Bradley County, Arkansas Obituaries

Bradley County Obituaries, Surnames D - H
Extracted From The Arkansas Methodist Newspaper
1884 - 1930

We are very grateful to both Jann Woodard who compiled these obituaries and Debbie Patrick for transcribing them.

[ Surnames A - C ] [ Surnames D - H ] [ Surnames J - N ] [ Surnames P - S ] [ Surnames T - Y ]


Pauline, daughter of W. P. Darby and wife, was born at Kingsland, Ark., May 19, 1904; died at
Warren, Ark., August 23, 1908. The funeral service was held by Rev. C. W. Drake, assisted by 
myself at Kingsland, August 24, 1908, at which place she was laid to rest. Little Pauline was
a regular attendant of the Sunday School at Warren where she lived and was the light of the 
home. She often told her little brother of God and Heaven. Seperation here seems severe. May
God comfort the sorrowing ones with the consolation that some sweet day they may all be 
re-united in heaven.

By: W. W. Christie

October 29, 1908 page 14 col 1


John Calvin Davis was born December 13, 1829; died March 7, 1902. Professed faith in Christ 
and joined the Presbyterian Church in Tennessee when young; moved to Arkansas and joined the 
M.E. Church, South, in which he lived an active member for about twenty years. He died a 
triumphant death and is gone to renew the happy union with his companion which had been broken
for so short a period. Brother and Sister Davis leave two sons and three daughters to mourn
their loss, together with a host of grandchildren.

By: David Bolls

May 7, 1902 page 15 col 1


Thomas J. Doggett was born in Chocata (sic) (Choctaw) County, Alabama, May 10, 1836. He died
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. R. Cassell, near Chidester, Ark., July 24, 1919. He moved
from Alabama to Warren, Ark., October 1865. He moved to Ouachita County, Ark., February 14, 1891,
where he lived until his death. He was married March 22, 1866, to Frances Elizabeth Adams. To
this union were born two sons and two daughters, Alford, Ophelia, Sallie, and Thomas, his two
sons died in young manhood; one daughter, Mrs. W. R. Cassell, lives near Chidester, Ark., the
other Mrs. C. H. Bartlett, lives near Lester, Ark. Brother Doggett was converted and joined the
Baptist Church in 1857, at Black Creek Church in Alabama. He joined the Confederate Army in
1862 and fought until; the close of the war. One time during the war he was reported dead, and
memorial services were held by his church for him. He was wounded once during the struggle. 
In 1874 he joined the M. E. Church, South at Good Hope, near Warren, Ark. In 1893 he moved his
membership to Missouri church in Ouachita County where he lived a consistent member until his
death. He had three brothers, James, George and William, two of these were in the war with him.
James was killed by his side in battle. George lives at Warren, Ark., William at Meridian, Miss.
Brother Doggett was a very devout Christian; he loved and trusted in Christ, his Savior. He 
loved his church and was always ready to make any sacrifice he could offer for the advancement
of God's kingdom. He had been a cripple for several years; moved about with crutches, yet he
always seemed to be happy; his prayers and his smiling face at church were always so helpful 
to his pastor. He did love so much to be in a protracted meeting. Brethren and friends, we will
miss him so much in our protracted meeting at Missouri this year, but he has gone to that meeting
on high that will never end. He leaves a wife and two daughters, two sisters, two brothers, 
twenty-two grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren. Keep close to his and your Christ.
The funeral services were held by the writer in the dear old Missouri Church and his body laid 
rest in the cemetery near by on July 25, 1919.

By: F. R. Canfield

August 21, 1919 page 15 col 1 & 2


James K. Douglas was born in Mississippi, September 5, 1839. Professed religion and joined the
M.E. Church, Southin 1861. Moved to Arkansas in the fall of 1846. Was married to Miss Abigail 
A. Erwin, March 2, 1862. To this union were born eight children, four boys and four girls, all
of whom are living except one son, who died some years ago. Brother Douglas departed this life
Jan. 11, 1901. Thus ends the earthly pilgrimage of an affectionate husband, a loving father, a
good citizen and neighbor, a devoted Christian and a faithful member of the church.Thoase who
knew him best loved him most and speak of him as being the best man in the community. He endured
his affliction with great patience and Christian fortitude, being fully ready when the end came
to depart and be with Christ. He leaves a heartbroken companion, seven children and a host of
friends to lament his death. Truly a good man is gone from our midst to his reward in the City
of our Lord. May the abounding grace of the Lord sustain the bereaved companion and heartbroken
children is the prayer of their sympathizing pastor.

By: J. J. Menefee

March 27, 1901 page 15 col 1      (Williams Cem. Bradley Co.)


