in the Bishop addition in the West part of town. Mrs. Bishop has several more lots near her home which she will put on her market in a short time. She has disposed of all of her lots so far at a good price ranging from $175 to $225.
Grand free barbecues at Corning Lake grounds on July 4th. The biggest picnic ever pulled off in Corning. The merchants will offer a big free street parade and an elegant display of floats. The Corning Bank will furnish music for the parade and throughout the day. There will be amusement for all, such as merry go rounds, dancing floors, doll racks, boat races, etc. The feature amusements of the day will be the celebrated high dive from an 80 foot ladder into the lake, and the hazardous slide for life. Come everybody and bring well filled baskets and be sure to come prepared to stay and see the gorgeous display of fireworks at night.
The most heart-rending accident, and the only accident to mar the festivities of the Independence Day celebration here last Friday, was the drowning of J. M. Rumford in Corning Lake just West of Booser's factory, about 3 p.m.
On Sunday, August 31st, Rev. R. L. Russell of Poplar Bluff will dedicate the Methodist church in Corning at 11 a.m. Rev. A. E. Holloway of Blytheville will preach at night of the same day.
Jos. A. Bowen, is seriously wounded in one side of his lung by several number six shot and R. W. Canfield is slightly wounded in the back and one arm by similar shot, fired from one or more persons about ten o'clock last Tuesday night, the trouble having taken place at the Kelley hole just Southeast of here on Black River. Ode Smith was charged with taking part in the affray and is under bond to appear in a preliminary trial next Wednesday.
Bankrupt Sale. We have purchased the Alper and Tucker stocks of merchandise at 52 cents on the dollar from the receivers and will put this stock on sale commencing next Wednesday, October 15, continuing for 30 days, at prices never heard of in Corning.
We regret to note that Dr. G. D. Gray, while handling the tray of a trunk in which he kept a revolver, accidentally dropped the tray and discharged the weapon, slightly wounding himself in one of his feet last Saturday.
S. P. Lindsey has moved to his new home on his farm adjoining town. The farm has been given a name and will be known as Linwood.
Rob. L. Reeves, aged 35, for several years a citizen of Ring neighborhood nine miles East of Corning, while here, wandering about the streets and alleys and presumed to be intoxicated, just before midnight last Tuesday, was shot in the right lung with a shotgun loaded with small shot. When the fatal shot was fired he was alleged to be attempting to open a window on the alley side of Milo Gwatney, who shot him from within, the charge passing through a window pane and wire screen. Reeves staggered across the street and went a few steps, falling across W. R. Barringer's front fence where Gwatney and Marshal Bailus rescued and took him to a room in the calaboose, where surgical aid was summoned, but to no avail, and death came just before noon Wednesday. His burial was here Wednesday. Esq. Sullins impaneled a coroner's jury at his office Wednesday, and after the unusual inquiry, a verdict that the deceased came to his death from the effects of a gunshot wound at the hands of Milo Gwatney.
The Gazette of last Tuesday contained the news of the recommendation to congress, by Representative Caraway, of Dr. A. B. McKinnney for the appointment of postmaster of this place, to succeed the present incumbent C. T. Bloodworth, who resigned on the 12th of last month. The Corning post office is among the best paying offices in the First Congressional District, with a salary of $1,800 annually.

Harry Vandover, younger son of W. A. Vandover, was painfully burned last Saturday while trying to rekindle the fire in a heating stove with gasoline at R. McKinney's tailor shop on Second Street.
Master Brooks Sheeks entertained a number of his young friends Saturday afternoon, the occasion being the 12th birthday. Following is a list of those present: Edith Brown, Marie Hopson, Lillie Mae Crowder, Vana Arnold, Ruth Brown, Blanche Lindsey, Mary Polk, Katherine Black, Wynona Hawks, Mabel Neill, Carl Haley, Harry Isaacs, Everett Baranger, Frank McKinney, Jim Lasater, William Estes, Harry Hettel, Bill Oliver, Paul Lindsey, Earle and Farris Latimer.
Earl Mizell, lately switchman in the Iron Mountain railroad yards at McGhee, who was a few days ago run over by a locomotive and had both arms cut off, one foot crushed and received other injuries, sends information to his brother W. H. Mizell, here at that he expects to leave St. Vincent's Hospital, first of next week.
Last Tuesday morning, about 7:30, C. T. Bloodworth and School Supt. H. Haley fought near the post office on Second Street. The alteration started by Bloodworth striking the first blow, and both men's fists worked effectively and furiously for a few seconds, when Bloodworth, changing from that method, grabbed a garden rake in front of the Corning hardware store and broke the rake over Haley's head. At this time juncture the latter also adopted more strenuous methods, choosing a cant-hook and pursuing his opponent, but before any serious injury resulted, bystanders interfered.
The balloon ascension, scheduled for last Saturday afternoon was postponed until Monday on account of high wind and bad weather. The ascension took place about 1:30 Monday afternoon, made by Ira Perren, of the Dunigan Balloon Company. The balloon went very high and young Perren rode to a good height before cutting loose. His parachute carried him safely down to an open field on Staley Ridge just east of town.
C.H.S. graduating class: Guy Barnes, Ethel Estes, Glenna Olive, Golden E. Neely and Lynn S. Polk of the high school and Wendell Phillips, Elmer Motsinger, Perry Hettel, Ada Burgess and Geneva Larkins of grammar school.
One day last week, while J. M. Oliver was out in his automobile, he discovered that he needed some lubricating oil for his engine. He drove up to a farm house where a small boy was playing and told the boy to ask his mother if she had any lubricating oil, or castor oil will do. Soon the boy returned and said, Ma ain't got no castor oil or nothing, but she said if you would wait a few minutes she would fix you a dose of salts.
What is generally termed almost a calamity for Corning vicinity, was the big fire that destroyed George A. Booser's slack cooperage plant and electric light plant last Thursday morning, throwing many workmen here and elsewhere out of employment and putting Corning's electric lights and motors out of commission. The fire was discovered in debris in the north end of the big factory by a night watchmen about 2 a.m. and spread through the plant in all directions with such rapidity that it was soon beyond control, burning fiercely until after sunrise and making a complete wreck of the large plant. Booser's loss is estimated at $65,000.
C. L. Schindler, an experienced 5 to 25 cent store merchant and his family, lately of Moberly, Mo., have moved to Corning and will open a store of the above mentioned kind in the south room of the Phipps and Arnold new brick on Second Street.
The Holiness Church people held another of their regular weekly baptizing in Corning Lake last Sunday afternoon, baptizing six converts on that day. The Holiness people are now building a church house on a vacant lot in northwest Corning which they recently bought of O. A. Rider.
Esq. Thomas W. Ratcliffe, of Peach Orchard, newly appointed deputy county clerk was here Monday on business.

The best news we know of this week is the fact that George A. Booser's big new slack cooperage plant starts the new year by resuming operations, giving employment to a good force of workmen, after a few weeks shutdown. And still more good news that the Greenwood wagon-stock and saw mill is again running full blast and will probably move from Black River to a site here, adjoining Booser's factory, increase facilities and employ additional men.
This Corning light and power franchise proposition has aroused much interest and it's friends and foes are making a strong fight for and against it. Read the proposition and form your own opinion. An ordinance of the incorporated town of Corning, Arkansas, granting to George A. Booser, his heirs and assigns, the right to erect, operate and maintain an electric light and power plant in said town for a term of 25 years, under certain conditions and limitations.
John Osborne, who made an attempt to hold up Leo Sellmeyer, assistant cashier of the Bank of Knobel, last Wednesday, and was arrested in Paragould, was brought to Corning on Friday and placed in jail.
Corning business people suffered heavy losses by another disastrous fire, the worst here in several years, last Sunday morning, originating in the kitchen of the Model Hotel about 1:30. The flames rapidly consumed that hostelry owned by Mrs. Mc. C. Green and the furnishings of W. R. Loyd and spread to and destroyed the adjacent building, the sample room and barn on the hotel lots and H. W. Lasater's iron covered ware room and contents and barn south, and the brick building formerly used by the First National Bank including the Webb Pool Hall and stables north. Hard work by the crowds saved Lasater's brick store and Fowler and Bros. concrete grocery at each end of the burned area, but those buildings owned by Judge Hopson and Webb Bros. are badly damaged.
The annual municipal election for Corning officers passed quickly last Tuesday and as there was only one ticket in the field, a light vote was polled, the following good nominees being elected: mayor, James R. Rhyne; recorder Perry Simpson; aldermen, James Blunk, Larry Boshears, M. G. Hoffman, W. M. Letbetter and Sam B. Neill.
G. Graber of St. Louis arrived in Corning last week and is opening a dry goods store in the R. E. Hawks corner brick building on Second Street formerly occupied by the store ahead.
The raising of the immense and tall, about 100 feet high, twin smoke stacks over the new boilers at the George A. Booser new electric light plant, last Monday, drew large crowds of sightseers. Mr. Booser's locomotive and railroad track were used in connection with blocks and ropes.
It is with regret that we chronicle the fact that James E. Matthews and his estimable family moved to the capital city of Little Rock yesterday, where they will occupy their handsome new home. The main reason that Mr. Matthews goes to Little Rock is for the purpose of educating his daughter, Miss Lena, in the colleges and conservatories of that city. Anyone who is acquainted with Corning knows that Jim Matthews came to Corning in 1879. Those who lived in Corning at that time and the present day are very few and are as follows: C. V. Beloate, W. D. Polk, W. S. Matthews, C. C. Estes, John Brobst, D. N. Thomas and wife, W. R. Welch, Chas. McCollum and Grandma C. R. Beloate, Mrs. J. Brobst, Mrs. Ella See, Mrs. C. A. Hettel and Mmes Mary E. Bishop, Eliza West, G. B. Oliver, Angie Barnhill, C. L. Daniel and probably others. Some who lived in the country near Corning at the time when Jim Matthews came here, are as follows: E. A. Kelley, Jasper B. Smith, C. W. Woodall and wife, Mrs. M. C. Green and John Tisdial, Jr.
Rev. N. E. Skinner and wife, recently of Kennett, arrived in Corning Tuesday and will make this place their future home. Rev. Skinner has been in the Methodist ministry for 40 years or more and is now on the superannuated list.

The election of officers for the ensuing year took place at the Baptist Sunday School last Sunday morning and resulted in the following: C. R. Black, superintendent; F. E. Givens, assistant superintendent: Mrs. Monroe Hoffman, secretary: Charles Matthews, treasurer and Mrs. Amy Barnett, organist.
Master William (Buck) Estes has contracted a touch of booster fever and has opened a bicycle repair shop, first door north of The Courier office. Buck is the busiest little fellow in town before and after school hours everyday.
A disastrous fire visited Corning Saturday night shortly after eight o'clock, destroying the residence of Dr. A. B. McKinney and S. P. Lindsey, the latter being occupied by T. W. Ratcliffe and family, and the Methodist Church. The Methodist parsonage, just north of the church, occupied by the pastor, Rev. A. F. Skinner and family, was slightly damaged, the damage probably being from $200 to $300. The McKinney and Ratcliffe homes were soon destroyed, and a heroic effort to save the handsome Methodist church building was lost and the house of worship went up in smoke. The piano, seats and other church belongings were moved from the building and saved. The Methodist church cost $12,000 and was insured for $4,000. In a minute after the alarm was given, Ward's theatre was as empty as a country church. Mrs. J. S. Jordan was among the first to arrive to assist the firefighters with two big buckets of water which she had carried from her home almost two blocks away.
Since the destruction of the Methodist church by fire last Saturday night, church services will be held for the present as follows: Baptist Church 11 a.m., Christian church 7 p.m., Methodist Sunday School will be held at the public school building at 9:30 a.m.
Great interest was manifested in the city election last Tuesday, there being about 215 votes cast. C. R. Black was elected mayor over M. Caton by seven votes. The entire Citizen's Ticket was elected with the exception of Guy Latham. who was defeated by Fred Harold for alderman.
In making a quick turn at the second railroad crossing south of the depot Sunday afternoon, H. W. Lasater's little Ford tried to ascend a telegraph pole and almost went to the top before it was checked and landed on the ground.
A county bridge over Black River east of Corning is what we need and is what The Courier has contended for many years.
The Methodist revival meeting will commence in Corning on Sunday, June 4th, and will be held at Ward's Skating Rink. Evangelist Swope of Charleston, Mo., assisted by the local pastor, Rev. A. F. Skinner, will do the preaching.
Four boys and five girls were awarded diplomas at the high school graduation exercises last Friday evening. They are Earl Polk, William Oliver, Ezra Ator, Harry Steinberg, Misses Edith Beard, Mary Thomas, Bessie Belford and Mona and Ethel Lindsey. Those graduates from the eighth grade of the Corning school are, Harry Vandover, Dewey Ousnamer, Simon Steinberg, Carl Haley, Carl Toalson, Arvil Richard, Paul Lindsey, Earl Latimer, Brooks Sheeks and Miss Edith Brown.
A great many people don't understand the Ford prices. We sell Ford 5-passenger tour cars at $464.75 each, delivered at Corning; 2-passenger runabout for $50 less. These cars are equipped with electric headlights and horn. The operation is from current of magneto which means no battery expense. W. D. Bennett Garage, East Side, Corning.
The Corning orchestra congregation will continue the practicing. The Methodist Church will continue services at the skating rink every Sunday morning and evening during the summer months. The Sunday School will continue at the public school building, for a time at least, every Sunday morning. We will continue to worship with our Baptist people in the Wednesday night prayer service.
When it comes to automobile travel Chas. S. Cox of this city is some goer. Last Saturday, driving his Dort machine, he made 11 trips to Reyno and return, carrying passengers to and from the picnic at that place. The distance to Reyno and Corning is 15 miles, making 30 miles for one trip. His 11 trips made him cover a distance of 330 miles during the day and evening. The fuel used in making these trips was only 13 gallons of gasoline and three quarts of machine oil. This is a splendid record considering the dustiness of the roads and the question, now in order is, who can beat it?
Dr. F. L. Nelson, while cranking his auto, last Monday about noon, suffered a fracture of his right arm just above the wrist, when the engine backfired.
At a meeting of the Methodist Church Board last Friday night, the contract was let for the new Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at this place, to Tomlinson and Hale of Heber Springs, for $9,026.89. The bid is for building the church proper, without finishing some of the small Sunday School class rooms. The contract for this latter work will not be let for some time. The total cost of the new office, when completed, will be $10,643.24 and Corning will have one of the finest churches in this part of the state. A large quantity of the brick, saved from the old building will be used, and will be a great saving for the church board. Work on the new structure will commence at once, and it is to be completed within 100 days after the work begins.
More goats, pigs, chickens, and cows on Clay County farms would help to solve the problem of the high cost of living.
An interesting case was tried in Esq. Otto Sullins' court Monday afternoon wherein Mrs. William Felsberg was defendant and the state of Arkansas plaintiff. The charge against Mrs. Felsberg was racing and fast automobile driving on Second Street one evening last week, the other person in the case being Arthur Johnson. The case was tried by jury and resulted in the acquittal of the defendant. Attorney C. T. Bloodworth represented Mrs. Felsberg, while T. J. Crowder prosecuting the case. Corning has no ordinance regulating the speed of automobiles within the incorporate limits of the town.
The cornerstone of the new Methodist Church will be laid next Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock hour, instead of preaching at the skating rink.

