Greene County Arkansas

1930 Federal Census

Clark Township

District # 28-9
Enumerated by W. A. Branch

Name Page Name Page Name Page
Abell 7 Emmert 3 McKinney 2 - 5
Adams 4 - 7 Emmons 3 McNatt 3
Ainsworth 4 Etherton 5 Meddox 4
Aldridge 6 Everton 6 Messer 8
Alexander 2 Fair 4 Middleton 5
Allgood 2 Farmer 2 Morgan 6
Ambrose 6 Foster 1 - 2 Morris 5
Anderson 1 - 2 Fox 3 Morrison 8
Arbaugh 3 Frey 7 Morrow 6 - 7
Armstrong 5 Fuller 2 Myers 8
Arnold 3 Gaines 2 Nailing 7
Baker 3 - 4 - 7 Gallin 1 - 2 Napier 2
Barksdale 4 Garland 2 Neil 1
Barnhill 3 Garner 7 Nesbit 5
Barrigaw 1 George 2 Noel 8
Barton 2 Gooch 4 Nooner 6
Baskins 8 Graham 8 Norton 5
Bass 6 Gramling 7 Osban 2
Batey 6 Graves 6 Parsons 8
Batten 3 - 7 Green 1 - 7 Parsley 1 - 5
Bean 4 Grimes 1 Pate 1
Beck 1 Grooms 2 Payne 7
Becker 4 Haden 5 Peters 7
Bell 8 Haley 5 Petty 3 - 4
Bentley 3 - 7 Hamil 2 Phillips 6 - 7
Bibb 4 Hamilton 1 Pierceall 5
Bill 5 Hampton 5 - 8 Pigue 1 - 5
Bishop 7 Hanel 2 - 4 Pranger 5
Blagg 8 Harris 3 Price 7
Blakeney 8 Harvey 2 Prince 7
Blount 6 Heard 2 Purcell 5
Bogg 8 Hendrix 2 Puckett 2
Bonham 7 Heritage 8 Reeder 2
Borrow 2 Hicks 7 Richardson 8
Bowden 4 Higdon 2 - 3 Richerd 2
Bowen 6 - 7 Hitchcock 8 Rickman 1
Bowers 4 Hodges 1 Riley 3 - 6
Bowne 4 Hogland 5 Robertson 6
Boyd 2 Hollingsworth 4 Robinson 5
Bracken 4 Holloman 7 Rodi 8
Bradley 7 Holt 4 Rogers 3 - 8
Brantley 1 Hood 6 Rose 5
Brewer 8 Horne 3 Roseberry 4 - 5
Bridges 2 Householder 8 Rowland 7 - 8
Brown 3 - 7 - 8 Houston 3 Ruffler 3
Brummett 4 - 6 - 8 Howard 1 Ruthledge 4
Burnett 5 Howell 2 Ryles 4 - 5
Burton 2 - 7 Howes 1 Sammons 7
Butler 5 - 7 Hurd 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 Sanders 4
Burroughs 2 Hurt 8 Scarbrough 4
Bybee 3 Huston 1 Schugg 2
Bynum 2 Hutchins 3 Schmicker 5
Byrd 5 Hyatt 5 Scott 4
Cale 2 Isler 6 Seath 2
Campbell 6 Jackson 5 - 6 Sims 3 - 7
Carroll 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 Johnson 1 - 4 - 7 Smith 1 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8
Castile 8 Jones 8 Snyder 2
Cathern 8 Juslire 2 Sonnlutner 8
Charles 7 Justice 3 Speed 4
Clark 6 Keefe 3 Spence 1
Clayton 5 - 7 - 8 Keeney 2 Spencer 3
Cleveland 2 Kemper 8 Spillman 7
Cline 4 Kingston 7 Stepp 3 - 4
Coates 3 Knight 6 - 8 Stimson 5
Cody 1 Krantz 8 Stricklin 3
Collier 6 Lacewell 1 Stuart 8
Cook 3 Lake 2 Tate 8
Cooper 3 Lane 3 Taylor 2 - 3 - 6
Cope 3 Lasklel 1 Thiel 3
Copeland 4 - 5 Layton 6 Thomas 2 - 8
Cotton 1 - 3 - 5 Lee 5 Thomason 7
Corley 6 Legion 1 Thompson 6
Cox 5 - 7 Lenhart 7 Thurma 1
Cozart 7 Lenox 7 Tracer 2
Craig 2 Lewis 8 Trailor 8
Craft 3 Levins 5 Treeman 8
Crews 4 Line 1 - 4 Tucker 4
Cunningham 4 - 7 Logan 3 Turner 1
Curtis 4 Lloyd 2 Tyner 8
Darter 4 Lorenz 1 Vaughn 1 - 7
Davidson 1 Lowe 8 Walden 7
Dawson 2 Mahuron 3 Waldley 3 - 5 - 8
Dennington 7 Marshall 2 Walker 5 - 6
Dietruch 6 Martin 4 - 7 Wallace 7
Diggers 3 Mason 8 Walters 1
Dortch 8 Massey 4 Walrund 8
Dover 1 - 2 Masterson 5 Ward 2 - 4
Dowdy 1 Matthews 4 Watson 3
Downs 3 - 7 May 4 - 5 - 6 Westerman 7
Drake 4 Maxfield 4 Weddington 3
Drifess 2 Maxwell 3 - 7 White 8
Duffle 4 McAlaster 8 Whitman 2
Duncan 5 McBride 7 Widmer 6
Dunem 1 McCann 1 Williams 3 - 5
Dunn 6 McCarroll 3 - 6 Wilson 1 - 6 - 8
Dunnavant 8 McConnell 7 Wood 7
Dyer 3 McCord 6 - 8 Woodson 2
Eaker 7 McDonald 8 Wright 6 - 8
Edwards 8 McDaniel 2 Yellings 7
Elkins 6 McFall 3 Young 5
Ellis 8 McGowan 4 Yopp 2
Emery 8 McKelvey 5 XXX XX

    © 2003

Sent in by PR Massey Jan 2003
Transcribed and Linked by Ronnie J. Moore Feb 2003
Indexed by Cathey Moore Feb 2003
All Posting by Sandy Hardin

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