Greene County, Arkansas



The visitor to Paragould, as he enters the city, is impressed with its substantialness and beauty. The miles of paved streets and sidewalks lined with thousands of massive shade trees, well kept lawns, the commodious and elegant residences and solidity of the business and public buildings are an assurance that it is a community of wealth and affluence. If he comes in daylight, he sees some of the sources of it's wealth before he is within the city-the many fine farms in the contiguous territory. And to these may be added the wealth which is being derived from the thousands of acres of timber and the cattle ranges, truly a diversity of resources, almost at the city's very door. If he remains a few days, he will most likely agree with it's citizens that Paragould comes nearer combining the progressiveness of the west, the stability of the east and the charm and hospitality of the old south than any other place of it's size.


In speaking of the early growth and development of Paragould, the social, religious and educational features must not be overlooked. It is thought the uniform superiority of Paragould in these necessary adjuncts to the building of the city proper is the primal cause why it stands today in the class with the most intelligent, best governed, and most moral cities in the country. The earlier citizens, realizing the importance of a proper educational system for future generations, provided wisely for this important feature by laying the foundation for a system of schools that stand pre-eminent with similar institutions of the South. The policy of the management of paying liberal salaries in order to obtain the very best talent has attracted only educators of the highest type.

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