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Ewell or Geurin Cemetery
Range 17W Township 1S, Section 1

Photo by Katrina Johnson

Directions:  From Benton, Hwy. 5 to Crows Station, turn right on Hwy 9N.
About 3 miles, turn right on road which leads to SSS Ranch, owned by Donald Kirk, 
out in pasture in grove of trees. 

This information was gathered in 1975 and might have changed ownership.  
Information gathered by Frank Ewell, now deceased.
Submitted by Charleen "Cook" Nobles from records in the Owensville Cemetery files.
any corrections can be sent to

LAST NAME   FIRST       BIRTH                   DEATH          REMARKS

Chenault * Fina C.                        November 21, 1877 age 20 yrs. 8 months,   

Geurin     Archibald                      February 17, 18   age 56 yrs. 8 mts, 28 da Masonic Lodge #377, AF AM,Ark.

Ewell      Bannie Fay  March 31, 1924     July 19, 1937

Ewell      Charles D.  February 19, 1866  April 18, 1947    Masonic

Ewell      Nancy E.    September 1, 1873  October 26, 190   wife of Charles D.

Ewell      Charles C.  July 5, 1902       July 16, 1907     son of C.D. and N.E.

Ewell      Garland H.  January 18, 1893   August 5, 1896    son of C.D. and N.E.

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