Transcribed by Delaine Edwards

Introduction: The 1850 agricultural census was a two-page form consisting of the following 46 columns to be filled in by the enumerator, Mr. E.H. Featherston:

1. Name of Owner, Agent, or Manager of the Farm.
2. Acres of Land: Improved.
3. Acres of Land: Unimproved.
4. Cash Value of Farm.
5. Value of farming Implements and Machinery.
6. Horses.
7. Asses and Mules.
8. Milch Cows.
9. Working Oxen.
10. Other Cattle.
11. Sheep.
12. Swine.
13. Value of Live Stock.
14. Wheat, bushels of.
15. Rye, bushels of.
16. Indian Corn, bushels of.
17. Oats, bushels of.
18. Rice, lbs. of.
19. Tobacco, lbs. of.
20. Ginned Cotton, bales of 400 lbs. each.
21. Wool, lbs. of.
22. Peas & Beans, bush. of.
23. Irish Potatoes, bush. of.
24. Sweet Potatoes, bush. of.
25. Barley, bushels of.
26. Buckwheat, bushels of.
27. Value of Orchard Products in dollars.
28. Wine, gallons of.
29. Value of Produce of Market Gardens.
30. Butter, lbs. of.
31. Cheese, lbs. of.
32. Hay, tons of.
33. Clover Seed, bush. of.
34. Other Grass Seeds, bushels of.
35. Hops, lbs. of.
36. Hemp, Dew Rotted, tons of.
37. Hemp, Water Rotted, tons of.
38. Flax, lbs. of.
39. Flaxseed, bushels of.
40. Silk Cocoons, lbs. of.
41. Maple Sugar, lbs. of.
42. Cane Sugar, hhds. of 1,000 lbs.
43. Molasses, gallons of.
44. Beeswax and Honey, lbs. of.
45. Value of Homemade Manufactures.
46. Value of Animals Slaughtered.

Many of these columns applied to crops that were not grown in Scott County and all of the information was "as of 1 June 1850." I have chosen to transcribe this information in a narrative format. Each page on the agricultural census consists of approximately 41 names and there were 6 pages, so approximately 240 families were listed. All of these families are also found on the 1850 Scott County population census; there were some slight spelling variations between the two censuses. Not all of the farming families found on the 1850 population census are found on this agricultural census and the list skips around from one township to another.

Although sometimes the reports on the crops did not seem to match up with the other information and I wondered if the enumerator had gotten onto the wrong line for the second page, each line was clearly numbered so this should not have happened. A possible explanation for a farmer reporting 10 lbs. of wool harvested when he reported owning no sheep, for example, might be that although this census was taken in October and November, the information was "as of" June 1st. On June 1st perhaps he didn't own any sheep but had owned some during the previous 12 months? I have transcribed this information to the best of my ability; however, some of the names and numbers were very, very faded so errors may have been made.


Allen Kuykendall's farm was visited on 25 November 1850. He had 18 acres of improved land and his farm was valued at $250.00, with farming implements valued at $15.00. He had one horse, three milch cows, one other head of cattle and four swine at a total value of $108.00. During the year ending 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 125 bushels of Indian Corn, 100 bushels of oats, he had ginned one bale of cotton and grown a bushel of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes and made 50 pounds of butter. The value of his home made manufactures totaled $10.00 and he had raised $50.00 worth of animals for slaughter.

Wm. McIlhaney had 10 acres of improved land at a cash value of $100.00; his farming implements were valued at $80.00. He owned six horses, three asses and mules, five milch cows, six working oxen, and eight other head of cattle. The cash value of his livestock was $152.00. He had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, ginned five 400 lb. bales of cotton and grown 10 bushels each of peas or beans and Irish potatoes, besides producing 50 lbs. of butter. The value of his homemade manufactures was not listed, but his farm had produced $20.00 worth of animals.

William Wilson had 26 acres of improved land and his farm was valued at $300.00 and his farming implements at $10.00. He had two horses, four milch cows, four head of other cattle, and ten swine, all of which was valued at $308.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, two bales of cotton, eight bushels of Irish potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 25 lbs. of cheese for a total value of $30.00. His farm had also produced $50.00 worth of animals.

John Newman owned 35 acres of improved land at a cash value of $300.00, plus farming implements valued at $64.00. On his farm he had 5 horses, 7 milch cows, 1 working oxen, 8 head of other cattle, 12 sheep and 125 head of swine at a value of $644.00. He had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 36 lbs. of wool from his sheep, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 lbs. of butter and 60 lbs. of cheese, all valued at $50.00. He had also produced $60.00 worth of animals on his farm during the year.

John Fort had 50 acres of improved land and 60 acres of unimproved. The cash value was $500.00 and he had $90.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 horses, 3 asses and mules, 2 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 19 sheep and 100 swine for a cash value of $648.00. His farm had produced 40 bushels of wheat, 800 bushels of Indian corn, 50 lbs. of wool, 20 lbs. of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter for a total value of $80.00, plus the $130.00 worth of farm animals he had produced for slaughter.

Harriet Titsworth had 40 acres of improved and 80 acres of unimproved land for a cash value of $400.00. She had no farming implements, but she owned 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 7 sheep and 25 swine, all valued at $177.00. She had grown 150 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, and produced 30 lbs. of wool, 10 lbs. of sweet potatoes, and someone in the family had churned 200 lbs. of butter. The cash value of all these products was listed as $25.00, plus the $40.00 worth of animals produced on the farm during the year.

Pleasant Job had 20 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. He had $10.00 worth of farming implements and owned 3 horses and 80 head of swine, valued at $420.00. He had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, ginned 2 bales of cotton, 6 lbs. of wool (although he wasn't listed as owning any sheep at the time this census was taken), and had produced 30 lbs. of butter, all for a value of $10.00. He had raised $25.00 worth of animals on his farm, as well.

Jacob Hall had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. He owned $10.00 worth of farming implements and two horses, two milch cows, two working oxen, one other head of cattle, two sheep and 40 head of swine at a value of $209.00. He had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 4 bales of cotton, 100 lbs. of butter, altogether valued at $10.00 plus $25.00 worth of animals for slaughter.

Sarah Hall had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. She had farming implements valued at $100.00 and owned one horse, ten milch cows, two working oxen, three other cattle and fifteen swine, all valued at $295.00. Her farm had produced fifty bushels of oats, ten bushels of Irish potatoes and seventy five lbs. of butter. The value of homemade manufactures was listed at $15.00 and the animals at $50.00.

Francis Bilderback had 11 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. He also had $10.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 3 head of other cattle and 35 swine at a cash value of $83.00. In the preceding year he had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 51 lbs. of wool (though he was listed as owning no sheep), 50 bushels of both Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes, $10.00 worth of orchard products and 50 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his home grown products, but the value of animals produced on his farm for slaughter was listed at $100.00.

William Riley was listed as having 22 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. His farming implements were valued at $100.00 and he also owned 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen 5 other cattle and 50 swine. His livestock was valued at $281.00 and his farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, one 400 lb. bale of cotton, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 6 bushels of sweet potatoes, 80 lbs. of butter, and 20 lbs. of beeswax and honey. The value of these products was listed as $60.00 and the livestock he had produced as $20.00.

Calvin Jackson had 25 acres of improved land that was valued at $150.00. He also was listed as having $50.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 4 horses, 11 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 20 head of other cattle, 18 sheep and 40 swine, all valued at $544.00. His farm produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 9 bales of cotton, 49 lbs. of wool, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 lbs. of butter, all valued at $25.00. He had also raised $300.00 worth of animals on his farm in the last year.

James McAntyer had 6 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements, 1 milch cow and 15 head of swine, valued at $38.00. He had produced 120 bushels of Indian corn, 30 lbs. of tobacco, 10 bales of cotton, 60 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, $30.00 worth of orchard products, 400 lbs. of butter all valued at $105.00. Value of animals produced was listed as $150.00.

Milton Scott had 50 acres of improved land, with another 40 acres unimproved, all valued at $100.00. He had $120.00 worth of farming implements, 10 horses, 9 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 30 other cattle, 8 sheep and 50 swine valued at $169.00. He had produced 800 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 30 lbs. of butter and 50 lbs. of cheese. The value of these products was listed as $45.00 plus $50.00 worth of animals raised on his farm for slaughter.

M.T. Scott had farmed 80 acres of improved land, and had another 100 acres of unimproved land. His land was valued at $1000, and his farming implements valued at $141.00. He owned 5 horses, 1 ass or mule, 8 milch cows, 8 working oxen, 20 other cattle, 11 sheep, 150 swine, all valued at $737.00. His farm had produced 1500 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 30 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, $30.00 worth of orchard produce, 300 lbs. of butter and 100 lbs. of cheese, all valued at $50.00, with an additional $100.00 worth of animals produced on his farm during this year.

James Logan had 100 acres of improved land, with an additional 600 acres unimproved, all valued at $1000.00. His farming implements were valued at $150.00. He had 15 horses, 12 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 50 other cattle, 20 sheep and 10 swine, valued at $894.00. He had produced 1000 bushels of Indian corn, 80 bushels of oats, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, $15.00 worth of orchard products and 150 lbs. of butter. The value of his produce was $50.00 and the animals he'd raised $100.00.

Benjamin Logan had 16 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $25.00 worth of farming implements. He also owned 7 horses, 1 ass or mule, 9 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 8 other cattle, 9 sheep and 70 swine all valued at $470.00. On his farm he had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 70 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00, plus $40.00 worth of animals.

Wyatt Garner had farmed 45 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. His farming implements were valued at $15.00 and he owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle and 80 swine valued at $311.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 65 lbs. of rice, 1 bale of cotton, 70 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes, 15 bushels of buckwheat and 100 lbs. of butter all valued at $150.00 plus the $100.00 worth of cattle he had raised.

William Garner had 50 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. His farming implements were valued at $15.00 and he had one horse, five milch cows, two working oxen, nine other cattle, ten sheep and one hundred swine valued at $498.00. He had raised 500 bushels of Indian corn, 300 lbs. of tobacco, 20 bushels each of Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter. The value of his produce was listed as $50.00 and the cattle he had raised were also valued at $50.00.

Enoc Garner farmed 25 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $15.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 other cattle, 10 sheep and 100 swine, valued at $233.00. During the year he had produced on his farm 400 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 5 bushels of sweet potatoes and no butter. A value was not listed for his produce, but he had raised livestock valued at $50.00.

Barbary Ring had 15 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. She owned $10.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 5 milch cows, 6 other cattle, 10 sheep and 50 swine, all valued at $239.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 she had produced on her farm 100 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 10 lbs. of Irish potatoes and 35 lbs. of butter, all valued at $10.00, plus $200.00 of livestock she had raised for slaughter.

Lucinda StClair farmed 10 acres of improved land that was valued at $100.00. She had $10.00 worth of farming implements, 4 horses, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen, 8 other cattle, 90 swine, all valued at $564.00. Her farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 70 bushels of Irish potatoes and 6 lbs. of butter worth $15.00. She had raised $25.00 worth of livestock on her farm.

Samuel Sloan had 6 acres of improved land valued at $40.00. He had $10.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 2 milch cows and 25 swine valued at $$162.00. He had harvested 40 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 60 bushels of sweet potatoes, his orchard had produced $10.00 worth of fruit, and the family had churned 100 lbs. of butter. The value of all this hard work was placed at $3.00, plus he had raised $40.00 worth of livestock.

Allen Silvers had 14 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. He had $40.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 4 other cattle and 100 swine valued at $346.00. During the year ending 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 50 bushels each of Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for all this produce, but he had raised livestock valued at $30.00.

Wilson Foster had 12 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 2 other cattle, 2 sheep and 30 swine valued at $98.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 18 lbs. of wool, 60 bushels of peas and beans and 100 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for this produce, but the livestock he had raised was valued at $60.00.

Marshall Davis had farmed 25 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He had $8.00 worth of farming implements and one horse and thirty swine valued at $85.00. He had raised on his farm 430 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 78 lbs. of wool, though he had evidently gotten rid of the sheep, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes, and had churned 50 lbs. of butter from a cow he apparently no longer owned, all valued at $10.00. He had also raised livestock for slaughter valued at $28.00.

Alfred Logan had farmed 35 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He had farm implements valued at $110.00 and 5 horses, 1 ass or mule, 1 milch cow, 1 working oxen, 1 other cattle and 100 swine, all valued at $538.00. He had harvested 500 bushels of Indian corn, 80 bushes of oats, 18 bushels each of Irish and sweet potatoes, 65 bushels of buckwheat and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00, in addition to raising $75.00 worth of cattle.