Mrs. Lucy Billingslea Dowell, wife of F. R. Dowell of Hermitage, Arkansas was born in Alabama 
May 19, 1853. Died at her home in Hermitage, August 11, 1919. Mrs. Dowell came with her parents
to Arkansas when she was 11 years old. At the age of 14 she joined the M.E. Church (South). 
Was married to F.R. Dowell, November 28, 1878. Most of her married life was spent at Tuckerman,
Arkansas. Besides the husband she leaves one son, Dr. H. E. Dowell, a prominent dentist of St.
Louis, Missouri, his wife and two children and another son, F. E. Dowell, a stalwart young 
soldier, who had just returned from the navy a few days before the going away of his mother. 
She has one brother, L. H. Billingslea, of Augusta, Atkansas. I have never known a more 
unselfish Christian charachter than was this dear friend of mine. She lived to serve humanity
and look well to the ways of her own household. No cry of distress was unheeded by her and she
spent much of her time in seeking out those to whom she might minister and help. Being naturally
endowed with a very bright mind, she not only ministered to the physical needs of those about
her, but taught and instructed along intellectual and spiritual lines, never missing an
opportunity to speak a word for the Master whom she loved to serve and whose life she reflected
at all times. In order to have a Sunday School in localities where none existed, she would act
as superintendent, so eager was she people be taught the word of God and the way of life. For 
32 years I have known and loved this good woman, much of the time as a neighbor, and with 
hundreds of others, whose lives she touched, will pray Heaven's rich blessings and sustaining
grace upon the dear husband and two noble sons. And may they carry on the work of loving and
serving as she has done, thereby honoring her memory and blessing humanity. 

By: Lucy B. Thornburgh 

September 4, 1919 page 13 col 3 & 4       (Holly Springs Cem.) 


Geo. W. Drummond was born in Bradley Co., Ark., April 14, 1858; professed religion and joined
the Methodist Church in early youth. He was twice married; first in 1880 to Miss Addie Vandersher
of Dallas Co., Ark., who lived only two years, leaving an infant, James Harvey. In 1888 he 
married Miss Georgia Hood of Queen City, Tex., with whom he lived four years. He died near 
Arkadelphia, Ark., March 24, 1892. Here was a life commenced, continued and ended, I believe 
to the glory of God. George remembered his Creator in the days of his youth, took an early and
decided stand for his Savior and the Church, was no only consistent everywhere and at all times
with his profession as a Christian man, but ready for every good work, was not forward, sought
no prefement, but when work was called for he said, "Here am I" to do or give as able. He was
an active worker in the Sunday School, punctual in his attendance upon public worship, loved
to read his Bible; in a word, Geo. Drummond measured up fully to the standard of a Christian
man. All who knew him mourn his death and the Church and community in which he lived deeply
feel their great loss. But blessed be God, while for him to live was Christ, for him to die
was gain. The noble useful Christian man, true, devoted husband and father is not, for God
hath taken him; the "crown of glory, that fadeth not away" is his now. Georgia, your husband's
God is your God. He is the God of all comfort. His promises are always and amen in Christ,"
and everlasting consolation shall be your. God bless you, Harvey, be a good boy, follow the
blessed example of your sainted father and the Almighty will be your father. Holy Sprit, abide
with, guide and comfort sorrowing ones, and bring tham at last to a happy reunion with hosts 
of kindred ones, where sin and sorrow are no more. 

By: J. E. Caldwell 

July 7, 1892 page 7 col 1 & 2 


J. Thomas Drummond was born in Tennessee, July 18, 1845, and died at his home in Warren, Ark., 
Dec. 16, 1909. He was married to Mary E. McClain, July 26, 1866, and together they lived in 
peace and love for over forty years. To them were born seven children of whom only one is now
living. He served through the Civil War as Confederate soldier, entered the service when a
boy of sixteen. He was a Methodist, having united with the church in early life. Papa is with
us no more. Yet he speaketh by the example of the beautiful and noble life he lived before us.
No home was ever made sadder by the loss of its leader than ours for truly he did rule well
his own household, and no wa (sic) place is made vacant which never can be filled. To give
him up seemed almost more than mama and I could bear, yet we try to say, "Lord thy will be
done." To mama he was ever faithful and true, and to me he was a good father, indeed no girl
ever had a better one. I am thankful for his life, thankful that I bear his name, and pray
God to help me keep it spotless. 

