Something Money

Can’t Buy



There are many people to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for their help in putting together this book.

First, there’s Evalena Berry, who taught the class Writing for Fun at the Shepherd Center of Little Rock. Not only did she teach the class, but also she helped me organize the stories into a book. For her help in correcting my grammar and proofreading the manuscript, I am truly grateful.

I also appreciate the assistance of Marilynn Keys, who edited parts of the manuscript.

Special thanks go to the members of the writing class for encouragement, for suggesting titles and for triggering memories as they read their stories.

Thanks also go to my cousins Joel and Cheryl Doyle, who gave me a computer and convinced me that I wasn’t too old to learn to use it. For all the time they spent answering my questions when things went wrong as I learned to use the computer, I am grateful.

Last, but not least, I am forever grateful to Eddie Best, former president of the White County Historical Society, who took a pizza box of stories, written in pencil, along with old family photos, and put them on his computer. Without his hard work and his expertise as a former newspaper editor, this book would not have been possible. He has been my press agent, my editor and will be the printer, as this book will be for the benefit of the White County Historical Society. I would like to think of it as a thank you to White County, where my roots are deep in its soil.


This book is dedicated to the memory of my parents, Edgar and Effie Doyle, who were not able to give me much of this world’s goods, but who gave me much more. They gave me love and a sense of values: something that money can’t buy.




Effie, Edgar and

Christina Doyle

In 1917.