Nancy Logan had 22 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. Her farm implements were valued at $10.00 and she owned 2 horses, 8 milch cows and 15 other cattle, all valued at $149.00. Her farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 18 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 30 lbs. of cheese at a value of $50.00. She had raised livestock in the amount of $58.00.

David Barnett had 12 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He had one horse and 16 swine valued at $15.00. He had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 100 lbs. of tobacco and 100 lbs. of butter. The value of his produce was listed at $30.00, with the value of animals he had raised for slaughter at $50.00.

Joshua Boucher had 30 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He owned farming implements valued at $111.00, 5 horses, 11 milch cows, 20 other cattle, 20 sheep and 50 swine valued at $410.00. He had grown 500 bushels of Indian corn, 8 bushels of sweet potatoes and no butter. No value was placed on his produce and he had raised $40.00 worth of cattle during the year.

Elisha Runnels had 55 acres of improved land and 38 acres of unimproved, valued at $350.00. He had $75.00 worth of farming implements and owned 8 horses, 3 milch cows, possibly 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle, 6 sheep and 10 swine valued at $426.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 100 lbs. of tobacco, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his produce; he had raised $45.00 worth of cattle.

Joseph Lyon had 40 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He had $15.00 worth of farming implements, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen, 5 other cattle and 80 swine valued at $371.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 800 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 9 bales of cotton, possibly 25 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 13 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had also raised livestock on his farm valued at $100.00.

Nathan Ellington had 60 acres of improved land and 32 acres of unimproved, valued at $500.00. He owned $75.00 worth of farming implements and 5 horses, 8 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 8 other cattle, 8 sheep and 50 swine valued at $404.00. He and his several grown sons had produced 40 bushels of wheat, 100 bushels of Indian corn, 300 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. They had raised $50.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

Samuel W. Cauthron had 26 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 7 milch cows, 7 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $298.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 4 bales of cotton and 75 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00 and he had raised $25.00 worth of livestock.

Martha Hooper farmed 22 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and she had $10.00 worth of farming implements, 5 horses and no other livestock, with a value of $100.00. She had raised 100 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats and one 400 lb. bale of cotton for a total value of $50.00 and $20.00 worth of livestock slaughtered during the year.

Robert Finley had 26 acres of improved land valued at $125.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He owned 2 horses, 7 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 9 other cattle and 80 swine valued at $416.00. His crop in 1850 were 650 bushels of Indian corn and none of the rest of the items had been filled in for him.

David Logan had 50 acres of improved land and 110 acres of unimproved valued at $500.00. He had $15.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 5 other cattle, 8 sheep and 10 swine valued at $377.00. He had harvested 900 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 12 lbs. of tobacco. Like his neighbor listed above, and the three others listed below him, the second page of his report had not been completed by the enumerator.

J.M. Hooper had 20 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He had $20.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 30 swine valued at $251.00. He had grown 200 bushels of Indian corn and 180 bushels of oats. Second page of his report is blank.

Johnston Martin had 15 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows and 15 swine valued at $85.00 and had raised 150 bushels of Indian corn. The second page of his report was also left blank by the enumerator.

Joseph Carter owned 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had farming implements valued at $60.00 and 3 horses, 2 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $235.00. He had produced 40 bushels of Indian corn and the second page of his report had been left blank.

William Kenner had 40 acres of improved land and 40 acres of unimproved, valued at $500.00. He owned farming implements valued at $100.00 and one horse, one ass or mule, five milch cows, two working oxen, 75 other cattle and 19 swine valued at $200.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 18 bushels of wheat, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 80 bushels of sweet potatoes, 100 lbs. of butter and 10 lbs. of cheese, all valued at $45.00. The value of animals slaughtered was listed as $90.00.

Andrew Ross had 15 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements. He had 5 horses, 6 milch cows, 15 other cattle and 146 swine valued at $464.00. On his 15 acres he had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 25 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. Animals slaughtered were valued at $90.00.

William Cooper had 4 acres of improved land valued at $50.00. The value listed for his farming implements and machinery was $3.00. He had 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 1 other cattle and 20 swine valued at $62.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 40 lbs. of butter; no value was listed for this produce. The value of the animals slaughtered on his farm was $100.00.

John James had 35 acres of improved land and another 5 acres of unimproved, valued at $400.00. His farming implements were valued at $20.00 and he had 4 horses, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 10 other cattle, 4 sheep and 50 swine valued at $350.00. He had harvested 11 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. He had also slaughtered $50.00 worth of livestock. [Note: This name is clearly written on this census as John James; however, it is clearly written on the 1850 and 1860 population census as John Jones.]

A.H. Jones had 16 acres of improved land valued at $400.00. His farming implements and machinery were valued at $15.00 and he had 1 horse, 1 milch cow and 20 swine valued at $100.00. His crops in 1850 were 100 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. The value of livestock he had slaughtered was placed at $50.00.

Thomas Hamilton farmed 14 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. He had $10.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 3 milch cows and 5 swine valued at $175.00. He had raised 200 bushels of Indian corn, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter. The value of his homemade manufactures was placed at $50.00, the same as his animals for slaughter.

Balas Brasher was farming 10 acres of improved land valued at $40.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 14 swine valued at $250.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 8 bushels of Irish potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter with no value listed. His livestock for slaughter was valued at $100.00.

Nathan Nicholson had 72 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements and machinery valued at $8.00. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 30 swine valued at $120.00. His crops during the last year had been 350 bushels of Indian corn, two 400 lb. bales of cotton, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for this produce, but his farm had also produced livestock for slaughter valued at $60.00.

William G. Featherston had 50 acres of improved land and 232 acres of unimproved with a value of $500.00. His farming implements and machinery were valued at $35.00 and he had 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 25 sheep and 60 swine valued at $440.00. On his farm he had produced 13 bushels of rye, 800 bushles of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for all this produce; he had slaughtered $40.00 worth of animals.

Charles Glass farmed 60 acres of improved land and 30 acres of unimproved, all valued at $70.00. The value of his farming implements and machinery was listed at $35.00. He owned 3 horses and 1 milch cow valued at $130.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter with a value of $10.00. He raised $40.00 worth of animals for slaughter.

James M. Swinney was farming 14 acres of improved land and had another 68 acres of unimproved land valued at $100.00. He had $10.00 worth of farming implements and 4 horses, 2 milch cows, 8 working oxen, 1 head of other cattle and 30 swine valued at $500.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 30 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his produce, but he had slaughtered livestock valued at $30.00.

Finess E. Farmer had 4 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $9.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 1working oxen, 3 other cattle and 6 swine valued at $100.00. He had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $40.00.

Dotson Huie had 4 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $120.00 worth of farming implements and machinery. He owned 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 1 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 40 swine at a value of $300.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 3 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter with no value listed. He had slaughtered livestock during the year valued at $200.00.

Mansel Adair had 35 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 plus $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 5 other cattle and 40 swine valued at $100.00. He had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 75 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter during the preceding year at a value of $25.00. He had also raised $50.00 worth of livestock.

Townsend Johnson had 34 acres of improved land and 48 acres of unimproved worth $500.00. His farming implements were valued at $150.00 and he had 3 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 74 swine, all valued at $398.00. His crops in 1850 were 400 bushels of Indian corn, 50 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. He had slaughtered $50.00 worth of livestock.

William Popham had 32 acres of improved land and 48 acres of unimproved valued at $500.00 and farming implements worth $100.00. He had 3 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 74 swine valued at $398.00. His farm had produced 800 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00 and butchered livestock valued at $50.00.

Jacob Moles had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and no farming implements. He had 1 horse and 30 swine valued at $75.00. He had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes, 50 lbs. of butter and 25 lbs. of cheese valued at $25.00. The livestock he had slaughtered was valued at $100.00.

G.W. Reed had 100 acres of improved land and 300 acres of unimproved valued at $2000.00. He had $250.00 worth of farming implements and machinery and 5 horses, 15 asses and mules, 8 milch cows, 8 working oxen, 28 other cattle and 125 swine valued at $1719.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 300 bushels of oats, 18 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes, and 15 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered cattle valued at $60.00.

Thomas Crenshaw had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had $40.00 worth of farming implements and 6 horses, 5 milch cows, 3 working oxen, 3 other cattle and 15 swine valued at $150.00. He had produced on his farm 300 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00 and $40.00 worth of livestock had been slaughtered.

Jessee Gentry owned 45 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $80.00 worth of farming implements. He had 5 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 8 other cattle, 12 sheep and 100 swine valued at $475.00. His farm had produced 315 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter at a value of $30.00. He had also raised $100.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

Harrison Huie had 25 acres of improved land which was valued at $300.00. He had $20.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 17 sheep and 50 swine valued at $350.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 50 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter with no value listed. He had raised $50.00 worth of livestock.

William Moade had 10 acres of improved land with a value of $50.00. He also had $80.00 worth of farming implements and machinery and 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 6 other cattle and 20 swine valued at $143.00. His farming efforts had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. He had raised $100.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

John D. Davis farmed 40 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had $20.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 1 oxen, 3 other cattle, 5 sheep and 5 swine valued at $200.00. He had produced 5 bushels of wheat, 160 bushels of Indian corn, 40 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $50.00.

Allen G. Morris had 18 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had farming implements valued at $100.00 and 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 7 other cattle, 4 sheep and 35 swine valued at $311.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 450 bushels of Indian corn, 30 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter at a value of $30.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $60.00.

James McDaniel was farming 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $50.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 other cattle and 15 swine all valued at $135.00. On his farm he had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 60 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00 and had slaughtered livestock valued at $75.00.

M.C. Hamby had 35 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 5 other cattle and 75 hogs valued at $154.00. He had harvested 500 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes and made 75 lbs. of butter for a value of $20.00. The livestock he had slaughtered was valued at $65.00.

Elijah Arnold had 40 acres of improved and 30 acres of unimproved land valued at $200.00. He had $20.00 worth of farming implements and 6 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 32 sheep and 200 swine valued at $577.00. His farm had produced 22 bushels of wheat, 350 bushels of Indian corn, 5 lbs. of rice, 40 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter with no value listed; his livestock for slaughter were valued at $200.00.

David Yandle had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $111.00. In 1850 his farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. He had slaughtered $40.00 worth of livestock.

John Riley farmed 17 acres of improved land and another 30 acres of unimproved land valued at $160.00. He had $3.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 12 swine valued at $137.00. His crops for 1850 were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $40.00.

Jacob Brasher had 4 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and farming implements valued at $1.00. He had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen and 5 swine valued at $30.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 60 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. He had also raised $30.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

Allen Brasher had 15 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. His farming implements were valued at $10.00 and he had 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 3 other cattle and 75 hogs valued at $200.00. He had grown 20 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and churned 20 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. His livestock raised for slaughter was valued at $60.00.

John Rogers had 140 acres of improved land and 40 acres of unimproved valued at $500.00. He owned farming implements and machinery valued at $50.00 and 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 10 other cattle, 8 sheep and 50 swine valued at $200.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of rye, 600 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. The livestock he had raised for slaughter was valued at $45.00.

Charles Shepherd farmed 20 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. His farming implements were valued at $6.00 and he also owned 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 4 working oxen and 42 hogs valued at $206.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 75 bushels of oats, 50 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. His livestock for slaughter was valued at $50.00.

Thomas H. Buckner had 14 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had farming implements valued at $10.00 and 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen and 8 swine valued at $29.00. His hard work had produced 200 lbs. of Indian corn, 25 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had produced $50.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

J.C. Staggs had 6 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $5.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen and 10 hogs valued at $135.00. His farm had produced 170 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter at a value of $15.00. His livestock for slaughter was valued at $50.00.

Caleb Baker had 20 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $30.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 3 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 25 swine valued at $260.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn and 80 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had raised $75.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

James Boultinghouse had 45 acres of improved land and 20 acres of unimproved, valued at $200.00. He owned $20.00 worth of farming implements and 4 horses, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 30 other cattle, 14 sheep and 30 swine valued at $612.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 27 bushels of wheat, 2 bushels of rye, 1000 bushels of Indian corn, 16 bushels of oats, 20 lbs. of tobacco, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter at a value of $60.00. He had produced $100.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

John Wright had 20 acres of improved land valued at $30.00. The value of his farming implements is unclear. He owned 2 horses, 4 milch cows and 10 hogs valued at $90.00. His crops were 260 bushels of Indian corn, 15 lbs. of wool, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $60.00. His livestock for slaughter was valued at $100.00.

W.J. Shaw had 10 acres of improved land worth $100.00 and farming implements valued at $5.00. He owned 1 milch cow, 2 other cattle and 15 swine valued at $35.00. His farm had produced 50 bushels of wheat, 400 bushels of Indian corn, 15 lbs. of wool, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter at a value of $25.00. He had slaughtered $50.00 worth of livestock.

