Bradley County, Arkansas Obituaries

Bradley County Obituaries, Surnames A - C
Extracted From The Arkansas Methodist Newspaper
1884 - 1930

We are very grateful to both Jann Woodard who compiled these obituaries and Debbie Patrick for transcribing them.

[ Surnames A - C ] [ Surnames D - H ] [ Surnames J - N ] [ Surnames P - S ] [ Surnames T - Y ]


Roxana Adams (nee Culpepper) was born March 26, 1859 in Bradley County, Ark. Roxie was 
always gentle, sweet spirited. In the family circle there was a modesty that commended
her to the love and esteem of all. She was happily married to George Adams January 15, 1880.
She lived a consistent life till the day of her death which occurred Nov. 5, 1891. She was
always kind and courteous in her manner; her home was a happy one; her children bear the 
impress of a Christian mother. She was perfectly resigned when the summons of death came. 
Her last hour was crowded with prayer and praise, leaving a glorious evidence of her acceptance
from this to a happier mode of existence. She leaves an aged mother, three brothers, two sisters,
four children and a host of friends to mourn their loss. 

By: C. H. Culpepper, her uncle 

July 14, 1892 page 7 col 2


Miss Ziema Bailey, a daughter of Bro. J. M. and Bettie Bailey, was born Oct. 8, 1879 in Warren,
Ark., where her death occurred Oct. 9, 1893, when she was just 14 years and 1 day old. Ziema
was so kindly disposed that she was loved by all who knew her. She always had a bright smile
for every one and the home was more joyous by the light of her life in it. She was always
punctual and faithful in the Sunday-school and added much cheer and pleasure to her class. She
was a member of the Earnest Workers Juvenile Missionary Society and was a delegate to the last
meeting of the W. M. S., L. R.  Conference, at Fordyce. It was a great pleasure for her to 
attend that meeting. Her sickness was brief. How hard it was for the dear parents and family 
to give her up so pure and young and bright, and how dark the shadow of death in the home. 
How much willing hands and loving hearts had done to build the new home, now nearly completed,
and "Ziema is not to share the joy and pleasure it will afford, for "God took her; " and oh! 
what a comforting reflection , that she shares the sweeter joys and rich pleasures of that 
better and brighter abode above. If with their meager means earthly parents will do so much 
for their children, how much more will the heavenly Father do for those whom he takes unto 
Himself. Oh, the city which the foundations, whose builder and maker is God, where the pure
and good forever dwell! May we enter there. 

By; Samuel Burns, Warren, Ark. 

October 26, 1893 page 3 col 3  (Oakland Cem. Warren, AR) 


Died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Price, two miles north of Warren, Ark., Mrs.
Mary A. Baily, May 31, 1899, age 76 years. It was 6 o'clock in the evening and as the sun
was sinking low in the quiet sky, she calmly and peacefully passed through the valley of 
the shadow and entered the haven of eternal rest. Mrs. Baily was a native of Georgia; came 
with her husband and children to Bradley county, Ark., in 1860. Her husband died in 1866. 
She leaves six children and several grandchildren and many friends mourn her departure, but 
we know that our loss is her eternal gain, for she was ready and her prospects bright for 
heavenly felicity. In early life she was converted and joined the church - - first the Baptist
Church, but in 1841 she joined the Methodist Church, in which she remained an exemplary member
till the day of her death. May her children and grandchildren try to imitate her good example,
and ever remember her words of counsel, and may they all meet her in the blissful beyond where
parting will be no more. 

By: R. A. McClintock 

July 26, 1899 page 13 col 1   (Oakland Cem. Warren) 


Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Raney Barfield, daughter of S. D. and S. E. Rainey, was born November 19,
1858; died June 1, 1916, at the home of her sister. Mrs. Ed Clanton. Sister Barfield joined
the Presbyterian church when seventeen years old. She was a faithful Christian attending church
services at every opportunity. She had been afflicted with rheumatism for 26 years. Her life was
one of pain, yet she bore it like her Savior, not complaining. She has been a regular attendant
of my services for a portion of the past six years. When she came into the church it seemed a
more sacred place because of the presence of this saint of God. She filled well her place in 
life. A beautiful Christian light shines among us no more. We are the poorer; heaven is the 
richer. She left two sisters, one brother and many nieces, nephews and friends who are sad at
her going to join the host of the redeemed. May our Christ cheer the saddened hearts. 

By: R. Spann 

September 28, 1916 page 15 col 1     (Calvary Pres. Cem. Bradley Co.) 


Died of pneumonia, May 14, 1889, S. E. Barnett the wife of F. Barnett, at their home in
Cleveland co., Ark. She was very violently attached from the exordium, and the malignancy of 
the disease continued to the final termination, notwithstanding every available effort was used 
by her many relatives and friends and her physician to arrest the rapid and destructive strides 
of her disease. Mrs. Barnett was born January 5, 1847, in Jackson Parish, La. She was baptized 
in infancy. She became a member of the M. E. Church South, early in life and lived a consistent
Christian life.  She united herself to the same branch of the church after removing to Cleveland
co., Ark., in 1869, under the pastorate of Rev. E. Ware. She is gone to Jesus whom she testified
repeatedly during her severe illness that she had trusted. It is a severe trial to witness the 
victory of death over our race one by one, yet to behold as I did and many others in the very 
act of dissolution of Mrs. Barnett, how cool, calm and self-possessed she was, then confronting
grim Death - - such a scene, at least to me, is as indeed a buoyant inspiration of hope and a 
glorious excitant to renewed faith in Jesus our Lord and Master, who gives the victory, "Blessed
are they that die in the Lord." Such a scene to me is indeed a feast of which I have been 
eye-witness many times. Mrs. Barnett's remains were interred in Shady Grove cemetery. 