By: Eva Drummond 

April 28, 1910 page 13 col 2  (Oakland Cem. Warren) 


Mary Elizabeth Drummond was born in Alabama Feb. 17, 1844, and died at her home in Warren, Ark.,
September 17, 1928. She was married to J. T. Drummond in July, 1866, and together they lived in
love and peace over forty years. To them were born seven children but in sorrow they gave them
all up save one, a daughter. She was among the early settlers of Bradley county, having moved
here with her parents, the McClains, when she was a young girl, remained a loyal member over
sixty years. She was thoughtful of the needy, and ready to help in all good causes. Mother's
was the child-like, simple faith that did not shrink although trials and long suffering years
came. She was often heard to sing the old lines: "Why would we at our lots complain, we are
very much to blame." I feel my orphanage keenly. No girl had a better mother than I. She loved
me before I knew what love was, and taught me the right before I knew what was wrong. I am
thankful for her long beautiful Christian life, the many noble lessons she taught me, and
the abiding influence she has left. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Burnett of
Warren, Ark., and two sisters, Mrs. A. J.  Morgan of near Ingots, Ark., and Mrs. H. W. Easterling
of Crossett, and a host of friends and other relatives. She was buried in Oakland Cem. at Warren,
with funeral services by her faithful pastor, Brother E. C. Rule. 

By: Daughter 

April 4, 1929 page 15 col 4 and page 16 col 1       (Oakland Cem.) 


Robert Drummond was born in Bradley Co., Ark., Sep. 16, 1875. He was a son of J. T. and Mary
E. Drummond. He was a sprightly boy, took great interest in his books and in the Sunday School
and learned very fast. When two years old he had a severe congestion and was never really well
and stout afterwards. When about nine years old he was attacked with rheumatism, and was a
great sufferer for seven years, bearing all with remarkable patience. For two year previous to
his death he was confined to his room. He was always glad to receive company, and always enjoyed
the visit and prayer of God's monisters. He departed this life Feb. 24, 1892 and in his 17th
year, at his home near Warren, Ark. Four brothers and one sister, all older than himself had
gone before, leaving with his death only two behind with their parents. These dear Christian
parents have more in heaven than on earth. May God bless them, Sorrowingly. 

By: Samuel Burns 

April 26, 1892     page 7 col 1      (Oakland Cem. Warren) 


Zach B. Drummond, son of Thomas and Susan Drummond, was born July 31, 1847 in Carroll Co., Tenn.
In early life he made profession of religion and united with the M.E. Church, South. In 1878,
he came to Ark. and spent one year at Moro Bay. On July 20, 1879, he was married to Miss Tina
E. Stafford of Pulaski Co., and for about six months was a resident of Little Rock, after which
he moved to Searcy where he remained for two years. During his residence at Searcy he with his
wife united with the church. In 1882 he came to Newport where he lived until his death, which
occured on the evening of March 11, 1891, after seven days suffering with pneumonia. Bro. D.
was a steward in the church, and the last work he did of any kind was to collect some money on
the preacher's salary and turn it over to the treasurer of the Board of Stewards. He was the
preacher's friend, as some of the former pastors of Newport can testify. As a citizen he was
true and faithful in all relations with the business world. As a husband and father he was
devoted to his family. As a man he had his faults, but was sincere and honest in his motives
and purposes. He expressed himself very freely to his wife after he was taken sick as 
apprehensive that he would not recover and remarked to her that he would be safe. Bro. D. 
leaves a wife and two small children with others relatives and many friends to mourn his 
departure. His remains were carried to Searcy accompanied by the Odd Fellows and K. of P. 
Lodges, of which he was a member, and on the afternoon of March 13, with burial services of 
the Church, he was laid away to rest until the resurrection morn. 

By: Wm. D. Matthews, Newport, Ark. 

May 6, 1891 page 7 col 3 


Mrs. Sallie Ederington (nee Belin) wife of J. T. Ederington, died at her home in Warren, Ark., 
April 12, 1901, in the 47th year of her age. She professed religion at an early age and joined
the M.E. Church, South in which she lived an active and useful member. She was ever ready to
engage in the work of her church, and loved to attend its services, which she did as long as
she was able. Her health had been declining for more than a year, yet everything that could 
be done by medical aid and willing, loving hands was administered, but she has gone up from 
us and "entered into the joys of her Lord." She was the mother of eight children, two of whom
preceded her to heaven on their infancy. She leaves her devoted husband and six children, 
relatives and many friends who mourn her departure, but we sorrow not as those who have no 
hope, for we expect to meet her in that celestial city above. 