One of the late marriages of the past year was the wedding last Sunday of Orla Harold of the First National Bank of Corning and Miss Mollie McNabb, a pretty and popular young lady of Maynard. The happy event being solemnized at the home of the bride.
An Iron Mountain railway company carpenter foreman, C. P. Walker, and force of workmen of Piedmont, Mo., began work here at the railway station last Monday and will soon complete the cinder platform extension from the south end of the old platform to Elm Street.
Those who imagine the war will soon end by reason of Germany's shortage of men are due to receive a jolt in an estimate of German casualties recently made public in London.
According to this report, Germany has lost in killed since the beginning of the war, in round numbers, 1,500,000 men. Add to these 500,000 taken prisoners and an equal number of disabled by wounds, and we have a total of German casualty list of 2,500,000.
The popular and accommodating bookkeeper at the First National Bank of Corning, Miss Birdie Wray Sullins, left Sunday night for her annual fall vacation. She will be absent from the city two or three weeks, and will visit relatives and friends at Little Rock, Texarkana and in Shreveport, La, before returning home. 
The newest industrial plant of Corning and the most perfectly appointed plant of its kind in northeast Arkansas, is the R. L. Sigler Machine Shop in the Wynn Building adjacent to The Courier office on west First Street. R. L. Sigler, its proprietor, is probably the oldest master craftsman of his calling in the state, with 23 years of active service since he graduated from the Iron Mountain shops at De Soto and Poplar Bluff as a master machinist.

The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at Pine and Third, has completed the new church which replaces the one lost in the February fire of 1916 and will begin services on the corner again at West Pine and Third. Workmen have been delayed by the shortage of material and the Sunday School rooms will be finished as money and material become available. The sanctuary will be heated with two coal stoves, pending the purchase of a central heating system. Pews and altar furnishings from the burned church have been installed and Grandma West raised the $25 needed for the church bell in the steeple. Listen for the Methodist bell again next Sunday morning as it joins with the Baptist and Christian church bells to call Corningites to worship.
The winter of 1917-18 will be one for us to remember. The Thanksgiving snowfall in 1917 was followed by mild weather until Christmas when we awakened with snow on the ground. Since then the snow has piled up under succeeding storms. The roof of the Ward Skating Rink fell in under the weight of snow and sleet in February and store awnings around town have collapsed. Owners shoveled snow off the flat roofs and the snow drifts on either side of Second Street would do credit to Alaska. The regular February thaw was not on the 1918 almanac and the groundhog was so cold he snoozed through a shiny February 2nd. The ground appeared again at the end of March and spring has arrived. The soldier boys at Camp Pike agree that Valley Forge could not have been much worse.
Draft calls, interrupted by the arctic winter of 1918, have been resumed and the second call to Army service will entrain Wednesday, April 6, for Camp Pike. The Third Regiment has moved out, and the camp is now a replacement camp. Soldiers will arrive every 30 days and be sent overseas after a month of training. Contingents will follow in May, June and every month thereafter.
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Gage have been informed by the Adj. General that their son, Bishop L. Gage, is missing in action. Bishop enlisted in the service on May 7, 1918, and after a month of training was shipped overseas in June. He was missing in action after he was sent to the front to stem the German thrust to Paris. The community joins with the Gage family in prayers for Bishop's safety.
The Fourth Liberty Loan Drive and Clay County has again gone over the top and oversubscribed her quota. Under the leadership of attorney C. L. Daniel, the citizens have rationed food and more flour has been turned in for our boys than from any other county in the state.
The home of G. B. Oliver burned yesterday morning. The fire was discovered in the kitchen by G. B. Oliver, Jr. Fortunately the kitchen is connected to the main structure by a passageway which retarded the flames until the furniture and clothing was carried out by volunteer fire fighters. The Olivers have moved into the Pritchard building at Second and Pine. The Olivers had no fire insurance but will rebuild as soon as possible. The Oliver home has been a landmark on the southeast corner of Pine and Third since 1892.
The Spanish Flu has become epidemic in Arkansas and the bodies of several soldier boys have been returned from Camp Pike for burial in the local cemeteries. The disease is epidemic among the civilian population, and the few able bodied men we have left at home are kept busy tending the sick and burying the dead. 
Young men are disappearing from the Corning streets as the calls to service continue. The young ladies are doing their part, and many of the Corning girls are working in the defense factories in Rockford, Illinois. Corning is now largely composed of children and middle-aged adults with the usual mixture of old timers.
Corning celebrated the Armistice. The ringing of church bells, the blowing of factory whistles on November 11th featured a celebration that stirred every citizen, young or old. The war is over, and our gallant soldiers have won us a peace that should last until eternity. The world will beat its swords into plow shares, and a new era of peace and prosperity lies ahead.
The flu epidemic of October has developed a backlash in December. The new epidemic is not proving as fatal as the earlier one. The boys are coming home from the camps, and we are cheered by that to endure this second onslaught of the flu bug.
Miss Iris Boyd is the only graduate of Corning High School this year. Because of war restrictions, no graduating exercises will be held, and Miss Boyd will be awarded her diploma on the last day of the term by Superintendent W. W. Henry. The class of 1910 with two graduates, C. Q. Kelley and Miss Jane Oliver, is the next smallest class to graduate since the high school began with the class of 1904.
The cold winter has been followed by a hot dry summer. Rainfall has been short since May, and the drought will reduce the crop of cotton and corn sharply.

The new bridge across Black River has been accepted and is now property of Clay County. Saturday commissioners, Judge R. L. Lewis, F. B. Sprague and E. A. Kelley made a careful inspection of the structure and found it fully met the requirements specified in the contract.
Saturday night fire destroyed the W. R. Brown dredge boat operating on the drainage ditch northeast of Corning.
The Indians who were camped east of town have moved on. Their coming did not raise the price of soap, but their going indicated activity in the movement of real estate.
The headless remains of an unidentified white man was found in Black River near Brookings last Saturday and a searching party discovered where the man had been chopped to pieces by unknown persons in a lonely forest on the river bank near that place. The head was recovered Sunday, with tongs, by officers Ruff and Bailus.
Marion Clarkton, age about 80 years, and was one of Clay County's most highly respected and valuable farmer citizens, died after a short illness of paralysis at his home a few miles east of Corning last Saturday morning. He is Survived by his widow and three or four grown sons and a number of married daughters among them whom are Mrs. Chas. Vines and Mrs. John McCabe of near Knobel. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Church, Masonic brotherhood and fought in an Arkansas regiment of the Confederate Army.
Two aviators of the Memphis Aerial Co., were here for the past two and one-half days, carrying many of our town and country folks in ten minutes flights. G. B. Oliver, Jr. was the first local man up and Miss Maud Smith the first girl in this end of Clay County making airplane flights. Other girls flying were Misses Ethel and Mattie Lindsey.

The business and professional women of Corning will be organized next Monday evening, at the office of T. W. Wynn, Hopson Arcade, by Mrs. Louise Patient-Oliver, President.
The citizens of Corning held an enthusiastic meeting in the K. of P. [Knights of Pythias] rooms Thursday evening to discuss the erection of a city hospital for Corning. Chairman T. W. Wynn, secretary George A. Booser, C. T. Bloodworth chairman of the finance and soliciting committee and several other prominent citizens made talks on the great benefits such an institution would be to Corning. Within ten minutes it was appointed to select a site, employ an architect and attend to other important preliminaries. This committee will also begin work soliciting stock subscriptions with good prospects of raising $50,000 or more.
Ground was broken and operations commenced first of this week, for the erection of three brick and concrete buildings here-the Corning Bank and Trust Co. brick in the center of town; W. D. Bennett's big concrete garage on the east side and; the Wisconsin Button Co.'s large concrete button factory in south Corning.
At the end of the first month of school it was found that some pupils made an average of more than 90 per cent in each subject studied. These students, as well as their parents, are to be congratulated: first grade, John Tharp, Nellie Burns, Anneta Phipps, Ralph Skinner; second grade, Arthur Harb, Charles Rufus Black, Jr.; third grade, Clarsy Hays, Helen Bloodworth, Thelma Saunders, Irene Saunders, Veletha Rice, Mary Oliver Black; fourth grade, Elsie Garland, Louise Crabtree, Earl Harbison, Milicent Webster, Mart Caldwell, Cora Cooper, Hensley Winters, Winfred Polk, Haywood Golden, Willis Summins, Eula Bennett, Beulah Bennett, Marguerite Langdon, Richard Reed, Mabel Winters; fifth grade, Mary D. Eller, Floyd Dudgeon.
A sad accident happened here Thursday evening, which was fatal to Enos Hays, the 12 year old son of Gilbert Hays, who had come up town from his father's and grandparents' home and was in the thickest of the crowd on Second Street just after the Republican celebration and, in starting across Second Street near Graber's store, was run over by Wm. Stanley, driver of one of the Corning Flour Mill Co.'s auto trucks at 7 p.m. The boy was hurried to Dr. Latimer's office nearby, but the physician quickly saw that life was fast ebbing.

Corning boys attending C.M.T.C. throughout the month of August, at Camp Pike, are Haskell Bloodworth, Fred and Orbra Arnold, Goldsmith McCollum, Harold Nance, Julian Hoffar, Elton Glockengieser, Gailor Wisner and Oral Weddle.
Some weeks ago the Baptist Church at Corning called for the ordination of one of their members, Bro. John L. Jordan, and it was arranged that the ordination should take place last Sunday. The presbytery consisted of Secretary L. E. Barton, Pastor H. E. Van Camp and the editor of the Baptist Advance. Pastor Van Camp of the Corning church came to us a few months ago from the Methodists. He is rendering fine service at Corning and there is good evidence that the cause is building.
Miss Irene Kirskey gave a picnic for her Sunday School class last Monday afternoon from four until six in the court square and the little ones enjoyed themselves in games. Refreshments of ices and cake were served.
Back to prewar prices, shave 15c, haircut 35c and other work at former low rates. Bowers Bros., Props., Palace Barber shop just north of the post office. Second Street.
Oliver and Co. have rebuilt their wagon yard and feed sheds and extended some to cover all the vacant lots west of their store.
J. H. Magee, whose old established large mercantile store burned in Palatka a few months ago, entailing a heavy loss, is preparing to reopen at the same place soon with a big stock of general merchandise which he bought in Little Rock first of this week.
Ferd Phipps and family moved the latter part of last week from Miss Sibyl West's cottage on Third Street, to their new home in west Corning.

The abstract of the tax books for Clay County, completed by County Clerk Wm. B. Burton, shows that the assessed valuation of the property decreased $51,230 in April 1921. Of this amount $651,415 was on the personal property, and $35,815 on the real property. This assessment shows that farm land values decreased $39,955, while the city lots increased in value $31,655. The substracts shows there is carried on the tax books 410,706 acres of land at a valuation of $3,404,770; city and town lots at $930,670; railroad assessment $1,951,855; personal assessment $1,688,380, making a total assessment of the county at $7,975,675. There is a decrease of 86 poll tax assessments. Following is the number of horses, mules, cattle, sheep, dogs, etc. as compared with the preceding year: dogs in 1920, 2,282; 1921, 2,184: horses in 1920, 6,169; and 1921, 5,798: cattle 1920, 21,283; 1921, 19,788: mules 1920, 5,973; 1921, 3,361: sheep 1920, 3,043; 1921, 3,309: hogs 1920, 24,224; 1921, 22,089: automobiles 1920, 632; 1921, 791.
The dollar in your bank is the only dollar you can bank on. Have you got it here? First National Bank, organized, capitalized and supervised under The National Banking Laws of the United States, under National Bank Protection. Capital, Surplus and Shareholders Liabilities, $143,000.
I am giving away a large new phonograph, two rockers, a carpet sweeper, wash stand, dress form, center table, bed, springs, and mattress. If you want any of these articles see me. For Sale-31 drop head sewing machines, must be sold regardless of price or value, as I will leave Corning early in June, I hope. S. R. Beloate, the sewing machine man.
Gilt Edge Flour, $1.50 per hundred or $3.00 per barrel. This flour is unfit for foodstuff but is good feed for hogs, cattle, etc. Get some of this flour, mix with other feed and see the results. Ferd Phipps, Grocery & Variety, Phone 92, Corning. Free delivery.
On account of humiliation to their mothers we will withhold the names of the two young men were arraigned before Justice Powell, Monday, and on a plea of guilty to disturbing the peace, were each fined $1 and costs.
City Marshal A. C. Bailus seems to have declared vengeance on white mule as he had five "mule riders" before Mayor Pete Monday morning.
A deal has been closed by which the Corning Bargain Store will be known in the near future as the H. Saidiner Bargain Store and will be an incorporated concern. Mr. Saidiner, who has been running the business for the past year, has taken in, as partners, his brother, Max Saidiner of St. Louis and Sidney Garfinkle of Poplar Bluff.
Condensed official statement of the First National Bank of Corning, Arkansas, at the close of business March 10, 1922, as per call of the Comptroller of Currency of the United States; resources-loans and discounts $372,221.82; total resources, $454,605.11.

The people of Corning were shocked and saddened Tuesday morning on learning that Raymond, age 17, a son of Mrs. Dora Tucker of east Corning, had drowned in the east end of Staley Lake, a few hundred feet south of his home when he attempted to skate on thin ice.
Corning businessmen are having lumber placed on Judge F. G. Taylor's land near Taylor Lake, about two miles northeast of here and next Monday will start the erection of a commodious clubhouse, to be known as Taylor Lake Fishing and Hunting Club. Those in on the deal are Judge Taylor, Wm. Stephens, W. E. Redwine, J. M. Barnett, H. W. Lasater, P. L. Oliver, A. G. Nance, Nat Steinberg, H. W. Vandover, J. J. Gallegly, O. J. Harold, J. F. Bailey, T. G. Bridges and Joe Rapert.
The dedication service begins at 11 a.m. Dr. H. Ashton, editor of The Oklahoma Methodist, Tulsa, will preach the sermon. One part of the service will consist in burning certain papers that have been embarrassing to the Methodists. At 3 p.m. there will be a service in which Rev. N. E. Skinner will recount to us the history of this church from 1886 to the present. The presiding elder, Dr. J. A. Anderson, will preach Sunday evening at 7:45.
W. D. Bennett, local Overland and Ford dealer, reports sales of cars recently to the following persons: B. H. Bowers, R. Erwin, D. Ousnamer, H. Sparkman, H. Goode, E. Bassinger, Dud Baker, Perry Baker, J. R. Reed, Mark Miller, D. P. Day, Harvey Rhea, H. P. Nesler, C. Bradney and a Case tractor to Wm. Kamerman.
Corning was thrown into sorrow when the news was given out that Ferd Phipps, age 38, had passed away after about 15 days of illness, suffering from pneumonia. He was one of our most entertaining young merchants, always liberal in all movements for the welfare of the community. He was a member of Woodman of the World, Odd Fellows and other orders and the Methodist Church of Corning. 
A young man, whose identity was unknown here, met death by drowning in the lake a few yards east of Black's old mill site in south Corning, late last Tuesday afternoon, when the stranger attempted to swim across the lake. About 40 minutes after he sank in the middle of the lake, his body was found by boatmen. The stranger is alleged to have passed several forged checks in Peach Orchard and Corning and was arrested a short distance east of here Tuesday afternoon by City Marshal Bailus and Deputy Constable J. H. Williams, who had taken him to Oliver and Oliver law office. They were sitting and waiting for a warrant from a nearby justice, when the youth jumped from his chair, seized it and struck Marshal Bailus with it, making a bad gash in his left forehead, breaking two upper left jaw teeth and felling the officer, unconscious, to the floor. The youth ran from the scene toward the lake with officer Williams and a crowd of men in pursuit. Undertaker Wm. Felsberg took charge of the remains, interred them Wednesday in Corning Cemetery.
Mrs. M. G. Hoffman and Miss Birdie Sullins, enterprising leaders, and other wide awake members of the local Baptist congregation, first of this week, had installed in that church here a large radio receiving set, and crowds have since been listening nightly to concerts, lectures, etc. from broadcasting stations.
At the Tison sawmill settlement, east of Corning, last Tuesday morning, the two children of Van Zandt, aged two years and 14 months, respectively, were burned to ashes when their home was destroyed. Their father was working in the forest a mile from the home and the mother was at a neighbor's about 100 yards away, for a bucket of water, when their home caught fire.