By: Her friend, J. W. A. 

May 29, 1889 page 7 col 3    (Shady Grave Cem. Cleveland county) 


Our Heavenly Father, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, has called from our midst ouresteemed
friend and brother, W. O. Bartlett. We mourn his loss and appreciate the consistency with 
which he did his work as superintendent of the Methodist Sunday School at Banks, Ark. We 
recognize that this community has lost one of its best citizens, the church one of its most 
efficient workers, and the Sunday School one of its best friends and leaders. 

By: Committee 

January 24, 1929 page 14 col 3 & 4   (McFarland Cemetery) 


Elizabeth Baxton (nee McClane) was born in Bradley county, now Cleveland, April 17, 1866, and
was converted and joined the M. E. Church, South in August, 1881; married William Baxton 
November 25, 1884 with whom she lived till October 23, 1885, when the Lord called her from earth
to heaven. She parted from relatives and friends in perfect submission calling several of them 
to the side of her dying bed, telling them she had nothing to fear - - it was alright with her. 
Her life was calm and smooth; all speak well of the kind, mild and sweet-spirited Lizzie. She 
has exchanged a world of sadness, sorrow, trial and disappointment for one of cheerfulness, joy, 
and unchanging reality. Leaving an infant of two weeks old and an unconverted husband to mourn 
their loss. May the husband receive it as chastening from the Lord. 

December 5, 1885 


Julia A. Beard, wife of R. D. Beard, was born in Henry county, Georgia, November 23, 1847
and departed this life June 5, 1885 at her home near Warren, Bradley Co., Arkansas. In early 
life our dear sister professed a saving faith in the blood of Christ and united with the people 
of God. To the day of her death her life was a living comment upon the promises of our blessed 
Master - - "my grace is sufficient, etc.," Sister Beard was a good, sweet spirited christian 
mother who taught and recommended the religion she enjoyed to her children. Now that she is 
gone, may the good seed spring up to yield a hundred fold and by and by the family entire, 
united in Christ, meet around the eternal throne where parting is no more. Amen! 

By: R. P. Wilson 

August 15, 1885 page 7 col 1      (Beard Cem. Warren) 


Austin, son of Julius T. and Etta Beasley was born November 21, 1909 and died of "flu" on
March 12, 1920. He leaves a father, one brother, Leroy and one sister, Carrine. He joined 
the M. E. Church three years ago. The Rev. J. C. Williams was pastor of our church. Austin 
loved his church, his Sunday School and his playmates. Weep not loved ones for he has gone 
to rest. He said to all who were in the room with him; "I'm going home; come and go with me." 

By: A Friend 

June 24, 1920 page 16 col 3   ( Outlaw Cem. Bradley Co.) 


Sister Etta Beasley died on March 14, 1920, from that dread disease, "flu." She was born
November 14, 1884, and was married to Julius T. Beasley on January 1, 1905. She joined the M. E.
Church 25 years ago and has been a true member ever since. She leaves a husband, one son, Leroy
and one daughter, Carrine. Her last words were her happiest words. She said, "I am going home;
farewell to everybody; be good and meet me in Heaven."  Sister Beasley was a good woman loved 
by all who knew her. She has changed her address but all know where to meet her. Her youngest 
son, Austin, passed with the same disease. 

By: A Friend 

June 24, 1920 page 16 col 3   (Outlaw Cem. Bradley Co.) 


Agnes Harvey Belin, the sweet little daughter of Brother and Sister W. L. Belin of Jersey, Ark.,
came into their home July 18, 1897, drew a picture of her angelic features in the hearts and
memories of all who knew her and carried away in the arms of Jesus to the garden of His 
Paradise, Sept. 29, 1900. Agnes was a dear sweet little girl. She was loved and wooed by 
everyone who knew her and we cannot fully estimate the measure of attractive power which this 
sainted child held over her parents and relatives. Her love dawns down while the love of many 
hearts rises up to her high throne. The holy influence of her love and affection touches not 
single hearts, but the hearts of parents, grand-parents, great-grandparents, favorite friends
of which she had many. Every object in the house and round the home of Brother and Sister 
Belin will bring to them thoughts of their angel in Heaven and every hasty search-errand to 
the drawer or trunk will expose to their view the clothes and play things which has left 
behind her to remind them that Heaven offers to them a greater inducement to "seek to enter 
in at the straight gate." Father and Mother, weep not, for Agnes is in the green, peaceful 
bowers of Paradise. She is being led, fed and refreshed by the great Shephard of the sheep
and lambs, who was himself once a child, that he might sanctify the tender age of infancy 
and who in the days of His flesh, pressed infants to his bosom and speaking those comforting 
words, " suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not." Agnes and a few days 
before she died, "Jesus is Passing This Way, " and " Will the Waters be Chilly?" The smile
left on her face is one evidence that the "waters" were not "chilly" to her but that she had
passed into the Elysian fields, where sickness, sorrow and death will have no more influence
over her precious little body. 

