Greene County Arkansas

1900 Hurricane Township "Index"

Enumerated by: Alvey L. Otey, 1 June ~ 30 June  1900

District # 33

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Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
Adams 15-16 Dowell 3 Kelley 8 Robertson 1-3-13-14
Ahlf 12 Drope 1-11-12 Kenedy 5-7 Rodgers 6-13-17
Allison 2 Dunaway 10 Kennedy 5-6 Roland 10
Anderson 13-19 Early 8 King 3-7 Ross 8-9
Armor 1 Eastepe 12 Knight 8 Rust 2-13
Armstrong 1 Eastepp 4 Kuykendall 5 Rutledge 3-4-15
Ashbrand 9 Eaton 17 Landrum 6-7 Sampson 17
Ashbury 9-12 Eavens 18 Langdon 16 Santee 10
Baker 8 Edmonson 15 Leggett 5-10 Segroves 16
Balman 7 Edmonston 3 Lepold 14-15 Sexton 18
Barnhart 16 Edwards 7 Leroy 9 Sheffield 5
Barton 8-9-19 Elrod 12 Lester 16 Shelton 14
Batton 4 England 11-12 Letbetter 6 Short 8
Baxter 4 Erwine 11 Letner 9-16 Sigsby 1
Beasley 14 Estope 5 Lewis 9 Simons 14
Beaton 4 Evans 14-15 Liddell 6 Sims 14-18
Bechtel 15 Farmer 6-15 Like 9 Small 17
Benson 2 Ferrell 12-19 Linsey 6 Smith 1-8-12-14-15
Biggert 15 Fielder 1-14 Long 10 Smoot 6
Blan 2 Fields 17-18 Mahan 7 Stahl 13-14-18
Bland 13 Foster 3-6 Maris 18 Stairs 4-5
Bollows? 11 Freeman 2-3-13-17-19 Martin 8 Stallings 13
Bond 9-10 French 14 Mauppin 18 Stanfill 19
Boon 9 Frield 9 May 16-17 Starns 5-6
Boone 2 Frields 8 McAlely 19 Staten 8
Bowin 10 Fulks 17-18 McBride 2-9-10-15 Stephens 6-7-19
Boyd 3 Gallegly 16 McCain 15 Stokes 18
Bradley 14-18 Gaskill 16 McClure 11-17 Stone 7-8-9-10
Bradsher 5-9 Gates 1-12 McCoy 1 Story 18
Braiding 1 Gaulden 14 McInturff 1-3 Stout 11
Branch 6 Gibson 4 McKeel 13 Stroud 9
Brewer 2-4-5-6-10-11 Ginner 15 McLaughlin 8 Stubbs 15
Bridges 8 Goff 17 McRundles 1 Surrells 16
Buckalew 14 Gogue 1-12 Meredith 15 Swindle 1-5
Bulliner 17 Gonser 16 Merideth 9-11 Thixton 7
Bunningley 5 Gossett 11 Montgomery 1-12-15 Thomas 2-15-16
Burns 12 Gossette 6-7-8 Moore 1-2-7-8-9 Thompson 7-8-9-16-18
Butler 3-9 Hampton 3-4 Morgan 2-3-4-9 Thornton 12
Campbell 5-6 Harpool 12 Morris 6 Tiny 1
Carter 18 Hartsoe 6-8-10 Newborn 7-9 Tippy 17
Cary 7-10-11 Harvey 5-8-11-16-17 Norvell 5 Toole 2
Cavitt 10 Hatley 13 Orrell 2-11 Toone 12
Chambers 15 Hays 6 Otey 1 Trantham 7-13
Chapman 14-15 Hazlip 5 Owen 1 Tuberville 3
Clark 17 Hemstead 10 Pace 8-13 Tyler 14
Cleaver 14 Hendley 11 Pankey 10 Utley 12-14
Coffee 15 Hendrix 18 Parham 15 Vangilder 1-15
Colder 11 Henley 14 Parker 9-17 Vault 5
Collier 13-15 Henly 16 Parrish 7 Vowel 2-9
Coln 3 Hill 8-14 Partlock 17 Vowell 9
Conger 8 Hinton 1 Parton 6 Wahrman 4
Cooper 1-15 Holt 8 Pattishall 16 Walton 2-10-15
Corbit 5 Hooper 18 Patton 15 Wamble 13-14
Crane 10 Hopkins 14 Penticost 11 Ward 10-17
Crews 9 Hopper 17-18 Pettijohn 1 Warner 9
Cribbs 7-8-9-10-11-16-17 Hoskins 9 Posy 7 Webb 18
Crouch 1 Host 7 Powell 14 Williams 3-4-17
Cudd 1-3-11-15 Houston 10 Pruett 15 Williford 10
Cunningham 1 Howard 3-4-13 Purcel 13 Wilton 16
Cupples 2-7-16 Huckabay 15 Ramer 4 Winstead 19
Daily 12 Huckabay 2-3-7-8-9-15-17-18 Ramsey 7 Woods 12
Dancer 17 Huckabey 2 Raspberry 7-8 Wooten 11
Davidson 15 Huddleston 9 Ray 5 Wooten 13
Davis 18 Jackson 8 Reeder 18-19 Wootten 17-18
Dick 10 Jenkins 12-13 Reese 2-13 Wrestler 8
Diltz 16 Johnson 1-5-13-14-15-16-17-19 Reynolds 12 Wright 6-8
Dooley 13 Jones 2-7-9-11-12-15-17 Richardson 12 Wyatt 1-3-4
Dortch 4 Jordan 7-8-13-16 Riddle 6 Yancy 11-15
Doty 17 Karaker 16 Roberts 13 Yates 12-13


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Index Transcribed, Linked and Posted by: PR  Massey


© 2007 by PR Massey All Rights Reserved. This information may be used by direct descendants, libraries, and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright notice must appear  with the information.

Sandy (Matheny) Hardin Greene Co., Arkansas ARgenweb County Coordinator
