Greene County, Arkansas


There can be no better proof of the culture and refinement of the people of any community than their taste for good music. The importance of Paragould as a musical center is duly demonstrated by the prominence and popularity of Beard's Temple of Music, situated at 217--219 S. Pruet Street. This business had its inception in 1902, and since that time has had a steady growth and is today the largest, best stocked and most complete establishment of it's character in this section, in fact, it enjoys the distinction of covering more floor space than any other music house in the South. Each department is artistically arranges and capable of giving service that can not be equaled. The stock carried comprises all of the leading makes of pianos, player pianos, talking machines, records, sheet music, music rolls, organs, and all kinds of small musical instruments and musical merchandise. In connection they also have a tuning and repair department, which is in charge of the best mechanics that money and experience can command.

This large establishment is owned by W.J. Beard, an enterprising and successful business man who stands high in all circles. He is a constant "booster" for any cause that is advanced in the interests of the community of which he is a live and wide awake member.


With such business houses as that of Bertig Brothers, local citizens seldom find it necessary to send out of town for merchandise of any kind. The story of the above house is an absorbing interest in local business circles. For thirty-four years the name Bertig has stood for the best in the business code. When grandfathers and grandmothers of the present patrons were young, the Bertig Brothers store was one of the leasers in Northeast Arkansas Merchandising The growth of this enterprise has been almost identical with that of the community. The establishment is today without doubt the largest, finest equipped and most completely stocked Department Store in this section. It would reflect credit upon any city in the State. The building utilized is a modern three story brick structure, 110 x 160 feet in dimensions and is equipped with a late improved electric passenger elevator and all up-to-the-minute conveniences. Their large stock comprises "everything from a toothpick to an automobile." Among the many lines carried might be mentioned dry goods, notions, ladies, gents and children's clothing and furnishings, hats, caps, shoes, millinery, furniture, house furnishings, stoves, farm implements, hardware, groceries, automobiles, accessories, etc., in fact everything for the comfort and convenience of the community it serves. In all departments employment is furnished to about forty clerks and assistants and patrons are shown the best of attention on all occasions. 

In connection with these remarks, it is but fair to say the Bertig establishment has been a good booster for the town. It is the class of store that brings people to Paragould. It appeals to the man or woman who wants the best at a moderate figure. If the Bertig Brothers store has a motto at all, it is probably " to meet all ones all the time. "

This large establishment is one of the most attractive in any small city in Arkansas. From the immense glass front, throughout the store, every provision is made for the ample an tasteful display of goods and the convenience of customers. The management has demonstrated in water may be accomplished when the right key is struck and sound supervision governs all operations.

bug gentleman at the head of this enterprise and those two, in a great measure, who are responsible for a steady growth, are A. Bertig, S. Bertig and Joe Bertig. They are too well and favorably known in business, financial and social realms of the state to need any words of the introduction for praise in these columns.


A potent factor in the growth and development of the community of which it forms so competent a part, and sharing the splendid prosperity that Greene County is at present enjoying, is the reliable and well stocked establishment whose business title forms the subject of this sketch. This firm caters to the requirements of an appreciative patronage and in every way fulfills the requirements necessary to the proper handling of the splendid trade it in enjoys. the house does an extensive business in the sale of hay, grain and all kinds of feed. The business is owned by C. L. Bennett, one of the well known and progressive citizens of this city who is meeting with success by deserving it. He is a live wire and a dependable booster for a "Greater Paragould."

This enterprise is situated in a spacious brick building at 232 East Lake Street and has phone 188. The business was founded September 1, 1917. In our interview with the manager of the Paragould Feed Company he stated that they expect to install a flour and feed mill at no distant date.


A good suburban grocery store is a blessing to any community, particularly so when it is conducted in a clean, sanitary and up-to-date manner, as is the establishment of Ed Cole, located on West Hunt Street. This business was founded October 25, 1911. It is in one of the largest and best stopped suburban grocery store in this city and enjoys a large trade among our people. Thus Dole were his equipped with all the up-to-date conveniences, among other modern requirements being a large grocer's refrigerator for the keeping of perishable goods, the latest computing scales, cash register, and etc. The house is completely stocked with pure food groceries and grocery sundries, fruits, produce, etc ., and he also pays the highest market prices for country produce. Mr. Cole has always made it a rule to handle only such lines as would give the consumer the best of satisfaction and to quote prices as low as consistent with quality. An auto truck is used in the delivery department and all orders are sent out promptly. The store can be communicated with over phone 107 or 117. Personally Mr. Cole is one of our best known and most highly respected citizens. He is courteous and obliging, always in a good humor and enjoys the fullest confidence of the public in general.

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