Birthdays in the Newspaper

Submitted by Donnie Pickard

Van Buren County Democrat, January 18, 1924 p1, c6

Who was the first child born in your township? This question was asked of Democrat readers several weeks since and the first and only reply received thus far is from our good friend "Uncle Baz" Thomas of Oak Flat, Washington township. The first child born in that township was his son, Benjamin P. Thomas, his birth occurring in a plank house on Peyton Creek where the venerable father yet resides. For more than 41 years this house has served as the postoffice for that community, Uncle Baz acting as postmaster throughout all those years. Among other settlers residing in the community at that time Uncle Baz recals L.M. Taylor, Joe Jacks, Jim Vernon, John Emmett, Page Hatchett, T.J. Archer and W. Whitmire. The first school attended by young Thomas was taught by W.H. Wynn, the school house being located on the mountain near location of present school house in Dist. No. 43. Upon reaching manhood's estate he married Miss May Hensley. For a number of years prior to his death in 1914 he was engaged in the mercantile business at Leslie. His widow and four children survive. Who will give us a history of the first birth in another township?

Van Buren County Democrat,
January Birthdays
Miss Jessie KEMPJanuary 3rdClinton
Mrs. Mary ANDERSONJanuary 6thShirley
Mrs. Josie DAMERONJanuary 6thClinton
Mrs. J.T. WHILLOCKJanuary 7thClinton
Bethel WHITEJanuary 12thHigden
Mrs. John LINSINJanuary 16thPlant
Mrs. Bettie GOATSJanuary 16thCopeland
Mrs. R.F. PATEJanuary 16thClinton
Joe HARNESSJanuary 16thLexington
Brad FRASERJanuary 18thClinton
Mrs. D.A. PATTONJanuary 23rdClinton
Lela CLARKJanuary 24thLexington
E.E. CANERDAYJanuary 24thClinton
James WILLIAMSJanuary 26th
R.M. HAYESJanuary 27thElbert
Osco HALLJanuary 31st

Van Buren County Democrat, January 25, 1924

R.M. Hayes, whose birthday is listed above, was born in Union County, Ga., Jan. 27th , 1862. He came to Van Buren County 44 years ago this month and in July of the following year married Rebecca Byers, also a native of Union County, Ga. They have been blessed with 5 children, 23 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.

