County News

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

Van Buren County Paper, January 19, 1882, 1st column

Selected items

Somebody broke into Deputy Sheriff King's smokehouse the other night, and got away with all his meat and lard.

The mail arrived in a wretched condition on Monday last. So badly damaged, being exposed to the rain, that much of it was destroyed.

A special term of the county court ---(one line missing), for the purpose of hearing and considering the petition praying for an election for the removal of the county seat from Clinton to Big Bottom.

Sheriff Poe and posse made a raid through the Gulf last week, and although they did not succeed in capturing any of the horse-thieves who congregate there, it is thought that the nest is broken up, for the present, at least.

George Barnes, in attempting to cross Archie, at the Patton ford, on last Saturday, with his wagon and team, was washed down the stream for a considerable distance, and that for timely assistance might have been drowned.

Among the prominent citizens in town this week we note Rev. J. W. Bowden, of Craig, Joshua Weaver and W. P. Gipson Esq., of Union; Henry Gadsberry, W. T. and D. C. Bradford, ?. J. Cullum, of Red River, and Ben Arnhart, of Hartsuggs