By: J. W. Duncan 

October 17, 1900  page 15  col 4       (Shady Grave Cem. Jersey) 


W. Lewis Belin was born February 16, 1859 and died at Hermitage, Ark., Aug. 1, 1926. He was born
in Bradley county where he made his home at Jersey. There he was a successful farmer and good
citizen. The writer was his pastor there three years and a strong friendship ripened between us. 
He was a man of high ideals and his convictions could be located on the side of God and the 
right. Brother Belin was a candidate for Treasurer of his county at the time of his death and
had he lived if elected he would have made his constituency and efficient public servant. 
During his residence at Jersey he contributed to making his church the center of a very fine 
religious community and also to make Jersey an educational center. He stood for high upright 
living and for the things that make for the progress of the Kingdom of God. His home was a 
place of prayer. He took his church paper. He was young when he professed his Savior and 
joined the Methodist Church. The end was sudden. He dropped dead and his spirit glided beyond
the curtains into eternity. His widow, one son, five daughters, one brother and other relatives
survive him. 

By: J. C. Taylor 

December 16, 1926  page 12 col 4           (Shady Grove Cem. Jersey, AR) 


The subject of this brief sketch, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bennett (nee Jordan), was born in Green
County, Alabama, September 27, 1828. She was married at the age of 17 to Isaac Bennett. They
moved in early married life to Mississippi and from thence to Texas, where they lived till
15 years ago, when her husband passed away. Ten children were born to them. The husband and 
five children preceded her to the Unseen World. Two years ago Sister Bennett came to Warren to
live with her daughter, Mrs. Harville. After a few days' severe suffering she went to her reward
on the morning of June 1. She was converted and joined the Methodist Church with her husband at
the age of 19, and lived a consistent member of the same till her death. She possessed a strong
robust faith in her God. Her religion was not vague and indefinite but a great, virile truth. 
She was a Christian from conviction and a Methodist from principle. She believed something and 
believed that something profoundly. She was able to give a reason for the hope that she had 
within her. It was a great blessing to see and hear her shout and praise her Maker in spite 
of her great suffering as the end drew near. She lived a Christian 66 years, and there was no 
disappointment to her at the close, but visions of rapture swept over her ravished soul. She 
was blessed with heavenly visions as her feet touched the chilly waters. She has gone to her 
well-earned reward. Her loved ones know where to find her. May they follow where she has led. 

By: T. O.  Owen 

June 22, 1911  page 14  col 1 


Mrs. B. F. Blankenship (nee Martin) was born in N. C. Dec. 14, 1836. In 1859 she was united in
marriage to Samuel P. Blankenship, a man in whose veins flowed the soul of honor, in whose life
was exemplified the characteristics of a true Christian. Sister B. was converted and received into
the Church in 1863; from that day her life was given to God and not in a mere formal way, but to 
the extent of her ability and circle of acquaintances. We are free to say none excelled her. True
to the Church and as a help in aggressive church work before disease checked her progress, her 
equal was but seldom seen. Many in the glory world now and many others on the way will greet her
as the one who spoke a word of encouragement and extended the hand of help and sympathy when 
struggling to give life and soul to God. In her home every interest was looked after and now that
the Lord has taken her to that better land her children can rise up as did King Lemuel and utter
the prophecy his mother taught him and rise up and call her blessed. The faith of our lamented 
but glorified sister was often put to severest test. As her pastor on Jan. 28, 1880, as I walked
with her to the grave of her noble husband, followed by her nine weeping children through her 
tears she said, the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, but my faith in Him is such that I 
can say blessed be his name. Through years of widowhood and bodily suffering her faith never 
wavered and in the early hours of March 25, 1892 at her home near Warren, she went home. Her 
pastor, Bro. Burns, in writing me says her death was a triumph. She talked up to the last hour. 
She thought of her Missionary subscription and gave directions for its payment. The world is 
better for her having lived it. Having known her from her bridal days, often an inmate of her 
home, been with her in sorrow and in joy, I can say I never knew a better woman, a truer Christian. 

By: John F. Carr 

April 28, 1892  page 7  col 2 


Mrs. Della Blankenship, daughter of Bro. and Sister Garvin Brewster, was born in Cleveland Co.,
Arkansas June 11, 1876, and was most happily married to Dr. W. H. Blankenship November 18, 1895.
Soon after their marriage they settled at Linwood, Jefferson Co., where on November 8, 1897,
that pure sweet life went back to the God who gave it. Della was converted and joined the church
when 12 years of age and from then until death claimed her as a victim she was all the church 
could wish or expect. No word of criticism of her Christian life was ever uttered, but on the 
contrary, her life was so consistent as in every way to be worthy of imitation. Her influence 
was remarkable for one so young. She leaves a sorely bereaved husband, two little babies, 
parents, brother, sisters and scores of relatives and friends to mourn her going. But thanks 
to a wise and good Father, they know where she is and can go to her. 