Van Buren County Democrat, 1924
February Birthdays
L.H. GRIGGSFeb 1stScotlandDoyle O'NEALFeb 16thScotland
Sherman MERRYMANFeb 1stClintonIke GILDESLIEVEFeb 17thPlant
Thelma McKNIGHTFeb 1stBee BranchGuy RHOADESFeb 17thChoctaw
Uncle Rich HARDESTERFeb 1stRexTom HUNTERFeb 17thChoctaw
Viola ROLLINSFeb 1stShirleyMrs. M.A. BANKSFeb 17thClinton
Mrs. Mollie BRADLEYFeb 1stClintonPeggy WARDFeb 18thClinton
Tom PATEFeb 1stClintonOdis KINGSLEYFeb 18thRex
Quinnie LEWALLENFeb 1stMorgantonBelle MASSEYFeb 18thShirley
Sallie UNDERWOODFeb 1stClintonNorman O'NEALFeb 18thScotland
Vernie HALLFeb 2ndScotlandAlice BATESFeb 18thBee Branch
Beulah SMITHFeb 2ndChoctawLeland O'NEALFeb 18thScotland
Clarence BURNETTFeb 2ndClevelandJoe DEMPSEYFeb 18thRt 3, Shirley
Lucille HALBROOKFeb 2ndClevelandCecil SICKLERFeb 19thPlant
Mrs. Will PLEDGERFeb 3rdBee BranchCharlie PATTERSONFeb 19thClinton
V.P. BUMPERSFeb 3rdQuitmanH.H. PRUITTFeb 19thClinton
Ruby LONGFeb 3rdClintonGarner FRASERFeb 19thClinton
Lesby TRAWICKFeb 3rdQuitmanJohn HALEFeb 19thRex
Mrs. Jess PICKLESIMERFeb 3rdRexBilly Gean PEARCEFeb 19thShirley
Junious WRIGHTFeb 3rdBee BranchCarrie JACOBSFeb 19thWalnut Grove
Luster STORYFeb 4thChoctawClarence SUMNERFeb 19thBee Branch
Gladys GOLDMANFeb 4thArcheyEileen McALISTERFeb 19thClinton
Myrtle GRADDYFeb 4thMorgantonBess BRADLEYFeb 20thClinton
A.B. MOOREFeb 4thChoctawJ.R. STERLINFeb 20thElba
Cleba PRESLEYFeb 5thMorgantonM.E. MADDOXFeb 20thClinton
J.H. JOHNSONFeb 5thBee BranchAnderson CUMMANSFeb 20thFormosa
Carrie BRADFORDFeb 5thShirleyMrs. Dora RUSSELLFeb 20thFormosa
Cleba PRESLEYFeb 5thMorgantonVelma WOODFeb 21stMorganton
Sherrell HALBROOKFeb 5thClevelandAvis WOODFeb 21stMorganton
W.H. ANDERSONFeb 5thShirleyR.M. HENRYFeb 21stDennard
Mary E. MOOREFeb 5thQuitmanGus UNDERWOODFeb 21stClinton
Mrs. Zura MASSEYFeb 5thShirleyManda MADDOXFeb 21stClinton
Ollie SHIPPFeb 6thFormosaRosa BONDSFeb 21stShirley
J.B. WHALEYFeb 6thMorgantonR.M. HENRYFeb 21stDennard
Mrs. J.L. ROGERSFeb 6thChoctawMrs. S.T. PERKINSFeb 21stPlant
Marion KOONEFeb 6thScotlandWilener BRAMLETFeb 22ndPlant
Daniel KOONEFeb 6thRexChas. F. WOODFeb 22ndMorganton
Lillian ALEXANDERFeb 7thShirleyMavis McKIMFeb 22ndBee Branch
D.C.BRADFORDFeb 7thShirleyJohn BOWLINGFeb 22ndClinton
Vernon WATTSFeb 7thDennardEdith HALLFeb 22ndScotland
Dixie ROWEFeb 7thLittle RockMabel WINNINGHAMFeb 22ndFormosa
Lela MAHANFeb 7thBee BranchA.J. WRIGHTFeb 22ndRex
Mrs. Peggy KOONEFeb 7thScotlandElbert SCOTTFeb 22ndDennard
Tommy GADBERRYFeb 7thShirleyHelen REEVESFeb 22ndLexington
James WRIGHTFeb 7thCrabtreeD.C.GOATSFeb 22ndCopeland
Miss V.E. STERLINFeb 8thElbaMinnie JOHNSONFeb 22ndClinton
Martha MOODYFeb 8thCopelandBud CATESFeb 22ndClinton
E.L. PRESLEYFeb 8thMorgantonT.A. PRUITTFeb 22ndRex
Veldenia REEVESFeb 8thRupertAnnie BONDSFeb 22ndShirley
Mrs. J.A. GROSSFeb 9thScotlandLoy HARNESSFeb 22ndShirley
Mrs. F. O. BLAIRFeb 9thPlantMrs. Ad FRENCHFeb 22ndBee Branch
Mrs. D.A. DEANFeb 9thRexMrs. H. BRIGHAMFeb 22ndCopeland