Redman G. Gaines had 60 acres of improved land and 140 acres of unimproved, valued at $300.00. He had farming implements valued at $10.00 and 3 horses, 14 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $467.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and only 25 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. The livestock he had raised for slaughter was valued at $60.00.

Edward Rumsower had 6 acres of improved land valued at $40.00. He had $50.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 2 milch cows and 10 swine valued at $150.00. His farm had produced 75 bushels of Indian corn, 150 lbs. of tobacco, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter at a value of $10.00. He had raised $25.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

John Turpin had 11 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. His farming implements were valued at $50.00 and he had 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 9 other cattle and 12 swine valued at $200.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 15 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 5 bushels of sweet potatoes, orchard products worth $10.00 and 100 lbs. of butter. The value was listed as $25.00 and $13.00 worth of animals slaughtered.

John Barnett had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $85.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 5 milch cows, 6 other cattle, 4 sheep and 24 swine valued at $209.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 300 bushels of oats, 92 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potates and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had slaughtered $32.00 worth of livestock.

Jackson Hon had 62 acres of improved land and 268 acres of unimproved, valued at $400.00. He had farming implements and machinery valued at $150.00 and owned 5 horses, 6 asses and mules, 18 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 40 other cattle, 10 sheep and 140 swine valued at $1050.00. His farm had produced 120 bushels of wheat, 700 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of oats, 17 lbs. of wool, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. The value of his slaughtered livestock was listed as $50.00.

Jacob Wyat had 40 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $60.00 worth of farming implements. He had 7 horses, 7 milch cows, 7 other cattle, 5 sheep and 35 hogs valued at $118.00. On his farm he had produced 54 bushels of wheat, 100 bushels of Indian corn and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $95.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $186.00.

Lewis Dalton had 8 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and farming implements listed at $15.00. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows and 2 other cattle valued at $70.00. He had harvested 100 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00 and slaughtered livestock valued at $32.00.

William Anthony had 45 acres of improved land and 30 acres of unimproved land valued at $450.00 and farming implements valued at $150.00. He had 6 horses, 1 ass or mule, 6 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 3 other cattle, 24 sheep and 80 swine valued at $776.00. His farm had produced 70 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of Indian corn, 50 lbs. of wool and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $35.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

Jessee Anthony had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $4.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 5 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 19 swine valued at $240.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 22 lbs. of wool, 4 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes and 30 lbs. of butter for a value listed as $15.00. No value was listed for livestock slaughtered.

J.C. Bailey had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $60.00 worth of farming implements. On his farm he had 4 horses, 1 milch cow, 10 other cattle and 20 swine valued at $198.00. He had harvested 100 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes, and made 20 lbs. of butter for a value of $10.00. He had slaughtered livestock worth $40.00.

Zachariah Hamby had 60 acres of improved land and 25 acres of unimproved valued at $950.00. He owned $60.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 8 working oxen, 30 other cattle and 100 swine valued at $645.00. His farm had produced 700 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and no butter. No value was given for this produce but he had slaughtered livestock valued at $110.00.

William McAnnella had 10 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He had farming implements valued at $8.00 and 5 horses, 4 asses and mules, 3 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 16 swine valued at $276.00. His farm had produced 75 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $80.00.

Jessee G. Thompson had 30 acres of improved land and 130 acres of unimproved, valued at $200.00. He owned $40.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 8 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 35 other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $384.00. In 1850 his farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bushels of peas and beans and 15 lbs. of butter valued at $8.00. He had slaughtered $15.00 worth of livestock.

Allen Thompson farmed 15 acres of improved land and also had 205 acres of unimproved land valued at $200.00. He owned $10.00 worth of farming implements, 11 horses, 10 milch cows, 35 other cattle, 20 sheep and 50 swine valued at $540.00. His farm had produced 25 bushels of wheat, 700 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 3 bushels of sweet potatoes, $35.00 worth of orchard produce and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. He had butchered $50.00 worth of livestock.

John W. Smith had 9 acres of improved land valued at $175.00. He had no livestock and his farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 30 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes, $6.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $15.00.

John Henderson had 28 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and farming implements and machinery listed at $200.00 in value. He had 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 16 hogs valued at $200.00. His farm had produced 550 bushels of Indian corn and 20 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his produce, but he had slaughtered livestock valued at $26.00.

John Melson had 9 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 2 horses, 1 milch cow, 16 working oxen, 2 other cattle, 6 sheep and 100 swine valued at $459.00. His farm had produced 25 bushels of Indian corn and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00 His slaughtered livestock was listed at $20.00.

Daniel H. Carroll had 12 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He owned $100.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 7 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 11 sheep and 85 swine valued at $302.00. On his farm he had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 480 bushels of oats, 2 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 125 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for this produce but his slaughtered livestock was valued at $250.00.

G.W. Shipman farmed 16 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He had farming implements valued at $10.00 and 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 4 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 25 hogs valued at $143.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00 and he had slaughtered livestock valued at $8.00.

John Gable had 40 acres of improved land valued at $800.00. No value was listed for farming implements. He had 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 9 other cattle, 16 sheep and 150 swine valued at $635.00. His farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his produce and his slaughtered livestock was valued at $10.00.

Finas E. Anthony had 40 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $100.00 worth of farming implements. He had 14 horses, 2 asses and mules, 11 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 14 other cattle, 12 sheep and 50 hogs valued at $788.00. His farm had produced 700 bushels of Indian corn, 25 lbs. of wool, 150 lbs. of butter and 50 lbs. of cheese valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered $20.00 worth of livestock.

R.F. Parnell had 60 acres of improved land valued at $600.00 and $300.00 worth of farming implements and 6 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 100 swine valued at $615.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 60 lbs. of wool, 12 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes, $30.00 worth of orchard produce and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. The value of his slaughtered livestock was $40.00.

James A. Sessions farmed 5 acres of improved land valued at $100.00, using $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 1 ass or mule, 1 milch cow, 4 other cattle and 15 hogs valued at $75.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, $25.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter with a value of $30.00. He had slaughtered $20.00 worth of livestock.

Alex Jones had 18 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 3 milch cows and 40 swine valued at $150.00. On his farm he had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 22 lbs. of wool, 8 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00 and had slaughtered $105.00 worth of livestock.

William Tucker had 9 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $12.00 worth of farming implements, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 5 other cattle, 21 sheep and 16 swine valued at $100.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 10 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, $10.00 worth or orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter, all valued at $20.00. He had slaughtered $30.00 worth of livestock.

T.G. Bates owned 60 acres of improved land valued at $800.00. He had $100.00 worth of farming implements and 4 horses, 7 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 7 other cattle, 11 sheep and 120 hogs valued at $443.00. On his farm he had produced 20 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of Indian corn, 150 bushels of oats, 20 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had raised $40.00 worth of livestock for slaughter.

Mary Little had 20 acres of improved land and 27 acres of unimproved, valued at $250.00. She owned $30.00 worth of farming implements, 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 9 other cattle, 14 sheep and 25 swine valued at $297.00. Her farm had produced 600 bushels of Indian corn, 25 lbs. of tobacco, 22 lbs. of wool, 40 bushels of Irish potatoes, $2.00 worth of orchard produce and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $$9.00. She had slaughtered $130.00 worth of livestock.

Jacob Miller had 55 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $25.00 worth of farming implements. He had 7 horses, 10milch cows, 5 working oxen, 30 other cattle, 39 sheep and 100 swine valued at $661.00. His farm had produced 40 bushels of wheat, 15, bushels of rye, 150 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 4 bushels of peas and beans, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $9.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $130.00.

Thomas Garvy farmed 22 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He had $60.00 worth of farming implements and machinery and 2 horses, 2 asses and mules, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 8 other cattle, 10 sheep and 27 swine valued at $286.00. On his farm he had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 60 bushels of oats and 25 lbs. of butter with no value listed for the produce. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $25.00.

Elijah Ivey had 22 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $5.00 worth of farming equipment. He had 1 horse, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 11 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $356.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 32 lbs. of wool, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 12 bushels of Irish potatoes, 72 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered $48.00 worth of livestock.

Daniel Rumsour had 16 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $10.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 2 milch cows and 17 swine valued at $115.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 450 bushels of Indian corn, 36 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $9.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $56.00.

Thompson Baily had 27 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $3.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 14 hogs valued at $79.00. His farm had produced 80 bushels of Indian corn and 300 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. The livestock slaughtered on his farm was listed at $58.00.

Henry Rumsour had 35 acres of improved land and 20 acres of unimproved, valued at $750.00. He also owned $100.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 10 other cattle, 11 sheep and 30 swine valued at $270.00. His crops for 1850 were 10 bushels of rye, 400 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 20 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 20 lbs. of butter at a value of $30.00. He had produced $200.00 worth of slaughtered animals.

Valia Dupree had 36 acres of improved land and 135 acres of unimproved valued at $700.00. She owned 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 5 other cattle, 2 sheep and 20 swine valued at $138.00. Her farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 350 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. Slaughtered livestock listed as $30.00.

Nathaniel Hickman had 10 acres of improved land valued at $50.00. He owned $6.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 other cattle, 7 sheep and 9 hogs valued at $65.00. His farming efforts had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. He had raised $25.00 worth of animals for slaughter.

Dennis Boltinghous farmed 25 acres of improved land and had another 30 acres of unimproved land valued at $350.00. He had farming implements valued at $15.00 and 10 horses, 1 ass or mule, 3 milch cows, 20 other cattle, 18 sheep and 60 swine valued at $842.00. His farm had produced 90 bushels of wheat and 800 bushels of Indian corn, valued at $40.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $50.00.

George W. Vails had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $5.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 5 milch cows and 5 hogs valued at $82.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 34 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 120 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 lbs. of butter and 14 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $35.00. He had slaughtered $75.00 worth of livestock.

Samuel Case had 13 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He also owned farming implements valued at $10.00 and had 2 horses, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 6 hogs valued at $62.00. On his farm he had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 28 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 lbs. of butter and 14 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $49.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $140.00.

Henderson Adair had 3 acres of improved land and 50 acres unimproved, valued at $50.00. He had no farming implements but owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 40 swine valued at $96.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 22 lbs. of wool, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00 and $14.00 worth of slaughtered livestock.

David Jones had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $100.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $275.00. On his farm he had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 12 lbs. of wool and 25 lbs. of butter at a value of $9.00. He had slaughtered $36.00 worth of livestock.

Hugh J. Taylor had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He also owned 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 18 swine valued at $150.00. His farm had produced 11 bushels of wheat, 110 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton and 100 lbs. of butter for a value of $20.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $20.00 as well.

Daniel Boltinghouse had 30 acres of improved land and 13 acres of unimproved, valued at $200.00. His farming implements were valued at $50.00 and he owned 5 horses, 8 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 20 other cattle, 18 sheep and 60 swine valued at $489.00. His farm had produced 30 bushels of wheat, 4 bushels of rye, 450 bushels of Indian corn and 10 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. He had slaughtered $20.00 worth of livestock.

George Roberts had 5 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and farming implements valued at $4.00. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 4 hogs valued at $50.00. His farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 60 bushels of oats and 15 lbs. of butter at a value of $15.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $10.00.

Beverly Freels had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He also owned 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 9 sheep and 70 swine valued at $150.00. His farm was visited on the 11 October 1850, at which time he reported his crops had consisted of 300 bushels of Indian corn, one 400 lb. bale of cotton, 2 bushels of peas and beans, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter, all of which was valued at $6.00. He had slaughtered $72.00 worth of animals.

Mary A.W. Yandle had 15 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $60.00 worth of farming implements. She had 15 horses, 1 ass or mule, 8 milch cows, 8 working oxen, 3 other cattle, 3 sheep and 100 swine valued at $320.00. Her farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $45.00. She had butchered $24.00 worth of animals.

William Vails owned 70 acres of improved land and 90 acres of unimproved, valued at $400.00. He had farming implements valued at $125.00 and 3 horses, 9 milch cows, 15 working oxen, 12 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $491.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 50 bushels of wheat, 400 bushels of Indian corn, 160 bushels of oats, two 400 lb. bales of cotton, 50 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 60 bushels of Irish potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $100.00.

Lewis A. Garber had farmed 25 acres of improved land valued at $400.00. He had farming implements valued at $10.00 and 2 horses, 1 milch cow and 8 swine valued at $165.00. His farm in Park Township had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. The value of his slaughtered animals was listed as $100.00.

