W. N. Wilkinson, capably filling the position of cashier of the Farmers Bank of Greenwood, is a native of Charleston, Arkansas, born in the year 1877, his parents being Ephraim and Margarett (McFerran) Wilkinson. His paternal grandfather, W. W. Wilkinson, for whom he was named, came from Tennessee to Arkansas at an early day, settling in Sevier county, and at the time of the Civil war he espoused the cause of the Confederacy. The McFerran family came originally from Mississippi and settlement was made in Franklin county, Arkansas, by Samuel McFerran, the maternal grandfather of W. N. Wilkinson. Thus his ancestors in both the paternal and maternal lines became early residents, of the state. His brother, Samuel Wilkinson, is now a well-known physician of Helen, New Mexico.

In the acquirement of his education, after completing a public school course, W. N. Wilkinson attended the University of Arkansas, in which he pursued a classical course, winning the Bachelor of Arts degree. In early manhood he taught school in Sebastian county but regarded this merely as an initial step to other business activity and was constantly on the alert to grasp opportunities that would make for advancement. He first engaged in banking in Howe, Oklahoma, where he remained for two years, and for the past fourteen years he has been associated with the Farmers Bank of Greenwood. This bank was organized in 1907 as a state bank, Mr. Wilkinson being the first incumbent in the office which he still fills, while W. L. Seaman became the first president and C. R. Owens the vice president. The officers at this writing (1921) are: G. C. Packard, president: C. R. Owens, vice president; W. N. Wilkinson, cashier; and Alice Holland, assistant cashier. The bank has enjoyed a prosperous existence throughout the period since it was organized, owing to the safe, conservative policy followed and the progressive methods which have been employed in securing business.

Mr. Wilkinson was married in 1902 to Miss Myrtle Means and they have become parents of three children: Louise (deceased) and Means and Lillian. The family is well known in Greenwood and this part of the state. the hospitality of many of the best homes being freely accorded them. During the World war period Mr. Wilkinson served as chairman of the War Savings Stamps committee and otherwise did everything in his power to uphold the interests of the government. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, in the work of which he takes active part, serving now as ruling elder, and he is also identified with the Masonic fraternity, being equally loyal to the teachings and high purposes of the craft.