Rural route mail carriers H. W. Smelser, J. H. Williams and John Townsend of Corning and Carl Brady of Peach Orchard motored to Piggott February 22 and attended the annual session of Clay County Letter Carriers' Association. Smelser was elected president of the association for the ensuing year.
The Supreme Court today granted the appellant one week in which to file a brief for rehearing in the celebrated Knobel lipstick case which was decided recently by the court. The case is styled "Pearl Pugleys vs. F. J. Sellmeyer's. It is from the Clay Circuit Court and involves the right of school girls to use paint and powder on their faces in violation of rules. J. N. Moore and C. O. Raley are attorneys for appellant and M. P. Huddleston represents appellee.
A large illicit distilling outfit was captured at five o'clock Tuesday afternoon two and one half miles southeast of Corning on Black River, as it was being located on the houseboat, Big Jim. Apparently the operator of the outfit had been tipped off that the officers were approaching, for nobody was with the boat when it was taken, but there were evidences that the work of loading the outfit on the boat was underway only recently, and immediately abandoned. The houseboat is said to have been especially constructed to transfer the still. The still is believed to be the largest ever captured in Arkansas and was captured at a cost of several thousand dollars. The officers brought the copper dome and condenser here Tuesday evening and added them to the other and cruder outfits stored in the sheriff's office at the courthouse. A copper worm and seven gallons of whiskey in fruit jars were found with another and smaller distilling outfit about 100 yards below the big boat on a ridge between the river and slough. 
A number of prominent officials of this division of the Missouri Pacific RR Co., from Poplar Bluff, were here last Monday, looking over the situation with a view of erecting a new passenger depot for Corning.
John Thwait, about 16 years of age, was instantly killed by a northbound train early Thursday morning on the north end of the railroad curve in south Corning.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Corning was held last Tuesday, January 8th. The same officers and directors for the year of 1924 were reelected, and J. F. Arnold was made a director of this bank.
The US Weather Bureau thermometer in charge of Rev. N. E. Skinner, voluntary observer, registered two degrees below zero last Saturday morning. The young folks and several old timers have since been enjoying skating on Staley Lake In east Corning. 
A thief of thieves entered the Fair Store here on Second Street last Tuesday night and stole about $200 worth of clothing, shoes and other goods.
At two o'clock last Monday morning northbound Missouri Pacific passenger train No. 18, switching to a side track here, plowed into a string of freight cars derailing two empty tank cars, smashing one and throwing the other across the main track, the locomotive then plunging down the west embankment near C. V. Beloate's residence.
Shortly after the noon hour today, during a thunderstorm and heavy downpour of rain, T. W. Wynn's pretty bungalow home in west Corning was destroyed by a bolt of lightning which was entered the kitchen.
Announcement. We have just received, and now have on display, a complete line of Hamilton-Brown Shoes for men, women and children. Our dry goods stock is now complete. "One Dollar's Worth for a Dollar, or the Dollar Back". W. M. Fowler and Co., General Merchandise, Corning, Phone 103. 
Oliver and Co., Wm. Stephens and Mrs. Sheeks are beautifying the center of Main Street for a distance of one block westward from the Missouri Pacific Station here. A wide strip of ground for landscape gardening along the center of that street, is enclosed by a line of small iron pipe strung through low post and all painted white. Mussel shells and cinders are used for paving the traffic ways around the enclosed strip of ground. James M. Oliver, Jr., is the artist in charge of this improvement. W. D. Bennett, Overland dealer and garage man in east Corning has installed another large tank has lately shipped in a tank car of kerosene.
Conventions were held here this week, resulting the nomination of two tickets for Corning municipal officers to be balloted on in the coming April election of officers for the ensuing year, to wit: for mayor, F. A. Harold; recorder, Ed V. Sheeks; alderman, W. H. Cherry, W. A. Bollenbacher, L. Boshears, T. W. Wynn and Jewell Webb. For mayor, J. M. Blunk, recorder, Ed V. Sheeks; aldermen Jewel Webb, P. L. Oliver, W. B. Teters, W. D. Bennett and J. N. Hughes.
Corning American Legion officers and members say. "Let's clean up Corning Cemetery."
Plans recently drawn and approved, provide for erecting a two-story addition, 32 by 60 feet adjoining the west side of Corning school building. Construction is to start during the latter part of next month and be completed early in the following September, with the structure ready at the beginning of the 1924-25 school term. The present enrollment is 500, with one or two grades teachers often trying to care for 70 or 80 pupils each school day. 
The terrific hurricane which hit Corning and many towns and vicinities southwest and northeast of here, shortly after 1 o'clock last Friday night was doubtless the worst ever experienced at this place. Among properties damaged to the largest extent are: the local electric plant, boiler room over 50 percent wreckage, two large smoke stacks down and wires displaced; A. E. Pate residence almost totally destroyed; Methodist Episcopal Church, art glass windows blown and flue wrecked; Mo-Pac passenger station, one-third of roof blown away, signal post and wires damaged; Webb and Uneeda wooden business houses, fronts completely wrecked; S. R. Beloate's business house, front partly wrecked and house unroofed; Oliver and Co., J. M. Rhea and S. B. Neill bricks or concrete blown off walls and plate glass damage; hundreds of residences and other structures in or near Corning are totally wrecked or off foundations, stately elms and other large and small trees uprooted; livestock killed or injured. 
Official returns of Corning election-mayor, F. A. Harold 160, J. M. Blunk 87; recorder, E. V. Sheeks, on both tickets, 245; aldermen, Jewell Webb, on both tickets 219, Bollenbacher ??? L. L Boshears 158, T. W. Wynn 157 and W. H. Cherry 155. 
The big new Dill tractor and two road graders which County Judge Taylor recently bought for the Western District, have arrived and are being put to use on the main road north of Corning.
Orient Lodge No. 297, F. and A. M. of Corning held the annual election of officers at the lodge hall on Second Street last Thursday evening. The following officers were elected .for the ensuing years: Roy Boyd, worshipful master; Ed V. Sheeks, senior warden; H. B. Sheeks, secretary; J. H. Hardesty, treasurer and A. C. Estes, tyler.
Dr. E. D. Jernigan, dentist, will locate in Corning in July. He is a graduate of Atlanta Southern Dental College, has license in West Virginia and Kentucky and will hold license in Arkansas. He is a son of Rev. Frank P. Jernigan who was pastor of Corning Methodist Church for three years.
J. W. Crabtree of Corning Roller Mills, Co., and local business associates are preparing to erect a large cotton gin on the bank of Staley Lake near the flour mill in east Corning. It will be the fifth ginning plant in operation here next fall.
D. A. Brown one of the jolliest citizens of Palatka, weighing 330 pounds, was here last Saturday and with him was one of his kinsmen, Elmer Newman of Springfield, 25 years old and weighing 59 pounds.
Construction of the new school building in west Corning is rapidly progressing. Contractor W. M. Brown confidently expects to have it ready for the opening of school here the second week in September.
W. D. Polk's crew of men, with a mule driven winch and several pounds of dynamite, first of this week removed from the ditch in the east edge of Corning an abandoned dredge boat, boiler, etc. which had partly blocked the channel of the ditch for some time.
Superintendent A. Maddux of the Corning public and high schools, arrived home last Wednesday and Mrs. Maddux, after a brief stay in Memphis, returned home today from their summer vacation spent among relatives in the mountains of Tennessee and more eastern states.
On the court square lawn last Tuesday evening, R. A. Cox of Malden, spoke to an audience of several hundred people on the subject "Why is the Klan?" In the midst of his speech, someone caused the fire alarm whistle at the electric light plant here to be sounded, but no fire could be found.
We do not deliver-costs too much. But we do sell for less. Try us out. H. W. Lasater Grocery and Variety Store, "Red Front," Corning. Phone No. 2.
Last Monday the Clay County Cotton Co. of this place shipped 1500 bales of cotton to buyers and sold it for $185,000. This is only a portion of the cotton that the company had ginned this year, having yet much stock.
The W. D. Polk and Sons new ginning plant, located in north Corning, was put out of commission two days this week following the destruction by fire, Wednesday evening, of one of its largest storage houses filled with bolly cotton and a few tons of select seed.
Attorney E. L. Holloway, who recently located in Corning, has succeeded Attorney A. L. Brown as deputy prosecutor for the Western District of Clay County.

Dr. S. P. Blackwood, who recently bought the C. T. Bloodworth residence property in northwest Corning, yesterday closed a transaction in which he sold his home, a two-story residence and one and one-third lots on East First Street to D. L. Ousnamer.
Patronize your town people: First National Bank, J. W. Black Lumber Company, J. M. Rhea the hardware man, Sam Cantwell Hardware and Sporting Goods, Harry W. Lasater, First Street Grocery and Variety Store, A. G. Nance cars, W. M. Ward proprietor Starlight Theatre and Corning Bottling Works, Belford and Tinsley Garage and Taxi Service, Latham's Grocery, J. S. Gray Wholesale Grocer, H. Goode Groceries, Feed, Poultry and Eggs, George W. Stanfield Jeweler and Optician, W. R. Welch Home Bakery, Bunch and Gage Real Estate, W. T. Ermert Groceries, Dry Goods, Feedstuffs, Raley and Ashbaugh Attorneys and Real Estate Dealers, Mrs. Estes Exclusively Millinery, Clay County Courier.
Seniors at Corning High School have received new class rings. Following are members of the 1925 graduating class: Misses Evelyn Bones, Elizabeth Lewis, Christine Newkirk, Flava McCauley, Eva Presley, Noma Weddle Dorothy Eggers, Mary Littlefield, Generald Newkirk and Marvin Powers.
City Ordinance No. 181-An Ordinance granting unto the Corning Light and Power Company, of Corning, Arkansas is successors and assigns, the right to maintain and operate an electric light and power system in the town of Corning, Arkansas, for a period of' 25 years from and after the passage of this ordinance and for the supplying, either through transmission lines or from local power plant, of electricity and power to the said town of Corning and its inhabitants.
Will Arkansas continue to penalize its railroad? The railroads of Arkansas, by Senate Bills 92 and 97. are attempting to secure a repeal by the present legislature of the Full Train Crew and Full Switching Crew Laws. The Arkansas Full Train Crew Law requires a third brake man upon all trains operated through the state and containing 25 or more cars. The railroads are making a determined effort to increase transportation service and decrease its cost. There is only one other state in the Union that has a Full Train Crew law similar to that in Arkansas, and no other state in the union has such a Full Switching Crew Law.
Deputy Sheriff C. E. Rhea. while in the office of City Marshal A. C. Bailus here last Monday evening, accidentally let his .38 caliber Colt revolver slip from its scabbard, the hammer striking the floor and causing the weapon to discharge, a bullet passing between two middle knuckles of his right hand and breaking a bone of his third finger just back of the knuckles.
Officers Rhea and Arnold of Corning, McCann and Edwards of Datto, raided an illicit still near Black River, in Heelstring and Datto Section, last Monday night, arresting two men and bringing in a large whiskey still. The men were bound over in Esq. Otto Sullins' court and are in jail here awaiting the action of circuit court on the 19th of the month.
A freight train wreck at a point about two miles south of Corning, tied up all the traffic on the division of the Missouri Pacific for several hours today. Corning Section Foreman McCann and Pickett, with extra gangs, worked overtime.
Dr. A. D. Cox has reopened his office in Corning, having recently finished marketing his cotton and other farm products from his land near Palatka.
Wm. Miller, who some time ago bought of D. L. Bennett the Uneeda Hotel building and recently the stock and fixtures of Jas. Bergman, took possession of that property on First Street here last Monday. Jas. Bergman and his former night clerk Wm. Ballard are now farming on Dr. Scott's place in Heelstring settlement.
One day last week, T. G. Bridges bought T. Toalson's bakery stock and fixtures located in the barber room south and adjoining the Bridges Drug Store on Second Street here. Bridges has had a large archway opened between the two rooms, and after outfitting his enlarged premises, will have one of the best and finest places in his lines in this part of the country.
Last Wednesday night burglars forced an entrance through a rear window of C. E. Lindsey's store here and were doubtless about to make a big haul when Corning's faithful Marshal Bailus quietly came upon them. They being very wary fled, abandoning the job before he could apprehend them. New iron bars now protect the rear openings of the Lindsey building.
Mr. James Oliver, Jr., last Wednesday began teaching the third grade department of Corning public school, being employed to complete this term in the place of Miss Christeen Graves of Paragould who resigned that position.
Sheeks Brothers, Ed V. and H. B., are erecting a modern motor filing and supply station, of stucco finish, on their corner lot here opposite D. N. Thomas' residence on Second and Elm Streets. Contractor Riggs has charge of the construction.
Starlight Theatre here has heavy fire loss Monday evening. Excitement was intense and the structure seemed doomed for a few minutes, but the bucket brigade quickly and effectively got in action with the addition of a few chemical extinguishers from nearby business houses, the flames were soon under control.
Courses now offered at Corning High School include: English, four years; Latin, four years; history, four years; French, two years; science, three years; and mathematics, four years.
Eighth grade graduates: Beulah Bennett, Eula Bennett, Helen Cantwell, Louise Crabtree, Martha Crutchfield, Catherine Green, Jewell Ratcliffe, Milicent Webster, Lloyd Baker, Obal Brown, Kermit Day, Ralph Gereau, Lehman Hudson, Earl Mason, Lucie McCauley, Richard Reed and Sterling Ruff.
Work was begun last Thursday morning, by surveyors and excavators, measuring and breaking ground for the erection of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company's new large station building on West First Street at the east end of Vine Street, adjacent to the main business center of Corning.
Carl Toalson expects soon to open a bakery in the Arnold Building, first door north of the Oliver and Oliver Law office.
F. B. Sprague and family first of this week moved into their new home in northwest Corning. It is constructed of red brick and is one of the largest, most beautiful and modernly equipped and furnished homes in this part of Arkansas.
The First Christian Church of Corning will be dedicated Sunday, June 21. Dr. J. Murray Taylor of Memphis, will preach the dedicatory sermon, and his daughter, Miss Clarissa, will render special music. That church, which is built of pressed brick with white stones trimmings, is modern in all apartments, will seat approximately 500 people and cost, exclusive of furnishing, $10,000.
Don't forget the Corning Cemetery improvement. Be there next Wednesday at eight o'clock with tools to work eight hours. The ladies will serve a lunch and cold drinks during the noon hour.
State highway foreman N. E. Thompson and his crew of workers are tearing away the old county bridge across a slough on the primary highway just east of Corning. He expects to erect a new bridge next week at that point, making a much needed improvement in that highway.
The new residence of G. B. Oliver, Jr., now being erected on the site of the Oliver old home at Third and Pine Streets, is being rushed to completion by contractor Kelso.
News has just reached this office that the necessary funds that have pledged as required by the Arkansas State Highway Department and that the State Highway from Corning to the Missouri state line will be graveled immediately. It is estimated to cost approximately $50,000.
Thomas Burke Staley, pioneer citizen and druggist of Corning, died at his home here on East First Street last Tuesday morning from apoplexy. The Staley family, pioneers here, came from St. Louis in 1881, and Dr. J. C. Staley and son entered the drug business on First Street. Since the doctor's death, 26 years ago, his son, T. B. Staley, and grandson, Loren Russ, have continuously operated the drug store. Mr. Staley was well known and had many friends throughout this section. He was elected city recorder for Corning and served for six years, from 1884 to 1890, the last two years under his father, Dr. Staley, who was mayor.
The Black Mortuary formally opened last Saturday, November 14th in its splendid new structure on West First near Pine Street. This modern building is beautifully equipped with all that it takes to complete a modern undertaking establishment. Paul W. Henson, an expert undertaker and embalmer, is employed by the J. W. Black Company as manager of the new establishment.
Last Wednesday evening at a meeting of the city council of Corning, a petition for waterworks and sewage was presented to Mayor W. H. Cherry, and a resolution for a complete system of waterworks and sewage for all that part of Corning lying west of the Missouri Pacific railroad, was read and adopted. Fully 80 percent of the property in west Corning is represented over the signatures of real estate owners, petitioning for the proposed waterworks and sewage district. The construction and installation complete, according to estimates furnished by A. S. Thurber a consulting engineer from Little Rock, will total $80,000.
Approximately 40,000 bushels of rice, produced in the Western District of Clay County this year and sold at an average of $1.50 per bushel, bought a good sum of extra money into this community, to some extent relieving the desperate situation caused by the recent cotton slump.
Important notice to land owners adjacent to the oil well near Corning, Arkansas-you are hereby notified that we can contract with a company to drill the present well deeper, provided we can get ten thousand acres of land leased to us in a block around the well. We ask no money, only your lease. If we fail in getting these leases, the only thing we can do is to sell this machinery and abandoned the attempt to test out fully the question of whether we have oil here. We believe it is here. Help us go after it. The Clayco Company, Inc., by Joseph Sellmeyer, C. R. Raley, J. M. Blunk, E. E. Ashbaugh, Loula Ashbaugh.

