Greene County Arkansas

1910 Clarke Township

Paragould, Ward #1 Surname "Index"

Enumerated by: Chas. E. Richardson, 15 April ~ 30 April  1910

District # 57

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There were several Surnames and Given names that were either Illegible or difficult to read, so please check all spellings.


Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
?_irtz ? 12 Drake 7 Lamb 6 S____? 9
Abbott 15 Duagan 12 Lancaster 14 Sandifer 20
Acton 5 Duckett 5 Landis 7 Sawyer 20
Acuff 10 Dulany 18 Landrum 4 Schied 18
Adams 10-18 Dunn 16 Langdon 10 Schoof ? 14
Alexander 20 Durham 1 Laswell 10 Scott 3-4-12-16
Allford 9 Earnheart 6 Leonard 6 Seitz ? 20
Allison 8 Edmonson 5 Levey 14-15 Shane 3-4
Anderson 3-5 Edrington 2 Little ? 18 Sharon 16
Arendall 6 Edwards 6-7 Lloyd 6-7 Shelley ? 18
Arington 8 Ellis 16 Loeb 13 Shirly ? 15
Atchison 12 Ellis ? 21 Lofton 8 Shoff/Shopp 16
Atkins 15 Elmore 10 Long 17-20 Short 4
Atterberry 5 Empfield 16 Loretz 12 Shriver/Shreve ? 19
Austin 9 Eppheimer 4 Lovelace 5 Sigmonds? 20
Ayers 1 Evan 6 Lowe 18 Silverthorn 5
Ayers 14 Evans 20 Luker 21 Simmons 15-18-19
Baldwin 18 Farley 5 Mack 7-13-20 Simms? 4
Ball ? 7 Faulkner 1 Mangrum 3 Simpson 18
Bandy 3-6-15-18 Filgar 7 Markham 16 Sims 8
Barger 12 Foreman 19 Marshall 5 Sloan 16
Barksdale 15 Forkum ? 7 Martin 3-13-18 Smith 6-8-14-19-20
Barnes ? 3 Foster 10-20 Mason 16 Sneed 12
Barnwell 14 Fowler 14 Massey 3 Spain 3-4-8
Barom ? 15 Fox 16 McCormack 15 St___ell 20
Barry 6 Freeman 20 McCoullough 18 Steele 3
Baugh 20 Fry/Fay ? 14 McCoy 10 Stepp 3
Beard 20 Fulton 4 McCracken 16-17 Stewart 18
Beauchamp 4 Futrell 1 McCullough 12 Storey 8
Bell 18 Galscoe 6 McDonald 4 Stout 8
Benedict 3 Gardner 15 McFall 3 Strange 13
Berryman 2 Gates 5 McFarland 11 Stubbs 6-7-8
Bertig 21 Gathney 11 McGowan 2 Surzey? 11
Bethel 12 Geager/Yeager ? 14 McHaney 7 Swan 19
Bevel ? 17 George 15 McHenry ? 9 Swartz 16
Biggs 10 Gerdes 18 Meiser 5-16 Swingle 2
Blackwood 9 Gericks 20 Meriwether 15-16 Swink ? 1
Blanchard ? 14 Gideon 12 Meuller 2 Taggert 12
Block 4 Gilbert 16 Michael 14 Taylor 18-19
Bodkin 16 Glasin ? 19 Miller 5-18 Tedder 14-15-21
Bond 17 Goldstein 20 Milson/Wilson 3 Terrall 12
Bonneman ? 14 Gragg 4 Minetree 3-7 Thilke 11
Bowers 15 Graves ? 12 Mitchel 9-10 Thomas 9
Boynham ? 13 Gray 1 Mitchell 8 Thompson 1-3-4-9-19
Bradford 2 Gray 5 Mobley 11 Thorn 18
Bradley 17 Grayson 1-20 Montgomery 6 Thornbrough? 8
Branch 5 Green 7-8-20 Moody 8-10 Tigler 15
Brandon 10 Greenway? 20 Moore 11-14-20 Tilks 7
Branom 6 Grizzard 18 Morgan 6 Tinsley ? 12
Bratton 9 Grogan 7 Morrice/Morris 12 Tolken 13
Brigg ? 9 Guin ? 5 Morris 20 Tr__izer? 20
Briggs 18 Gruebell? 20 Moss 15 Trapp 16
Brooks 4 H___? 20 Neefine ? 13 Treadaway 16
Brooks ? 9 Haglin ? 12 Nelson 8 Trice 18
Brown 18-20 Hale 1 Nesler ? 10 Troxel 9
Brown ? 7 Hall 5-6-18 Nettles 18 Turner 3-4