By: R.A. McClintock 

July 3, 1901 page 15 col 1     (Oakland Cem. Warren) 


Mr. Sam C. Ederington was born in Mississippi June 1, 1850; his parents moved to Arkansas 
in October of 1850; was a citizen of Warren, Bradley Co., for many years. Having failing 
health for some years he concluded to try the climate of San Antonio, Tex., where, on 
March 16, 1892, he passed away from earth. When the P.C. of Warren M.E. Church, South, 
four years ago, we first met Bro. Ederington, and learned to love him and his grief-stricken
wife, who lived next door to the parsonage. We saw each other daily passing to and from home,
and knew him to be a good husband and citizen. Though not a Christian then, we are so glad 
to learn from a letter from Sister Ederington recently, that when they were out in Texas, 
some time before his death he was so happily converted while in San Antonio. Both rejoiced
together, she being so happy to see that her prayers for her afflicted husband were answered
and he was saved. He craved to get well, that he might work for God. She says he told his 
last physician, that he was a Methodist in faith, but believed in immersion, and if he lived 
to get home he would join the Methodist Church and do all the good he could working for the
Lord, but the Lord cut the work short in righteousness and took him home to heaven to work
for Him more perfectly there. To the bereaved wife  and other afflicted ones we would not 
say "weep not," for we cannot bring him back and remove the cause for weeping, but continue
to look to Jesus, who is able to comfort all who mourn. You can all go to him, and we can 
all meet at His feet when our journey is over. 

By: J.R. Sanders, Magnolia, Ark. 

June 9, 1892 page 7 col 1     (Childs Cem. Banks) 


Cynthia Erwin was born September, 1858 and died May, 1916 at her home near Banks, after
having suffered afflictions, many for about three years. For about 30 years she was a 
humble follower of the Lord, not hesitating to rebuke sin where ever found. Her Christian
experience from early womanhood reached the shouting point. Truly one of the Lord's has 
fallen. A husband and eight children--three having preceded her--are left to mourn her 
going away. Her only regret was the sadness it would cause her loved ones. "Blessed are
those who die in the Lord from henceforth - - that they may rest from their labors." 

By: A.O. Grayton, P.C. 

June 8, 1916 page 15 col 2 & 3    (Williams Cem. Bradley Co.) 


Sister Fereby Fowler was born in Robertson county, Tennessee, December 1st, 1820, was 
married to the late Rev. J.F. Fowler, February 7th, 1838; professed religion and joined 
the Methodist Church in 1836 or 7, and died at her home in New Edinburg, Ark., April 18th,
1900. She, with her husband moved to Arkansas in the fall of 1853 and settled in Brushy 
Woods neighborhood; later on to New Edinburg, where they continued to reside till some 
eight years ago, when her husband, who had faithfully and efficiently served the church 
as a local preacher, was called to his reward. Sister Fowler confined to her bed some 
eight or ten weeks during which time suffered much, but endured it all without a murmer. 
She was a woman of noble principle, broad views and a pure Christian character. She loved
the church and her God. A kind and obliging neighbor, having all the traits that belonged
to a true Christian character. For several years, on account of physical disability, she
was deprived of the privilege of attending the services of the sanctuary, which she so 
much delighted to do in former years. O, how thankful her children and neighbors should
feel for her godly counsel, and consecrated Christian life, and how earnestly they should
try to follow her good example. The writer visited her quite often during her sickness, 
always found her with a steady and an abiding faith in Christ. I was also present when 
her pure spirit took its flight to him who gave it. When the end came she closed her mouth
and eyes as if going to sleep; at the same time a pleasant smile played over her face, 
which was affectionate mother and Christian woman. Her funeral was attended by a large
concourse of people. May the Lord bless and save each of her ten surviving children. 

By: J.J. Menefee 

June 13, 1900 page 15    col 3 & 4 


Mrs. Mattie Fowler, wife of Dr. T. A. Fowler, and only child of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Williams
of Bradley Co., Ark., died Dec. 6, 1891. Born Aug. 30, 1865; was married Nov. 27, 1881. 
Joined the Methodist Church when quite young and remained a consistent Christian until death.
She leaves an affectionate father, mother, husband, three children, one child preceding her
only one week to that blissful home. She had been afflicted with paralysis for years, but
bore her affliction with Christian patience. During her last illness she expressed herself
as desiring to live, if it was God's will; if not, she was willing to go. When death's shadow
began to darken her room she told her husband that she must leave him, and asked him to 
leave her no more. Soon after this she bade loved ones good-bye, and her spirit was borned
on balmy wings of love to that "celestial city," where loved ones were waiting to welcome
her home. Grieve not, dear brother, what what we have lost heaven has gained. She can not
come back to you, but you can go to her. Live a Christian life, and rear the little ones
religiously, as was her desire, that you may be an unbroken family in heaven. As comfort to
the bereft parents mourning their loss, we say, 
"Weep not for a daughter deceased; 
Our loss is her infinite gain; 
A soul out of prison released, 
And free from her bodily pain," 

By: A Sister 

January 13, 1892 page 7 col 2 & 3     (Williams Cem. Bradley Co.) 