John W. James was farming 25 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $20.00 worth of farming implements and machinery and 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 25 hogs valued at $242.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 100 lbs. of tobacco, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter for a value of $15.00. He had slaughtered $20.00 worth of animals. Although he was listed on the population census as John W. Jones, his name was clearly written as John W. James here.

Felix G. Gains owned 50 acres of improved land and 60 acres of unimproved, valued at $300.00. His farming implements were valued at $80.00 and he had 4 horses, 1 ass or mule, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 12 other cattle, 19 sheep and 65 swine valued at $547.00. His farm had produced 20 bushels of wheat, 700 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 8 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $90.00.

Thomas Gains had 36 acres of improved land valued at $250.00 and owned farming implements worth $15.00. He had 4 horses, 14 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 60 swine valued at $367.00. His farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 450 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 40 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of peas and beans, 100 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 500 lbs. of butter valued at $34.00. He had slaughtered livestock worth $400.00.

John D. Harris had 7 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements worth $10.00. He owned 5 horses, 3 milch cows, 6 other cattle and 15 swine valued at $333.00. On his farm he had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 4 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $50.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $25.00.

James Caviness had 50 acres of improved land and 14 acres of unimproved valued at $450.00. He had $100.00 worth of farming implements and 7 horses, 9 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 20 other cattle, 5 sheep and 120 swine worth $980.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of wheat, 800 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of oats, 6 lbs. of rice, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for this produce and his slaughtered livestock was listed at $25.00.

James F. Gains had 230 acres of improved land and 660 acres of unimproved, valued at $2300.00. He had farming implements and machinery valued at $300 and 100 horses, 5 asses and mules, 50 milch cows, 25 working oxen, 50 other cattle, 15 sheep and 300 swine valued at $9050.00. His farm had produced 50 bushels of wheat, 2000 bushels of Indian corn, 300 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 6 lbs. of wool, 2 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter with the value listed as $25.00. The value listed for his slaughtered livestock was $40.00.

Nathaniel Paine had 13 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He had $10.00 worth of farming implements, 2 horses and 2 other cattle valued at $100.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 80 lbs. of wool, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 12 bushels of Irish potatoes, 70 bushels of sweet potatoes and 250 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. He had slaughtered $80.00 worth of livestock.

Lorenzo D. Long farmed 7 acres of improved land valued at $75.00. He owned $10.00 worth of farming implements and had 1 horse, 2 other cattle and 13 swine valued at $40.00. His farm had produced 60 bushels of Indian corn, 10 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $53.00.

Robert Rhea had 36 acres of improved land valued at $400.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 horses, 2 milch cows, 6 other cattle and 30 swine valued at $216.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 400 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats and 25 lbs. of butter valued at $17.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $18.00.

Wiley Tumlinson had 125 acres of improved land and 175 acres of unimproved valued at $500.00. His farming implements were valued at $100.00 and he also owned 13 horses, 17 asses and mules, 20 milch cows, 8 working oxen, 30 other cattle, 45 sheep and 80 hogs valued at $2462.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of wheat, 1500 bushels of Indian corn, 140 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton, 11 lbs. of wool, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $200.00.

Francis Drennon had 16 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. His farming implements were valued at $10.00 and he had 8 horses, 4 milch cows, 3 working oxen, 4 other cattle, 5 sheep and 15 swine valued at $738.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 22 lbs. of wool, 40 bushels of Irish potatoes and his family had churned 25 lbs. of butter, all valued at $75.00. They had butchered $30.00 worth of livestock.

Solomon R. Beaver had 5 acres of improved land valued at $50.00. No value was listed for farming implements and he owned one milch cow and one hog valued at $18.00. He had harvested 35 bushels of Indian corn, 75 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and made 25 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at 20.00.

Moses Long had 16 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had $10.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 30 swine valued at $330.00. His farm had produced 4 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, 18 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 60 bushels of sweet potatoes and 20 lbs. of butter at a value of $50.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $26.00.

Hezekiah Dailey had 50 acres of improved land valued at $600.00 and $50.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 10 sheep and 30 swine valued at $264.00. His farm had produced 40 bushels of wheat, 1000 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 6 bushels of Irish potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $12.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $30.00.

Burrell Dailey farmed 18 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and owned $10.00 worth of farming implements, 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 1 other cattle, 8 sheep and 20 hogs valued at $100.00. On his farm he had raised 6 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of Indian corn, 16 lbs. of wool, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and had made 130 lbs. of butter valued at $62.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $75.00.

John W. Cole had 15 acres of improved land valued at $125.00. He had $50.00 worth of farming implements, 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 5 other cattle, 8 sheep and 50 swine valued at $200.00. His farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 10 lbs. of wool, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 4 lbs. of beeswax and honey at a value of $10.00. He had slaughtered $50.00 worth of farm animals.

Thomas Graham farmed 13 acres of improved land valued at $400.00. His farming implements were valued at $8.00 and he had 2 horses, 5 milch cows, 6 other cattle and 60 swine valued at $259.00. His farm had produced 60 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 20 lbs. of wool, 12 bushels of peas and beans, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. They had butchered livestock valued at $50.00.

John S. Lewis had 15 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $6.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 milch cows, 2 other cattle, 8 sheep and 20 swine valued at $80.00 His farm had produced 25 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bushels of peas and beans, 8 bushels of Irish potatoes, 6 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter at a value of $6.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $30.00.

James Gibson had 32 acres of improved land and 53 acres of unimproved land valued at $500.00. He owned $65.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 7 other cattle, 5 sheep and 60 swine valued at $367.00. His crops for 1850 were 54 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 75 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his farm produce but a figure of $75.00 was placed on his slaughtered livestock.

Thomas Baxter farmed 35 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He owned $50.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 10 other cattle, 14 sheep and 35 hogs valued at $233.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 15 lbs. of wool, 6 bushels of Irish potatoes, 12 bushels of sweet potatoes and churned 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. This family had butchered $25.00 worth of livestock.

William Oller had 18 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $12.00. He owned 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 10 other cattle and 40 swine valued at $160.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his crops were reported as 250 bushels of Indian corn, 12 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes, 100 lbs. of butter and 20 lbs. of beeswax and honey. No value was listed for this produce but his slaughtered animals were valued at $50.00.

William Kellogg had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 5 other cattle and 75 swine valued at $260.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 8 lbs. of wool, 150 bushels of sweet potatoes, 50 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. The value of his animals slaughtered was $20.00.

Jesse S. Lewis had 13 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements worth $10.00. He owned 3 horses, 2 milch cows, 3 other cattle, 2 sheep and 6 hogs valued at $125.00. His farm had produced 160 bushels Indian corn, 25 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 35 bushels of sweet potatoes, $15.00 worth of orchard produce, 100 lbs. of butter and 10 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $55.00. This family had butchered $200.00 worth of livestock.

Andrew Lilborn had 16 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He possessed $15.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 20 working oxen, 20 other cattle, 5 sheep and 40 swine valued at $272.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. They had raised $25.00 worth of animals for slaughter.

John Cole had 20 acres of improved land valued at $125.00 and $75.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 2 other cattle, 4 sheep and 60 hogs valued at $175.00. On his farm he had raised 300 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and had made 100 lbs. of butter and 20 lbs. of cheese valued at $50.00. He had slaughtered $40.00 worth of livestock.

Herrington Cole had 40 acres of improved land and 120 acres of unimproved land valued at $800.00. He had $45.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 6 other cattle, 21 sheep and 75 swine valued at $326.00. His farm had produced 62 bushels of wheat, 1500 bushels of Indian corn, 175 bushels of oats, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 3 bushels of Irish potatoes, 120 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00 and had slaughtered animals valued at $50.00.

John M. Baxter had 15 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had farming implements worth $15.00 and owned 4 horses, 1 ass or mule, 3 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 19 hogs valued at $287.00. His farm had produced 52 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 15 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. His family had butchered $40.00 worth of animals.

Cornelius Brown had 58 acres of improved land valued at $800.00 and farming implements listed at $25.00. He owned 5 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 5 other cattle, 8 sheep and 27 swine valued at $271.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 12 lbs. of cheese valued at $20.00. The value of his slaughtered livestock was listed as $25.00.

William L. Fry had 65 acres of improved land and 50 acres of unimproved, valued at $800.00. He had $10.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 6 milch cows, 8 other cattle and 15 hogs valued at $182.00. His farm had produced 20 bushels of wheat, 800 bushels of Indian corn and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. They had butchered $10.00 worth of livestock.

Reuben W. Baxter had 50 acres of improved land and 30 acres of unimproved, valued at $900.00. He owned farming implements valued at $20.00 and had 5 horses, 10 milch cows, 20 other cattle, 8 sheep and 35 swine valued at $502.00. His farm had produced 30 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of Indian corn, 6 bushels of peas and beans, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 75 bushels of sweet potatoes and 30 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. They had slaughtered livestock valued at $36.00.

John Bartlett farmed 16 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $10.00 worth of farming implements and 4 horses, 7 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 13 hogs valued at $259.00. On his farm he had grown 150 bushels of Indian corn, 15 bushels of oats, 50 lbs. of tobacco, 60 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes, $25.00 worth of orchard produce, 200 lbs. of butter and 10 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $50.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $50.00.

Edward Morris had 16 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $12.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 1 other cattle and 6 hogs valued at $85.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, $5.00 worth of orchard produce and 25 lbs. of butter, valued at $15.00. His family had slaughtered $12.00 worth of animals.

Abraham Wood had 17 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. He had farming implements valued at $15.00 and owned 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 11 swine valued at $98.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes, $6.00 worth of orchard produce, 100 lbs. of butter and 20 lbs. of cheese valued at $21.00 and slaughtered $40.00 worth of animals.

Milton Gilbreath had 40 acres of improved land and 40 acres of unimproved land, valued at $700.00. He had $25.00 worth of farming implements, 4 horses, 10 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 30 other cattle, 30 sheep and 200 swine valued at $840.00. His farm had produced 20 bushels of wheat, 750 bushels of Indian corn, 60 bushels of oats and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. They had slaughtered $35.00 worth of livestock.

John A. Fry had 35 acres of improved land valued at $250.00. He owned $12.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 25 hogs valued at $110.00. On his farm he had harvested 20 bushels of wheat, 250 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 2 bushels of peas and beans, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 150 bushels of sweet potatoes and had churned 150 lbs. of butter, valued at $150.00. They had butchered $65.00 worth of animals.

Harrison Yelvington had 100 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $130.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 horses, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 5 other cattle and 30 swine valued at $465.00. His farm had produced 1000 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00 and butchered $50.00 worth of livestock.

Mitchel Pitman had 7 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He owned $50.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 8 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $292.00. His farm had produced 50 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bales of cotton, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, 100 lbs. of butter, 100 lbs. of cheese and 50 lbs. of beeswax and honey, valued at $60.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

John May had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $25.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 5 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $415.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 33 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of peas and beans, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his "home made manufactures" and tight binding on this page makes it impossible to read the value of animals slaughtered.

F.T. McIlroy had 15 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $25.00 worth of farming implements and 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 6 other cattle and 75 hogs valued at $435.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 50 lbs. of tobacco, 36 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. [Slaughtered animals information unreadable.]

Jacob Weaver had 40 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements valued at $15.00. He had 8 horses, 10 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 60 other cattle, 40 sheep and 80 swine valued at $775.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes, 20 lbs. of butter and 2 lbs. of beeswax and honey, all valued at $6.00. [Slaughtered animals unreadable.]

Thomas Williams farmed 50 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and owned farming implements valued at $20.00. He had 10 horses, 9 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 25 other cattle, 36 sheep and 100 swine valued at $487.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of wheat, 900 bushels of Indian corn, 140 bushels of oats, 16 lbs. of wool and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $90.00. [Slaughtered animals unreadable.]

William Williams had 30 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. His farming implements were valued at $10.00 and he had 5 horses, 2 milch cows, 7 other cattle, 15 sheep and 50 hogs valued at $191.00. His farming efforts had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of Indian corn, 160 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton, 10 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. [Slaughtered livestock information unreadable.]

John Hunt had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $5.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 2 horses, 8 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 6 other cattle and 30 sheep valued at $198.00. He and his large family had produced on their farm 500 bushels of Indian corn, 18 lbs. of wool, 2 bushels of peas and beans, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes, 75 lbs. of butter and 4 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $10.00. [Slaughtered animals information unreadable.]

Columbus Rogers had 10 acres of improved land valued at $50.00. No value was listed for farming implements. He had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 1 working oxen, 1 head of other cattle, 8 sheep and 13 hogs valued at $106.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. [Slaughtered animals information unreadable.]