Bryant 5-7 Hall ? 14 Newberry 3 Turpin 12
Burdell 16 Hamp 13 Newsom 7-9-20 Umstead 19
Burl 19 Hampton 16 Norfleet ? 7 Vail 17
Burton 8 Harold 3 Norman 4 Vandervoort 20
Butler 20 Harris 1-9 Norvell 16 Vincent 13
Bynum 5 Harrison 4-17 Norwine ? 19 Virgil 19
C___som? 20 Harvey 17 Nunery ? 6 W__ler? 17
Cabiness 14 Hasty 11 Oaglen ? 7 Wachsmith 5
Calvert 10 Hauf ? 7 Olds 6 Waddell 15
Cardwell 18 Hawkins 18 Oliver 5 Wadley 4
Carlisle 8 Hay 8 Owens 7 Wadley 5
Carlson ? 17 Hayden 5 Panhorst 8 Walker 3-10-19-20
Carmick 9 Hays 18-20 Parker 20 Wallace 20
Carpenter 15-20 Hazelwood 10 Parson ? 18 Walls 20
Carroll 14-18 Henderson 11-15 Paterson ? 3 Walters 8-18
Carson ? 18 Hendrix 14 Penny 4-17 Ward 9-10
Casper 20 Hester 16 Peters 10 Ward/Wood ? 3
Chalfant 6 Heyd ? 20 Peterson ? 3 Warren 17
Chapman ? 6 Hickman 17 Poole 2 Warren ? 7
Childs 21 Highfill 5 Poorman 20 Way 14
Clark 8-14-18 Hill 5 Porter 4 Weatherly 14
Clarke 12 Holcombe 10 Porty ? 15 Webb 7
Cobble 6 Holland 14 Powell 3 Webber ? 7
Coffey 15 Hooper 7 Powers 4 Werdman 20
Cole 4-14 Hopkins 11 Puckett 20 Westbrook 5
Coleman 14 Hopper 3 Raith 19 Westmore? 7
Colley 5 Horne 10 Randolph 16 Wheeler 4
Collins 2 House 16 Ray 16 White 2
Cook 3 Howard 2-18 Reagan 12 Whitsett ? 9
Cooper 14 Howell 2 Record 8 Whitsitt 4-20
Courtney 18 Hunt 3 Reeder 4 Williams 16-20-21
Coxe 4 Hunter 20 Reeves 5-9-16 Williford 10
Cravat 13 Huttman 20 Retter 18 Willis 15
Crews 9 Ilegible Entry 2-6-7 Rhama 10 Willis ? 9
Croco 4 Inman 9-11 Riddle 4 Wilson 7-18-21
Crofton 5 Isler 4 Rielly 19 Wolf 16
Crowley 3-18 Jackson 1-4-9-12 Riggs 2 Wood 6-7-9-15
Cunningham 4 James 4 Riggsbee 12 Woodard 12
Cutrell 5 Jarrett 2 Right 6 Woodruff 4
D_____? 2 Jarvis 9 Riley 18 Woods 7
Danley 9 Jenkins 14-19 Ritter 10 Woodson 12-14
Darling 8 Johnson 3-12-14-17-19 Roach ? 12 Woolston 13
Daugan/Drugin 7 Jones 14 Robbins 11 Woosley? 7
Davis 16 Joseph 16 Robertson 2-15 Workman 20
Davis ? 7-15 Justice 2-6 Rodgers 4 Worley 1
Deakin 5-6 Kennedy 9 Roe 18 Wrape 16
Dees 14 Kimbrough 18 Rogers 1-14 Wright 9-10-14-15-19
Deney ? 20 Kinnar 16 Rose/Ross? 20 Writner? 20
Dennison ? 16 Kirech ? 3 Roseberry 8 Wycott 13
Dickinson 18 Kirschberg ? 16 Ross 13 Wyse 5-17
Donaldson 12-13 Kitchens 7-11-17 Rudy 18 Yarbrough 8
Dotson 3 Knight 11 Rushing ? 14 Yates 1
Doty 10 Knott 20 Russell 12 Young 12
Dowell 19 Knox 10-13 Ryan 3 Zolner 16-20
Drafton 20 L_______? 19 Ryatt ? 14 Zook 18




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Index Transcribed, Linked and Posted by: PR  Massey


© 2008 by PR Massey All Rights Reserved. This information may be used by direct descendants, libraries, and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior permission. If copied, this copyright notice must appear  with the information.

Sandy (Matheny) Hardin Greene Co., Arkansas ARgenweb County Coordinator