Street Scene, Corning, AR.  “Busy Corner in Corning, Ark.”  From copy, Ruth Rhodes collection.  (Daniel E. Moore).

Street scene, Corning, AR.  “Street scene Corning, Ark., dead embalmed here 1912”.  From copy.  (Akers).

Street scene, Corning, AR.  “1910” “From the Art Tent, Corning, Ark.”  From copy.  (Akers).

Street scene, Corning, AR.  “Wild West Show, Corning”.  From copy.  (Akers).

Street scene, Corning, AR.  “1912 Second Street, note the fiddler named White lived on Black River and came to town on Saturday and fiddled”.  From copy.  (Akers).

Street scenes, Corning, AR.  From album called “Fond Recollections”  “To Marguerete from Sis, May 17th 1933”.  (Franklin H. Cochran).

Street scenes, Corning, AR.  From album called “Fond Recollections”  “To Marguerete from Sis, May 17th 1933”.  (Franklin H. Cochran).

Street Scene, Corning, AR.  “From album called “Fond Recollections”  “To Marguerete from Sis, May 17th 1933”.  (Franklin H. Cochran).

Submitted by Danny Moore