By: J. F. Carr 

December 29, 1897  page 15  col 2 


Garland Richard, infant of Brother and Sister G. R. Blankenship, was born October 24, 1913, and
died October 21, 1914, of cholera infantum. He was sick nearly four months and everything that
a loving mother and medical skill could do was done to alleviate his suffering. But the Lord, 
who does all things well, knew best, for he had need of him in the mansions of the blessed. So
he sent his angel to kiss his little spirit home. And he gaily swept through the pearly gates 
of the city of God and doubtless is awaiting the arrival of papa and mamma, which names he had
never learned to lisp. Then father and mother live for God and you will live with him again. 

By: W. B. Harper 

December 31, 1914 page 7  col 1 & 2       (Union Cem. Cleveland co.) 


Tom Ben Blankenship was born in Bradley County, Ark., Nov. 24, 1863; was married to Miss Alice
Tipton, April 14, 1887 and died Dec. 28, 1897. Thomas was the son of that grand and noble
Christian character whom so many of us loved and appreciated, Samuel P. Blankenship, who several
years ago went home to God. Having been raised in a home not only of honor and respectability 
but of the highest type of solid Christian charachter he naturally followed the teaching of 
father and mother into the M. E. Church South which they all loved so well. With him, to be a 
church member meant devotion and Christian activity, filling, though comparatively young, 
several of the important offices in the church. As a husband, his deeply stricken wife says 
in a letter to me, "he was so good I would not have changed any trait or habit in his whole 
life if I could; I am so glad we did not save our kind words to say when one was gone, he was 
not ashamed to tell me he loved me. He leaves a wife and six little children to battle with 
the world, but to them, brothers and sisters, I would say, we know where he is. 

By: John Carr 

January 26, 1898  page 15  col 1 & 2       (Union #1 Cem. Cleveland Co.) 


William Hunt Blankenship was born in Cleveland county, Arkansas twenty seven years ago, and
came to an untimely death in an unfortunate manner, having been slain on his own premises
by a neighbor on January 4. Brother Blankenship was left fatherless when but a child, hence 
the duties of a man soon come upon him eventuating in developing a sense of responsibility 
which enetered into the making of young man of sterling worth that he was. When he was ten 
years old he gave his young and tender heart to the Lord and joined the Methodist Church. 
When but a  boy he was made a steward in his church, and continued faithful in said office 
until his tragic taking off. The writer has scarcely ever known a young man of such splendid
parts. As a steward he was par excellance. He no more missed a quarterly meeting than the
pastor or presiding elder; always on hand with a report, standing faithfully by his pastor
and church. As a son and brother there were few like him. His widowed mothers companion,
advisor, comforter and support in all the details of life. And how dutiful, tender and
attentive to is younger sister who lived in the home with them. He was noble and true in
all the walks and demands of life. He spent New Year's Day working on the neighborhood
church, and from it, amid a great throng of weeping relatives and sympathizing friends,
the writer, assisted by the earnest pastor, Rev. A. E. Jacobs, conducted the funeral
services and in the church and community cemetery, just across the road, so beautiful and
restful, we laid his noble and manly body to rest. He leaves a heart-broken and stricken
mother, three sisters, an elder brother, Dr. Azman, uncles, aunts, cousins and a host of
friends to mourn his going. He had enriched the church and world by his bright and godly
life and we expect to join him some day where heartaches and tragedies never come. His
Friend and Brother: 

By: W. C. Watson 

March 21, 1918  page 15, col 2 & 3    (Union #1 cem Cleveland co) 


Mrs. Mahulda E. Bledsoe, whose maiden name was Ledbetter, was born in Bradley County, Ark.,
Oct. 18, 1861. She was married to N. M. Bledsoe, Jan., 1879. Shortly after this she was 
converted and joined the Missionary Baptist and lived a Christian life until Feb., 1901, when 
she passed to her final reward. She has gone from earth and will be missed by her husband, 
children, parents, brothers, sisters and many friends. She was ever ready to nurse the sick 
and cheer the unfortunate. She loved to attend the services of all the churches, but now she 
is gone. The home is broken up without the mother. The once worn hands that pressed the little 
ones cheeks are cold in death's embrace. Hush! she only sleeps, but by and by, she will awake
to meet us on the other shore. Cheer up, parents, yet a little while and He will come. Her friend: 

By: J. F. Lawlis 

April 24, 1901  page 15  col 2 


On the 22nd day of August, 1901, the Angels of God came to the parsonage home of our brother,
Rev. David Bolls, pastor of the Palestine Circuit, Little Rock Conference, and bore hence
the departing spirit of his sainted wife, who for more than twenty years had shared with
him the joys and sorrows of his life. Mary J., daughter of Fletcher and Martha Whiteside, was
born in what is now Nevada county, Ark., May 7, 1850. She was married to David Bolls January
13, 1881. She could not remember the time when she did not love Jesus and trust him as her 
personal Savior. Even in her childhood and youth all who knew her were impressed with the 
purity of her character and the devoutness of her spirit, and the later years of her life 
seemed to mark the complete unfolding of these early flowers of piety and love. For many 
years she had been a confirmed invalid, and a great sufferer. It seemed strange that her 
delicate body could so long endure the sickness and pain which she suffered. But through 
it all, she was so submissive, patient and cheerful that her life was a constant benediction 
to all with whom she was associated. Truly the grace of God was magnifoed by the manner in 
which she bore her afflictions. On account of her health, Brother Bolls hesitated for some
years before entering the pastorate, but with heroic courage, and self sacrifice, she 
continued to insist that he should enter the conference and devote his life to the work 
of the ministry. She loved the Methosdist itinerary, and cheerfully endured all te hardships
and privations connected with it. Nearly all her life she was intimately associated with 
Methodist preachers. Her grandfather, the venerable Rev. Jacob Whiteside was one of the 
pioneer preachers of Arkansas. Two of her brothers, Jacob D. and William B., were honored
members of the Little Rock Conference. To her brothers she was ever a sympathetic and wise
counsellor. Her now bereaved husband writes, "If I have ever had any success in the ministry
it has been chiefly due to her influence." Her last illness was of short duration and she
was unconscious for some hours before her death. However, she has left behind her the testimony
of a pure and holy life; and "We know where to find her." She rests from her labors and her
works follow her, and we doubt not, many in the last day will rise up and call her blessed.