Daniel Hunt had 15 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $5.00. He owned 1 horse, 3 milch cows and 1 head of other cattle valued at $78.00. His crops during the year ended 1 June 1850 had been 100 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 5 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. [Slaughtered livestock information was unreadable.]

Wilson Hunt had 20 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and farming implements valued at $75.00. He owned 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 5 other cattle, 9 sheep and 35 swine valued at $208.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 30 lbs. of tobacco, 20 bushels of peas and beans, 4 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. [Value of his slaughtered animals unreadable.]

Thomas Highfield had 20 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $50.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 8 other cattle and 48 swine valued at $158.00. He had harvested 300 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. [Value of his slaughtered animals was unreadable.]

Ezra Jones had 30 acres of improved land valued at $400.00 and farming implements valued at $25.00. He had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle, 3 sheep and 200 swine valued at $200.00. His farm had produced 20 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of Indian corn, 100 lbs. of tobacco, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and no butter. The value listed for his produce was $50.00 and the information about his animals for slaughter was unreadable.

Hiram Brasher had 60 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements worth $50.00. He had 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, and 14 hogs valued at $172.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 125 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter with no value listed. Information about his slaughtered livestock was unreadable.

William Henly had 14 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned no livestock and his crops were reported as 150 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of peas and beans, 40 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter, with no value listed. Slaughtered livestock information was unreadable.

Pleasant Richey had 18 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $125.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 5 horses, 8 milch cows, 3 working oxen, 15 other cattle and 32 swine valued at $350.00. His crops were 500 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 60 lbs. of tobacco, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. The value of his slaughtered livestock was unreadable.

James Stewart had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $20.00 worth of farming implements, 2 horses, 1 milch cow, 2 other cattle, 15 sheep and 60 hogs valued at $172.00. His farm had produced 40 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bushel of peas and beans valued at $25.00. The value of his animals slaughtered was unreadable.

Jesse W. Yandle had 10 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen and 10 hogs valued at $80.00. His crops were 75 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter at a value of $55.00. His slaughtered livestock information was unreadable.

John Taylor had 12 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $20.00. He also owned 3 horses, 2 milch cows and 7 hogs valued at $77.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 40 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 10 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $40.00. The value of his slaughtered animals is unreadable.

Isaac Powell had 25 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He also owned 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, one other head of cattle and 40 swine valued at $204.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 33 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 150 bushels of sweet potatoes, $12.00 worth of orchard produce and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $75.00. The value of his animals slaughtered was unreadable.

Thomas Brown had 60 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements valued at $95.00. He had 4 horses, 8 milch cows, 10 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 20 sheep and 30 hogs valued at $568.00. His farm had produced 600 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. The amount listed for his slaughtered animals was unreadable.

Charles Tannyhill had 70 acres of improved land and 70 acres of unimproved, all valued at $650.00. He owned $165.00 worth of farming implements, 4 horses, 6 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 20 other cattle, 17 sheep and 150 swine valued at $637.00. He had produced on his farm 25 bushels of wheat, 1500 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. The value of his slaughtered animals was unreadable.

James Boswell had 18 acres of improved land valued at $80.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He also had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 1 hog valued at $65.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of wheat, 80 bushels of Indian corn, 100 lbs. of tobacco, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 136 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. Value of his slaughtered livestock was unreadable.

Jessee A. Reed had 30 acres of improved land valued at $250.00. He owned farming implements valued at $15.00 and 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 60 swine valued at $268.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 80 bushels of sweet potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. The value of his slaughtered animals was unreadable.

George Williams had 30 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 1 head of other cattle and 18 hogs valued at $108.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 50 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. The information about his animals for slaughter was unreadable.

William Copeland had 12 acres of improved land valued at $175.00 and farming implements worth $15.00. He also owned 3 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 45 swine valued at $115.00. His farm in Hickman Township had produced 180 bushels of Indian corn, 40 lbs. of tobacco, 1 bale of cotton, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. Slaughtered animals information unreadable.

Mark Robertson had 20 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He owned farming implements valued at $75.00 and 3 horses, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 15 other cattle, 17 sheep and 20 hogs valued at $326.00. His farm had produced 6 bushels of wheat, 200 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 400 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. Slaughtered animals information was unreadable.

Robert Harris had 25 acres of improved land valued at $175.00. He had $125.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 8 other cattle and 23 swine valued at $226.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 75 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 19 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. Slaughtered livestock unreadable.

David Choat had 17 acres of improved land in Boon Township valued at $150.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 4 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 4 other cattle, 16 sheep and 45 swine valued at $324.00. His farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 50 lbs. of wool, 200 lbs. of butter and 25 lbs. of cheese valued at $50.00. Livestock information unreadable.

Alfred Lamb had 15 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 8 other cattle and 8 hogs valued at $124.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 5 bales of cotton, 20 lbs. of wool, $30.00 worth of orchard produce, 150 lbs. of butter and 5 lbs. of beeswax and honey, valued at $60.00. The information concerning his slaughtered animals is unreadable.

William Ellington had 35 acres of improved land and 25 acres of improved, valued at $250.00. He owned $15.00 worth of farming implements and had 4 horses, 8 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 4 other cattle, 20 sheep and 50 swine valued at $435.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 3 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. His slaughtered animals information is unreadable.

O.C. Hooper had 75 acres of improved land and 85 acres of unimproved, valued at $500.00. He had farming implements worth $200.00 and 4 horses, 7 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 30 other cattle, 30 sheep and 60 swine valued at $566.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 500 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $100.00. Information about his slaughtered livestock is unreadable.

William Stone had 14 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements valued at $100.00. He owned 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 25 swine valued at $144.00. His farm had produced 5 bushels of wheat, 200 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of oats, 15 lbs. of tobacco, 50 bushels of peas and beans, $10.00 worth of orchard produce and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. The value of his slaughtered livestock is unreadable.

George W. Thompson had 25 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $125.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 7 milch cows, 8 working oxen and 3 other cattle valued at $245.00. His crops were 250 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bushels of peas and beans and 15 lbs. of butter with no value listed. The value of his slaughtered animals is unreadable.

Isaac Garner had 25 acres of improved land valued at $250.00. His farming implements were valued at $100.00 and he had 5 horses, 10 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 40 other cattle and 200 swine valued at $740.00. His farm had produced 47 bushels of wheat, 570 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter at a value of $10.00. The amount at which his slaughtered livestock was valued is unreadable.

L.C. Titsworth had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He also owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow and 30 hogs valued at $40.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. The value of his slaughtered livestock is unreadable.

Levi B. Jones had 24 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements worth $35.00. He had 4 horses, 4 milch cows, 8 other cattle and 20 swine valued at $304.00. On his farm he had harvested 10 bushels of wheat, 225 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 6 bushels of Irish potatoes, 12 bushels of sweet potatoes and had made no butter. No value was listed for his produce and the value of his slaughtered livestock is unreadable.

Robert H. Halley had 19 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He owned farming implements valued at $198.00 and had 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 7 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $422.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 7 bales of cotton, 66 lbs. of wool, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 3 bushels of Irish potatoes, 75 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $35.00. The amount listed for his livestock slaughtered is unreadable.

Thomas J.S. Halley had 12 acres of improved land in Mountain Township valued at $120.00. His farming implements were worth $8.00 and he had 2 horses, 2 milch cows and 15 hogs valued at $165.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter worth $15.00. Livestock slaughtered is unreadable.

John Caviness had 30 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $75.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 4 horses, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 10 other cattle, 8 sheep and 50 swine valued at $400.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 15 bushels of wheat, 600 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 42 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes, 50 lbs. of butter and 1 lb. of beeswax and honey valued at $18.00. The value of his slaughtered animals is unreadable.

Robert Caviness had 35 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $100.00 worth of farming implements. He had 6 horses, 1 ass or mule, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 60 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $730.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of wheat, 500 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter, all valued at $20.00. The value of his slaughtered animals is unreadable.

John H. Blackwell had 30 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He owned $100.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 8 other cattle, 21 sheep and 40 hogs valued at $133.00. His farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 13 bushels of sweet potatoes, $7.00 worth of orchard produce, 100 lbs. of butter and 1 lb. of beeswax and honey valued at $21.00. The information on his slaughtered livestock is unreadable.

John Stout had 5 acres of improved land valued at $25.00 and $25.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 1 head of other cattle and 12 hogs valued at $66.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bales of cotton, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 45 bushels of sweet potatoes, $6.00 worth of orchard produce and 40 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. Slaughtered livestock value is unreadable.

John Locklear had 20 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and farming implements worth $5.00. He had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $97.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $35.00. He had slaughtered $10.00 worth of livestock.

Green Burcham had 25 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $6.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 4 working oxen, 3 other cattle and 30 swine valued at $111.00. His farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 200 bushels of Indian corn, 40 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 10 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $40.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $50.00.

William Thornton of Mountain Township had 29 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements valued at $65.00. He had 4 horses, 1 ass or mule, 2 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 4 other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $378.00. His farm had produced 800 bushels of Indian corn, 80 bushels of oats, 33 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 150 bushels of sweet potatoes, $12.00 worth of orchard produce and 200 lbs. of butter at a value of $75.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $80.00.

John R. Marshall had 50 acres of improved land and 60 acres of unimproved, valued at $700.00. He owned $80.00 worth of farming implements and 8 horses, 12 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 12 other cattle, 30 sheep and 100 swine valued at $696.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 340 bushels of oats, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $21.00.

Moses N. Sumner had 80 acres of improved land and 100 acres of unimproved, valued at $800.00. He had farming implements valued at $100.00 and 4 horses, 7 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 13 other cattle, 9 sheep and 77 swine valued at $586.00. His farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 900 bushels of Indian corn, 600 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 75 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00 and slaughtered livestock valued at $40.00.

John H. Northern had 13 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $5.00. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 2 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $60.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 136 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

William Carr had 24 acres of improved land valued at $250.00. His farming implements were valued at $10.00 and he had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 50 hogs valued at $152.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 80 bushels of sweet potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $46.00.

Ambrose Blackwell farmed 4 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 other cattle, 2 sheep and 25 hogs valued at $126.00. His crops were 150 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 50 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 5 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had butchered $50.00 worth of animals.

John Hickey had 20 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements valued at $12.00. He had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 head of other cattle, 8 sheep and 20 hogs valued at $183.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his produce, but his slaughtered animals were valued at $40.00.

James Cargal had 13 acres of improved land in Mountain Township, valued at $130.00. He owned $5.00 worth of farming implements, 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen and 1 other head of cattle valued at $92.00. His crops were 150 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter with a value listed as $30.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $40.00.

Richardson Brooks had 10 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and farming implements worth $70.00. He also owned 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen and 40 hogs valued at $152.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 4 bales of cotton, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had butchered livestock valued at $50.00.

Charles Wells had 50 acres of improved land valued at $400.00 and $75.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 6 horses, 9 milch cows, 5 working oxen, 13 other cattle, 14 sheep and 40 swine valued at $475.00. He and his family had produced on their farm 300 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 30 lbs. of wool, 200 lbs. of butter and 25 lbs. of cheese valued at $50.00. They had slaughtered livestock valued at $40.00.

Reuben Lovett had 50 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements worth $12.00. He had 3 milch cows and 35 hogs valued at $65.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bales of cotton, 50 lbs. of wool, $30.00 worth of orchard produce, 150 lbs. of butter and 5 lbs. of beeswax and honey, all valued at $60.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $80.00.

Mariah Vessels[?] had 35 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. She had 2 horses, 2 milch cows and 2 hogs valued at $50.00. Her farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 150 bushels of oats, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. She had butchered livestock worth $30.00.

John Joel[?] had 18 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and farming implements valued at $110.00. He had 4 horses, 7 milch cows, 7 other cattle, 14 sheep and 25 swine valued at $350.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 7 bales of cotton, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $100.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $50.00.

Andrew Wiles had 4 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 horses, 3 milch cows and 25 hogs valued at $197.00. His farm had produced 70 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of peas and beans, $10.00 worth of orchard produce and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. He had butchered $100.00 worth of livestock.

William Wiles had 4 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 4 horses, 7 milch cows, 5 other cattle and 25 hogs valued at $310.00. His farm had produced 90 bushels of Indian corn, 25 lbs. of tobacco, 5 bushels of peas and beans and 15 lbs. of butter with no value listed. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

John Wiles had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $3.00. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 2 other cattle and 8 hogs valued at $54.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter at a value of $10.00. He had butchered livestock valued at $50.00.

John Coughran had 40 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements worth $10.00. He owned 3 horses, 7 milch cows, 20 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $327.00. His farm had produced 700 bushels of Indian corn, 30 lbs. of tobacco, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter with no value listed. He had slaughtered animals valued at $50.00.