Bethel SUMNERSFeb 9thBee BranchOpie REEVESFeb 23rdLexington
Mrs. F.J. PARKSFeb 9thDennardVaris SMITHFeb 23rdUna
Lucy Belle OLIGERFeb 10thClintonC.F. FULLERTONFeb 23rdBee Branch
Hazel SHOPTAWFeb 10thScotlandMrs. L.V. CROOKFeb 23rdClinton
Mary A. ANDERSONFeb 10thShirleyBretta D. TOWERYFeb 23rdShirley
Kermit FULKSFeb 10thMorgantonP.CUMMANSFeb 23rdLexington
Edd HARNESSFeb 10thLexingtonJurda HUTTOFeb 23rdBee Branch
James H. FRASERFeb 10thClintonJunior BOWLINGFeb 23rdClinton
Riley QUATTLEBAUMFeb 11thBee BranchJ.W. McALISTERFeb 23rdClinton
C.M HOTTENFeb 11thShirleyCloie & Clay REEVESFeb 23rdRupert
Cora EADESFeb 11thClintonMrs. Athel ROGERSFeb 24thScotland
Hiram N. PRIVITTFeb 11thShirleyGeorge GUFFEYFeb 24thLexington
Miss Norma DEANFeb 11thRexRay WATTSFeb 24thDennard
Monroe WATSONFeb 11thCrabtreeOscar MOODYFeb 24thCopeland
G.C. MORROWFeb 11thClintonClaud F. O'NEALFeb 25thScotland
Willie PAGEFeb 11thCrabtreeJoe WHILLOCKFeb 25thClinton
Lena WRIGHTFeb 11thBee BranchBurl DUNCANFeb 25thChoctaw
Vennia EMMONSFeb 11thClintonGus PATTERSONFeb 25thClinton
Mrs. H. SHADWICKFeb 11thShirleyW.M. SANFORDFeb 25thLexington
Mrs. M. KILPATRICKFeb 12thScotlandJ.S. HUDSONFeb 25thQuitman
Lincoln GUFFEYFeb 12thLexingtonMrs. Luke HUIEFeb 26thChoctaw
Jess SMITHFeb 12thChoctawFloyd JACKSONFeb 26thCrabtree
Harvey GRIGGSFeb 12thClintonSareptia WATTSFeb 26thDennard
Alvin NELSONFeb 12thMorgantonWill SHANNONFeb 26thChoctaw
Mrs.Ida SUGGSFeb 12thChoctawHarvey ALEXANDERFeb 26thShirley
R.H. LUTEFeb 12thClintonMrs. J.H. PATTERSONFeb 26thArchey
Jim HOLLEYFeb 12thClintonWoodrow BRADFORDFeb 27thShirley
Nancy J. HOLLEYFeb 12thClintonBryan JOHNSONFeb 27thClinton
Willie Fay STERLINFeb 13thElbaAlbert BLUEFeb 27thScotland
Alice BRANNONFeb 13thQuitmanArthur WRIGHTFeb 27thCrabtree
Mrs. Belle EVANSFeb 13thShirleyMiss Eathel HOLLEYFeb 27thClinton
Amos BATESFeb 13thBee BranchA. DunsworthFeb 27thCleveland
Minnie KEMPFeb 14thClintonHobert HOOTENFeb 28thShirley
Bet LOFTISFeb 14thBee BranchSherman LINDSEYFeb 28thScotland
Nell O'Neal, age 2Feb 14thClintonMrs. M.A. STERLINFeb 28thElba
Mrs. Leona ISAACFeb 14thArcheyEsta BROWNFeb 28thShirley
Eathel BRADBERRYFeb 14thClintonAthel WATSONFeb 28thCrabtree
Malena O'DELLFeb 14thChoctawVivian EMMONSFeb 28thScotland
Mrs. J.M SCOTTFeb 14thDennardBrat FULKSFeb 28thMorganton
Leonard HARNESSFeb 14thLexingtonVirgil STERLINFeb 28thElba
Lillie CRAVENSFeb 14thClintonWinfred SNEEDFeb 28thQuitman
Martin WARDFeb 15thBee BranchMack EVANSFeb 28thShirley
Viva WILSONFeb 15thUnaGracie CLARKFeb 28thLexington
Ethel UNDERWOODFeb 15thClintonMrs. R.C. RILEYFeb 28thArchey
Mrs. S. MIDDLETONFeb 15thDennardVirgil STERLINFeb 29thElba
W.P. BUMPERSFeb 15thQuitmanJ.G. EVANSFeb 29thClinton
Mrs. Josie ENGLANDFeb 15thShirleyArthur BOWLINGFeb 29thScotland
Jim WHALLEYFeb 16thMorgantonHerman McKIMFeb 29thBee Branch
Ralph WRIGHTFeb 16thCrabtreeW.M. KUYKENDALLFeb 29thClinton
Olin HUNTERFeb 16thClinton R.F.D.Mrs. Rush HOOTENFeb 29thShirley
Mrs. Sara HATCHETTFeb 16thClintonMrs. J.H. LINDSEYFeb 29thScotland