Fannie May, infant daughter of John and Mattie Frazier, of Warren, Ark., was born January 
28, 1889, and died suddenly January 23, 1890. She was an only child, and greatly beloved, 
and, of course, her death, and that so sudden, was a very sad affliction to the loving 
parents and other relatives. We trust this precious treasure of theirs, now safely housed
in heaven, will be a great incentive to draw them all to her above. 

By: J. R. Sanders, Warren, Ark. 

April 9, 1890 page 7 col 4


Alice C. Gardner was born in Bradley county, Ark., Dec. 6th, 1856. She was converted in 
early childhood and joined the M. E. Church South. She was married to T. B. Gardner, Sept.
14th, 1876. They moved to Texas in 1877 and settled in Dallas April 3rd, 1882, where they
resided until her death, which occurred April 12th, 1886. Sister Gardner was in all the
relations of life a shining ornament. As a Christian she was consistent, active, useful,
and in her death the church and the community suffer a great loss. She leaves a husband
and three children to mourn her loss. She was a kind, affectionate wife, a devoted mother,
and she has left such an impress upon her children that a son only about nine years of
age prays in public. What a blessing is a praying, Christian mother! She was a great
sufferer for a week or more before her death, but she bore it with Christian fortitude
and resignation, and her death was a triumph of Christian faith. May the blessing of
heaven rest upon the bereaved husband and motherless children.

By: W. F. Clark

April 24, 1886 page 7 col 2


Little Robert Price, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gardner died at home in Warren, Ark.,
July 25, 1898, after an illness of nine days. Little Robert was only nine months old. It 
was hard to give him up. Weep not, fond parents, for Jesus said, "Suffer the little children
to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." He has gone on to
be with him till you come.

By: R. A. McClintock

August 10, 1898 page 13 col 4 (Oakland Cem. Warren)


On March 19, 1919, Miss Etta Lee Glover passed to the land of sunshine. She was born in
Lincoln County on April 7, 1892. Her life though shortened by the will of God, was filled
with a rare sweet spirit that made all those who knew her love her. And when the message
came to her home in Warren, announcing her death at St. Luke's hospital, many were the
friends who mourned. She had a very sympathetic nature. No one sympathized with the sick
and afflicted more than she, yet during the months of her waning health no one ever heard
her complain, and when she was told that her hours on earth were probably few, she said,
"Everything is all right." She joined the Methodist Church at 18 years of age and lived
a consistent member of the church the remainder of her life. During her girlhood she
attended Sunday school and was ever a close student of the Bible. Etta taught in the
rural schools of Bradley County for several years. There are boys and girls all over the
country who mourn because in her own cheerful way she taught them lessons of honor they
will never forget. A brother, a sister, and her father were waiting on the other side to
welcome her home. Her mother, three brothers (one of whom is still in France), and three
sisters are left behind to mourn her death.

By: Everette Neely

July 10, 1919 page 15 col 1 (Oakland Cem. Warren, Ark.)


In the death of J. J. Glover the church has lost one of its best members, the town a
faithful citizen and the family a father who was the high priest of his household. He
was 72 years old, a South Carolinian by birth, but was raised and lived in Arkansas
nearly all his life. For 41 years he was a faithful member of the church and always
did his part. He was twice married. One child by his first wife and seven by his last,
survive him. He raised good and honorable children and leaves them a good name and a
clean record. He was sick a long time and suffered much. He was ready and waiting for
his summons home, and has entered into his rest. May his boys fill his place and may
each live so that they shall find him again.

By: R.W. McKay

July 8, 1915 page 15 col 2 (Oakland Cem. Warren, Ar)


Martin Louis Gorman was born in Louisiana August 28, 1860 and died near Moro, Bradley 
Co., Ark., Jan. 10, 1888. May God's special blessing rest upon the bereaved wife and 
four helpless little ones. Oh! thou God of the widow and fatherless, abundantly, bless
and keep them all and finally bring them to thyself.

