Southern Claims Commission

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In the 1870s, southerners claimed compensation from the U.S. government for items used by the Union Army, ranging from corn and horses, to trees and church buildings.

(Many of these pages are extremely hard to read)

Claim of William West #17531 filed  Nov. 15, 1872

(most of his claim was missing or mixed with someone else)

1 Mule      $125.00

1 Horse     $75.00


To prove loyalty:  Emmer Clayton of Chocoville, Ar - Adaline McDonald of Chocoville, Ar. - Lucy? Frizzell of Chocoville, Ar.

To prove claim:   Same names.

Has been a citizen of the U.S. since 1812.  Now resides at Sugarloaf Township, Sebastian Co., Ar. P.O. Chocoville.    When incident occurred he lived near Rodney,  Jefferson Co., Mississippi Taken by Gen Elliotts Cavalry in 1864.

From US War Department June 30, 1876 - "Case of William West, Sebastian Co., Ark.     Mr. West sold to the Confederate States one mule for $150 for which he was paid by Maj. W.M. Montgomery ??? C.S. Army at Little Rock, Ark on this 29th June 1861.  Recpt on file"