Van Buren County Democrat, January 25, 1924

The 16th of February Aunt Sarah Hatchett, nee Harrison, providence permitting, will have the exceptional privilege of celebrating her 78th anniversary, her birth occurring in Hardin County, Tenn., Feb. 16th, 1846. Her residence in Van Buren County dates from 1852. She is the mother of eight children, seven of whom survive and with one of whom, Mrs. D. A. Patton, she makes her home. There is much we would like to say concerning the life and deeds of this venerable lady, but time and space precludes in this connection.

Van Buren County Democrat, 1924
March Birthdays
J. R. McALISTERMarch 1ClintonJ. H. BUMPERSMarch 15Quitman
Mamie HORTONMarch 1ClintonA. M. LESLEYMarch 15Bee Branch
Willie NELSONMarch 1Bee BranchRoy Fay BURNSMarch 15Clinton
Bonnie B. LEFLERMarch 1ClintonBobby JOHNSONMarch 16Clinton
R.C. ELLIOTTMarch 1ShirleyCorene JOYNERMarch 16Bee Branch
Walter MORGANMarch 1ScotlandDewel SHANNONMarch 16Choctaw
Nicey OLIGERMarch 1ClintonJewel SHANNONMarch 16Choctaw
Hays MIDDLETONMarch 2DennardMrs. C. M. ELLIOTTMarch 16Shirley
T. H. HORTONMarch 2Oak FlatHazel LENTZMarch 16Cleveland
Imogene ROGERSMarch 2ScotlandLavern WHITWORTHMarch 16Clinton
Lora STROUDMarch 2ScotlandMrs. Sippie MASSEYMarch 16Scotland
Jack HUIEMarch 3FormosaW. L. KILPATRICKMarch 16Woolum
Mrs. Mary McGEEMarch 3DennardRobert NEWLANDMarch 17Dennard
Jesse SMITHMarch 3ClintonLloyd WHITEMarch 17Higden
Manuel GOLDENMarch 4ArcheyAfton KINCAIDMarch 17Formosa
Winnie DEASONMarch 4ClintonMrs. Myrtle GROVEMarch 17Dennard
Earl PRESLEYMarch 4Bee BranchMinnie BRADLEYMarch 17Clinton
Fay TRAWICKMarch 4QuitmanMrs. A. M. EMERSONMarch 17Rupert
Geo. W. WARDMarch 5ChoctawA. J. PATTERSONMarch 17Quitman
Mrs. Opal HUIEMarch 5FormosaWillard LEONARDMarch 18Bee Branch
Mildred MOBLEYMarch 5LexingtonOtheal FAINMarch 19Bee Branch
Mrs. S.A GOATSMarch 5CopelandClaud CROWNOVERMarch 19Bee Branch
Margaret GRADDYMarch 5Bee BranchMay McKNIGHTMarch 20Clinton
C. B. MOOREMarch 5ChoctawWilma COLLUMSMarch 20Bee Branch
Jim JONESMarch 5ClevelandVictor EMERSONMarch 20Rupert
Alonzo NUNLEYMarch 6DennardValjean RUSSELLMarch 21Cleveland
Lelah McALISTERMarch 6ClintonK. J. BRADFORDMarch 21Shirley
Veda LENTZMarch 6ClevelandBertha MARCHBANKSMarch 22Rex
Borden STROUDMarch 6ScotlandFay SMITHMarch 22Shirley
W.G. GORDONMarch 6Bee BranchRay SMITHMarch 22Shirley
Mildred CROWNOVERMarch 6ClevelandRev. W. W. WILLIAMSMarch 22Shirley
Ewan SCROGGINSMarch 6ClevelandCordelia STROUDMarch 22Scotland
Mrs. Etta BURTMarch 7CopelandTennie STROUDMarch 22Scotland
W. F. McALISTERMarch 7ClintonC. A. MOBLEYMarch 22Quitman
Vesta RINGMarch 7LexingtonWilson MOBLEYMarch 22Quitman
Jim W. WARDMarch 7Bee BranchMrs. Bessie EVANSMarch 22Quitman
Harmon FRENCHMarch 7Bee BranchMarion SMITHMarch 22Clinton