May 20, 1888 page 7 col 2


Elmore Guice, son of Jas. A. and Mrs. _____ Guice was born in Franklin county, Mississippi,
November 7, 1868. He came with his parents to Bradley county, Ark., in 1883, from thence
he moved with his parents to Ouachita Parish, La., where he died April 22, 1885 after a
short illness. Elmore was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in
August 1883 at Good Hope, New Edinburg circuit, under the ministry of the writer. From a
note jus received from his bereaved father. I learned that his life has been that of a
consistent Christian. In some respects he was a model boy; he had never been known to use
profane language, nor its substitute by words. His father writes me that he died so
unexpectedly that they did not question him about his preparation for the solemn change.
But he writes: "Thanks be unto God, we know how he lived." The life is at last the truest
index to point us to the home of our departed loved ones. Young Elmore leaves behind a
large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss; but they have a hope that is
both "sure and steadfast," that they will meet their loved one in a land where separation
is unknown, and "all tears are wiped away."

By: E. L. Beard

June 20, 1885 page 7 col 1


Joseph Porter Hall was born in Gibson county, Tenn., March 12, 1831, and died suddenly in
Bradley county, Ark., December 18, 1905. He moved to Arkansas when quite young. In 1867
he married Miss Mary A. M. Ainsworth, who passed hence, April 16, 1884. Brother Hall was
the father of seven children, most of whom survive him. He had been for years, a member
of the South Methodist Church and was an unassuming man. For years before his death his
health had been feeble. May his children seek the grace of the Lord and may He be to them
more than father and mother--be their kind Benefactor and Savior and Guide to the haven
of eternal rest. 

By: John F. Taylor 

October 24, 1906 page 14 col 2 


Walter Colquitt Halley who died Dec. 15, was born August 8, 1837 and moved to Bradley 
County, Arkansas where he lived until about twenty years old. The family then moved to
Desha County where he has been an honored citizen ever since. In 1868 he married Miss 
Addie Vining who died the following year. He married again in 1886, Mrs. Etta Jones,
who survives him with an adopted daughter, Mrs. Edgar Newman. On May 3, 1863, he was
called to the colors of the Confederate States which he served with conspicuous bravery
to the end of the war. Not only was he a brave soldier, but he kept himself clean and
true to his Christian ideals through the trying ordeal. No doubt he was enabled to do
this because he was converted and joined the church just before going to war. Brother
Halley manifested the same qualities in times of peace and has been a loyal member of
the M. E. Church, South and a true citizen and patriot. He stood foursquare for clean
politics and for all that tended to the betterment of the country. His life was pure,
true and glorious. Small wonder that he passed to his reward triumphantly. His life 
and Christian character were a tower of strength to the community in which he lived.
It is impossible to estimate the power and worth of such a contribution. Some men 
leave material treasures and bequeath them to the world, but here is one who has so
invested his life in the great thing of life. The memory of his life will linger and
give us courage to meet our tests with something of his fine spirit. He was a devoted
husband and foster father. His love of home with friends about was a joy to see. His
interests were varied. He read widely, was a keen student of the Bible and had a 
poetic soul that sought expression oft in the verse. Besides being a faithful Methodist
all his life, one of the first members of the Halley Church and Sunday School 
superintendent for a number of years, he was also an honored member of the Masonic
Lodge at Arkansas City. He was the oldest member and charter member of the lodge 
which took charge of the funeral services after the pastor concluded the ritual of
the Church. 

By: George E. Williams, Pastor 

July 5, 1923 page 12 col 4 and page 13 col 1 

On December 30, 1851, there was born to William Brice Harding, a son whom they called
Stephen Benjamin. Before the child had grown to the age of reason, his parents migrated
to Arkansas and settled in Bradley County. Under the guidance of his God-fearing 
Christian parents, the boy grew to manhood owing allegiance only to the country in which
he preferred to remain as a man. Bradley County may well mark the passing of a man who 
chose to stay in the vicinity into which he came at a tender age, in which he spent all 
of his life, in which he retained all of his business interests and in which he died. 
Stephen Benjamin Harding was not yet ten years old when the guns resounded at Fort 
Sumpter and the long trying period of the Civil War with the blighting effects it had 
on those who held allegiance to the flag of a nation that fell deprived the young boy 
of the advantages of education that shold be the right of every youth. On January 1, 
1879, he married Miss Josie St. John of Bradley County, Arkansas, who survives him and
is a resident of Warren. It was not until after his marriage that it was possible for
him to complete his education, but spurred on by ambition and true worthiness, he prepared
himself for a business career. In 1900, he established himself in the city of Warren and
engaged with his brother, Richard in the hardware business. For 14 years his efforts in
business were pre-eminently successful. It is seldom given to any of us to live so long
and to very few are afforded the opportunity of Christian sacrifice which 13 years of 
illness made necessary on the part of the deceased. During all those long years he was
never known to complain, finding comfort in the words of the Good Book and taking them
from the inspiration which made his fortitude possible. On January 16, 1928, his 
suffering was called to an end and there passed from the earth a steadfast and true 
Christian southern gentleman. 