Elias Hays had 40 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 horses, 7 milch cows, 7 other cattle, 4 sheep and 30 hogs valued at $313.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 6 bushels of Irish potatoes, 12 bushels of sweet potatoes and no butter. No value was listed for his "homemade manufactures" but he had slaughtered animals valued at $18.00.

David McAnnella had 20 acres of improved land valued at $350.00 and $75.00 worth of farming implements. He had 5 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 7 other cattle, 9 sheep and 50 swine valued at $422.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 10 lbs. of wool, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 3 bushels of Irish potatoes, 75 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $35.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $48.00.

Charles McAnnella had 5 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $75.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 3 sheep and 50 hogs valued at $177.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $48.00.

Josiah Barnett had 50 acres of improved land valued at $500.00. His farming implements were valued at $50.00 and he owned 8 horses, 14 milch cows, 10 working oxen, 25 other cattle, 36 sheep and 30 swine valued at $789.00. His farm had produced 60 bushels of wheat, 700 bushels of Indian corn, 300 bushels of oats, 42 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 lbs. of butter and 1 lb. of beeswax and honey valued at $78.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $31.00.

Micajah Thompson had 60 acres of improved land and 25 acres of unimproved, valued at $200.00. He had $150.00 worth of farming implements and 20 horses, 10 milch cows, 14 working oxen, 45 other cattle and 50 hogs valued at $1595.00. His farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 100 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had butchered $18.00 worth of livestock.

E.H. Featherston had 60 acres of improved land valued at $400.00. He owned $100.00 worth of farming implements, 13 horses, 2 asses and mules, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 3 other cattle, 2 sheep and 100 swine valued at $906.00. His farm had produced 30 bushels of wheat, 400 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 13 bushels of sweet potatoes, $7.00 worth of orchard produce, 100 lbs. of butter and 1 lb. of beeswax and honey valued at $21.00. He had slaughtered $30.00 worth of animals.

George M. Carroll had 7 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 sheep and 20 swine valued at $23.00. His farm had produced 140 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bales of cotton, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 4 bushels of sweet potatoes, $6.00 worth of orchard products and 40 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had butchered $30.00 worth of animals.

Isaac Gibson had 12 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He had farming implements valued at $8.00 and owned 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 10 hogs valued at $140.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $20.00.

Isaac Hill had 15 acres of improved land valued at $250.00 and $5.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 40 swine valued at $256.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 60 bushels of sweet potatoes and he had made no butter. The value of his "homemade manufactures" was listed as $5.00 and he had slaughtered $40.00 worth of livestock.

John Hill had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements listed at $10.00. He had 13 horses, 2 asses or mules, 12 milch cows, 30 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $704.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 40 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had slaughtered livestock worth $100.00.

Claiborn Lewis had 35 acres of improved land and 165 acres of unimproved, valued at $430.00. He had $180.00 worth of farming implements and 14 horses, 1 ass or mule, 8 milch cows, 18 working oxen, 30 other cattle and 50 hogs valued at $1019.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 160 bushels of oats, 110 lbs. of rice, 400 bushels of sweet potatoes, $10.00 worth of orchard produce and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had butchered livestock valued at $100.00.

Jonathan Hains had 20 acres of improved land and 140 acres of unimproved land, valued at $150.00. His farming implements were valued at $35.00 and he owned 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 7 other cattle, 9 sheep and 70 swine valued at $175.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 65 bushels of oats, 65 lbs. of rice, 65 lbs. of tobacco, 1 bale of cotton, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 15 lbs. of butter worth $25.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $20.00.

Richard Groves (Graves) had 40 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $75.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 1 ass or mule, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 14 other cattle, 30 sheep and 50 hogs valued at $635.00. His farm had produced 450 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 5 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 10 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. His slaughtered animals were listed at $60.00.

Sampson Norton had 60 acres of improved land and 40 acres of unimproved, valued at $50.00. He had farming implements valued at $100.00 and 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 15 other cattle and 100 hogs valued at $322.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 5 lbs. of wool, 4 bushels of peas and beans, 4 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 40 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. He had butchered $25.00 worth of livestock.

James L. Sorrells had 32 acres of improved land and 92 acres unimproved, valued at $600.00. He owned $75.00 worth of farming implements and 6 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $404.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 10 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $100.00. He had slaughtered livestock worth $30.00.

Finess E. Anderson had 25 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $5.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses and 2 hogs valued at $82.00. His farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 35 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter worth $35.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $20.00.

Daniel K. Price had 40 acres of improved land and 40 acres of unimproved, valued at $200.00. He owned farming implements valued at $50.00 and 5 horses, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 10 sheep and 60 swine valued at $435.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 400 bushels of oats and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00 and he had slaughtered animals valued at $25.00.

Thomas S. Glisson had 20 acres of improved land and 60 acres unimproved, valued at $300.00. He had $8.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 8 hogs valued at $41.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 7 bushels of wheat, 250 bushels of Indian corn, 75 bushels of oats, 4 bales of cotton, 25 lbs. of wool, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. He had butchered livestock valued at $100.00.

Mitchel Dorsey had 18 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $150.00 worth of farming implements. He also owned 3 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen and 7 hogs valued at $210.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $45.00.

William Doyel had 8 acres of improved land valued at $80.00 and the value of his farming implements had been crossed off. He owned 3 horses, 2 milch cows and 25 swine valued at $226.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 40 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $15.00.

Elisha B. Robertson had 25 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and farming implements worth $12.00. He also owned 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 3 working oxen and 20 hogs valued at $116.00. His farm had produced 125 bushels of Indian corn, 780 lbs. of rice, 2 bales of cotton, 28 lbs. of wool, 6 bushels of Irish potatoes, 4 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $75.00. His slaughtered livestock was listed at $25.00.

Martin Holbert had 15 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $5.00 worth of farming implements, 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 5 other cattle, 7 sheep and 45 swine valued at $250.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn and 30 bushels of oats. No value was listed for either his produce or for his slaughtered animals.

Shadric Chitwood had 16 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He had $5.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 1 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 20 swine valued at $140.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 30 bushels of oats, 5 bales of cotton, 12 lbs. of wool, 3 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

Jacob Casey farmed 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He had farming implements worth $10.00 and 2 horses, 7 milch cows and 3 other cattle valued at $28.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 15 lbs. of wool, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00 and he had slaughtered $50.00 worth of livestock.

Luticia Rollin had 9 acres of improved land valued at $50.00. She had $5.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $112.00. Her farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. She had slaughtered animals valued at $50.00.

Nancy Long had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. She owned 4 horses, 2 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 30 swine valued at $202.00. Her farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 40 lbs. of butter valued at $12.00. They had butchered $20.00 worth of livestock.

Robert N. Wit had 25 acres of improved land and 25 acres of unimproved, valued at $250.00 and $100.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $252.00. His farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 12 lbs. of butter and 4 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $25.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

Joseph Tumlinson had 180 acres of improved land and 540 acres of unimproved, valued at $700.00. He had $200.00 worth of farming implements and 17 horses, 14 asses and mules. 20 milch cows, 8 working oxen, 45 other cattle, 23 sheep and 200 swine valued at $3385.00. His crops were 50 bushels of wheat, 15 bushels of rye, 2000 bushels of Indian corn, 400 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 1 bushel of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter. No value was listed for his crops or for his slaughtered livestock.

William Evans had 15 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements valued at $20.00. He owned 4 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle and 70 swine valued at $309.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, $18.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $50.00.

Edward Talkington had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $125.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 horses, 6 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 21 sheep and 40 hogs valued at $263.00. His crops were 900 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 60 lbs. of wool, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes, $5.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. He had butchered $15.00 worth of livestock.

Gallant Graham had 25 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements worth $45.00. He owned 8 horses, 2 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 3 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $497.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of oats, 20 lbs. of tobacco, 2 bales of cotton, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 18 bushels of sweet potatoes and 10 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. His butchered livestock was valued at $15.00.

William Weaver had 12 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $30.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses valued at $35.00. His farm had produced 60 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes, 50 lbs. of butter and 4 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $12.00. He had slaughtered $25.00 worth of animals.

Smith Morris had 60 acres of improved land and 50 acres of unimproved, valued at $500.00. He had $30.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 3 other cattle and 20 swine valued at $229.00. His farm had produced 700 bushels of Indian corn, 150 bushels of oats, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes, $10.00 worth of orchard produce, 100 lbs. of butter and 4 lbs. of beeswax and honey. No value was listed for his "homemade manufactures" but he had slaughtered $10.00 worth of animals.

Walter E. Anderson had 23 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows and 15 hogs valued at $76.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton, 5 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $30.00.

Mitchel? Sparks had 20 acres of improved land and 120 acres of unimproved, valued at $100.00. He had $275.00 worth of farming implements and 12 horses, 7 asses or mules, 9 milch cows, 10 working oxen, 20 other cattle and 75 hogs valued at $1392.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 200 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 8 bushels of Irish potatoes, $5.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $65.00. He had slaughtered $10.00 worth of livestock.

Jacob Shirley had 20 acres of improved land and 148 of unimproved, valued at $600.00. His farming implements were valued at $10.00 and he owned 2 horses and 100 swine valued at $250.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 10 bushels of Irish postatoes, 5 bushels of sweet potatoes, $15.00 worth of orchard produce and 20 lbs. of butter, with no value listed. His slaughtered animals were valued at $50.00.

William Mitchel had 30 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 3 other cattle, 11 sheep and 30 hogs valued at $138.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 25 lbs. of butter and 15 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $20.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $20.00.

Margaret Doyel had 22 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements, 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle, 7 sheep and 40 swine valued at $207.00. Her farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bales of cotton, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 15 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. This family had slaughtered $10.00 worth of livestock.

Stephen Graves had 17 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He owned 2 horses, 7 milch cows, 20 other cattle and 6 hogs valued at $288.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton and 10 bushels of sweet potatoes valued at $15.00. They had butchered animals worth $20.00.

Lawson Belt had 3 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 milch cow, one other head of cattle and 20 hogs valued at $29.00. His farm had produced 50 bushels of Indian corn, 50 lbs. of tobacco, 3 bales of cotton, 3 bushels of peas and beans, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 10 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. Their butchered livestock was valued at $50.00.

Anderson Cook had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. His farming implements were worth $70.00 and he had 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 1 other head of cattle and 20 swine valued at $95.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 12 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had butchered $35.00 worth of livestock.

John Fightmoster had 4 acres of improved land valued at $30.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 18 hogs valued at $110.00. His farm had produced 135 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 28 lbs. of wool, $5.00 worth of orchard produce and 60 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had slaughtered $30.00 worth of animals.

Hiram Cook had 30 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 5 other cattle and 50 hogs valued at $170.00. His farm had produced 3 bushels of rye, 250 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 10 lbs. of wool, 4 bushels of sweet potatoes, $5.00 worth of orchard produce and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had butchered $40.00 worth of livestock.

Shadrac Skaggs had 30 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He owned $25.00 worth of farming implements and 5 horses, 5 milch cows, 3 working oxen, 6 other cattle, 30 sheep and 60 swine valued at $425.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 6 bales of cotton, 25 lbs. of wool, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes, $50.00 worth of orchard produce, 300 lbs. of butter and 100 lbs. of cheese valued at $100.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $25.00.

Ransom Pelley had 10 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows and 20 hogs valued at $60.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton, 12 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $14.00.

William Edmond had 14 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $12.00 worth of farming implements, 1 horse, 1 milch cow and 10 hogs valued at $42.00. His farm had produced 120 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 6 lbs. of wool, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $35.00. He had butchered livestock worth $50.00.

Charlota Allison had 25 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $110.00 worth of farming implements. She had 7 horses, 4 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 6 other cattle and 60 swine valued at $582.00. Her farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 6 bales of cotton, 40 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. Her family had butchered $50.00 worth of animals.

George Cook had 13 acres of improved land valued at $125.00 and $6.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 20 hogs valued at $70.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 6 bales of cotton and 75 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

Reuben Brown had 20 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. His farming implements were valued at $10.00 and he also had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $130.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter worth $25.00. He had butchered livestock worth $30.00.

Jacob Reader had 25 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $50.00 worth of farming implements, 2 horses, 1 milch cow and 20 swine valued at $128.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 5 bales of cotton, 30 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 20 lbs. of cheese valued at $50.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $70.00.

Warren W. Reader had 7 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and his farming implements were valued at $10.00. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow and 50 swine valued at $108.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 70 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 40 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes, $5.00 worth of orchard produce, 300 lbs. of butter and 50 lbs. of cheese valued at $50.00. He had butchered $150.00 worth of animals.

