Greene County Arkansas

Paragould, Arkansas




Wiener Roast

     The Intermediate class of the Bard Methodist church enjoyed a wiener roast at the Harmon Playfield Friday evening. Class members present were: Virginia Gwyn, Bobby Spillman, Marietta Gwyn, Troy Dean Swope, Dorothy Holt, Donald Gywn, Lucy Cupp, Randel Gwyn, Geraldine White, Toots Shasteen, Wilma Cupp, George F. Spillman Jr., Wyman Highfill and their sponsor, Mrs. James Cupp.

     Guests present were: Mary Culpepper, Mae Cupp, Margie Nierstheimer, Jeannie Shillings, Alvie and Bernice White, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Shasteen, James Cupp, Eugene White, Clarence David and Patsy Lynette Cupp.




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If you remember the event please contact me.

Thank You

Transcribed by: PR Massey


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