By: J. A. Sage

October 16, 1901 page 15 col 2 & 3 (Pattesville Cem. Bradley Co.)


Hugh Bradley was born in Bradley county, Arkansas, two miles north of Warren,
October 21, 1832 and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. W. Martin, Warren,
Arkansas July 20, 1907. In the absence of his pastor his funeral was conducted by
Rev. B. E. Wallace pastor of the Presbyterian church. Brother Bradley proved himself
worthy of every trust confided in him. He went out with the volunteers in the Civil
War and spent four years in the defense of the South and the homes he loved. He was
twice elected Sheriff in his native county and served his constituency with credit
to himself and honor to his party. He was for thirty seven years and active member
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and for many years an honored member of
her official board and at his death was the senior meber of the same. His sufferings
and confinement were continuous for more than a year but release came at last and his
disembodied spirit went home to God. He was married November 29, 1854 to Miss Armelia
(sic) Virginia Blankenship. Armelia Virginia Blankenship was born in Nottiway (sic) 
county, Virginia June 7, 1828 and came with her parents to Arkansas in early life and 
settled in Bradley county, where she grew to womanhood and married Hugh Bradley November
29, 1854. To them were born six children, all of whom preceded them to the land of rest;
except Mrs. B. W. Martin with whom they made their home for some years before theor death.
Sister Bradley passed to her rest, November 30, 1907, while her pastor was attending the
annual conference. Her funeral was conducted by Rev. J. F. Lawson, a former pastor of the
Presbytarian church. She rests, she and Uncle Hugh, side by side in the new cemetery. Their
home was the home of many a wayworn pastor. No member loved the church more, or was more 
liberal in the support of the church. Uncle Hugh and Aunt Jennie lived in the arms of 
Christian love; and died in the triumphs of the Christian's faith. They will wait the 
home-coming of those they loved. Peace to their memory. Their pastor:  

By: W. F. Evans, Warren, Ark.

December 19, 1907 page 14 col 2 (Oakland Cem. Warren)


died at her home in Warren, Ark., February 18, 1900, Mrs. L. M. Bradley, aged 65 years. 
She was the wife of Hon. John M. Bradley, who died several years ago. Sister Bradley had
been a consistent meber of the M. E. Church, South, here in Warren for many years, and 
her Christian walk was exemplary. All who knew her held her in high esteem. She was always
in harmony with the movements of her church, and delighted in its prosperity. During her
last illness, which was for several weeks, she was very patient, and her hope of a blissfull
immortality was brilliant. She was a kind and affectionate mother. She leaves four sons and
three daughters, and a number of relatives and friends who mourn their loss, but "we sorrow
not as those who have no hope," for we expect to meet her again in that eternal city where
there will be no more death, nor parting of friends and loved ones.

By: R. A. McClintock

April 11, 1900 page 15 col 1


Carrie Laura Brazzell, whose maiden name was McDonald, was born in St. Johns, Michigan, 
October 1, 1873. She was married in 1899 to Dr. R. D. Brazzell. Together they lived at 
their home near Jersey, Ark., until January 13, 1904. On that day God called Sister 
Brazzell to her reward. Early in her childhood she joined the Christian church. After 
coming to Arkansas she united with the Methodist church and remained a member of the 
same to the end of her life. She lived a sweet-spirit, quiet, Christian life. All who 
knew her had confidence in her Christian profession. She left an infant babe about two 
weeks old. We extend our prayers and sympathies to the bereaved husband, and trust that
he may recognize the hand of God as his guide in this dark hour.

March 9, 1904 page 15 col 3 (Shady Grove Cem. Jersey)


One of the best citizens of Bradley county, Ark., passed away when the man-loving and 
god-fearing Henry Brazzell went from us. He was forty-six years. He was married to Miss
Cecelia Smith who with three daughters survive him. This husband and father, for whose
departure so many share the grief with the widow and children, was one of the most 
hospitable and generous men. He had many friends. Noble in friendship himself that 
disposition in others naturally gravitated around him. His pastor had a warm place in
his heart and cordial welcome in his home. His house like others with him on the Jersey
circuit ever had the "room and candlestick" for the prophet of the Lord. The writer of
these lines owes to the friendship and favors of H. C. Brazzell, a lifetime debt of 
gratitude. Deceased was for years a member of the Methodist church and it was his custom
to be at his place at the preaching services. This fact together with his personal 
friendship to his pastor makes his absence felt in a way to the pastor at it does to no
one else except to the bereaved family. As this writer reflects on the three years he 
ministered on the Jersey circuit how thanksgiving to God abounds in him for Henry Brazzell
and neighbors deceased and living! They shall be appreciated not in this life only but
in the ages to come. Money is trash comparable to the worth of their friendship. Born of
God, such friendship cannot die. It is eternal. We would fondly believe that to his loved
ones and friends the departed may be among the guardian spirits: sent forth to minister
to them that shell be heirs of salvation." About his bedside was sung among others, the
much cherished hymn with the chorus "How I long to be there," and H. C. Brazzell's ears
opened to the music made by the triumphant church. May his widow and daughters be faithful
to a heavenly reunion.

