Stobaugh Family Visit

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

Van Buren County Democrat, July 18, 1935

Stobaugh Family Here the Past Week

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stobaugh and their eldest son, Ralph of Tishimingo, Okla., spent from Friday to Monday in Van Buren County renewing old acquaintances and visiting friends and scenes of former days.

Mr. Stobaugh is the son of the late Uncle Bill Stobaugh of Choctaw and was born and reared in the Choctaw community. For several years following his marriage, he and Mrs. Stobaugh were residents of Clinton. Mr. Stobaugh being postmaster here from 1897 to 1900. During that time C.L. Treadaway looked after most of Uncle Bill's affairs while Mr. Stobaugh devoted his time to the practice of law.

In 1902 the family moved to Oklahoma, then known as the Indian Territory. As a means of livelihood Mr. Stobaugh continued to practice law. "Because it is needed so badly," he said, "I have also devoted a good deal of my time to the ministry," and Sunday morning he preached to a large and appreciative audience at the Christian Church at Choctaw, a building erected principally through the gift and efforts of his venerable father.

This is their first visit here in 22 years, or since 1913, and while her Mr. and Mrs. Stobaugh had the pleasure of seeing many of their former friends and neighbors who were indeed glad to welcome them home. During the 33 years they have been away many changes have taken place, however this visit brought to mind numerous memories of former days and their trip was a most pleasant one in many respects.