Local radio fans, who in the past few evenings have been disturbed by a voice during their radioizing hours of seven 'til eleven and later by a voice which proclaims itself as coming from Corning, need not be alarmed. They are not having radio hallucinations, although some of their neighbors would be willing for them to have them and many ailments, including D. T., T. B. and other diseases, if it would keep their mouths shut during the day about what distances they got last night, etc. It is a real voice they are hearing and it comes from the distant suburbs of Corning, some three miles north. The voice belongs to Luster U. King, proprietor of station 5AHH, who operates an amateur station for his own convenience and information. Luster is well known in Corning. He is the original radio bug in this part of the country. In the early days of broadcasting he built himself a receiving set out of a cigar box and wire from which he has caught more distance than many of the high-priced sets in Corning.
Mrs. Aixzella M. Mance, colored, about 24 to 25 years old, while returning from St. Louis to Marvel was fatally injured by train No. 5 here at 3:05 a.m. last Monday as she stepped from the train which does not stop in Corning. She doubtless mistook this station for Knobel where she expected to change to a Helena branch train.
Corning Postmaster G. W. Stanfield has just been notified by the US Post Office Department that on the first day of next May this town will be given city free delivery and collections of mails twice each day, except Sundays.
Deputy Sheriff J. C. Kerly of Peach Orchard, assisted by Deputies M. A. Long and Gus Guthcart, captured a large still on Little Rock Island about ten miles southwest of here yesterday. It is believed the operators had been tipped off, as no one was near the still. About 60 gallon of mash, almost ready to be run off, a 50 gallon cooker and other equipment were captured.
In the municipal election held here last Tuesday, one of the hottest and most interesting for several years, the following (indicated by an +) were reelected: mayor, W. H. Cherry + 194, J. W. Crabtree 145; recorder, H. W. Vandover + 192 and A. E. Pate 141; aldermen: T. W. Wynn + 195, T. H. Rhea + 190, Les Lemon, + 185, B. F. Baker + 181, Till Weddle 179. L. Boshears 159, W. D. Bennett 156, S. P. Lindsey, 155, W. Johnson 145 and J. N. Hughes 145.
The Arkansas-Missouri Power Company's new alternating current was cut in the northwest part of Corning last Monday evening. Lines have been erected along Elm Street and many homes are already using the current. It is believed that by the first of next month or soon after, the new current will be available in any part of the city.
$50,000 Black River Bottom road near Corning is almost assured.
Knox Moore and his cousin Isaac Moore, young shell diggers and farmers, last week made some valuable pearl finds at Twait boxout where they reside on Black River, three miles southwest of Corning. Knox has a 40 grain drop pearl which he holds at $1,200 and a 32 grain rosebud. Isaac's find consists of a 20 grain ball pearl, valued at $350 and other pieces less valuable, one of which he sold for a few dollars.

T. W. Wynn is having a grist and feed mill constructed on his lots adjoining the Crabtree building, west of Second Street here. The mill is to be equipped with the most modern machinery.
Corning suffered what is probably her greatest fire loss to the business section last Wednesday night when two brick structures, the Arnold building and the law office of Oliver and Oliver were completely destroyed. Corning Motor Company, local Chevrolet dealers, occupying about one-half of the first floor of the Arnold building were the heaviest losers, their loss being estimated at $30,000 to $35,000. About 30 used cars stored in the second story were destroyed. W. R. Welch's bakery, confectionery and soda fountain, valued at about $6,000 are total losses. About 75 percent of Oliver and Oliver's law library, said to be one of the most complete in Arkansas and valued at about $16,000, was saved. Arnold said that his building could not be replaced for $20,000. About $500 damage was done by heat radiated to plate and other glass windows and painted fronts of the Polk block, on the opposite side of Second Street.
For construction of a waterworks system in Corning, contract was awarded last Monday, February 21, to Fred M. Luth, a municipal contractor of St. Louis. Engineer James R. Rhyne, supervisor of the above proposed construction stated, yesterday that work on this new system will start within the next few days.
The graduating class this year is the largest that has ever gone out from the school. It consists of 12 members: Dorothy Crabtree, Sara F. Sprague, Helen Latimer, Wilmerth Bounds, Madge and Gusta Ferguson, Alice Polk, Lucille Stanfield, Eugene Sharpe, Clyde Miller and Hal and Lamar Ratcliffe.
Last Monday morning about four o'clock the flood water from Black River reached the highest mark ever known here, breaking through the Missouri Pacific railroad embankment about one mile south of Corning and washing it out for a distance of more than 200 feet. Two miles of RR track in that area were greatly damaged.
Earl O. Latimer, well known Corning boy, will graduate from the Rush Medical College, Chicago, on June 14th, completing four years' study in medicine. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Latimer of Corning and graduated from Corning High School in 1920 and that fall entered Hendrix College at Conway where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree after three years of diligent study.
While playing among the rice flats on their father's farm near here last Sunday afternoon two Corning lads found a freak of nature, a frog having six legs. The young students of nature are Roy and Harding Smalley, sons of A. N. Smalley.
Many complimentary things are being said about the pretty flower gardens and park just opposite and facing the new Missouri Pacific passenger station here. When the new station was built nothing but tie piles occupied that spot, and through the efforts of Loren Russ this new beauty spot adds much to that already pretty section of Corning.
Highway delegations get results in Little Rock-Citizens of Clay and Randolph counties visit commissioner Blackwood and are assured of concrete highway through both counties. Work to begin at once, complete December 1. Bridge to be built over Current River at McIlroy Ferry; new engineer appointed; road built on original survey.
Dr. E. M. Pfeiffer, former physician and assistant surgeon at the Missouri Pacific Hospital in Little Rock, has recently located in Corning, occupying the former office of the late Dr. A. R. Simpson.
Corning has become a frog shipping center of northeast Arkansas. During the past week over 3,000 of this long-legged creatures were shipped to St. Louis and other markets by frog hunters of this section. The record for one night's catch was made last Saturday night by O. J. Harold and George Littlefield when they captured 382 large ones.
Dewey Snider left last week for St. Louis to become a member of the St. Louis police force. Young Snider received notice the latter part of last week of his acceptance by the police commission of that city, following his examination.
Deputies Rhea, Renfro, Cox, Kerly and Bailus, representing the Clay County Sheriff's office, early last Saturday morning raided a white mule outfit adjacent to the mouth of Cane Creek near the Arkansas-Missouri state line, on Black River and brought to Corning about 40 gallons of mule and a large, modern still, after the officers had destroyed 400 gallons of mash with vats, etc.
French Ratcliffe, eldest son of Circuit Clerk and Mrs. T. W. Ratcliffe of this city, left yesterday for West Point Military Academy where he will report for duty next Thursday.
Proceedings of Kilgore Township convention in the Corning Bank and Trust building last Saturday. Meeting was called to order by S. W. Arnold, chairman, and the following business transacted. W. D. Bennett was elected township chairman and O. J. Harold, secretary. Elected as delegates to the county convention in Rector on the 26th of this month were D. N. Gage, R. L. Powell, C. R. Black, S. W. Arnold and C. F. Lasater. Alternates are Ed Lambert, P. M. Companiotte, G. W. Stanfield, J. W. Black and S. F. Grayson. The convention unanimously endorsed the Coolidge administration with all its progressive movements. 
Announcement has just been received through the State Highway Department that construction work on the Corning-Black River road, two miles east of here, will be started next Monday. Bonds were signed July 19th.
A modern canning factory has been established here by W. E. Davis, C. A. Marlin and C. E. Hudson, business men of Naylor. The plant is located on the lot near the Crabtree Gin in east Corning. The factory will employ about 25 women and five men.
Extreme sadness was deeply felt by Corning and this entire community when the news of the death of Dr. A. R. Simpson came from Little Rock yesterday, August 19th. In the death of Dr. Simpson, Corning has lost one of its noblest and kindest, most charitable citizens, as well as a prominent, widely and favorably known physician and surgeon. For the past 23 years he was vice president of the First National Bank of Corning.
If you are awakened in the wee small (or any other) hours of the night, or disturbed during the day by a loud shrill cries that vary, wild cat like, in such a way as to make cold chills run up and down your spine-be alarmed and get busy, for it will be Corning's new electric fire siren, giving warning of a fire. This new siren is being installed on two tall posts by City Marshal Till Weddle and a force of workmen, near the city calaboose.
The following list includes students from nearby towns and communities who entered Corning High School this week: Success , Misses Alice Polk, Velma Sharp, Gusta Ferguson, Madge Ferguson and Addie and Eugene Sharp; Datto, Miss Clara Wright, William Blanton, Hubert Rush, Orla Wright, William Gowen. Reyno, Misses Marie Ladd and Anita Booth and Elmo Ladd; Williams, Miss Lola Snodgrass and Paul Grass and Paul King; Peach Orchard, Earl Toler; Knobel, Stanton Cunning; Biggers, Leon Williams [Williamson?].
A newly variety store is being equipped in the Sursa building, formerly occupied by L. G. Latham. The new store will be known as The Leader Store and will carry a complete stock of items ranging in price from 5, 15, 25 cents and up. Robert Gage of Batesville is manager.
Concerning recent developments pertaining to a test well for oil, to be drilled in Nelson Township near Datto, the latest information is that "The test well near that town, is expected to be supplied in by the first of next week. The machinery, tools and casing arrived in Datto on Thursday, September 16th, was unloaded and set up immediately."
On account of the low prices being paid for cotton this year, we would suggest that not more than $1 for picking as it is necessary that growers receive the most possible to apply on their debts and this cannot be done if an exorbitant price is being paid for picking. We cannot allow no more than $1 for picking on all crops mortgaged to us, unless the price of cotton advances to an extent that will justify a greater amount. First National Bank of Corning, Corning Bank and Trust Company, Bank of Success, State Bank of Knobel, Peoples Bank of Peach Orchard and Bank of Datto. September 10, 1926.
Guy Amsler, Secretary of Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, and Dell Brown of the US Bureau of Fish Hatcheries and Superintendent of the Mammoth Spring Fish Hatchery, were a few days ago investigating the advisability of locating a fish hatchery near this city.
Last Wednesday morning, J. P. Ermert, O. H. Taylor, A. G. Nance and the latter's trusty rat hound, Fritz with several other volunteers, killed 114 rats and most of them fully grown, in the chicken house of W. M. Fowler and C. and J. P. Ermert located behind their places of business. The dead rats filled more than one-half of a two bushel sack and weighed 67 pounds.
The most popular lady of Corning and this trade community will receive a 12 day trip to Havana, Cuba, from the below mentioned nine business concerns of Corning, who have combined in this undertaking and will give free. Votes with each purchase of 25 cents or more at their places. Sponsors: W. M. Letbetter, Bridges Drug and Jewelry, The Fair Store, Harry W. Lasater, Sunshine Cafe, J. W. Black Lumber Co., J. M. Rhea Hardware, Corning Furniture Co. and Starlight Theatre.
The following citizens compose the Corning Fire Department: F. A. Harold, O. J. Harold and T. V. Weddle, fire chiefs; B. F. Baker, J. B. Belford, J. C. Blanton, R. Cantwell, D. Corbin, J. P. Ermert, Sam Hall, P. W. Hansen, J. O. Hettel, A. N. Horine, R. Powell, A. S. Purvis, C. E. Rhea, T. H. Rhea, E. V. Sheeks, Jewell Webb, O. Weddle, firemen.
On Friday, December 16, the State Highway Department awarded contracts for construction of approximately 250 miles of road, building a number of bridges, involving expenditures amounting to $2,293.96.

