Welch Cemetery
Rose Bud, Arkansas
Photo by Leroy Blair
This Cemetery is also known as: None known
GPS Location: 590329-3911191
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #: 3WH0691
Number of Marked Graves: 1
Number of Unmarked Graves: Unknown
The last complete survey of this cemetery was: May 14, 2001 By Leroy Blair
Current status of cemetery: This cemetery is no longer in use
Point of contact for cemetery. No known contact person.
The move West marked great courage and sacrifice by America’s early settlers. Among them was the Welch family, which was
headed across White County, Arkansas, when disaster struck. No one in Rose Bud knows where the little family came from or
where it was headed, but the trip for three of its members ended here.
The story of this cemetery was recorded for the first time May 14, 2001, by Leroy Blair of the White County Historical Society, who
visited the site with his wife Ellen. Following is his report:
"I received a telephone call about this cemetery from a Mrs. Mindie Hodge after an article I had written was published in
Searcy Daily Citizen
. In it, I requested information about old cemeteries. The property where the graves are located is currently
owned by a Mrs. Anita Herrington. I talked to Mr. Darrell Hare, father of Mindie Hodge, who told me the story of what happened.
"This land has been in Mr. Hare’s family for about 150 years. He said his great-great-grandfather had always told everyone that a
wagon train traveling through the area had stopped when some of the people on the wagon train came down with typhoid fever
and stayed there four or five months. A family named Welch was from the wagon train. Three members of their family died and
were buried here – the mother, a son and a daughter. I was able to find only one stone with names on it. But I found two square-cut
rocks that at one time probably marked the other graves.
"To get to the cemetery from Rose Bud, take Highway 36 east about .4 mile to White Road. Turn left and go about 1¾ miles to Deer
Road. Turn right and go about 200 yards. The cemetery is close to an old house trailer on the left side of the road under some
cedar trees. It is fenced with a small fence but is overgrown."
Following is a list of known burials in this cemetery.
Welch, Roena H. – February 24, 1869 – November 26, 1872 – Daughter of J.R. & W.E. Welch - Welch Cemetery
Legend: Copyright-Aug.23, 2016-Paul V. Isbell-Webmaster:
Most of the cemetery information listed was collected by Leroy “Lee” Blair Former member of the White
County Historical Society Board of Directors. Now working at the White County Historical Society office on
the square in Searcy. WCHS P. O. Box 537 Searcy, Ark. 72145.
If you have any additions or corrections to the burial listing please contact the Historical Society. Phone 501-
278-5010 or Email me at
or wchs1962@gmail.com
I will be posting more burials later. The Searcy Daily Citizen donated all their Micro Film and Ledgers dating
back to 1953. After reviewing them, if I find a death of a person that we do not have I will to add to the
cemetery listings.
There are some graves listed as unmarked that may have had a tombstone set since the listing was made.
I may have missed some graves when I prepared the listing. Some cemeteries are very hard to get an
accurate listing due to how some graves are scattered
The following Abbreviations are used in the listings
FM-Funeral home marker DS-Double tombstone TS-Triple tombstone
(Obit)-means that the Historical Society has, or has access to the Obituary for this person.