Keith BRADFORDMarch 7ShirleyDoyle WHITEMarch 23Higden
Mrs. J. P. MORGANMarch 7ScotlandAviel FULLERTONMarch 23Bee Branch
Mack FIRESTONEMarch 8ArcheyW. M. PEELMarch 23Clinton
Pauline WILLIAMSMarch 8LexingtonG. H. PATTERSONMarch 23Quitman
Onva CLARKMarch 8LexingtonHallie DUNSWORTHMarch 24Scotland
Mrs. W. C. KOONEMarch 8ClevelandBevi HODGESMarch 24Copeland
Y.S. THOMASONMarch 8BotkinburgDevie EMERSONMarch 24Clinton
Velma Laverne COOPERMarch 8RockyhillMiss Leona GROSSMarch 24Formosa
Mrs. Belle BURNETTMarch 8ClevelandJohnie R. BROWNMarch 24Bee Branch
Jesse B. BLUEMarch 8ScotlandJulia WELLSMarch 24Cleveland
Maggie VANNOYMarch 9DennardJ. C. BRADFORDMarch 24Shirley
Minnie SHANNONMarch 9ChoctawG. E. HORTONMarch 25Oak Flat
Martha BEVERAGEMarch 9ScotlandMiss Lizzie LOTTMarch 25Copeland
J. L. WARDMarch 9QuitmanM. B. LEFLERMarch 25Clinton
A. J. MEELERMarch 10ClevelandMrs. W. O. FOXMarch 25Shirley
Melvada LAMARMarch 10PlantNellie ABRAMMarch 25Eglantine
James WATTSMarch 10LexingtonBessie EMERSONMarch 25Rupert
Troy LEFLERMarch10ClevelandInez TOWERYMarch 26Shirley
W.D. ARCHERMarch 10DennardElliott ISAACSMarch 26Plant
Cecil GRADYMarch 11Bee BranchLuther SUMMERSMarch 26Cleveland
Mrs. W. T. DAVISMarch 11ClintonMrs. Adda WARDMarch 26Choctaw
Margariete BROWNMarch 11Bee BranchA. B. MOORE, Jr.March 27Choctaw
John M. COOPERMarch 11QuitmanLinton JACOBSMarch 27Clinton
M. B. HAWKINSMarch 12ScotlandFrank CAMPBELLMarch 27Clinton
P. A. ARNHARTMarch 12CopelandAce LOTTMarch 27Scotland
Lowell B. GOODENMarch 12ChoctawErnest JACOBSMarch 28Clinton
Rose HALBROOKMarch 12ClevelandRoscoe SUMNERSMarch 28Bee Branch
Alvin MAYALLMarch 12ClevelandJ. D. BONDSMarch 28Shirley
A. J. BONDSMarch 12PlantW. P. SNEEDMarch 28Quitman
Everett RUSSELLMarch 13DennardLuther BEAVERSMarch 28Clinton
Sarah Belle ARCHERMarch 13DennardHelen Marie BOONEMarch 29Bee Branch
Mrs. Delta SNEEDMarch 13QuitmanHouston C. McKIMMarch 29Bee Branch
Lorine MORGANMarch 13ScotlandMiss Bethel OTTMarch 29Archey
Obie GOLDENMarch 14ArcheyRuth CULLUMMarch 29Eglantine
Viller BARNESMarch 14CopelandJ. W. BROWNMarch 29Bee Branch
Bessie GARDNERMarch 14CopelandSue JORDONMarch 30Shirley
Hessie GARDNERMarch 14CopelandLeila HAWKINSMarch 30Scotland
Ellene CROWNOVERMarch 14Bee BranchWylie SCROGGINSMarch 30Cleveland
Farris HUNTERMarch 14Bee BranchRobert WADDELLMarch 30Clinton
Mrs. R. J. WHILLOCKMarch 14ElbaSallie Cottrell HALLMarch 30Higden
J. E. McKNIGHTMarch 14Bee BranchSam CULPEPPERMarch 30Clinton
Vena Beatrice COUCHMarch 14ArcheyA. B. O'NEALMarch 31Scotland
Norma WARBRITTONMarch 14Bee BranchLowell O'NEALMarch 31Scotland
Orville MERRIMANMarch 14ClintonWerta Rea RIFFEYMarch 31Quitman
Chas. WILLIAMSMarch 15LexingtonWoodra Ree RIFFEYMarch 31Quitman
Mrs. Nancy WEBBMarch 15ClintonMrs. Bettie LESLEYMarch 31Bee Branch
Harvey J. HALLMarch 15Higden

