Mound Cemetery

Cotton Plant
GPS Coords: 35.048693, -91.275479
In the vicinity of Shady Grove Church, 35.052526, -91.274990, behind a farm house.
There are two other cemeteries here, along the same fence line. They're called Beard Cemetery and Shady Grove Cemetery. Thank you to Tina and Derron for verifying the loaction of these cemeteries. The coordinates for the other two are near 35.046953, -91.278012 and 35.045824, -91.281518. All three are in need of help.

Legal description: West part of the west (W 1/2) half of the northwest (NW 1/4) quarter of Section 244, T5N, R3W.

Amelia Swan Hill   1814-6 Jul 1858
Mary Ellen Hill Linthicum Locke   25 Oct 1838-10 Feb 1905
Thomas A. Locke   30 Nov 1862-14 Nov 1895
Thomas Todd Locke   18 Nov 1825-15 Oct 1902