(transcribed: (02/14/06)
 Copy courtesy of Arkansas History Commission 
Published in The Fayetteville Daily, January 29, 1906.
Resolution of Baldwin Commandery No 4 on the 
Death of Brother Oliver C. Gray. 
To the officers and members of Baldwin
Commandery No 4. 

We, your committee appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death
of our beloved Frater, Oliver C Gray, beg leave to make the following
report and more its adoption with the accompanying resolutions: 

Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God, in his wise
Providence, to take out of this world the soul of our deceased Frater,
we bow with reverence and humility to the Divine will and hereby express
our appreciation of Brother Gray's character. 

As a Mason from the first to the thirty[second degree
ad from the Blue Lodge to the Asylum, it was not alone or principally
the Ritual and the outward ceremonies; he observed and loved those
because they embodied and taught the deep principles of proper living. 

As a lover of Symbolic Masonry he endeavored to
circumscribe his actions and keep his passions within due bonds,
squaring his actions by the principles of virtue and morality, walking
uprightly toward God and men ever remembering that he was traveling on
the level of time to that county from whose bourne no traveler returns. 

As a Caputulor(?) Mason he was clothed with
fervency(?) and zeal ever ready to dispense light and knowledge to his
less informed brethren and endued with that purity of heart and
restitude(?) of conduct that should characterize every one who seeks to
enter the sacred Tabernacle above. 

He was a true Knight Templar who xxxx strove to keep
his vows. He was a Knight without fest and without reproach, ever
bearing himself courteously, gallantly and knightly. He was a man of
unsullied reputation and spotless scutcheon who was ever ready to help
the down trodden and oppressed and to draw his sword in defense of
destitute widows, helpless orphans, innocent maidens, and the christian

Our Frater's pilgrimage ended and his warelare(?)
accomplished and he now rests in the Asylum of Peter, the Paradise of
God. Peace be to his ashes and may light perpetual shine upon him. 

Resolved, that , in mourning the loss 
of our dear Frater, we thank God for his good example and pray to Him to
give us grace so to pass the time of our pilgrimage and to accomplish
our warfare as to be accounted worthy to enter into the Asylum of
Perpetual Rest. 

Resolved, that a copy of this preamble and these
resolutions be sent his widow and family with the assurance that their
sorrow is our sorrow. 

Resolved, that a copy be sent to the city papers to be
printed in their daily and weekly issues. 

      Jas J Vaulx,
      H F Rengan,
      C H Brough, 

Approved in open Commanding Jan 25th A D, 1906, A O 7SS. 

Frank Hill, Recorder