Alvin E. Thompson

(If you are researching Alvin E. Thompson be aware that there were 2 Alvin E. Thompson with the same birth month and year...but the day is not the same and the other Alvin E is in Mississippi.)

Alvin E. Thompson was born May 24, 1920 at Prairie, Washington Co. Arkansas to William Earl & Ocie Gertrude Prince Thompson. November 15, 1946 he married Mae Macmillan at Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ar. On September 17, 1957 they divorced at Sebastian Co., Ar. December 14, 1958 Alvin married Clover May Parks Baker who was born in Bonanza, Sebastian Co., Ar. The marriage was at Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ar.

The only record of Alvin's service besides his marker in the Fort Smith National Cemetery is on one of his veterans record that gives it as "Service Start Date: 2 Dec 1941 Service End Date: 10 Oct 1945".

Alvin E Thompson passed away September 26, 1975 and is buried in the National Cemetery in Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ar.