Old Providence Cemetery

Old Providence Cemetery, Columbia County
Submitted by Bobby Ware , bmware@cei.net

Cemetery located about three miles southeast of Emerson, AR. From Hwy 79 take
Columbia 23 east, cemetery three miles on the right.

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NAME                       BORN         DIED                COMMENTS
Davis, Clifford            1/4/1906     9/18/1917
Lewis, Ira                 1895         1951
Wolverton, Marie           1926         1930
Lewis, Luella              7/29/1866    7/8/1926
Lewis, Joseph W.           1855         4/5/1911
Lewis, J.P.                1090-        1939
Hargrow, Austin            10/22/1891   12/13/1944
Hargrow, J.S.              5/30/1900                        44 yrs. 20das.
Kellett, M.E.              1881         5/30/1907           w/o W.A. Kellett
Kellett, W.A.              1/16/1826    12/1/1911
Clark, Mary Harcrow        1878         Sep. 1951
Clark, T.P.                7/12/1866    8/16/1939
Bradley, Talmage           1915         1917
Bryan, Lettie Lee          No dates
Davis, Lela Lee            No dates
Lee, J.B.                  1879         1930
Lee, William K.            1916         1919
Evers, Otho                1899         1915
Lee, Ida Mae               7/7/1923     1/11/1993
Lee, Arlis H.              4/5/1921     3/16/1991
Lee, Alice Marie           12/13/1919   7/16/1996
Triplet, L.S.              1849         1931
Easterling, Mildred        5/17/1942                        22yrs. 9mos. 26das.