Van Buren County Democrat, March 7, 1924

Through an oversight last week we failed to include in our list of February birthdays the names of Clois and Clay Reeves, twins, born Feb. 23d, 1911, also, Veldenia Reeves, born Feb. 8th, 1924, all of Rupert.

Van Buren County Democrat, March 14, 1924

I was 73 years old March 5th, was born and reared in Van Buren County and thin there is no other county like it, says Mrs. S. A. Goats of Copeland on a postcard addressed the Democrat.

Tuesday was Mrs. W.T. Davis' 65 birthday anniversary and in honor of the occasion she entertained at dinner the families of her two daughters resident of Clinton, Mesdames Fraser and Koone.

Last week's list of birthdays contained the names of twins Dewel and Jewel Shannon, children of Mr. and Mrs. Will Shannon of Choctaw township. This week we have two others Bessie and Hessie Gardner of near Copeland. Who knows of other twins in the county born in March?

Van Buren County Democrat, March 21, 1924

Dear Mr. Oldham: March 31st is my birthday; was born in 1886. My youngest son, Lowell, was born March 31st, 1920. He is a fine baby, of course full of life and loves baby chicks. Good Wishes. A. B. O'Neal, Scotland.

In reporting the date of her birth Mrs. Sam Culpepper remarked that she had a twin sister, Mrs. Ant Evans, also a cousin of same age, but these had quit having birthdays. Mrs. Evans, who makes he home with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rainey, now lives at Memphis. Mr. Rainey being employed on the News Scimitar.

In sending in the date of her birth, March 8th, 1875, Mrs. Belle Burnett of Cleveland says she is a native of Alabama but has lived in Van Buren and Conway counties since 1860, excepting 11 months spent in Bradley County. Mrs. Burnett says she was married in 1894 and is the mother of fifteen children, eight of whom are now living.

In sending the Democrat the date of her birthday, March 16th, Mrs. J. O. Massey, nee Morgan, says the 7th of March was also the anniversary of her marriage. After 17 years of married life she says that neither she nor her husband have yet grown tired of sharing each other's joys and sorrows. Here's hoping our friends will live to enjoy many happy returns of their marriage anniversary.

Van Buren County Democrat, March 28, 1924

Mrs. W. O. Fox of the Weaver Creek neighborhood writes the Democrat that she was 54 years old the 25th and that she had been in the county less than four years, but wished she had been here longer as she liked this part of the state very much and it is home now.

