School Reunions

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Submitted by "Melissa Haley" <>

The Piggott Times 9/6/1989

Large Crowd attends Langley School reunion.

Fifty-seven people, three of which were teachers, were present at the annual Langley School Reunion held Sunday, Sept. 3, at the St. francis lunchroom
    Mr. and Mrs. Tom SMITH and Mrs. Earl STINEBROOK had the most family members present.
    The blessing over the meal was given by Mearl SMITH.
    Those attending were Floyd HOLIFIELD of Searcy; Mearl SMITH and granddaughter and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. SMITH of Quilin; Mozell (SMITH) HAYES of Rector; Dorothy STINEBROOK of Malden.
    Neeley STINEBROOK, Genevieve (WAGSTER) BLUE, Berniece WAGSTER, Ruby HENSON, Allene (DAY) MEAD, Dorothy (PINKSTON) DOVER, Ethridge DOVER, Sylvanda (NEELEY) DOVER, Hershel WILLIAMS, Bill HOLIFIELD, Jake VAUGHN, Allene VAUGHN, Clarence RODERY, Billie (VAUGHN) BROWN, R.E. and Elwanda MANN, Paul MCLESKEY, Pansy MCLESKEY, Fannie (GRIMES) CREWS, Ray POBST, and Patsy POBST, all of Piggott.
    Doug, Kellie and Addie STINEBROOK and Mr. and Mrs. George STINEBROOK of Carthage, MO.; Florence QUOENEAUX of Collinsville, IL,; Vernon STINEBROOK of Caseyville, IL; Carlos GREEN of Piedmont.
    Roberta (CLEMONS) CORDER and Sherry CRISEL of Puxico; Gladys (HAYES) FOSTER and daughter of Kennett; Beatrice BROYLES and Quren BROYLES of Pacific, MO.; Grace BAXTER, Geneva FRANCIS, Alma PAYNE, Anna Mae (COLLINS) NELSON, all of Poplar Bluff.
    Clayton HOSEA, Martha HOSEA and Ruby (HOSEA) WRIGHT of Pollard; Blanche RUSSELL, Bill and Romagene (PARKER) SMITH, Floyd STRONG, Betty Joe KILBREATH and Juanita (MANN) VERNON, all of St. Francis.
    Lots of good food was served and good fellowship was enjoyed.  Next year's reunion will be at the same time and same place.