In the city of Corning, leading city of Clay County, many improvements are taking place that will make it as modern as any city of equal size in this state. Modern water and sewer systems for Corning are now under construction and other improvements will attract new citizens who are seeking locations where modern conveniences, cleanliness and sanitation are offered. In addition to these improvements, Corning has built new homes, added concrete walk extensions and street crossings. Prominent in the advancement of our city during the past year has been our school. At the close of last school term, the State Department of Education raised the standard of Corning High School to Class "A", a rating to be envied by many larger schools in Arkansas.
Sealed bids for the construction of approximately 180 lineal feet of reinforced concrete bridges on the Corning-Pocahontas Highway, No. 67, in Clay County will be received by the Arkansas State Highway Commission at Little Rock next Wednesday, January 18. These four bridges will span drainage ditches located three-fourths, one and one-half, two and three-fourths and four miles west of Corning and will cost between $35,000 and $40,000. Construction is required to be completed in 120 calendar days.
The ex-service men and former members of Bishop L. Gage Post No. 67, of Corning, will hold a meeting next Monday evening at the office of Dr. C. H. Dean here, for the purpose of reorganizing the local post of the American Legion. This post has been inactive for the past two years.
Miss Addie Sharpe, a popular Corning High School student, is the winner in the Havana, Cuba, popularity tour contest which had been conducted by business concerns of Corning for the past 90 days.
The annual election last Tuesday afternoon choosing presiding officers of Corning High School student activities for the coming year; resulted in the election of Floyd Dudgeon, president and Richard Reed, vice president of the Commonwealth Party; Fred Robinson for president and Audrey Tyler for vice president of the Progressive Party were defeated.
Following are results of an election held in Corning High School first of this week: prettiest girl, Evelyn Ruff, first Louise Crabtree, second; most handsome boy, Richard Reed, first and Earl Toler, second; most popular boy, Floyd Dudgeon; most popular girl, Virginia Sprague; best girl athlete, Lorraine Davis, first and Hallie Sorrels, second; best boy athlete, James Briney, first and Audra Tyler, second; wittiest, Kathryn Henry and Floyd Dudgeon; cutest girl, Kathryn Henry; Beau Brummel, Louie McCauley, first and Stanton Cunning, second, Best all around girls, Addie Sharpe, first and Virginia Sprague, second; best all around boy, Fred Robinson, first and Floyd Dudgeon, second; best students, Addie Sharpe and Fred Robinson; most bashful, Carl Launius and Barbara Ainsley; prissiest, Erlene Bollenbacher and Winfred Polk; prissiest teacher, Mrs. E. P. Ennis; hard-boiled teacher, H. T. Jones; most popular teacher, Miss Hilda Magee.
By order of Acting Coroner J. M. Blunk, a local Justice of the Peace, the body of Gilbert Hays, World War veteran, was disinterred from Corning Cemetery last Monday morning by Black's Mortuary and that afternoon an autopsy was held by local physicians, Dr. N. J. Latimer and Dr. E. M. Pfeiffer, who removed parts of Hays' viscera and shipped them to Dr. Manglesdorg, state chemist, at Little Rock, for examination into the cause of Hays death which occurred here May 26, 1926. The action was taken upon complaint, verified by affidavits made by relatives of Hays and other citizens of the Western District of Clay County, requesting that the body be examined and a complete investigation be made into the cause or causes which led to his death about 21 months ago. Pursuant to a call by Mayor W. H. Cherry, a mass meeting was held by the citizens of Corning last Wednesday evening, at the courthouse here, resulting in the nomination of H. B. Sheeks for mayor, to succeed W. H. Cherry and re-nomination of all the present city officers - H. W. Vandover for recorder and T. W. Wynn, W. D. Bennett, C. E. Skinner, J. M. Blunk and J. M. Oliver, Jr. for alderman. The city election will be held next April 3rd. Those attending the convention expressed satisfaction with the nomination of Mr. Sheeks and the entire city ticket. Sheeks, if elected, will be Corning's youngest mayor. He is 26 and thoroughly qualified to discharge the duties of that office. 
The J. W. Black Lumber Company of Corning, one of the largest hardwood lumber exporting concerns in the central west, has averaged shipping from its local concentration yard and rework mill, more than one car load of hardwood lumber for each working day since the first of this year, and a total of 11 cars represents the largest shipment for any week during that time. This company recently enlarged its rework mill and now employs 25 men. The lumber, mostly oak, is air-dried by the company and reworked into sizes for furniture.
C. E. Raborn, proprietor of the Raborn Hotel here, sold his hotel interests last Monday to Mrs. Thelma Poynor and Mrs. Hetty Johnson of this city.
The annual meeting of the Clay County Medical Association was held at the office of Dr. N. J. Latimer here last Wednesday afternoon, the following officers being elected for the ensuing year: Dr. Latimer, president; Dr. R. C. Lynch of Success, vice president and Dr. M. C. Richardson of Datto, secretary-treasurer.
Corning school first and sixth grade pupils, sponsored by Misses Agnes Adams, Marie Wallace, Esta White, Thelma Smith, Anna Potts and Irene Williamson, teachers, gave a May pageant in honor of May Day, last Friday evening at the local gym.
At a first meeting of creditors of the local Benefield Drug Co., in bankruptcy, held in US District Court at Jonesboro, last Monday, Dr. J. M. Oliver of Corning took over the stock and fixtures of that company. The new concern, known as the Crystal Drug Company, was opened last Tuesday at the former Benefield Drug Co., location with P. L. Oliver as manager and R. E. Benefield as pharmacist. 
The Corning 4-H Club was organized on Friday, May 11. The members are Misses Hallie Sorrels, Lorena Mason, Jessie Gambill, Addie Sharpe, Reva Wright, Geraldine Wilkerson, Christine Boatman and Ruth Pence; Orla Wright, Richard Reed, Winfred Polk, Duke Hayes and Donald Harold.
That A. B. Banks, of Little Rock, has acquired, through purchase a substantial interest in the First National Bank of Corning, was verified yesterday by Banks in an interview concerning the transaction. Banks is interested in more than 50 banks in Arkansas and his connection with the First National Bank of Corning is looked upon as a compliment to the institution.
Mr. and Mrs. William Blanton, residing near Datto, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home last Sunday. Well-filled baskets were brought by the numerous guests and a surprise dinner was served in honor of the event. Fifty-six guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton are pioneer citizens of Richwoods community, they have resided here since early youth. Mrs. Blanton's maiden name was Nancy Boshears. She and Mr. Blanton were married June 11, 1878. They have only one child, Frank, who with his wife and two children reside at the old home place with Frank's parents. The elder Mrs. Blanton has three brothers, Lawrence Boshears of Corning, Ishmael Boshears and Taylor Boshears of Texas.
Those present included Dave Lincoln, Mark Allen, Larry Boshears, Carl Mabry, T. C. McGuire, Tom Blanton, Henry Gowen and Jas. Ermert with their respective families, Albert Smith and daughter Virginia, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Mrs. Hill and grandson Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hester, Uncle Frank Blanton, Miss Bettie Cheek, Aunt Betty Brown, Mrs. Hattie Richardson and son Sterling, Mrs. Bertha Smith and son John, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Troxel, Mr. and Mrs. Hahs, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Chadwick and Elgin Hill.
In the last 270 years 350,000 perfectly good words have been added to English. Samuel Johnson completed the first good dictionary of the English language in 1755. It contained 50,000 words. The latest unabridged editions contain about 700,000 words.
One of the largest turtles ever caught in Corning Big Lake and probably the largest in this section of Arkansas in recent years, was brought in last Monday by Robert Sigler, local fisherman. The turtle weighed 102 pounds and measured four feet, two inches in length and one and a half feet in width. Another turtle weighing 50 pounds was also caught on the same trot fine that morning.
Contractors Langston, and Ray, who are repainting, re-flooring and repairing Black River bridge, on State Highway No. 1, just east of Corning are working day and night crews, to complete the bridge in time for use when other highway contracts are completed and the road is to be open for traffic. While the bridge is undergoing repairs, a ferry at that point is in use. 
Local W.M.S. [Women's Missionary Society] to stage "All of A Sudden Sally" at the gymnasium here July 27th. The cast: Ches Gallegly, Paul Oliver, Edwina Ratcliffe, Mrs. G. B. Oliver, Harry Vandover, Mrs. W. L. Oliver, Jr., Dr. E. D. Jernigan, Eula and Beulah Bennett, Alma Letbetter and Fred Robinson. Chorus: Mayor H. B. Sheeks, Aubrey Estes, W. L. Oliver, Albert S. Jackson, Clyde Miller, Ralph Gereau, Floyd Baker, Alfred Jones. Little Girl Chorus: Patty Adams Oliver, Margaret Ann Vandover, Mildred Fowler, Annie Lee Ratcliffe, Natalie Walk, Anna Ruth Johnson, Bess Jane Gallegly, Marguerite Harold, Charline Ward, Isobel Wynn, June Arnold, Merle Mullard, Mary Jane Wakeland, Edna May Wright, Bertha Margaret Crabtree; Bigger girls chorus: Loraine Lindsey, Alice Oliver, Dorothy Crabtree, Lucille Stanfield, Sara Frances Sprague, Erlene Bollenbacher, Lucille Esmon, Elsie Parrish, Alma Davis, Lorraine Davis, Ruthmary Stanfield, Evelyn Ruff, Virginia Sprague, Jewell Ratcliffe, Louise Crabtree, Helen Cantwell, Birdell Boshears, Martha Crutchfield.
The Philpot Construction Company's road equipment for paving the 11½ mile contract between Corning and Reyno, on Highway 67, arrived this week at Datto and as soon as the Frisco railway company can build a siding at Green Switch, one mile north of Datto, the road machinery will. be unloaded at that point and paving will start. With favorable working conditions the company can lay 1,000 feet of slab per day.
A party of Corning sportsmen have just returned home from a weekend outing and fishing trip, spent on the banks of Black River near the old Richard shanty. They report a good time, despite rains which muddied the river and almost ruined fishing. Members of the camping party were; John Hughes, T. G. Bridges, C. D. Anderson, A. B. Gallegly, T. W. Wynn, Guy B. Crutchfield and J. M. Rhea.
For those interested in a record of the first frosts in this locality, during the past 18 years, Attorney G. B. Oliver has given us a copy of his frost record and also the dates when the first wagon loads of cotton from this land were sold, during the same period of time. The record for frost was: 1910, October 28; 1911, November 1; 1912, October 24; 1913, October 21; 1914, October 27; 1915, November 15; 1916, October 21; 1917, October 9; 1918, November 11; 1919, November 13; 1920, October 29; 1921, October, 14; 1922, October 21; l923, October 23; 1924, October 24; 1925, October 20; .1926, October 25; 1927, November 1. First load of cotton sold: 1910, October 1; 1911, September 14; 1 1912, September 28; 1913, September 11; 1914, September 12; 1915, September 28; 1916, September 8; 1917, September 28; 1918, September 8; 1918, September 8; 1919, September 19; 1920, August 11; 1921, September 9; 1922, September 5; 1923, September 22; 1924, September 26; 1925, August 31; 1926, September 3 and 1927, September 20.
Dr. M. C. Richardson and his family of Datto removed to Corning first of this week and now occupy a residence near the south end of West Second Street. He plans to retain his office at Datto for the next few months or until completion of Highway 67 between Corning and that town, later opening an office in Corning.
Despite the loss of five men from last year's team, by graduation, the prospects for a winning team at C.H.S. this year are unusually bright. Uniforms were issued and the first practice was called last Wednesday afternoon. Fifteen men responded including seven letter men, Floyd Baker, William Weddle, Virgil Ousnamer, Charles Bowers, Ewell Companiotte, Herman Riggs and Winfred Polk. Others on whom we are depending are Morris Richardson, Elmer Dickerman, Lucien Fowler, Charles Rufus Black, Hiram Fowler, Chester Cantwell, Carl Launius, Leo LaCost, Don Harold, Frank Johnson, Orla Taylor and Robert Hicks.
At a meeting of the city council last week, the board of officers authorized construction of a suitable building for housing the city fire hose truck, chemical wagon and all other fire fighting apparatus. The building will be located just west of the Angle Service Station on Elm Street and will be 9 feet wide, 30 feet long and 10 feet high, constructed of corrugated galvanized metal.
Elmer Brinker, a local pearl fisherman and shell digger, one day last week in Black River near the Arkansas-Missouri line, found a ball pearl in a large muckett mussel. The large pearl weighed nearly 100 grains and was sold for several hundred dollars after bidding by several buyers. 
Among members of the intermediate department of Corning Methodist Sunday School enjoying a beef steak fry and luncheon on Corning Lake grounds last Monday evening were, Misses Catherine Crabtree, Elsie Parish, Lorraine Davis, Marguerite Ratcliffe, Sterlene Blackwood, Gertrude Wright, Mary Boshears, Naomi Fowler, Ruth Harold, Birdell Boshears, Alma Nance, Helen Cantwell, Martha Crutchfield, Wilma Reynolds, Mary Lindsey, Jewell Ratcliffe, Anita Phipps and Chester Cantwell. The affair was sponsored by J. M. Oliver, Jr.
The Corning High School junior class, sponsored by Professor G. A. Jimerson, elected officers as follows: president, Alma Nance; vice president, Carl Launius and secretary-treasurer, Addie Sharpe.
Officers of the seventh grade are: president, Thomas Smalley; vice president, Wyatt Johnson and secretary and treasurer, Amby Robinson. The class is sponsored by Miss Jewell Hopson.
The local Dixie Plant of the Wisconsin Pearl Button Company resumed operations on Thursday of last week after a shut down of nearly four months. Local manager J. N. Hughes says indications are that this plant will run continuously for the next 12 months. Reopening of. the plant gives employment to more than 30 men residing here.
Western District Clay County officers-justices of the peace: Cache Township, C. B. Cox and W. S. Gregory; Carpenter, W. F. Ezell and D. M. Odom; Clark, S. L. Ratcliffe and Mrs., M. E. Goldman; Cleveland, J. A. Thompson and F. V. Smothers; Current River, H. L. Cline and G. W. Legate; Gleghorn, D. W. Cantwell, and J. H. Gleghorn; Kilgore, B. H. Bowers and J. M. Blunk. 
H. Goode, a Corning merchant, last Wednesday bought the Cantwell hardware stock through Corning Bank and Trust Company, receivers. 
A liquor raid conducted by Deputy Sheriffs J. M. Curtis and R. R. Russ and Special Deputy T. V. Weddle of Corning, on Wednesday morning last week, at two whiskey stills, located near Cook Eddy in Black River, about four miles south of the Arkansas-Missouri line, resulted in the arrest of four men. Two small stills, located on opposite sides of the river in the heavy wooded sections, were confiscated and destroyed, all but the copper worms and other parts of the stills with a small quantity of mash, kept as evidence. No one was at the stills when the officers arrived, and there were no signs of operations lately, however the officers are said to have information that the stills were operated as recently as last Thanksgiving.
Shaver's five store pre-inventory sale beginning Saturday, December 15, ends Saturday, December 29. Fourteen big days at all five stores, Reyno, Biggers, Success and Corning, Ark. and Naylor, Mo. We must raise some ready cash and are sacrificing our stock of goods to do it: 2 pounds flat grain coffee for only 35c; 9 by 12 rugs, each $5.98; folding chairs, each 42c; washing powders, all kinds, per box 4c; 2 twists Cotton Boll tobacco for 15c; sugar cured bacon, per pound 20c; men's knee boots, pair $3.26; ladies' cotton hose, pair 8c and many, many more bargains.
The lawsuit of Homer LaRoe vs. Rice Brothers and John and Jim Hastings came up in Justice Curry's court here last Wednesday. The suit was to recover the value of a hog which the plaintiff valued at $75. This was the third trial of the case. At the first trial, the result was a hung jury; the second attempt, a mistrial due to one of the defendants being sick during the trial of the suit. The case continued through Wednesday and up until 11 o'clock Wednesday night when the jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendants. Plaintiff was represented by Judge F. G. Taylor and Attorney E. L. Hollaway, while Attorney C. O. Raley appeared for the defendants. The costs seem to be a big item of the suit.