Ny: A Niece 

May 31, 1928 page 13 col 4 and page 14 col 1      (Adams Cemetery) 

Sister Sallie Hargis was born May 23, 1861 in Bradley Co., Ark. She was converted and
joined the Holly Springs Baptist Church in 1875, but afterwards joined the M.E. Church,
South at Carmel, Warren circuit in 1887. Her maiden name was Adams. Sister Hargis 
leaves a husband and five small children, besides many relatives and friends to mourn
her death. She left a babe only nine hours old. Her illness was very brief, but she 
was ready and died Sat night Dec. 1888. May God bless the bereaved husband and motherless
children in this great affliction. 

By: John R. Sanders 

February 16, 1889 page 7 col 1


Mrs. Cordelia Herring, died in Johnsville, Ark., May 13, aged 63 years. Mrs. Herring was 
born in Kentucky in the year 1827. Her maiden name was Cordelia Gehen; was married in 
Tipton Co., Tenn., in 1849, to W.S. Herring and moved to Union Co., Ark., in the year 1871,
when the family moved to Arkansas Co., where Mr. Herring died. After the death of her 
husband, Mrs. H., with her family moved to Bradley Co., where they resided, first at Moro
Bay, and lately at Johnsville. Mrs. Herring had been for a long time suffering from a 
dropsical affection and which was the cause of her death. During the latter part of her
sickness her sufferings were extreme, which she born with Christian fortitude. Kind hands
ministered to her wants during her protracted illness, and the unremitting care and 
attention of a devoted daughter, to the last moment, alleviated the sufferings of the
dying mother. Her faith in a blessed immortality was often expressed in words, and she
was fully prepared and ready to go at the bidding of the Master. A few days before her
death the writer bid her an earthly farewell, and as we stood by her side, and clasped
her thin hand, for the last time, we could not but notice the calm resignation in her 
face, and the quiet farewell for the present only, testifying to her unbounded faith in
a blessed immortality, and a joyous meeting in the bright her after. Her last words were
Lord take me: and she passed away, like into a sweet sleep, without a struggle. Those who
knew her best loved her most. As a wife, mother, her devotion to her family was intense;
as a friend and neighbor, her many friends in localities where she resided testify to her
sterling qualities. As a Christian, the Church of which she was a consistent and upright
member, loses one of its most exemplary members. She was consecrated to God and her Church.
To the bereaved family we can only say, be resigned, for the separation will be very short.
To you she has left the richest of legacies, the influence of an exemplary Christian life,
and a peaceful triumphant death. Peace to her memory.

By: I.H.N., Warren, Ark.

June 11, 1890 page 7 col 2 & 3 (Calvary Presbyterian, Johnsville)


Died of pneumonia near Pine Bluff, Ark., December 28, 1890, Horace, infant son of John 
and Alice Hickman.

By: J.R. Sherwood, P.C.

January 14, 1891 (Marsden Cem. Bradley Co.)


Ray Hickman, son of Jno. M. and Alice Hickman, died September 31, 1915, in his eleventh
year. Ray was as bright a boy as the writer ever knew. Some have said not a more apt 
scholar in the county. Surely "death loves a shining mark." He lingered a few days seemingly
unwell, congestion seized him and suddenly, almost before the family knew it, his precious
life winged its way from its earthly casket. He left parents, a sister, four brothers, one
of whom is a twin brother, who sadly misses his cheerful life. Gone! Yes, gone from Marsden
School, church and playmates, but living, ever living in the memory sadly sweet. In the 
family lot in Marsden cemetery is a mound of clay underneath which is the mortality of Ray,
beyond earthly vision, beyond time lives, will ever live, the pure spirit of this noble boy.
We sorrow not as those who have no hope. We will meet again. May our Lord comfort saddened

By: R. Spann

November 4, 1915 page 16 col 3 (Marsden Cem. Bradley Co.)


Brother Stephen Hickman was born in Pike county, Ala., September, 1826. He moved to 
Arkansas in the year 1845 and died on August 6, 1902. My acquaintance with Brother 
Hickman was of short duration. This fact and a lack of sufficient data together will
necessarily prevent this notice from being full. Brother Hickman was a member of the
M.E. Church, South, about forty years. For several years after the civil war he was
a licensed exhorter. He was married twice. Two sons of six children are still living.
Brother Hickman expressed himself as being ready and willing to meet his God. So I 
would point his loved ones and his friends to the "Lamb of God that taketh away the
sin of the world." And exhort them to let Christ not only be the Author, but also the
finisher of their faith. Then we may be assured that there will be a meeting of loved
ones where there will be no more partings, no more heartaches, no more sorrows. God 
shall then wipe away all tears, and we shall know as we are known. Then let us strive
to glorify God with consecrated service. "Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear
much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples."