Richard P. Dosher had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $50.00 worth of farming implements, 6 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 50 hogs valued at $344.00. His farm had produced 2 bushels of rye, 500 bushels of Indian corn, 2 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes, $10.00 worth of orchard produce, 200 lbs. of butter, 30 lbs. of cheese and 6 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $70.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $150.00.

Richard Dosher had 5 acres of improved land valued at $50.00 and $8.00 worth of farming tools. He had 1 horse, 1 milch cow and 30 swine valued at $78.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had butchered $100.00 worth of animals.

Ephraim Crenshaw had 19 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. His farming implements were valued at $15.00 and he owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 5 other cattle and 14 hogs valued at $76.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 4 bales of cotton, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. His slaughtered livestock were valued at $50.00.

Peter Plemons had 12 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $6.00 worth of farming tools. He had 3 horses, 1 milch cow and 10 hogs valued at $150.00. His farm had produced 50 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bales of cotton, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes and 30 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00 His butchered livestock were valued at $50.00.

Walter Hodge had 10 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He owned 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 other cattle, 14 sheep and 60 swine valued at $267.00. His crops were 175 bushels of Indian corn, 4 bales of cotton, 60 bushels of peas and beans, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter worth $45.00. He had slaughtered livestock worth $10.00.

Daniel Williams had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements, 2 horses, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 2 other cattle, 3 sheep and 50 hogs valued at $318.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 180 bushels of oats, 7 bales of cotton, 12 lbs. of wool, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had butchered animals worth $25.00.

Charles Hodge had 70 acres of improved land and 10 acres of unimproved, valued at $1000.00. He had farming implements valued at $130.00 and 5 horses, 8 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 30 other cattle, 13 sheep and 100 swine valued at $779.00. His farm had produced 12 bushels of rye, 1000 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $65.00.

William Traylor had 50 acres of improved land valued at $400.00 and $45.00 worth of farming tools. He also owned 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 1 working oxen, 3 other cattle, 6 sheep and 60 hogs valued at $268.00. His farm had produced 600 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes, $15.00 worth of orchard produce and 50 lbs. of butter, for which no value was listed. He had butchered animals worth $10.00.

Oliver Traylor had 16 acres of improved land worth $200.00 and farming implements valued at $5.00. He had 3 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 3 sheep and 30 swine valued at $172.00. His crops were 155 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $9.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $20.00.

J. Roades had 50 acres of improved land and 100 acres of unimproved, valued at $400.00. He had farming tools worth $75.00 and 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 5 working oxen, 10 other cattle, 20 sheep and 60 hogs valued at $397.00. His farm had produced 20 bushels of wheat, 300 bushels of Indian corn, 150 bushels of oats, 6 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 30 lbs. of butter for which no value was given. His slaughtered animals were valued at $30.00.

George Barnard had 25 acres of improved land valued at $400.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 10 hogs valued at $165.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. He had butchered animals worth $10.00.

William Angel had 16 acres of improved land valued at $250.00. His farming implements were valued at $15.00 and he had 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 40 swine valued at $328.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter worth $10.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $25.00.

Note: The top several entries on this page are very faded and difficult to read. I've done the best I can to transcribe them accurately.

James Dosher (? This name is very faded) had 100 acres of improved land and 60 acres of unimproved, valued at $900.00. He had $200.00 worth of farming implements and 8 horses, 30 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 50 other cattle, 18 sheep and 100 swine valued at $1187.00. His farm had produced 20 bushels of wheat, 10 bushels of rye, 1500 bushels of Indian corn, 800 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His slaughtered livestock were valued at $40.00.

Charles Humphrey had 50 acres of improved land and 100 acres of unimproved land, valued at $100.00. His farming implements were valued at $5.00 and he had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 36 other cattle, 9 sheep and 100 swine valued at $665.00. His farm had produced 625 bushels of Indian corn, 180 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. He had butchered $75.00 worth of animals.

William Bradshaw had 50? acres of improved land and 240 acres of unimproved land, valued at $250.00. He had $1.00? worth of farming implements and 32? milch cows, 3 working oxen, 28 other cattle, 3 sheep and 20 hogs valued at $366.00. His crops were 9 bushels of wheat, 250 bushels of Indian corn, 12 bushels of oats, 3 bales of cotton and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $35.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $40.00.

A.J. Bradshaw had 70? acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $72.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 horses, 3 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $251.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 2? bales of cotton, 5 lbs. of wool and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $53.00. He had butchered $40.00 worth of livestock.

James Tredaway had 28 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements worth $20.00. He had 7 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 3 other cattle and 40 swine valued at $206.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

Samuel Spencer had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00? His farming implements were valued at $85.00? and he had 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 7 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $181.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 100 lbs. of tobacco, 10 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. He had butchered $115.00 worth of livestock.

William Tidwell had 40 acres of improved land valued at $600.00 and farming implements valued at $15.00. He owned 1 horse, 4 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle, 6 sheep and 25 hogs valued at $134.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $40.00.

Francis Ogden had 20 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. His livestock consisted of 4 horses, 1 ass or mule, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $437.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 8 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 lbs. of butter and 12 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $10.00. He had butchered livestock valued at $150.00.

John Cughson [this surname too faded to read] had 25 acres of improved land and 125 acres of unimproved, valued at $200.00. His farming implements were valued at $40.00 and he owned 1 horse, 6 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 10 other cattle and 90 hogs valued at $285.00. His crops were 35 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of rye, 100 lbs. of tobacco, 5 bushels of peas and beans and 10 bushels of sweet potatoes, with no value listed. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $15.00.

Allen Frailey had 9 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows and 20 hogs valued at $66.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $80.00.

James Nohles had 20 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He had 2 horses, 4 milch cows and 10 swine valued at $142.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $12.00. He had butchered $34.00 worth of animals.

Henry Mitchel had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $8.00 worth of farming tools. His livestock consisted of 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 1 head of other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $85.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 30 lbs. of tobacco, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes and 70 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $35.00.

William Arter had 20 acres of improved land valued at $150.00. He owned farming implements worth $10.00 and had 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $160.00. His crops during the year ended 1 June 1850 were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 7 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 lbs. of butter and 10 lbs. of cheese valued at $60.00. His butchered animals were valued at $50.00.

Richman Oliver had 23 acres of improved land and 20 acres of unimproved, valued at $250.00. He owned $25.00 worth of farming tools and 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 60 swine valued at $245.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. His slaughtered animals were listed at $30.00.

William Sparks had 16 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $20.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 2 other cattle and 15 hogs valued at $70.00. His crops were 150 bushels of Indian corn, 4 bales of cotton, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His butchered livestock was listed at $50.00.

Elisha Williams had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming tools valued at $65.00. His livestock consisted of 5 horses, 4 milch cows, 3 other cattle, 2 sheep and 10 hogs valued at $583.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 25 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $50.00.

John A. Morrison had 32 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 3 horses, 7 milch cows, 11 other cattle and 50 hogs valued at $250.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 4 bales of cotton, 150 bushels of sweet potatoes, $50.00 worth of orchard produce, 400 lbs. of butter and 10 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $5.00. His butchered animals were valued at $150.00.

David Andrews owned 25 acres of land valued at $250.00 and farming tools worth $40.00. He had 4 milch cows, 7 sheep and 50 hogs valued at $172.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bales of cotton, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. His slaughtered livestock were valued at $40.00.

J.W. Lyon had 10 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 8 milch cows, 5 other cattle and 80 swine valued at $374.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 25 lbs. of tobacco, 2 bales of cotton, 8 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes, $10.00 worth or orchard produce and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $45.00. He had slaughtered $100.00 worth of livestock.

Wm. G.W. Powell had 25 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming tools worth $25.00. He owned 2 horses, 6 milch cows, 7 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $227.00. His crops were 450 bushels of Indian corn, 370 lbs. of rice, 1 bale of cotton, $10.00 worth of orchard produce and 50 lbs. of butter worth $25.00. His buchered animals were valued at $25.00.

James McDaniel had 16 acres of improved land and 150 acres of unimproved, valued at $50.00. He had farming implements worth $15.00 and 3 horses, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen, 1 head of other cattle and 25 swine valued at $131.00. His farm had produced 120 bushels of Indian corn, 50 lbs. of tobacco, 1 bale of cotton and 150 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. He had slaughtered animals worth $15.00.

J.C. Walton had 52 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned farming implements valued at $25.00 and 9 horses, 5 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 12 other cattle and 80 hogs valued at $600.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn, 20 bushels of oats, 300 lbs. of tobacco, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His butchered animals were valued at $25.00.

Wm. M. Walton had 40 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements, 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 3 other cattle and 100 swine valued at $577.00. His farm had produced 700 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 4 bales of cotton and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. He had slaughtered $75.00 worth of livestock.

J.V. Craine had 35 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. His farming tools were valued at $30.00 and he owned 3 horse, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 14 other cattle and 80 hogs valued at $400.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes, $15.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter worth $37.00. His livestock slaughtered during the year was listed at $100.00.

Robert Miller had 15 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $60.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 12 swine valued at $48.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had butchered $30.00 worth of animals.

Asa Cauthren had 16 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and farming tools worth $10.00. He owned 1 horse, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 4 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $154.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn and 60 bushels of sweet potatoes for which no value was listed. His slaughtered animals were valued at $40.00.

Samuel Williams had 35 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 25 swine valued at $284.00. His farm had produced 180 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 2 bushels of peas and beans, 2 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. He had slaughtered livestock worth $30.00.

Francis C. Oliver had 25 acres of improved land and 150 acres unimproved, valued at $300.00. He had farming tools worth $15.00 and owned 4 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 other cattle, 5 sheep and 80 swine valued at $344.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn and 260 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had butchered $100.00 worth of animals.

Walter Cauthren had 130 acres of improved land and 27 acres of unimproved, valued at $800.00. He owned $200.00 worth of farming implements and had 5 horses, 18 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 25 other cattle and 200 swine valued at $1076.00. His farm had produced 10 bushels of wheat, 40 bushels of rye, 2000 bushels of Indian corn, 600 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton and only 8 lbs. of butter, all valued at $20.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $40.00.

Zacheus Hurt had 15 acres of improved land valued at $75.00 and $10.00 worth of farming tools. He had 3 horses, 8 milch cows, 2 working oxen and 6 hogs valued at $272.00. His crops were 150 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 5 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $3.00. He had butchered $30.00 worth of livestock.

Clayborn C. French had 35 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and farming implements valued at $100.00. He owned 8 horses, 6 milch cows, 3 working oxen, 4 other cattle and 90 swine valued at $511.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 300 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 6 lbs. of wool and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $20.00.

James S. Evans had 25 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $30.00 worth of farming implements. He also owned 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 40 hogs valued at $135.00. His farm had produced 125 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 30 lbs. of tobacco, 2 bales of cotton, 45 lbs. of wool, 56 bushels of peas and beans, 50 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes, 2 bushels of buckwheat and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. He had slaughtered animals worth $35.00.

George Williams had 12 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He had 1 horse, 8 milch cows, 8 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $151.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 50 lbs. of wool, 50 bushels of peas and beans, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $5.00. He had slaughtered animals worth $100.00.

John Lyle had 15 acres of improved land valued at $150.00 and $20.00 worth of farming tools. He had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 6 sheep and 15 hogs valued at $130.00. His crops during the year ended 1 June 1850 had been 100 bushels of Indian corn, 50 lbs. of wool, 50 bushels of peas and beans, 25 bushels of Irish potatoes, 100 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 lbs. of butter and 12 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $30.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $100.00.

Anna Harris had 20 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. She owned $20.00 worth of farming tools and 4 horses, 4 milch cows, 5 working oxen and 50 swine valued at $382.00. Her farm had produced 350 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 30 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. They had slaughtered livestock valued at $39.00.

Mariah Eastis had 40 acres of improved land valued at $400.00 and $35.00 worth of farming implements. She owned 4 horses, 5 milch cows, 1 working oxen, 6 other cattle and 40 swine valued at $260.00. Her farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 75 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton and 75 lbs. of butter valued at $16.00. Livestock butchered was valued at $25.00.

Daniel Awalt farmed 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and owned $17.00 worth of farming tools and 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 40 hogs valued at $163.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 4 bales of cotton, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $45.00.

Henry W. Furgason had 50 acres of improved land and 110 acres of unimproved, valued at $500.00. He owned $10.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 1 sheep and 20 hogs valued at $117.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, 25 bushels of oats, 27 lbs. of wool, 30 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $40.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $50.00.