No one was sworn in as county treasurer Tuesday. William B. Burton, present treasurer, who was elected for a second term in November recently admitted a shortage of more than $8,000 in his account as treasurer explaining that the money had been lost by him in speculating in cotton and no disposition of his office has been made nor has Mr. Burton attempted to make a new bond. The newly elected and reelected officials of Clay County were sworn into office as: follows: T. A. French, county and probate judge; O. C. Grider, circuit court clerk; Louis J. Langley, county court clerk; George A. McNiel, sheriff and collector; W. F. Dalton, assessor and Ben W. Patterson, county weigher. Paul Hansen took the oath of office as coroner at Corning. W. E. Spence, as state senator, and J. T. Campbell, as representative, will take office with the convening of the legislature this month. Grider has appointed Miss Hazel Winton of Piggott as deputy circuit clerk in the Piggott office and T. W. Ratcliffe as deputy clerk for Corning. Patterson appointed T. E. Lack of Piggott as deputy county weigher in Piggott and will himself have charge of the county scales at Rector.
The concrete pavement on US Highway No. 67, between Corning and Current River, a distance of approximately 20 miles, is now complete and was this morning opened to traffic from end to end.
At a meeting of the officers, directors and stockholders of the Corning Bank and Trust Co. held a few days ago, all officers, directors and employees were reelected as follows: Officers - F. B. Sprague, president; C. R. Black, vice president; E. Vandover, cashier. Directors -F. B. Sprague, C. R. Black, E. Vandover, A. B. Gallegly, J. C. Rhyne, W. M. Fowler. Employees - Mrs. Ada Ousnamer, stenographer; H. W. Vandover, bookkeeper. 
The stockholders of the First National Bank of Corning held their meeting on Wednesday, January 9th, electing the following officers and directors for the ensuing year: Officers-D. Hopson; president; F. G. Taylor, vice president; S. P. Lindsey, active vice president and O. J. Harold, cashier. Directors-Judge F. G. Taylor, George Hayes (Member of A. B. Banks organizations) Dr. F. W. Cox, J. F. Arnold, R. Whitaker, W. M. Letbetter and Judge D. Hopson. Employees-Miss Louetta Speidel, stenographer; Mrs. Carl Toalson, bookkeeper and J. F. Arnold, fieldman.
The Welch Home Bakery, one of the oldest local business concerns, was sold last Monday to Thomas H. Rhea of Corning. Rhea took possession of the bakery on Monday. He will retain the services of E. Nickels an expert baker of St. Louis who has had 27 years of continuous experience in the baking business. The business will be known as the Rhea Home Bakery.
Federal Prohibition Officers M. C. Burns and Chas. F. Cooley of Little Rock and local officers, sheriff deputies Curtis and Ruff, last Wednesday destroyed parts of a large moonshine liquor distillery near the Missouri Pacific RR bridge at Black River about three miles south of Corning. The still operators, evidently anticipating a raid, had partly dismantled and removed some of the distilled outfit. Mash from ten barrels had been poured out and the barrels hidden in the woods.
The rice crop of western Clay County, during the season just past, produced the heaviest yield and the highest quality since this cereal was first planted here, according to local growers. Practically all of the crop has been placed on the market, bringing an average price of 85 cents per bushel. Following is a list of rice growers in this district of Clay County: Arnold and Harold, D. P. Day, J. R. Rhyne, J. W. Black, Ahrent Brothers and C. Allmandinger.
Announcement was made one day this week of plans for constructing a modern ice factory at Corning, the work on which is to be started sometime during the next few weeks. The new company for this city will be known as the Corning Ice Co. The company will be located on lot 9, purchased from Sheeks Brothers, about 100 feet north of the Angle Service Station, on West Second Street. The plant will have a capacity of 12 tons per day.
A northbound freight train was wrecked, about one mile north of Corning last Sunday morning, tying up railroad traffic for about 3 hours. The front truck of a car about 20 cars in rear of the engine, was derailed when an arch bar broke, damaging the track for a distance of one-quarter mile.
Sleet, estimated at two to three inches deep, fell here last Tuesday, followed yesterday by a four-inch snow.
"Giant Revelation," the purebred Poland China boar said to be the largest hog in the world, was sold by R. Luttrell, Route One, Corning, to Otto A. Wallace of Poplar Bluff, last Friday. The amount of cash involved in the deal was not made known by Mr. Luttrell; however, he received three purebred Polands in the trade including "Missouri Lady" weighing 750 pounds, the prize winning sow of the Butler County Fair of the past three years, "Highway Inspector," a boar weighing 650 pounds and a 225 pound gilt. "Giant Revelation" is probably the greatest curiosity known to livestock growers in this country, the animal having reached the giant proportions of 48 inches in height, and measuring 9 feet, 10 inches from tip to tip. He weighed approximately 1402 pounds when he took several prizes recently and was the chief attraction in the hog show at the Arkansas State Fair, two years ago. He will be five years old March 11th and was bought when a small pig and raised by the former owner.
The Clay County Cotton Co. of Corning, large cotton ginners of northeast Arkansas and southeast Missouri, added another gin to their holdings last Thursday through the purchase of Polk Brothers gin at Corning.
At a meeting of local girls, ages ten to 18, held at the home of Mrs. S. P. Blackwood last Monday afternoon, a Girl Scout unit for Corning was organized with Mrs. Blackwood as captain. Eight girls composed the initial unit, Miss Lorraine Davis, Laru McCullough, Marguerite Ratcliffe, Anita Phipps, Sterlene Blackwood, Ruth Harold, Kathryn Crabtree and Naomi Fowler.
Following negotiations which had been under way for the past two months, a merger of the First National Bank of Corning with the Corning Bank and Trust Company was completed last Saturday afternoon. The deal became effective last Monday, the Corning Bank and Trust Company now having combined resources of almost three-quarters of a million dollars. The merged institutions now under the name of Corning Bank and Trust Company show capital stock of $50,000, $25,000 surplus and more than $600,000 in deposits. F. B. Sprague, president of the Corning Bank and Trust Co. since 1920, will remain as president and all the other officers, directors and employees of the Corning Bank and Trust Co. will continue in their respective places, the only additions being O. J. Harold and L. G. Black as directors and J. F. Arnold as a field man. The Corning Bank and Trust Co. is now in its 34th year of service, the oldest bank in Clay County, having been established in 1895. This institution owns the building in which it is occupied and which was constructed in 1920, especially for the bank. It is one of the most modern bank buildings in Arkansas.
Corning High School has been admitted into the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools by meeting the requirements for approval. The Board of Education: T. W. Ratcliffe, secretary and treasurer, Charles R. Black, president and T. W. Wynn, board member. Faculty: E. P. Ennis, superintendent, Mrs. E. P. Ennis, Miss Irma Shoffner, G. A. Jimerson, principal, and W. E. Gann.
History of Corning School 
by Charles Rufus Black 
The first school in Corning was a subscription school, located over a saloon at Main and First Streets. The teacher, Miss Laura Harb, a relative of G. B. Oliver, taught about ten pupils. Part of this old school has been torn down and the rest is what is now the lobby of the St. James Hotel.
This school died out and another was erected on the east side of the railroad near the place where the Standard Oil Company and the Pierce Petroleum Co. tanks now stand.
The first public school in Corning was a two-room, white washed wooden structure, located at about the same place as the present school. Afterward a third room was built and a primary room was added to this. The teacher was G. B. Oliver, then a young man just from Pennsylvania. The next year he was assisted by his sister Miss Maude Oliver, who taught here for many years and died just a few years ago. Most of this building was destroyed and the primary was the only remains. It is now a residence in northwest Corning.
The present school building, with the exception of the four room addition, was built in 1901, while W. T. Stephens was superintendent. That year Corning had its first graduating class and commencement exercises one day in March at 7 p.m. The eighth grade graduating class was composed of the following members: Mazie Barnhill, valedictorian, Estelle Black, salutatorian: Opal Barnes, Eugene Hill, Gussie Reed, Bessie Barnhill, Myrtle Hettel, John W. Crabtree, R. C. Stewart, Janie Tinsley, Maude Oliver, F. H. Dickson, Clarence Beloate, Effie Crabtree, William K. Spillman and Perry Simpson. That year Corning also had its first baccalaureate sermon by Rev. Frank Barrett of Jonesboro. 
In the fall of 1901 Corning High School was organized under W. T. Stephens and the first class from high school was composed of Maude Oliver, Effie Crabtree, John Crabtree and Charles R. Black, who graduates in 1904. The classes in high school at that time were known as junior, sub-senior and senior. In 1903 W. W. Henry, now our County School Superintendent, came to Corning from Pennsylvania, as a teacher.
From 1909 until 1913 Corning had several superintendents, some of whom were W. W. Henry, C. M. Reeves who is now pastor of the First Methodist Church of Tulsa, Okla., J. L. McClerkin, W. L. Skaggs and Woodson.
In 1913 H. H. Haley became Superintendent of Corning Public School and introduced the first nine months school for four years high school work. Up to this time eight months was the regular term. The first class completed four years work and graduated in 1914. 
Mr. Haley remained as superintendent until 1917 when W. W. Henry took his place. After three years of good work Mr. Henry's place was taken by A. Maddux, under whom the school progressed rapidly, and the new four room brick addition was built.
In the fall of 1925 our present superintendent came here from Georgia. He organized a successful term the first year. Next year our rating as a school was raised from B to A. In the winter of 1927 the community hall was erected. This year (1928) playground equipment and a sanitary water system are provided. Besides all this we have been admitted to the North Central Association, which allows graduates from this school to enter any college in the United States without entrance examinations.
To our board members, Mr. Black, Mr. Ratcliffe, and Mrs. Wynn, and to our superintendent, Mr. Ennis, we owe much of our present standing and condition. Let us all hope that the school continues to progress as it has for the last few years.

You Can't Beat This Fine Old Town 
By L. G. Black, Corning, Arkansas
When we are called upon to select a place within which to rear our family, whether it be city, town or village, our thoughts naturally wander to the place offering the greatest educational advantages, religious environments and moral social activities. After these requirements are fully met, our attention is next directed to the opportunities and probabilities that this place offers to us for earning a livelihood for our families. In arriving at these opportunities and probabilities, our observations are magnetically drawn toward the business enterprises and business men of that particular place.
Corning boasts one of the best schools in northeast Arkansas; religious and social environments are splendid, free from all the immoral and unhealthy conditions of larger cities did not just happen so, but were created and made possible by healthy and active business enterprises, created by good moral energetic, cooperative and unselfish business men.
Speaking in summary, Corning has 35 to 40 sound, active and prosperous enterprises, consisting mainly of merchandising, manufacturing and banking. Corning's merchants should be proud of their reputation. The writer of this editorial, from personal knowledge, knows that there have been less failures in general merchandising here than in any other city twice its size in any locality. On more than one occasion has it been said, by traveling commercial men, "That our accounts with Corning merchants are very satisfactory. We are never asked by our houses to collect any past due bills in Corning." Not only is their financial standing excellent and credit rating par excellence, but their stores are modern, neat, well kept and offer different varieties of merchandise not often found in cities much larger. Our compliments must go out to such grocers as Martin Fowler, Clyde Lasater, Harry Lasater, Clarence Lindsey and H. Goode. We have watched these men from the time they shot marbles on the streets until they have developed some of the most modern stores in northeast Arkansas.
We have known Nat Steinberg since the day his father led him and his four brothers into the school house, 25 years ago. Never a day has passed since, that Steinberg stock has not risen on the market. Grabers were not slow: they saw how well Steinbergs were doing and moved in on them. Outside of what Nat Steinberg got from the Graber family, it has been a bad day for the Steinbergs ever since Grabers got here, for Louis and G. Graber are not checkerboard and whittling merchants. J. M. Oliver, commonly known as Uncle Doc, has often said that he was the best Jew in town, and if anyone doubts that Uncle Doc can't beat the Jews, you go up to his store Saturday and he will make you admit it. J. M. Rhea has the distinction of being our lone hardware merchant. If there ever was a self made man, it is Mr. Rhea as he has developed a well managed, profitable and large hardware business solely through his own energetic efforts. Time swiftly passes by. It seems but a short time ago when the Rhea Hardware Co. was of such small caliber that BB shot from an air rifle were his heaviest artillery supplies-now, it would be possible to buy anything from the air rifle to a machine gun.
A. B. Gallegly and George Littlefield have a big field in the furniture business. It is not uncommon to see either of these gentlemen lending an encouraging hand to matrimonial prospects. There is no easier prey than a pair of newlyweds, and they are courted covetously by these gentlemen. Few escape the luring entanglements of buying too much furniture, either for cash or the pay as long as you live plan.
Our drugs and sundries are supplied by two able, young and energetic gentlemen. T. G. Bridges and P. L. Oliver. Service is the motto of these two drug stores. Competition is a word they have either forgotten or never knew. They should be complimented on organization. They work together so well that a time lock, installed to regulate their operating hours better than they do, would fall flatter than golf links at the North Pole.
Cotton ginning is the largest industry during the fall and winter months. The farmer's idea of cotton gin is a plant that separates the cotton from the seed and the farmer from his money. According to the farmer there is about as much competition between the five gins here as there is between T. G. Bridges and Paul Oliver's Drug Stores. But we have seen competition on cotton corner here hotter that the sands of the Sahara Desert. Mr. Farmer you can not go wrong when you start to Corning this fall with your cotton.
The Corning Ice Company is a new enterprise with us. We welcome you and assure you that the same men that have made Corning's other enterprise a success will aid in making yours a success. We are proud of the new ice plant. It is very modem in every respect, built by and the material furnished by the home people, which is the best start a new enterprise can make. The policies adopted by the new Ice Company warrant the patronage of Corning citizens and these of neighboring towns.
By a recent merger, Corning has the largest financial institution in Clay County in the Corning Bank and Trust Company. The institution is a great credit of any town. The service rendered by its capable cashiers, Ewell Vandover and O. J. Harold, deserved the merit of Corning people. This bank is large enough and willing enough to meet the desires and demands of all that are worthy. It holds out no super promises that may vanish like the baseless fabric of a dream, but it is now and ever will be the same old sound and conservative Corning Bank and Trust Company.
Winfred D. Polk winning over students from 1,100 high schools representing every state in the Union, has been awarded first prize in the third competitive examination on the subject of "The League of Nations." The announcement was made officially by the committee from the League of Nations Association, to the Associated Press, May 1st.
With the opening of permissible weather, work has at last started on the Piggott-Corning Highway that was mostly completed in 1928, on this end of the strip. The gap left unfinished was a nine and one-half mile strip from McDougal to White School house near Corning.
We are not without a millinery shop. This supervised by Mrs. C. C. Estes, very efficient, in fact, far too efficient. Mrs. Estes is a greater help to our physicians than are our restaurants. Often one of our physicians is summoned immediately after the husband has seen the price tag dangling from a hat the wife has bought. Speaking of our physicians, Drs. Latimer, Pfeiffer, Richardson, Jernigan, Oliver, Blackwood and Newkirk, they are so good that Black's Mortuary has been a "bust." Procter and Gamble interests are represented here by Sam Hall and Roy Cantwell. They are truly our clean up men. Both have up to date cleaning and pressing shops.
Filling stations and garages are so common this day it is hard to brag on them, but the ones we have are so far ahead that they are worthy of mention. Belford's Service Station is so concentrated on gas and oil, they never think water and air. Ed Sheeks, of Bennett-Sheeks, insists on selling you a Ford while you wait. He has more arguments why a Ford is better than a Chevrolet than Carter has oats. He has the good features of this car listed alphabetically and has talked on them 30 minutes and never got past the letter A.
The manufacturing industries of Corning are the J. W. Black Lumber Co., Wisconsin Pearl Button Co., Corning Ice, T. W. Wynn Milling Co., and Cotton ginning.
The J. W. Black Lumber Co., probably the largest of these, is a commendable firm. It is a home owned and home operated business furnishing employment to 50 to 60 men. No man in this company's employment has ever complained that J. W. did not always have work for him to do. His motto is work while you work and play while you play, but he cannot understand why you should play. C. R. Black the active manager of this company, is well known among Arkansas and national lumber men.
The Wisconsin Pearl Button Company is managed by a local man, John Hughes, a very efficient and clever businessman. The business is one of the largest of its kind in Arkansas. To give you some idea of its magnitude, they have cut sufficient pearl buttons for every dress, from the old fashioned one of Martha Washington's day, down to the modern lamp shade style which requires but few buttons or any other fastening apparatus. This concern has cut enough holes in mussel shells to have furnished holes in Swiss cheese for the entire German Army during our late World War.
T. W. Wynn's mill is very properly named-more wind than mill. However, Tom, usually manages to do enough to cover his clothes with meal before closing for the day. 