By: C.L. Williams, P.C.

August 27, 1902 page 15 col 2


David Mellard Howsen, son of D.H. and Lillie Howsen, was born September 22, 1900: died
November 4, 1901, near Warren, Ark. The brief life of little David gave much joy and 
sunshine to that Christian home, from which he was taken so young. He was a bright little
boy, the pride of all the hearts at home. But while we share greatly in this loss, and
heartily sympathize with the bereaved ones, we are glad to say that all his father's
house are seeking to gain an inheritance with him in the bright, happy world above.

By: David Boles

January 22, 1902 page 15 col 3 (Ebenezer Cem. Bradley Co)


Mary J. Howsen (nee Ruffin) was born in Bradley Co., Ark., March 31, 1869. She was
married to D.H. Howsen January 14, 1886. She was converted in Mississippi three years
ago and joined the M.E. Church, South, of which she lived a faithful member until her
death, which occurred at her home in Bradley Co., Ark., Feb. 19, 1892. She leaves a
husband and three children to mourn her departure. She assured her husband and friends,
that though she might be separated from them for a little while, yet she would abide
in heaven to await their coming and urged her husband to meet her there. So pass the
cold dead into the realms of the blest.

By: Samuel Burns

March 31, 1892 (Ebenezer Cem. Bradley Co)


Mrs. Howell A. Hoyle (nee Tindall) was born in Dallas Co., Ark., Sept. 27, 1856; 
married to Dr. C.L. Hoyle Feb. 8, 1877, and died at her home near Lanark, Ark., 
Nov. 21, 1892. Sister Hoyle was converted and joined the M.E. Church, South, in
1878 under the ministry of Rev. J.R. Sherwood. Hers was no empty profession, but
a rich Christian experience that manifested itself in her every day life. I had
been her pastor for two years and in my visits to her home I always found a hearty
welcome and was often made to think of my own dear sainted mother. Sister Hoyle
had been a sufferer for twelve years, but she never murmured, never became impatient,
but endured her affliction as a true Christian, who was ready not only to do but
also to suffer the will of God. For four or five months before the end came she
was confined to her bed, and all that loving hearts and willing hands could do
to give relief and prolong life, was done for her. I visited her several times
during her last illness, prayed with her and did what I could to give comfort.
For a long time the thought of leaving her husband and children gave her much
anxiety and she greatly desired to stay with them, but as the time drew near she
committed her death, professed an unshaken faith in the power and unwillingness
of God to save. She said her way was clear and requested all the family to meet
her in heaven. She now became anxious to depart and be with Christ, and as the old
ship touched the mundane shore a heavenly smile lit up her countenance and she
stepped on board and was lost to earth, but saved in heaven. To the husband and
three boys we extend our sympathies and prayers. May they all at last meet her
in the world of eternal life.

By: F.J. Shaw, Warren, Ark.

January 19, 1893 page 7 col 1 & 2


Francis E. Franklin Hudgins was born Jan. 6, 1847, in Bradley County, Ark. She
was married to John A. Hudgins Sept. 6, 1866. To them were born six children and
but two are still living, Mrs. J.B. Pierce of Pine Bluff, and John A. Hudgins of
Wabbaseka, Ark. She was first a member of the Presbyterian church for some years,
but joined the M.E. Church, South in 1896 under the ministry of Rev. W.J. Harrell.
She was loyal and true to every interest of the church. She loved the church as
but few do. It was her joy to labor for its advancement. Always ready to do what
she was called on to do and often more than her strength could endure. She was a
frail, sickly woman, but at the time of her death she was Sunday School 
Superintendent, president of the Woman's Home Missionary Society and had acted
as collector in place of a steward the last few months. She was liberal with her
means for every good cause, as well as she was with her time and talents. I never
saw anyone who was more ready to sacrifice for the church. I shall never forget
the help she was to me. The devotion she showed for her church and the pathetic
prayers she uttered for her loved ones and the community where she lived. Her
death was rather sudden. Congestion did its work quickly. She died at her home
in Sherrill, Dec. 9, 1902. The large number of sorrowing ones who attended her
burial was evidence of her worth. May the son and daughter meet their mother in
the good world. She will be waiting for you.

By: B.F. Scott

February 25, 1903 page 15 col 3

[ Surnames A - C ] [ Surnames D - H ] [ Surnames J - N ] [ Surnames P - S ] [ Surnames T - Y ]

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