In 1942, our three sons, Avery, Thomas and Lowell sent my wife and me the money to come to California to see them all.  It was our first trip there but not our last.

     We boarded the train at Jonesboro, Arkansas, and came by the way of Kansas City, Missouri.  After changing trains here, we headed for California.

     After we had traveled a good ways, I go up to go to the smoker to have a smoke.  I walked about five cars to get to it.  I opened the door and looked in.  To me they looked like a bunch of big celebrities.   I thought that I had wandered into the wrong place, so I stood in the door for a minute.  One guy said to look him over and see if we can take him, meaning me, of course.  He walked up to me and gave me a good looking over.  Pretty soon he said, "He looks good to me-bring him in."  I walked in and began to tell them about Arkansas.

     I told them a lot of Arkansas sayings and started telling about our good ole state.  They took a liking to me, and when it was time to go to the dining car for something to eat or dring, they would insist on paying for mine too!  This went on until we got to La Verne, California.

     One man told me about making a race for County Judge.  He said he was a big talker and that he would get on his horse and start down the road until he came to some friends house.  Then he would hitch up his horse and stay all day.  He said he nover thought of the time running out on him, so he kept this up all through his campaign.  When election time came he had only gotten fifteen miles from home.  He said he only got a handful of votes.

     This was a very good trip for me.


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