Murder of James J. Harris
Submitted by: Susan Fahnstrom

Little Rock, Friday, November 26,1886.

Information was received in this city yesterday of a brutal murder that was committed a few days ago in the Boston mountains near Clarksville, Johnson County The victim of the tragedy was James Harris, an unoffending farmer and the deed is supposed to have been committed for the purpose of robbery.

A few days ago a farmer named Hamilton called at Harris's house to pay him $65 which he owed him. After the latter received the money, he started for Clarksville, and was not seen or heard from by any of his friends until his dead body was discovered the other day lying by the side of the road within thirty miles of the town to which he was going. A bullet wound in the head, supposed to have been inflicted by a rifle shot. explained the cause of his absence from home, and there was also a charge of buckshot in his body, emptied fron one of the barrels of his shotgun which he carried with him. The impression is that the assassin first shot his victim with his rifle and after robbing the dead man, for the $65 was not found on his person, fired the load of buckshot into hs body so as to make it appear that it was a accident.

Hamilton was in no way suspected of committing the deed, for the two men were fast friends and as soon as he had paid Harris the money he went direct to his home, which was in the opposite direction to that taken by the unfortunate man. Harris was generally liked in the neighbourhood in which he lived, and no other than a mercenary motive can be explained for the cause of the crime. The citizens along the stage road between
Kingston and Clarksville are greatly horrified over the affair, and are using every exertion to run down the murderer.

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