W. M. Brown

W. M. Brown of Fort Smith is at the head of the firm of W. M. Brown & Company, electrical engineers, in which connection a business of extensive proportions has been developed. Mr. Brown is a native son of Sebastian county, Arkansas, born in the year 1883, his parents being James and Caroline (McLaughlin) Brown. At the usual age he became a pupil in the public schools and thus laid the foundation for his later professional training. He afterward took up the study of electrical construction and became associated with the Fort Smith Light 8: Traction Company, adding practical experience to the knowledge which he gained from books. He has pursued his reading extensively and has acquainted himself with every phase of technical and applied electricity. He knows the theory and the practical side of the work and he organized the firm of W. M. Brown & Company, now engaged in rebuilding and installing motors, in the building of power plants, mine power plants and electrical machinery. The business was organized under its present form in 1919, with Mr. Brown as the controlling spirit, and his interests have developed to very substantial and gratifying proportions.