Feenyville News

Unless otherwise noted the submitter of these items is Jann Woodard
April 4, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Raley visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tucker Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Youngblood and daughter, Daisy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Holloway visited their sons, J.C. and Alton of Tillar, Sunday.
Little Barbara Ozment is able to go back to school after getting poisoned last Sunday week.
Mr. and Mrs. Burford Reed of Pine Bluff visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Raley last Sunday week.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Trantham and son James of Meroney spent the week-end with A.A. Ozment and family.
Mrs. G. P. Harris, Sr., is on the sick list at this writing.
H. W. Holloway was a Pine Bluff visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. W.A. Case visited her mother, Mrs. Ben Cole, Monday.
Let's remember the services Saturday night and Sunday at the church.