By: John F. Taylor

February 20, 1908 page 14 col 1 & 2 (Shady Grove Cem. Jersey)


Sister Epsie E. Broughton was born at Greensboro, Ga., December 5, 1817. She was married
to Edward N. Broughton in the year 1837 and in 1847 he died. She thus experienced a 
widowhood of 62 years. At the age of 15 she was happily converted and united with the 
Methodist Church, in which communion she remained until God called her home. She came 
to Arkansas in 1859, where she remained for the rest of her life. She was the mother of 
three children, two of whom, Mr. John R. Broughton of Jersey and Mrs. H. F. Richardson 
of Warren still survive. On October 25, 1909, she quietly fell asleep at the home of 
Sister Richardson, in the 93rd year of her age. Sister Broughton was a true mother in 
Israel. She loved God and the church, and as the infirmities of age came upon her, her 
whole thought was of Jesus and Heaven and the loved ones at home. She was the oldest 
person in Bradley County; but notwithstanding she was ripe for Heaven, she will be 
sadly missed by loved ones and a host of friends. In loving memory,

By: Her pastor: Arthur M. Shaw

April 7, 1910 page 13 col 1 (Oakland Cem. Warren)


William Hamilton Burk was born Oct. 9, 1853 in Warren, Bradley Co., Ark., and moved to
Hope, Ark. in Jan. 1885. He professed religion and joined the M. E. Church South about
the year 1875 and departed this life December 21, 1897 in Hope, Ark. with that dread 
disease, consumption. Mr. Burk was prostrated in bed about Sep. 1, 1897 and suffered 
much but stood it all without complaining. He knew what the end would be and was ready 
and willing to go when the summons came, only regretting leaving his family for whom he
had the dearest affection, being a true husband and father. He has been known as an 
honorable citizen. Being perfectly conscious till a few minutes before his death, his
last words which could be understood before his death were: "Lord take me." We believe
he did take him to rest, where all the bereaved can follow. May they do so.

By: J. R. Sanders

January 5, 1898 page 15 col 1


Sister M. C. Canfield, (Lummie as she was generally called) the subject of this sketch,
was born in Bradley County, Feb. 21st, 1871 and was married to Rev. Fred R. Canfield 
Oct 22, 1891. She joined the M. E. Church, South in 1892 and died at Buena Vista, at 
the Parsonage on Camden Ct., Sept. 20, 1896 at 1 o'clock. She was the mother of one 
child, little Freddie who died August, 1894. Mother and Freddie are united again. 
Sister Lummie was a devoted Christian and was devoted to the itinerant work. She was 
the most devoted wife I ever knew. The writer was her Pastor in 1894 and say of a 
truth, that she was a model Christian and wife always ready to help her Pastor, both
financially and spiritually. Then when her husband joined the Little Rock Conference
she threw her life, body, soul and all she had upon God's altar, ready to be spent
in the service of her Master. In the death of Sister Canfield, the church has lost
a valuable member, Brother Canfield a loving and devoted wife; and the writer, a 
true Christian friend. Let me say to husband, mother, brothers, sisters and friends,
that Lummie is gone and we all know where to find her. Oh! that will be a happy meeting
on the other shore. Brother, you may look through rooms of your house, each door on 
its henges may mourn, and in searching you will not find your wife, nor will she ere
return. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory, you will meet her in the bright
fields where angels dwell and living waters flow. Bro. look to God in this dark hour
of trouble and sadness. "God be with you till we meet again.

By: George E. Parsons, Toledo, Ark.

October 9, 1896


On Feb. 4, 1910, Mr. Robert Arthur Carmackel, aged 33 years and Mr. James Sanders, 20 years,
who were in the employ of Mr. M. Sanders, who is operating a little saw mill near Hermitage,
were killed instantly. They were night watching and firing kilns of lumber, when a stack of
green lumber gave way catching both men under it. We conducted the burial services of Mr. 
Carmackel at the Holly Springs cemetery near the town of Hermitage. Mr. Carmackel leaves a
wife and four little children in very dependent circumstances. Many people attended the burial
and shared in the sorrow that the widowed wife and her children are undergoing. May God bless
these bereaved ones. The body of Mr. Sanders was taken to Warren on the early train where his
parents live. He was a nephew of the operator of the mill. We extend our love and sympathy 
to those bereaved and pray God's blessings on them.

By: J. C. Williams (see James Sanders obit) (Holly Spgs Cem.)

