Greene County, Arkansas


Nearly thirty years ago, when Paragould was a mere village, the First National Bank was organized and set about the task in aiding in a financial way, the various interests of Greene County, especially that of agricultural import, which was then as now, a chief source of revenue and traffic. During these years this old reliable banking institution acted its part well in the drama of business progress and through its power and influence the community experienced a more active and prosperous business life, because it afforded means that set the wheels of progress to moving which continue r=to revolve more smoothly and more swiftly as each year of it useful career passed by. It was a pioneer institution that amply and abundantly met every financial condition that arose from time to time. Today the county and the city of Paragould, an enterprising and prosperous city, Owe in a large measure their present high standings in the state, to the financial aide and influence of its first pioneer banking institution.

The First National Bank owns its own home, a substantial two story brick structure, situated in the heart of the business section of the city. It is equipped with a complete system of fire and burglar-proof safes and vaults and the fixtures installed are of a modern type. It transacts a general commercial banking business, pays four per cent interest on certificates of time deposits, issues domestic exchange and make loans on approved security. It has a combined capital and surplus fund of $91,657.00, and its years of advancement along safe and substantial lines have earned for it the right to be keeper of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Numbered among its patrons may be found people in about all walks of life. The officers are: A. Bertig, president; H. S. Trice, vice-president; J. M. Lowe, cashier and E. W, Gardner, assistant cashier. The officers and directors are men of broad-gauge, liberal and progressive in their ideas and methods and are imbued with a just pride and public spirit in all matters which tend to Paragould's future prosperity and commercial supremacy.


Of the many things that have been offered the American people in recent years, nothing has proven more instructive nor more highly entertaining than motion pictures. Pictures depicting comedy and tragedy enliven the many shows which are conducted, and the Majestic Theatre of Paragould is fully up to the standard maintain by the best of these institutions. This house is located at 215 South Pruet Street, and when the improvements now planned are executed it will have a seating capacity that will accommodate 900 persons. Only standard pictures from the foremost producers of the world are shown here. The management believes there is nothing too good for patrons of the house and the public has shown its appreciation by its liberal support and patronage. This house is owned by H. J. Whitsitt, a gentleman of fine business qualifications and excellent standing who has been engaged in this line here for 15 years. He is also the owner of the Airdome, located on West Emerson Street, which has a seating capacity of 800 and, like the Majestic Theatre, it is also conducted along the higher class and very liberally patronized by the very best class of people.


In the development of modern inland commerce no factor has contributed a more potent influence than the express and transfer service which are now so indispensable to the business world. In the Paragould Transfer Company, as conducted by A. D. Grayson and G. W. Durham, the people of this city recognize an institution that has proved worthy of every confidence and one that is entitled to a prominent place as a medium for the transportation of merchandise, baggage, pianos, household goods, heavy machinery, etc., and for the obtaining of first-class auto service to any part of the city and surrounding territory. They also deal in coal and wood. This business is located at 119 West Main Street and is a recognized leader in its line. The firm was established January 1, 1918, although both had been in business here prior to that time. They are reliable business men, well liked by all and are strong for anything that makes for a "Greater Paragould."


The position which handler of meats occupies in any community is one of paramount importance, and it is a pleasure  to be able to mention the name of the dealer here who has done so much toward giving our people such good accommodations as had T. C. Hester, whose sanitary and well equipped market is located at the corner of Sixth and Junction Streets. He handles all kinds of high grade fresh and cured meats, and makes a specialty of his own home made lard and sausage, which in quality are unexcelled. His prices are as moderate as can be had anywhere. Mr. Hester has been connected with the business life of Paragould for 16 years and established at his present location about 2 1/2 years. He is a gentleman of business acumen and good standing, and is for the good of Paragould and Greene County at all times.

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