Van Buren County Democrat, 1924
April Birthdays
Mrs. Keith BRADFORDApril 1ShirleyMrs. Jos. HANCOCKApril 16Dennard
Leeottie PATTONApril 1ClintonLloyd WALDRIPApril 16Dennard
Mrs. Myrtie DOUTHITTApril 1ShirleyEvelyn CALVINApril 16Rumley
Mrs. Laura SIMMONSApril 1ClintonJ. H. DUNCANApril 16Choctaw
Marvin BOYKINApril 1ClintonOpal MIDDLETONApril 16Dennard
J. W. HINKLEApril 2ShirleyJ. L. MIZELApril 16Scotland
Mrs. Charles PATTONApril 2ArcheyGarner Dale BOONEApril 17Morganton
Bobbie PATTERSONApril 2QuitmanAva Lee HUIEApril 17Choctaw
Mrs. Alice HALLApril 2ScotlandRalph NEWLANDApril 18Dennard
Mrs. Mary GUILINGApril 2ScotlandHazel MASSEYApril 18Scotland
W. T. PRESLEYApril 2DamascusLeone JONESApril 18Scotland
Faye WILLIAMSApril 2Oak FlatBramlet SIMPKINSApril 18Shirley
Verlie HARDINApril 2Bee BranchOid STERLINApril 18Elba
Harold ROGERSApril 2DamascusJ. A. JOHNSONApril 19Elba
J. W. DUNCANApril 3ShirleyWinnie UNDERWOODApril 19Scotland
Penzil EMERSONApril 3RupertWarren QUATTLEBAUMApril 19Bee Branch
Codie HUDSONApril 4QuitmanVirgil MOOREApril 20Morganton
Silas OSBURNApril 4CopelandAnnie CATESApril 20Formosa
Mrs. Ann BOSTApril 4ScotlandClarie CATESApril 20Formosa
Mrs. Della BUMPERSApril 5QuitmanLuther LOUDERMILKApril 20Copeland
Mrs. Ira PERKINSApril 5ShirleyCharles JOHNSONApril 20Bee Branch
Miss Essie HALLApril 6ScotlandWilliam BARTONApril 20Lexington
Elda EMERSONApril 7RupertMerle WARDApril 20Choctaw
Mrs. V. P. BUMPERSApril 8QuitmanWinona HAYESApril 21Oak Flat
Thos. JONES, Sr.April 8CopelandLuther BRADLEYApril 21Clinton
Ruth EMMONSApril 8ScotlandIrene OSBURNApril 21Copeland
Willard SMITHApril 8ChoctawOretta HANCOCKApril 21Dennard
Kathlyne SMITHApril 8ChoctawMrs. Dick SIMPKINSApril 21Shirley
Opal KILLOUGHApril 9DennardScott COUCHApril 22Archey
Lela MORRISONApril 9ScotlandMrs. Parlee UNDERWOODApril 22Clinton
Raley DOUTHITTApril 9ShirleyJ. H. COTTRELLApril 22Clinton
Eugene POWERSApril 9ShirleyBonnie Lee HUNTERApril 22Bee Branch
Helen MORGANApril 9ScotlandLindsey HATCHETTApril 22Clinton
J. A. HAYESApril 9RockyhillMrs. T. C. SUMNERSApril 23Bee Branch
Mrs. Louise CLAIBORNEApril 9DennardMrs. Essie HUGGINSApril 23Formosa
Elva GOATSApril 9CopelandMollie SNEEDApril 23Quitman
Wanda TOWERYApril 10ShirleyJesse SMITHApril 23Dennard
Dollie HOLLEYApril 10ShirleyVelma PACKApril 23Scotland
Thelma ROLLANDApril 10LibertyW. R. MORGANApril 23Scotland
Mrs. Jesse SIMPKINSApril 11ShirleyClara HOGANApril 24Scotland
Mrs. Pearl SMITHApril 11ClintonJ. M. PERKINSApril 24Shirley
Amy GRAHAMApril 11Bee BranchFrank BURGESSApril 24Shirley
Elizabeth SCROGGINSApril 12ClevelandGlenney JENNINGSApril 26Morganton
Delia WOODApril 12MorgantonMrs. Sarah BAKERApril 26Morganton
Dorthea McGEHEEApril 12ChoctawEthna BOONEApril 26Bee Branch
Pensy RAYMERApril 13MorgantonOnia JONESApril 26Scotland
Helen TRAWICKApril 13QuitmanDon BURGESSApril 27Clinton
Devoe HUNTERApril 13ClintonBertha JOHNSONApril 27Bee Branch
Marie SHANNONApril 13ChoctawMrs. A. L. DEANApril 27Scotland
Mrs. J. L. MIZELLApril 14ScotlandAmos V. PRESLEYApril 27Damascus
Willie HEFNERApril 14RupertM. C. WILLIAMSApril 28Oak Flat
Cecil BURGESSApril 14ClintonMrs. Chlarice LEFLERApril 28Shirley
Robert ISOMApril 14ClintonClaudie MASSEYApril 28Scotland
R. T. CROOKApril 14ClintonMrs. Mary MASSEYApril 29Scotland
Gertie HARDINApril 15ScotlandJohnie JONESApril 29Scotland
Bert HARDINApril 15ScotlandMaymie ROACHApril 29Clinton
H. F. HARDINApril 15ScotlandWilmeth BAKERApril 29Morganton
Jewel ARCHERApril 15DennardOrien McGLATHERYApril 30Arlburg

Van Buren County Democrat, April 11, 1924
In the list appearing this week is the name of a youth nearing his 87th mile post; J. L. Mizell of Craig Township. Twins, a brother and sister, are also listed from the same township. How many other twins in the county who were born in April we wonder.

Van Buren County Democrat, April 18, 1924
Mrs. Parlee Underwood whose anniversary is listed above, writes the Democrat that she has been a citizen of this county for 45 years, coming here from Sharp County, where she was born, when six years old.

In reporting the date of his birth, along with that of his mother, J. M. Perkins, says: My mother, Mrs. Ida Perkins, was born April 5th, 59 years ago, and has passed her entire life within one mile of where she was born. But during these 59 years she has moved five times.

Van Buren County Democrat, July 15, 1932
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Suggs are the parents of a boy baby born July 3d. This is their second child, both boys.

April 21, 1933
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suggs of the Barrens community have been rejoicing since Friday over the arrival of a fine boy baby. This is their fourth child---- two girls and two boys.

December 12, 1935
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Suggs, who live on highway 16, have been rejoicing since Tuesday morning of last week over the arrival of a 12 pound girl baby who has been christened Molina Mae. This is their fourth child --- two girls and two boys.

January 16, 1936
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Suggs of Choctaw are the parents of a boy baby at the home of Mrs. Suggs's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Holly, Tuesday, January 7th. Mrs. Suggs will be better remembered as Miss Eula Holly.

April 23, 1936

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Suggs are the proud parents of a girl baby born April 4th. It is their fifth child and has been christened Elsie Lucretia. Mother and babe are doing fair.