March 2, 1916 page 15 col 1


Eliza Ann Berry Chaddick was born April 27, 1831, in Tennessee; joined the M. E. Church at
the age of 14; was married to James Carr at about 18; then moved to Bradley County, Ark. 
After the death of Mr. Carr, she was married to Rev. J. W. Chaddick, October 10, 1854. To 
this union were born five sons and one daughter. Brother Chaddick died March, 1880, leaving
her in sadness and grief. From this time she lived with her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Sharp, 
until her death in England, which occurred, June 5, 1915. Sister Chaddick was a Methodist
of the old type and possessed much of the spirit of the pioneer workers in our church in
Arkansas. Her home was the "circuit riders" home, " and the center of religious life and
activity. Her temperament was even and attractive and her love was as profound as her heart
was capable of expressing. Truly, she was a "mother in Israel" to the young as well as the
old. Her death was sudden, but not painful, and her face bore the expression of triumph
and glory. She leaves a host of friends and loved ones who rejoice in her beautiful life
and will greatly miss her true Christian life among us. God help us to emulate her life and

By: Louis E. N. Hundley, Pastor

July 15, 1915 page 16 col 1


Sister M. A. Chapman (nee Harrell) was born in Atland county, Miss., January 5, 1845. 
She departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.S. Goodman, near Warren, 
Ark., May 18, 1915. Her funeral was conducted by the writer, and her body was laid to 
rest in Shady Grove cemetery. She was converted and joined the M.E. Church, South, when 
young and lived a consistent Christian until the Lord took her home above. She was married
to S.S. Chapman in 1884. She was left a widow in 1901. For several years she conducted 
family prayers in her home. She read her Bible and prayed much. She trusted the Lord for
all things and praised and thanked him for his goodness. During her last illnessshe often
gave expression of her resignation to God's will, and said she was willing to go and be
with her Savior and angels. She leaves one daughter, two sisters and one brother, and many
loved ones to mourn their loss. May the Lord enable them to look away from earth to the 
home above.

By: L. M. Powell

July 22, 1915 page 15 col 2 (Shady Grove Cem. Cleveland co.)


Fannie Jane Childs was born in Pike Co., Ala., Sept. 6, 1826, moved to Bradley Co., Ark.,
with her parents in 1842. She was happily married to Mr. John Belin in 1847; they lived 
happily together until he was brought home dead; he was drowned in the Ouchita river, 1854.
In 1870 her oldest son went out hunting and got shot; with the help of God she submitted 
to His will. Sister Belin was a true Christian; everybody that knew her loved her. She was
a devoted wife, mother, and sister. After her husband died she lived with her children, 
mostly with her widowed daughter, Mrs. Black. She was sorely afflicted for ten long years,
and three years of this time at intervals her suffering seemed to be almost intolerable.
But during this time her patience and resignation were quite remarkable--exemplifying the
Christian's faith, and sweetly anticipating the Christian's home. She joined the M.E. Church,
South, at 12 years of age, and lived a consistent member until she was transferred to the 
Church triumphant, March 4, 1890. I visited Sister Belin several times before she died. 
She told me that all was well; she said I am ready at any time that God sees proper to 
take me; His will, not mine. She leaves three children, two daughters and one son, three 
brothers and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. But our loss is her gain; 
though earth is poorer heaven is richer. Kind friends and relatives, weep not; 'she is 
not dead but sleepeth.' Sleep on, we'll meet you in heaven. I extend my heart-felt sympathies
to relatives and friends.

By: C. L. B.

April 9, 1890 page 7 col 2


John F. Clanton, son of Thomas W. and Johannah E. Clanton, was born December 19, 1873, 
and died in peace, September 24, 1903. He was married August 27, 1896 to Margaret E. 
Richard, again January 3, 1901 to Monterie P. Stanley. One child by each marriage survives
him. Brother Clanton professed religion and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
in 1894. He was a good man, as a citizen and neighbor, a dutiful son, an affectionate
husband and father, a faithful Christian and loyal Methodist. An aged mother of 71 years,
a devoted wife, two little girls, three sisters and two brothers, with many other relatives
and friends, including his pastor, are stricken with sorrow because he is gone. But we shall
see him again. Thank God for the hope of the resurrection. The large concourse of people
attending his funeral indices his worth.

By: J. H. Bradford

October 28, 1903 page 15 col 3 (Union Hill Cem. Bradley Co)


Sister Margaret A. Clanton, daughter of E. D. and Amanda R. King, was born in Cherokee Co.,
Ala., Aug 19, 1854; moved with her parents to Bradley Co., Ark. in 1861; was married to 
W. T. Clanton, Nov. 19, 1879; died September 22, 1889. She professed religion and joined 
the M. E. Church, South, in her 15th year. Her life as a Christian was trained in accordance
with New Testament principles, possessing "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which
is in the sight of God of great price." She "adorned the doctrine of God our Savior in 
all things," and others "took knowledge of her that she had been with Jesus." She died 
in full triumph of a living faith. When death came she said she was ready and willing to 
go, only regretting to leave her five little children, three girls and two boys. Just 
before her death she sang in a clear voice one of the sweet songs of Zion, and soon entered
upon the eternal rest prepared for the people of God. May God bless and comfort the dear
little children.