Elizabeth Furgason had 60 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $15.00 worth of farming tools. She owned 4 horses, 8 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 10 other cattle, 25 sheep and 30 swine valued at $426.00. Her crops consisted of 2 bales of cotton, 25 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. Livestock butchered were valued at $50.00.

Thomas Jackson had 40 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. He owned $75.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 5 other cattle and 35 hogs valued at $216.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn and 80 bushels of oats. Information on the second page of the form was not filled out for his farm.

James Barnard had 14 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $10.00 worth of farming tools. He owned 3 horses, 2 milch cows, 1 head of other cattle and 8 hogs valued at $153.00. His only crop listed was 50 bushels of Indian corn as the information on the second page for his farm was not completed.

Baxter B. Binge had 10 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 other head of cattle and 15 swine valued at $104.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 20 lbs. of wool, 60 bushels of sweet potatoes, 50 lbs. of butter and 8 lbs. of beeswax and honey valued at $5.00. If there is an amount listed for animals slaughtered, it is too faded to read.

Thomas Moffat had 13 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 1 head of other cattle, 3 sheep and 40 hogs valued at $138.00. His crops were 100 bushels of Indian corn and 30 lbs. of butter valued at $3.00. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $15.00.

John Moffat had 25 acres of improved land and 15 acres of unimproved land, valued at $100.00. He owned farming implements valued at $165.00 and 2 horses, 2 asses and mules, 4 milch cows, 9 working oxen, 20 other cattle, 15 sheep and 20 swine valued at $434.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn, and 30 lbs. of butter valued at $45.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $40.00.

Zadack Barnard had 23 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $30.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 4 horses, 3 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 150 swine valued at $320.00. His farm had produced 500 bushels of Indian corn and 50 lbs. of butter listed at $25.00. Slaughtered animals were listed at $20.00.

Robert Moffat had 30 acres of improved land and 50 acres unimproved, valued at $100.00. He owned $12.00 worth of farming tools and 10 milch cows, 6 working oxen, 25 other cattle, 25 sheep and 25 hogs valued at $427.00. His crops were 600 bushels of Indian corn, 300 bushels of oats, 2 bushel of peas and beans, 70 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $75.00. He had butchered $70.00 worth of livestock.

William Oliver had 14 acres of improved land and 150 acres of unimproved, valued at $500.00. He had $15.00 worth of farming implements and 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 head of other cattle and 15 swine valued at $185.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 15 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $50.00.

Charles H. Oliver had 8 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $15.00 worth of farming tools. He had 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 25 swine valued at $165.00. His crops were 150 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 6 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. He had butchered $25.00. He had butchered $40.00 worth of livestock.

Robert Smith had 23 acres of improved land and 17 acres of unimproved, valued at $250.00. He owned $30.00 worth of farming implements, 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $159.00. His farm had produced 200 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes, 30 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $40.00.

Jacob Pearson had 12 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $20.00 worth of farming tools, 2 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle, 6 sheep and 50 hogs valued at $241.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 100 lbs. of cheese valued at $100.00. He had butchered $60.00 worth of livestock.

Willis Sparks had 5 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $20.00. He owned 2 milch cows and 30 hogs valued at $75.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 9 lbs. of wool, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 40 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter valued at $30.00. His slaughtered livestock was listed at $40.00.

Jacob Cottiner had 20 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $55.00 worth of farming tools, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 10 sheep and 50 swine valued at $235.00. His crops were 150 bushels of Indian corn, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had butchered $20.00 worth of livestock.

Elisha Cottiner had 20 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $55.00 worth of farming tools. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow and 4 hogs valued at $35.00. His farm had produced 170 bushels of Indian corn and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $10.00.

O.C. Mitchel had 15 acres of improved land valued at $700.00 and farming implements worth $10.00. He owned 1 horse, 1 ass or mule, 2 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $244.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 300 lbs. of tobacco and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered $60.00 worth of livestock.

Wm. Cox had 6 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $5.00 worth of farming tools, 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 4 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $85.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 8 bales of cotton, $50.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter for which no value was listed. His butchered animals were listed at $10.00.

Webster McCaslin had 18 acres of improved land valued at $300.00. His farming implements were valued at $20.00 and he had 4 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 other head of cattle and 20 swine valued at $179.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn and 50 lbs. of tobacco, valued at $9.00. He had slaughtered $30.00 worth of livestock.

Nathan Trayler had 20 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and $25.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 2 other cattle, 20 sheep and 35 swine valued at $117.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 21 lbs. of wool, 1 bushel of peas and beans, 11 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes, 35 lbs. of butter and 20 lbs. of cheese valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered animals worth $50.00.

George Stanton had 9 acres of improved land valued at $50.00. His farming tools were valued at $10.00 and he had 1 horse, 3 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle and 30 hogs valued at $78.00. During the year ended 1 June 1850 his farm had produced 80 bushels of Indian corn and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $7.00. His slaughtered livestock were valued at $20.00.

Thomas Finley had 25 acres of improved land valued at $300.00 and farming implements worth $15.00. He owned 4 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 11 other cattle and 31 swine valued at $290.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 150 bushels of oats and 100 lbs. of butter worth $20.00. He had butchered $50.00 worth of animals.

Spear Fort had 26 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. His farming tools were valued at $10.00 and he owned 2 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 15 other cattle, 15 sheep and 60 hogs valued at $312.00. His farm had produced 400 bushels of Indian corn, 240 bushels of oats, 4 bales of cotton, 30 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $100.00.

Oliver C. Walton had 30 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $10.00 worth of farming implements. He reported owning 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 other cattle, 3 sheep and 30 swine valued at $226.00. His crops were 275 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $60.00. He had butchered livestock worth $30.00.

George W. Carter had 26 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He had 2 milch cows, 2 other cattle and 30 hogs valued at $56.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 50 lbs. of tobacco, 5 bales of cotton, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 75 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $50.00.

Elijah Hudson had 30 acres of improved land valued at $100.00. His farming implements were valued at $27.00 and he had 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 other head of cattle and 18 hogs valued at $115.00. His farm had produced 15 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 6 bushels of Irish potatoes, 50 bushels of sweet potatoes and 150 lbs. of butter worth $50.00. He had slaughtered livestock worth $41.00.

George Gill had 7 acres of improved land and 3 acres of unimproved, valued at $250.00. He had $25.00 worth of farming implements and 4 horses, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 60 hogs valued at $328.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 1 bale of cotton, 60 lbs. of wool, 12 bushels of Irish potatoes, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $12.00. His butchered animals were valued at $40.00.

Stephen H. Chism had 10 acres of improved land and 160 acres of unimproved, valued at $670.00. He had $110.00 worth of farming tools and 4 horses, 14 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 20 other cattle and 150 swine valued at $810.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn and 700 bushels of oats, for which no value was listed. He had slaughtered animals valued at $20.00.

John Anderson had 16 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and farming implements valued at $10.00. He owned 3 horses, 5 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 4 other cattle and 30 swine valued at $205.00. His farm had produced 100 bushels of Indian corn, 125 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 200 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $50.00.

Pinkney Anderson had 30 acres of improved land and 40 acres of unimproved, valued at $300.00. He owned $100.00 worth of farming implements and 8 horses, 2 mules and asses, 9 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 8 other cattle, 7 sheep and 65 swine valued at $547.00. His crops were 500 bushels of Indian corn, 50 bushels of oats, 30 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, $50.00 worth of orchard produce and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered $60.00 worth of animals.

Caleb Lacy had 9 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $8.00 worth of farming tools. He owned 1 horse, 3 milch cows and 3 other cattle valued at $61.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. His slaughtered animals were valued at $25.00.

Absolon Perkins had 20 acres of improved land and 40 acres unimproved, valued at $200.00. He owned farming implements valued at $15.00 and 3 horses, 3 milch cows and 30 hogs valued at $181.00. His farm had produced 250 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton, 5 bushels of peas and beans, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $60.00. He had slaughtered $100.00 worth of livestock.

Jessee Perkins had 50 acres of improved land and 80 acres unimproved, valued at $500.00. He had farming implements worth $125.00 and owned 6 horses, 6 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 20 other cattle, 10 sheep and 60 swine valued at $504.00. His crops were 400 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 15 lbs. of tobacco, 4 bales of cotton, 51 lbs. of wool and 50 lbs. of butter, all valued at only $15.00. He had butchered $50.00 worth of animals.

James Robertson had 5 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and $8.00 worth of farming implements. He owned 1 horse, 1 milch cow, 2 working oxen, 1 other head of cattle, 1 sheep and 15 hogs valued at $87.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 3 bales of cotton, 10 lbs. of wool, 20 lbs. of Irish potatoes, 15 bushels of sweet potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. He had slaughtered animals valued at $40.00.

Hiram Morrison had 18 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 1 milch cow and 8 hogs valued at $46.00. His farm had produced 230 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton and 50 lbs. of butter valued at $20.00. His slaughtered livestock was valued at $50.00.

James Anderson had 27 acres of improved land valued at $250.00 and farming implements valued at $16.00. He owned 3 horses, 4 milch cows, 5 working oxen, 3 other cattle, 12 sheep and 35 hogs valued at $334.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 100 bushels of oats, 1 bale of cotton, 1 lb. of wool, 15 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 bushels of sweet potatoes valued at $10.00. He had butchered $50.00 worth of animals.

D.C. Choat had 20 acres of improved land valued at $75.00 and $15.00 worth of farming tools, 2 horses, 3 milch cows, 6 sheep and 40 swine valued at $273.00. His crops were 150 bushels of Indian corn, 5 bales of cotton, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes and 50 lbs. of butter, for which no value was listed. He had slaughtered livestock valued at $20.00.

Isaac C. Williams had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned $15.00 worth of farming implements and 1 horse and 5 swine valued at $40.00. His farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn, 40 bushels of oats, 2 bales of cotton, 8 bushels of sweet potatoes, 150 lbs. of butter and 25 lbs. of cheese valued at $30.00. His slaughtered livestock were listed at $50.00.

A.W. Crawford had 30 acres of improved land and 30 acres of unimproved, valued at $200.00. He had farming implements valued at $100.00 and owned 4 horses, 2 asses and mules, 4 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 12 other cattle and 50 swine valued at $432.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 160 bushels of oats, 4 bales of cotton, 36 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of Irish potatoes, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes, 200 lbs. of butter and 60 lbs. of cheese valued at $50.00. He had slaughtered $60.00 worth of livestock.

Andrew Skaggs had 50 acres of improved land and 55 acres of unimproved land, valued at $500.00. He had farming implements worth $125.00 and owned 8 horses, 15 milch cows, 4 working oxen, 35 other cattle, 10 sheep and 110 swine valued at $1032.00. His crops were 600 bushels of Indian corn, 400 bushels of oats, 50 lbs. of wool, 20 bushels of sweet potatoes and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $50.00. He had butchered $131.00 worth of animals.

William Shelton had 15 acres of improved land valued at $100.00 and owned $100.00 worth of farming implements. He had 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 8 other cattle and 20 hogs valued at $186.00. His farm had produced 20 bushels of Indian corn, 30 lbs. of wool, 10 bushels of sweet potatoes and 20 lbs. of butter valued at $25.00. His slaughtered animals were listed at $40.00.

Thorit Elkins had 20 acres of improved land valued at $500.00 and $75.00 worth of farming tools. He owned 5 horses, 2 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 2 other cattle and 20 swine valued at $308.00. His crops were 300 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton, 6 lbs. of wool and 30 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had butchered $25.00 worth of livestock.

William Morrison had 15 acres of improved land valued at $200.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements. He had 1 horse, 2 milch cows, 3 other cattle and 15 hogs valued at $121.00. His farm had produced 300 bushels of Indian corn, 2 bales of cotton and 100 lbs. of butter valued at $10.00 and he had butchered $25.00 worth of animals.

James Choat had 20 acres of improved land valued at $200.00. He owned farming implements worth $115.00 and had 2 horses, 2 milch cows, 1 other head of cattle, 17 sheep and 40 swine valued at $235.00. His crops were 200 bushels of Indian corn, 80 bushels of oats, 10 bushels of Irish potatoes and 15 lbs. of butter valued at $15.00. He had slaughtered $50.00 worth of livestock.

Jane Wardroup had 35 acres of improved land valued at $250.00 and $15.00 worth of farming implements. She owned 5 horses, 3 milch cows, 2 working oxen, 1 other head of cattle and 20 hogs valued at $299.00. Her farm had produced 150 bushels of Indian corn and the second page of her schedule was blank.

Copyright 2001-2008, Delaine Edwards
This page may not be used for any purpose other than personal genealogical research.