The St. James Hotel of Corning is now under new management. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Dixon, operators, and proprietors of hotels in Dunklin County, Missouri, for the past 2 years have leased the St. James for one year. The St. James is one of the oldest hotels in northeast Arkansas, having been established by J. E. Matthews in the early 90's. For about 20 years the St. James was owned by Wm. Stephens and since his death, about a year ago, Mrs. Stephens has been in charge.
J. B. Shaver, owner and operator of mercantile stores at Corning, Reyno, Biggers and Naylor, Mo., has purchased the 60 and 90 foot brick business building just south of the St. James Hotel on West First Street here.
The Corning Chamber of Commerce was reorganized last Friday evening at a meeting of Corning business men held at the courthouse. Practically every business firm in Corning was represented at the meeting. Following are officers: F. B. Sprague, president, S. P. Lindsey, vice president, L. Graber, secretary; A. C. Estes, assistant secretary: H. W. Lasater, treasurer.
State Highway 1, from Corning to Paragould, approximately 32 miles. is now being graveled although yet uncompleted.
On Saturday, August 31, and on the last Saturday of each month thereafter, for an indefinite period the merchants of Corning, members of Corning Dairy Promotion Association, will give absolutely free a purebred jersey cow.
Our sodawater is gaining in popular favor every day. It is delicious, only the purest and most expensive flavors being used by us. It is sanitary, the same pure water, treated and filtered used in the manufacture of our ice, is used exclusively in the manufacture of our sodawater. Our new automatic bottle washing machine assures that every bottle is clean and sanitary before being refilled. Every requirement of the Arkansas Health Department has been met with in the operation of our new bottling plant. All popular flavors sell for five cents in the new seven ounce bottle. Corning Ice and Light Company.
A Ford car, driven by an unknown person, ran into Silas Turner's horse and buggy last Wednesday night on Highway 67 just south of Biggers, killing his horse and giving Turner several bruises and cuts. The right light of the auto was knocked off, but undoubted the car was still in good running condition as the man made his getaway. 
The Cody family, said to be America's most daring balloon riders and parachute jumpers will make balloon ascensions in Corning tomorrow.
A large burial ground, probably of a prehistoric race of giants and later the site of an Indian cemetery, the largest in this county and possibly the largest in this part of the United States, was recently discovered on a large earthen mound overlooking the east bank of Garden Spot, four miles northeast of Corning. Nearly one hundred graves including a few of a race of large prehistoric humans and many Indians, who once roamed the dense forests of western Clay County, have been excavated. Implements of domestic life and warfare, pottery and many designs, curiously carved bones, etc. are much more abundant here than have ever been found in this locality before, revealing the most distinct traces of the Indians' habits and religion. G. W. Moyer, discoverer of the burial ground, resides in a shanty on top of the mound and makes his living digging mussels from the river and cultivating this rich garden spot. Last spring, while Moyer was spading in his garden, he discovered a grave, lined with mussel shells, containing an Indian skeleton and some pottery. Since that time, he says, 95 graves have been excavated. His garden is dotted with Indian bones and mussel shells. Along the north wall of his shanty, rocks ranging in size from one to eight inches in diameter are piled, and in his front yard, a stack of Indian bones two feet high have been collected. N. N. Steinberg, local merchant, who has a hobby of collecting Indian relics, has purchased most of the rarest pieces of Moyer's collection, which he is displaying at the Steinberg store in Corning this week. In one grave, parts of deer horns were found, and many rocks that bear evidence of _____ were found among the remains. Most of the pottery is in a good state of preservation, with the handles and ornaments still intact. The bodies are placed heads to the west at a depth of only about 18 to 30 inches. Although Indian burial grounds are very common in this locality, and most every kind of that race's implements are known, yet little is known of these mounds which they selected for burial places.
The Home Bakery of Corning was sold last Monday by T. H. Rhea to Weilpuetz-Toellner, Inc., large bakery operators in southeast Missouri.
The exhibition of Show Boat, first sound moving picture to be shown in Corning, at the Starlight Theatre last Monday and Tuesday evenings, was a decided success. Among the many citizens of Corning who witnessed the first talkie exhibition here last Monday are several who recall the first moving picture exhibition in Corning, back in the early 90's. One of the first movie shows here was held in the old Masonic Hall and the machine operator was lucky to show the picture five minutes without a reel breaking or having the picture dancing off the screen and flickering on the ceiling and walls of the building. Mr. Ward, proprietor of the Starlight Theatre, has purchased a photo talkie machine which he plans to have operating in his theatre here by next Thanksgiving Day.
Plans for Corning's first community-wide Christmas tree and program have been completed, and the various committees are working out details of the big event that is to spread Christmas cheer to hundreds of children throughout western Clay County.
Construction of the new electric light and soda bottling plants of the Corning Ice and Light Co. was begun last Monday morning.
Tezzie Smith, a progressive merchant of Success and Reyno, today is launching his 19th anniversary sale which will extend over a period of two weeks at his Success and Reyno stores.

A very interesting and enjoyable session of the Corning Business and Professional Women's Club was held last Wednesday evening at the club rooms with the president Miss Birdie Sullins presiding. 
Many local citizens were roused last Monday, at 4:07 a.m., by a meteoric shower lighting the heavens bright as day for a few seconds, and followed by a severe disturbance of the atmosphere. that rattled windows and school buildings for many miles. A quasi iron weighing 85 pounds was found on Ray Parkinson's farm 11 miles southwest of Paragould.
During the past few weeks hundreds of local radio fans have been entertained with music broadcast over Station W5AHH, located four miles north of Corning on US Highway 67. Luster U. King, owner, operator and announcer of that station has been operating for several weeks by permission of the Federal Radio Commission on amateur's license and giving special test programs. Last Sunday afternoon a test program of old-time violin music was broadcast by Uncle Tom Warren of Corning. Radio fans from 20 miles distant report having heard the program clearly. On the previous Sunday afternoon T. G. Bridges, Commander of the local American Legion Post, gave a ten minute address. Phonograph music is the principal entertainment of the station.
You save while we celebrate our 25th anniversary, beginning April 30th. J. W. Black Lumber Company.
Natural gas will be available in the homes of Corning within eight weeks if plans of the Cherokee Public Service Co. and the Mississippi River Fuel Corp. are carried out uninterrupted.
Of interest to the citizens of Clay County is the announcement in this issue of the Courier, of Earl Day, well known Datto man. now a candidate for nomination as representative of Clay County on the Democratic ticket.
"I am a candidate for the office of Representative of Clay County, subject to what the other Democrats have to say about it, in the next August primary." C. O. Raley.
Corning American Legion Post No. 67 will stage one of the biggest Independence Day celebrations ever held in northeast Arkansas at Corning next July 4th, and 5th. At a meeting of the local Legion Post last Wednesday various committees were appointed and plans of the proposed big celebration will be an expensive fireworks exhibition, parachute leaps from a balloon and athletic contests of all kinds for which cash prizes will be awarded. Below are committees in charge of the celebration: concessions, J. H. Hardesty; publicity, Chas. Gallegley; amusements, Roy Cantwell; speaking and music, W. L. Oliver; athletics, Dr. E. D. Jernigan; and fireworks, J. M. Oliver, Jr.
The 29th annual banquet of Corning High School Alumni Association was held at the school gymnasium last Tuesday evening with about 65 members and guests present. Toastmaster J. M. Oliver, Jr. was introduced by retiring president Carl Toalson.
The game fish season opened with snap here last Thursday and two of our local sportsmen went right out and became champions. On the first day of the season, Beal Massey and John Phealan were among the finny tribe on Woolfolk Lake at daybreak and within a few minutes, Beal had landed a big mouth bass weighing six pounds and two ounces. The big one was caught using rod, reel and red shannon artificial bait. News of the big catch quickly spread and Friday morning sportsmen were combing the lakes for other big ones. Exactly at 3:30 p.m. Lewis Pringle, casting with black shannon artificial bait, John P. Ermert, piloting, landed the biggest bass caught on local record at Vickery Lake near here, a seven pound, two ounce small big mouth black bass.
Corning High School graduates of 1930-Addie Sharpe, Martha Crutchfield, Anita Booth, Ruth Lynch, Retha Richardson Cobb, Roma Cooper, Alice Wright, Charles Mulhollen, Siegel Carrens, Elmo Ladd, Frank Johnson, John Holman, Ralph Gereau, Carl Launius, William Blanton, Earl Cox and Howard Johnston.
Another entirely modern improvement for Corning, now nearing completion, is W. M. Letbetter's new automobile service station located at the intersection of US Highway No. 67 and 1, in northwest Corning.
Construction work was started last Monday on Belford's modern new garage and service station located on the northeast corner of West Second and Elm Streets, in Corning. The building is to be one story, 40 by 100 feet, tile and mat faced brick construction.
Mayor C. O. Raley called a mass meeting of Corning property owners and citizens last Monday evening. at the courthouse, for the purpose of considering a proposition to sell Corning's waterworks system, and to investigate the failure of the Cherokee Public Service Co. to carry out its contract to supply Corning with natural gas. J. F. Arnold, as chairman, presided over the meeting which was attended by about 75 local citizens. At a meeting of the Corning Water Commission recently, A. E. Pate, was employed as manager.
Day, Hastings, Ward, Winton, Woods, and Wallin nominated in the largest vote ever polled by Clay County.
Corning ginners experienced the busiest day of this season last Saturday when they handled more than 200 truck and wagon loads of seed cotton.
The Corning Bank and Trust Company suspended business for a period of five days last Tuesday morning, by order of its board of directors. This action was taken, following a meeting of depositories and officials of the bank last Monday evening.

"Yes sir, I came near being with General George A. Custer in the Battle of Little Big Horn, up in the Black Hills country that June day in 1876," said Uncle Milt Edwards, 90 year old Civil War Veteran of Success. And you know what happened to him and all his men, not one lived to tell the story of that massacre that stirred this nation to battle the Red man until his race is almost extinct."
"Of course," said Edwards," If I had been with him and his troopers, I would not have been here 54 years afterwards telling you the story of my life."
It was at the close of the great Civil War, and Mr. Edwards, with several of his comrades, all just the right age to want plenty of excitement, and did not know just what they wanted to do. The officers called various companies under their command, and told them that the war was over, but that Uncle Sam would still have use for many soldiers and that all who wished to remain in the service of the government should so indicate and they would be given new assignments, instead of being discharged and sent home.
Mr. Edwards indicated that he and several more of his comrades would continue to soldier, as they hardly knew what else to do. However, after the country began to get settled down to peaceful pursuits, they became homesick, and realized that they had all the soldiering they wanted at that time, five long years of Civil strife, so they called on the officers and told them that they wanted to be discharged and sent home. It took almost as much red tape as it does now, before the boys secured their release. Those who stuck were sent to Custer to guard the Indian frontier and few ever returned home.
Milton Edwards, as one might suspect, is a native of Illinois, having been born and reared about 12 miles west of Shawneetown in the extreme southeastern part of the state, "along the Wabash." Here he grew to young manhood on a good farm and, like most boys of that day, he was strong and sturdy, because of the work and habits formed. Born there October 10, 1841, and was there when President Lincoln issued his famous call for 75,000 volunteers, to "put down the rebellion." Uncle Milt enlisted.
The newly organized soldiers were sent down the Ohio River toward Cairo, at that time the border line between the states. They saw service in that territory, and also did much in southeastern Missouri and northeastern Arkansas.
Crossing over into Tennessee with his regiment, he arrived just in time to get into that awful battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburgh Landing. He recalls today the awful carnage during that two days struggle. History records that if General Wallace had not arrived there, after the first days' battle the Confederates could have captured General Grant and his entire army. Uncle Milt says that Grant's forces were secure behind the swamp and that the Confederates never could have taken the Union Army at that time. He recalls the death of the gallant Confederate leader, General Joseph Johnston, in that battle, and considers that in his death the South lost one of its bravest and most capable commanders.
After that, he was with the Union Army in the various campaigns along the Mississippi river and was one of those present when Gen. Grant's army captured Vicksburg, on that memorable July 4th and where he penned that famous telegram that "I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer." The distress that was evident in that city, at the time, is still in the mind of Uncle Milt, yet he says that the Union Army had also suffered great privations.
It was shortly after the war began that he was taken from the 9th Regiment and given a place in Company H, US Heavy Artillery. He was also promoted to Second Lieutenant and continued with this unit of the army until Lee's surrender, which occurred while they were encamped at Natchez.
From Natchez he returned home and was married in 1866, and lived near his old home in Illinois for 14 years, then moved to this section of Arkansas some 36 years ago.
He recalls that when he came here, there was but a very small clearing, planted to cotton and corn. All the surrounding country was a dense forest. He has measured many a fine white oak stump five feet across. In those days, this section was a lumber man's paradise. Game was plentiful and the pioneer had little trouble keeping his table supplied with deer and bear meats, to say nothing of wild turkeys, squirrels and other small game. Wild ducks and geese were so plentiful as to be a nuisance, and fish-no game warden interfered. Living was not so hard, while there was plenty of beef and firewood at his door.
Uncle Milt recalls that when he came to this part of Arkansas, there were 13 old soldiers he formed acquaintance with but only two of whom he can now recall to his memory, Henry Watson and John Dunn, both Confederates, but the others, all of them, are gone, long ago, having been called by the Great Commander, and Uncle Milt is one of the few, in this part of Arkansas left to recite the valor of comrade or foe.

Schools affected by the closing of the Corning Bank and Trust Company, are working out plans to continue until completion of their terms. In many of the rural schools, teachers have agreed to teach the remainder of their school sessions and carry their warrants until the 1930 tax money is available, while in some districts public spirited citizens have agreed to buy all, or part, of such school warrants. A plan for continuing Corning Public School was presented by its board of Directors at a meeting of patrons held at the local gymnasium, last Monday morning. Under the plan, local citizens are asked to purchase the present monthly issue of warrants and 52 warrants of $40 each-to pay each of the 13 teachers $40 per month for four months, this to take care of their board and incidentals, subscribers to buy warrants as they are issued monthly. These warrants may be cashed after April 10, 1931, when the tax money is paid in. The Clay County Cotton Co. and J. W. Black Lumber Company have agreed to buy one half, $775, of school warrants issued here this month.
About 500 people were present at a meeting of depositors of the Corning Bank and Trust Co. held at the Starlight Theatre here last Thursday afternoon. The Corning Bank and Trust Co. suspended business last November 18th, the day following the closing of the American Exchange Bank, Little Rock, which it used as a depository. The Corning Bank and Trust Company is now in the hands of the State Banking Department, with Special Deputy Bank Commissioner E. E. Best in charge, pending the outcome of a plan to reopen this bank. Under the plan, Christmas Cash Clubs and accounts of $50 and less should be available for withdrawal, other accounts subject to 25 per cent withdrawal and balance on time deposit subject to withdrawal in 12 to 24 months. The meeting was presided over by Judge F. G. Taylor, chairman Joseph Sellmeyer served as secretary. Dr. J. M. Oliver, first to address the meeting, urged all depositors to cooperate in plans to reopen the bank. G. B. Oliver, Jr. then gave a report of the depositor's committee, in charge of plans to reopen the bank. He said all but about 20 of the bank's depositor's had signed the agreement and he was confident the few remaining signatures could be secured within a few days. F. B. Sprague, president of the bank, addressed the depositors, stating that A. B. Banks stock in the Corning Bank and Trust company had been recovered and that the officers were doing everything possible to reopen the bank. Rev. W. F. Blevins, S. P. Lindsey and others also addressed the depositors. Depositors present recommended three local men, C. E. Skinner, T. W. Ratcliffe and W. W. Henry, either of whom would be satisfactory, in the event a receiver is to be appointed for the bank.
Joe McCracken of Success, one day recently was appointed receiver for the Corning Bank and Trust Co., which institution suspended business last November 18th. Mr. McCracken took charge of the banks affairs last Sunday morning and immediately set about his duties of liquidating the institution. His duties, as receiver are to collect all money due the bank, convert all assets into cash and place to the credit of the depositors. Mr. McCracken has resided in Success the greater part of his life, and is well and favorably known to practically every citizen in the Western District of Clay County. He is thoroughly familiar with the financial conditions of local farmers, which knowledge will greatly help him in collecting on securities and paving dividends to depositors.
A meeting of depositors of the Corning Bank and Trust and Co. was held last Monday evening and a new plan to reopen the bank was presented by Special Deputy Bank Commissioner E. E. Best, whereby depositors are to receive 75 per cent of their accounts, 25 per cent for immediate checking and balance time deposits for two years, drawing two percent interest. The plan was endorsed by all present. The plan for reopening the institution had been worked out between Mr. Best and the bank's directors.
Corning F. and A. M. Lodge No. 719, held its annual election of officers last Thursday evening as follows: W. M. Fowler, worshipful master; I. E. Allen, senior warden; J. P. Ermert, junior warden; E. V. Grayson, secretary; D. L. Ousnamer, treasurer; T. B. Taylor, tyler.