By: J. B. Williams

October 9, 1889 page 7 col 2


Brother Thomas J. Clements was born in Monroe county, Georgia, on the 29th day of June,
1839. On the 29th day of June, 1865, he was married to Miss Anna Stevens, also of Georgia,
came to New Edinburg, in 1869, and resided here until his death, which occurred on May 24,
1902. He professed religion when quite a young man, and united with the M.E. Church, South.
He served in the capacity of steward almost continuously from the time he joined the church
until his death. He leaves a wife and two sons to mourn the loss of a good husband and father.
The community has lost an upright, staunch citizen, and the church one of its strongest pillars.
Truly a father in Israel has fallen. His heart, his purse, his home were always open to the
wants of the church, which he so dearly loved. He was a man of earnest and abiding convictions,
and endeavored by his daily life, to be upon the right side of every question. He served his
country faithfully as a soldier, battling for the "Lost Cause" in company G. second Georgia
regiment of cavalry. With the surrender of Gen. Lee he accepted, like a true soldier, the 
conditions, and loyally supported the government. He filled the office of magistrate for more
than eighteen years, and always used his influence to prevent litigation among his neighbors.
In the sad bereavement of his family the church and community feel deepest sympathy, but they
mourn not as those having no hope, but the blessed assurance that in that land where sorrow
pain and death are unknown they will meet again. Through a long and painful illness Brother
Clements was never heard to murmur, but with true Christian patience and fortitude awaited
his "appointed time till the change came." The Lord grant that our death may be as peaceful
as his, and that we may hear the same welcome plaudit, "Come up higher; thou hast been faithful
to thy trust, henceforth enjoy thy reward in heaven."

By: Fannie B. Thompson and David Bolls

July 30, 1902 page 15 col 1


Eliza T. Cliett was born in Troup County, Ga., in the year 1832 and departed this life 
at her home near Warren, Bradley County, Ark., January 6th, 1885. Our dear sister joined
the Methodist Church when quite young and ever lived a consistent member and devoted 
Christian. She loved her church, her pastor and all the brotherhood. Her suffering was
great and her affliction long, yet she bore it with the patience of a Christian and died
in the full triumph of a Christian faith. May the good Lord bless the aged husband, 
comfort his heart and when he is called away from time may he with his loved ones, be
permitted a happy reunion over the river.

By: R. P. Wilson

January 17, 1885 page 7 col 2


Kizzie C. Cone (nee McKinney) was born July 13, 1840 in Bradley county, Ark. Her 
father died when she was very small. Soon after this she was taken into the family
of Mr. J. Sum Cone, a brother to her husband, Asberry H. Cone whom she married
January 6, 1858. Theirs was a happy home. Only one thing was lacking in the home
and that was the care and company of children. In 1878 Jim Thornton, a one year
old boy was taken by permission of his father by Sister Cone to her home. This 
was at the death of the boy's mother. He became the foster son in this childless
home. They loved him as their own son and he loved them as his own father and 
mother. In 1872, Asberry H. Cone was elected sheriff of Calhoun County, which 
position he held until 1880. He died on August 1, 1899. Mrs. Cone was commonly 
and dearly known as Aunt Puss. To know her was to love her. She joined the Methodist
Church at Chambersville when she was a young lady, and became an active Christian.
Her church paper was from the beginning of its life a member of her family. She 
never did without it even reading the last issue before her death. For several 
years Aunt Puss had been failing in health. She lived alone after her husband's
death in a house adjoining her married son, until about a year ago when she moved
into his home. About two years ago her health began to fail. The last four months
before the end she was confined to her room. She got better, then worse and finally
her life passed into the silence of the unknown as the sun gradually drives the
darkness into noonday light. This was at Thornton, March 6, 1915. She is not dead,
but gone to her eternal home, "a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens."
May her life prove a blessing to all who knew her.

By: J. Frank Simmons

March 25, 1915 page 15 col 1 & 2


Mrs. Ida Jane Cox was born in Bradley County, Ark., September 23, 1867; was married
to John Cox, December 24, 1890. To this union was born five children, one preceding
her to the better world in infancy. Sister Cox professed religion and joined the M. E.
Church, South, in 1884, and fell on sleep, February 13, 1904. She leaves a broken-hearted
husband, four little children, an aged mother, two brothers and one sister to mourn 
her death. To know Sister Cox was to love her. She was gentle and kind to everybody. 
She might be called a model Christian character, never seemed to get out of humor at 
any time, always delighted to have her pastor in her home. For the last two or three 
years she was deprived of the privilege of attending church on account of low health. 
She loved the church and delighted to be there when she was able for the good which 
she might derive from hearing the Gospel preached. But God who knoweth all things and 
doeth all things well has seen proper to release her from the pains and afflictions of
life and take her to himself, where she will not have it to say, " I am sick." Now, 
thank God, she is free from all this. May the Lord be with the husband and little ones,
and bring them all to heaven at last.

By: J. J. Menefee

April 13, 1904 page 15 col 1


L. H. Curry of Rye, Rowell Charge, died Dec. 30, and was buried at Union, Jan. 1. Bro. 
Curry was a member of the Methodist Church at Union. His good companion had preceded 
him to the good world 12 years ago. Bro. Curry kept their children at home and raised 
a nice family of seven children, four boys and three girls. One of the boys is married 
and he and his wife are going to live with the children and keep the family together. 
May our good Heavenly Father keep these children under the hollow of His hand and 
finally bring them to father and mother in the glory world.

By: W. F. Campbell, Pastor

January 30, 1930 page 14 col 2 

[ Surnames A - C ] [ Surnames D - H ] [ Surnames J - N ] [ Surnames P - S ] [ Surnames T - Y ]

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