Greene County Arkansas

The Paragould Soliphone


December 2, 1940

The advertisements on this page are from the Soliphone

I thought they might be of interest to someone.

mitchell1940.jpg (6029 bytes)


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                           landowners.jpg (67729 bytes)      citydrug.jpg (31454 bytes)        ctonic.jpg (28947 bytes)


You'll convince yourself as to the satisfaction of Dr. Black's Laxative Pills, by asking those who have tried them.


25 c  box

Fisher's Drug Store

Again reminding you not to forget your 25c box of Dr. Black's Laxative Pills, at Fisher's Drug Store



Always dependable -- never disappointing the proved standard laxative. Dr. Black's Laxative Pills.

25 c box

Fisher's Drug Store


hoopers.jpg (49399 bytes)        



Transcribed by: PR Massey

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