Greene County, Arkansas

Wanted Poster

Ezra Brewer , private , Company L, 14th Infantry , who was enlisted January 13, 1912, for three years is reported to have deserted at Trout Lake , Wash., August 18, 1914 . At enlistment he gave his residence as Paragould , Ark. and the name and address of person to be notified in his behalf in case of emergency as Tom Brewer (father) , Paragould , Ark.

Description: ( at date of enlistment ): White : born in Paragould , Ark. , age 23 years , occupation , farmer : eyes , blue , hair , light brown , complexion , ruddy : height , 5 ft. 91/2 inches ; weight , 141 pounds . Prominent Scars and marks : Front view: scar on right side of forehead , chin , left thumb , left little finger , upper left thigh , left leg , and right foot. Back view - scar on right index finger and lower left side of back , birthmark on upper right side of back.

A reward of 50.00 is payable for the apprehension of this man , and for his delivery to the military authorities. , until two years after the experiation of the period for which he was enlisted.

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