The Corning Bank and Trust Co., a new institution with paid capital stock of $50,000 and organized under this state's banking laws, opened for business last Tuesday morning. Deposits during the first days business, were very satisfactory, according to F. B. Sprague, president of the new bank. Officers of the new institution are: F. B. Sprague, president; C. R. Black, vice president; and E. Vandover, cashier. Directors, F. B. Sprague, C. R. Black, L. G. Black, M. G. Hoffman, W. M. Fowler, S. Talkington and E. V. Sheeks. Since closing of the old Corning Bank and Trust Co. last November 18th, Corning has been without banking facilities which adversely affected all local business and caused much inconvenience, especially to local citizens. The old Corning Bank and Trust Co. which sale will come up for final hearing before Chancellor J. M. Futrell, at Paragould next Monday. Sale of assets of the old institution to the new Corning Bank and Trust Company has just been approved by State Bank Commissioner Walter E. Taylor.
Mayor C. O. Raley has called a mass meeting of local citizens to take place next Wednesday evening at 7:30. Among several important civic improvements problems to be discussed is a proposition to gravel the principal streets of Corning. It is understood that an offer has been made to deliver gravel in Corning at a cost of approximately $1 per yard, and the local Red Cross unit has offered to furnish labor free in placing gravel on the streets. A conservative estimate of the total cost of graveling this city has been placed at $3,500 to $4,000 to be financed through a Corning bond issue.
Chancellor J. M. Futrell last Tuesday refused to confirm a proposed sale of assets of the defunct Corning Bank and Trust Co. to the new Corning Bank and Trust Co., following a two day hearing at Paragould. Sale of the old Corning Bank and Trust Co., assets to the new bank, with a similar name, for $105,000 was approved by Walter E. Taylor, State Bank Commissioner, but when the proposed sale came up for confirmation before Chancellor Futrell on Monday, February 2, objections were raised by the Clay County School Board and certain other depositors, who had funds in the bank when its doors closed last November 18, at which time the bank's assets were listed at approximately $384,000. Chancellor Futrell then appointed James R. Scurlock, as master, for the purpose of appraising the bank's assets, and last Monday Scurlock filed his report which listed the assets at approximately $200,000. Scurlock was on the witness stand the greater part of the two day hearing. The Corning Bank and Trust Co., a new institution with paid in capital of $50,000, opened for business on Tuesday of last week. 
The First State Bank of Corning, formed by consolidating the Banks of Knobel and Datto, with capital stock of $25,000 and surplus of $3,750 opened for business here last Monday morning. The new bank is located in the building formerly occupied by the old Bank of Corning, northeast corner of West Second and Pine Streets. Officers of the First State Bank are: Jos. Sellmeyer, president; R. Whitaker, vice president; D. P. Day, cashier; and E. C. Cox, assistant cashier. Directors; Jos. Sellmeyer, R. Whitaker, D. P. Day, H. C. Sellmeyer, Jas. L. Smith, Earl Day and Russell Day. Good roads leading to Corning prompted the merger of those two banking institutions, which were moved to Corning last Monday, opened and doing business by 9 a.m.
Chancellor J. Marian Futrell last Saturday approved and confirmed the sale of assets of the old Corning Bank and Trust Company, for $105,000 to The Corning Bank and Trust Company, a new bank, under terms of contract by which stockholders of the new institutions guarantee payment in full of preferred claims and individual deposits of $50 and less; to pay other depositors including drainage ditches, water and sewer districts, 75 per cent of their claims, 25 percent in cash and 50 percent in certificates due December 15, 1932, bearing two percent interest, these certificates to be accepted at face value in payment of any indebtedness due the former Corning Bank and Trust Company or First National Bank. It is estimated that approximately $70,000 is now being placed in circulation by The Corning Bank and Trust Co., and other sources of revenue through federal farm loans and soldiers' adjusted compensation, this part of Clay County should rapidly come to the front.
A pie supper and cake walk, sponsored by the local IOOF Lodge, at Corning Fraternal Hall last Tuesday evening, was decided success. Music was furnished by the Home Band for that occasion, to the great delight of all present. Sam Arnold was auctioneer and much fun was enjoyed throughout the evening. After the sale of pies, a small cake was auctioned to the ugliest man present. The contestants were Sam Arnold, Elbert Stanley, George Stanfield and Orie Woods, Mr. Arnold winning.
Two newspaper men and a zoo collector of St. Louis, Mo., have been camped on the banks of Murphy Lake, eight miles southwest of Corning for the past two weeks, trying to snare Billy, a 12 foot alligator gar reported to ramble that lake spreading fear to fishermen and sportsmen.
Corning PTA officers for the 1931 school year: president, Mrs. T. W. Ratcliffe. First vice president, Mrs. W. L. Oliver; second vice president, Mrs. Ed Sheeks; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Isabel Wilson.
Another recent improvement for Corning is a 50 foot strip of concrete sidewalk, fronting the S. R. Beloate property on West Second Street, completed one day last week.
Senior and Junior High School classes met on Tuesday afternoon of last week, electing class officers for the ensuing year. Those of the senior class elected are: president Ralph Skinner; vice president Buddie Biggs; secretary and treasurer, Miss Ellen Wright. Juniors-Miss Zelda Gregory, president; Carvin Bennett, vice president and Miss Naomi Fowler, secretary and treasurer. Sophmores-president, Graham Black; vice president Thomas Smalley; secretary and treasurer, Miss Imogene _____; Freshmen-president Willistine Cherry; vice president, June Arnold; secretary and treasurer, Fred Ratcliffe; Eighth grade-president, Jessie Wright; vice president, Lillian Woods; secretary and treasurer. Bill Hettle. Seventh grade-president, Ruth Baker; vice president, E. L. Mizell, Jr.; and secretary and teasurer, E. L. Holloway, Jr.
Miss Eula Bennett won the title of Miss Corning and a beautiful diamond ring in a popularity contest conducted by Kilgore Comedians, a vaudeville show, which played in Corning all last week under auspices of the Corning American Legion Post 67. Judges were W. L. Oliver, R. H. Powell, E. L. Holloway, E. S. Stanley, C. E. Hughes and C. D. Sanderson.
Roy Cantwell, a Corning man, is the first local World War veteran to receive a medal from the city of Verdun, France, for the services along that sector with in the zone under enemy shell fire in 1918.
Appointment of the Rev. J. Abner Sage, Jr., as pastor of Corning Methodist Episcopal Church, South, succeeding Rev. W. F. Blevins, who has been assigned to Wilson as pastor, was made at the 96th annual session of the North Arkansas Methodist Episcopal Conference, held at Conway over last weekend.
The local bus passenger station for the Missouri Transportation Co. has been changed from the Missouri Pacific station to the Corning Inn, located on the southwest corner of West Second and Elm Streets. G. E. Raborn, proprietor of Corning Inn, said that his appointment as Corning ticket agent for the transportation company was made last Monday.
Reopening of the Corning Bank and Trust Company within the next few weeks is certain according to announcement yesterday of officers in charge of plans to reopen the institution. New stock totaling $63,750 has been fully subscribed by local people, and approximately 75 per cent of the depositors have signed agreement under the plan.
A big produce dealer is willing to come into this territory and buy turnips, provided he can get them in sufficient quantities-carload lots. He is willing to pay 25 cents a bushel for unwashed turnips of Globe variety with tops removed (dimensions, two to three and one-half inches in diameter) delivered at buying points on the Missouri Pacific and Frisco railroads in this county.
The Arkansas Highway Department announced last Tuesday that bids for construction of seven and one-half miles of grading and drainage structures on US Highway 67, extending from Corning north to the Missouri line, will be received next Wednesday, January 21, the job is among the 21 projects to be contracted next week, at an aggregate cost of $2,500,000, most of which jobs call for concrete paving.
It is rather hard for teachers to teach children who are actually hungry and yet, in some schools this year, some of the children do not have enough suitable food to eat. Many teachers realize this fact and are taking steps to remedy it by arranging to serve at least one hot dish at lunch time. Very frequently, when making visits to rural schools, on cold, wintry days, the aroma of vegetable soup pleases the nostrils of the visiting superintendent. It smells good and the children are all expectant, too, for they are going to enjoy it. It is made possible by the children bringing the necessary materials from home and cooking them on the school stove. Some schools ask children to bring, in fruit jars from their homes, food that may be warmed up, to make a nourishing dish and this food is put in water boilers and warmed for the children. Doubtless the time will come in the near future when every school of any size will include a cafeteria, along with all other necessary school equipment. W. W. Henry, County School Superintendent.
Stockholders of the Bank of Knobel and the Bank of Datto met yesterday afternoon and, by unanimous vote, agreed to consolidate those two banks and locate the merged institution in Corning. Joseph Sellmeyer, President of the Bank of Knobel, and D. P. Day, head of the Bank of Datto, are in Little Rock today, applying to the state banking department, to secure a charter for the consolidated bank, which will be known as the First State Bank of Corning, Arkansas. The new institution will have the combined stock of both banks, $25,000 with surplus of $3,750. The First State Bank of Corning will be temporarily located in the building formerly occupied of the Bank of Corning at the northwest corner of West Second and Pine Streets.
After a shut down of 15 months, Corning Dixie Plant of the Wisconsin Pearl Button Co., La Crosse, Wis., is scheduled to resume operations on next April 1st, according to instruction received here last Friday by J. N. Hughes, manager of the local plant. The message said "Get your plant in shape to start next April 1st with 30 men."
A hole in the ground on the Crabtree vacant lot here, next to Wynn's grist mill and commissary was the subject of much discussion last Monday when the mysterious excavation was discovered by local residents, and has since remained a deep, dark mystery. Many old rumors have been resurrected and new ones started about these mysterious holes in the ground, and the person or persons responsible for the diggings. The most popular conjecture is that a cache of gold coins was the object. Some say that the imprint of an iron pot was evident, upon early examination of the excavation. Some suppositions history is connected with the former and recent, prospecting. Stories have been afloat for many years that mysterious diggings, during the night time, have been going on for some 40 years. based on the hope that an early settler, whose home stood on the location half a century ago, buried a fortune in gold on that spot. The hole was about two feet deep with one-half inch foot undermined extension northward. For several feet, in every direction from the excavation, one-half inch holes were drilled, at close intervals, some as deep as three feet. The hole in the ground will probably continue to be a mystery, as no one seems to know exactly what it is all about and rumors will continue to be rumors.
Corning's municipal election last Tuesday was a very quiet affair, only 60 votes having been polled for an unopposed ticket. Two changes were made. Wyatt Johnson succeeds C. O. Raley as mayor and C. D. Anderson succeeds H. W. Vandover as recorder. All of last year's members of the aldermanic board are reelected as follows: F. A. Harold, W. A. Bollenbacher, C. L. Bailey, D. L. Ousnamer and O. H. Taylor,
Tezzie Smith's large, modern brick mercantile building and all its stocks of merchandise, at Success, were completely destroyed by fire near midnight last Wednesday. This is the third heavy fire loss Success suffered within the past few months. Mr. Smith had been in the mercantile business at Success 21 years. He also owns a general mercantile business it Reyno.
The largest class in the history of Corning High School, 24 members, 11 girls and 13 boys will graduate early next month as follows: Misses Barbara Ainley, Louise Baynham, Birdell Boshears, Robin Box, Bernice Harper, Mary Lindsey, Frances Lynch, Glenna McGuire, Clarisse Mulhollen, Alma Polk and Marguerite Ratcliffe; C. R. Black, Jr., Lloyd Brady, Lucas Cockrum, Alvin Cole, Lucien Fowler, Max Ezell, William Muhollen, Thomas Rahm, William Smalley, Rupert Smith, Audrey Tyler, Orla Wright and Cloyd Wright. 
Sheriff Jack Wallain of Piggott, assisted by Sheriff Deputies R. R. Ruff and J. M. Rice of Corning, with two federal prohibition enforcement officers, captured and destroyed two liquor stills near Black River in the vicinity of Brookings a few days ago. The first still destroyed was located near Womack Point. A bed of live coals was found under the cooker and about 150 gallons of mash was ready to cook off. The second and larger distilling outfit, located at Little River Island, was more completely equipped, having an oil burner. 
The Board of Education of Corning Public Schools is carrying out the same policy of many schools over this state by rehiring practically the entire faculty. The Arkansas Department of Education has recommended that there be as few changes as possible. In spite of the depression, Corning Public Schools has held its own. The most recent good news is the announcement that this school continues with the high rating of the past three years as a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. One more year in this classification will place Corning High School out of the danger line as far as rating is concerned. Superintendent E. P. Ennis has been reelected.
The largest meeting of American Legion members ever held in Clay County was staged near Highway No. 1 at Lagoon Park on Black River, two and one-fourth miles east of Corning last Thursday afternoon when 350 Legionnaires of the Fourth Arkansas District assembled at a district meeting and fish fry. Meeting called to order by T. G. Bridges, Commander, Corning Post 67. Milton Edwards, Indian Div. and Richard John Hays, Illinois Div., ages 91 and 84, both civil war veterans, were introduced to the audiences.
Announcement has just been received here by the J. W. Black Lumber Co., that the famous yacht Zaca, whose hull was built of timber manufactured by the Black Lumber Co.'s local plant, had arrived in her home port of San Francisco on last May 27, after a year's cruise around the world, covering more than 27,000 miles. Two car loads of white oak material. four inches thick by 12 feet up, were sold by the J. W. Black Lumber Company through brokers last spring for construction of the famous ship's hull. Arkansas oak has no equal for hardness, toughness and durability. Just recently a car load of hickory ski blanks were shipped from Corning to Japan.
A new bakery will open in Corning within the next few weeks. Oscar Slife, a well known former Corning man and expert baker, with more than 20 years experience in some of the largest baking plants in this country, will own and operate the business. A large brick oven, formerly used by Till Toalson here is now being dismantled and reconstructed at the rear of the Hopson Building. His bakery will be located in the Hopson Building, first door north of Johnson's Jewelry.
On next October 1st, Corning Post Office will be removed about one block north of its present location on West Second Street, now occupied by the "V" Cafe and Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold will remove the Sunshine Cafe to their location and operate the hotel and cafe as soon as they get possession of that property.
"Princess Polly," a three act musical comedy. will be given at Corning gym on Tuesday evening, September 1, sponsored by the B. and P. W. Club. The cast for this show will consist of: Ches Gallegly, Miss Vi Beloate, Harry Vandover, Miss Lorraine Davis, Lucien Fowler, Miss Irene Day, Buck Estes, Miss Sarah Frances Sprague, Paul DeClerk, Brooks Sheeks and Mrs. Goldie Oliver. In addition to these characters there are 12 chorus girls, six chorus boys and 14 bathing beauties. Twelve very prominent local business men will take part in the Bathing Beauty Contest which Johnny Butler will conduct.
Miss Rubye McCarroll of Walnut Ridge, a graduate of DePauw University, was recently elected to succeed Miss Maurine VanCleve in the music department of Corning High School. Miss McCarroll will also instruct in junior high school English. She has taught, during past three years in Chile, South America.
Corning citizens witnessed a brief revival of the days of '49 here last Tuesday afternoon-ye old time days, when men got their hides full of corn liquor and tried to take the town. The exhibition was a disgrace to the good citizens of Corning and a challenge to law enforcement. The trouble started on West First Street near the Crystal Drug Co. and W. M. Fowler and Co. grocery. Several local citizens were attacked by one of the drunks and two others interfered with the arrest of the violator. Deputy Sheriff J. M. Rice and his brother, Porter, appeared first on the scene and arrested one of the drunks, then Alderman D. L. Ousnamer and Aubrey Simpson took another to the city bastille. Police Chief Irvin was called to the scene of disorder and with assistance of Deputy Sheriff Rice, arrested three more men-one for drunkenness and two for interfering with arrest. Fines and costs totaling between $60 and $72 were assessed against three of the celebrators and two were assessed fines and costs for interfering with an officer, $7 against one, and $16 against the other. Chief of Police Irvin resigned the following day, to be temporarily succeeded by W. O. Wampler. Election of a regular police chief to fill the vacancy will take place at the next regular meeting of the city council.
Dr. S. P. Blackwood, a well known Corning physician, was freed today of a first degree murder charge in connection with the alleged poisoning of Gilbert Hays, barber, when the prosecuting attorney requested Judge Neil Killough to instruct the jury to return a verdict of not guilty. The unexpected move came when Link Hays, father of the man Dr. Blackwood was accused of having poisoned to obtain insurance on his life, testified that he had no desire to continue prosecution of the physician and that he did not believe Dr. Blackwood was guilty. Ten witnesses who preceded Hays testified concerning insurance policies on Gilbert Hays life for $9,000, $5,000 and $1,000. The latter was made payable to his widow. After Hays death, an insurance company refused to pay the amounts of his policies. The case was tried in Chancery Court and later carried to the Supreme Court of Arkansas which sustained a judgment for $10,000 against the insurance company.