The Arkansas Gazette
July 13, 1883


Names of Washington County Pioneers,
And the Years in Which They Came to the County.

THE GAZETTE has heretofore published an account of the reunion of the pioneers of Washington county, held at Prairie Grove on the Fourth of July. Below will be found the names, ages and the years in which many of the old settlers located in the county:

W. D. Polson, aged 52; came to the county in 1836.
Bent. Wheeler, aged 56; 1833.
Whiting Washington, aged 59; came 1836. (birth abt.1824 - KY-bf)
Baylers Rutherford, aged 48; came 1830. (birth abt.1816 TN -bf)
James Morton, aged 52; came 1831.
John Johnson age 72; came 1838.
James Woodruff, age 48; came 1835.
Dr. T. J. Pollard, aged 78; came 1839.
L. Dyer, aged 56; came 1834.
Jessee Blakemore, aged 56; came 1831.
J. G. Reed, aged 50; came 1833.
J. L. Harrison, aged 71; came 1834.
J. W. Scott, aged 51; came 1834.
Step. Crawford, aged 48; came 1835.
L. E. Hardesty, aged 75; came 1838.
J. M. Sawyer, aged 76; came 1833.
J. M. Chandler, aged 50; came 1833.
G. W. McClure, aged 54; came 1835.
W. W. Leach, aged 44; came 1838.
Zeb Edmonson, aged 53; came 1830.
Frank Edmonson,k aged 85; came 1839.
J. M. Bell, aged 54; came 1829.
R. Putman, aged 52; came 1836.
D. B. Dason, aged 63; came 1840.
S. K. Stone, aged 63; came 1840.
Richard Bean, aged 46: ws born in the county.
John Moore, aged 58; came 1835.
A. S. Gregg, aged 56; came 1835.
Bob Parks, aged 58, born here.
Wm. Mitchell, aged 49; came 1832.
John Pyeatt, aged 45; came 1837.
T. W. Thomason, aged 49; came 18---.
Jack Thomason, aged 55; came 1829.
J. P. Carnahan, aged 54; came 1834.
C. W. Walker, aged 48; a native of the county.
Col. J. P. Neal, aged 63; came 1829.
Moses Dutton, aged 68; came 1836.
Wm. Rutherford, aged 59; came 1832 (birth abt.1824 TN -bf)
Mrs. A. Taylor, aged 61; came 1829.
Mrs. E. I. Moore, aged 63; came 1829.
Elizabeth Cox, aged 75; came 1839
Mrs. L. S. stoddard, aged 62; came 1828.
Nancy Sharp, aged 72; came 1828.
Lizzie Tollett, aged 88; came 1829.
Mrs. H. E. West, aged 56; came 1830.
Elizabeth Parks, aged 86; came 1830.
Sarah Arlington, aged 67; came 1827.
Mrs. P. Combs, aged 58; came 1828.
Mariah Morrow, aged 68; came 1828.
Mrs. J. White, aged 62; came 1828.
Mrs. T. A. Watson, aged 49; came 1842.
Mary J. Thomason, aged 79; came 1829.
Viney Marrs, aged 87; came 1832. (birth abt 1794, KY -bf)
Mary Marrs, aged 56; came 1832.
Nancy Crawford, aged 55; came 1829.
Mrs. L. Wheeler, aged 80; came 1830. (Lucinda Wheeler
Birth: abt 1804 - TN -bf)
Mrs. Morrison, aged 50; came 1829.
Mrs. Polston, aged 75; came 1836.
Mrs. Earle, aged 49; came 1834.
Mrs. Morton, aged 50; came 1833.
Mrs. R. M. Harrison aged 69; came 1834.
Betsy Pyeatt, aged 62; came 1821.
Sarah McClellan, aged 60; came 1833.
Harriett Brown, aged 42; came 1841.
Mary C. Rutherford, aged 48; came 1835. (birth abt.1836 AR -bf)
Mrs. N. E. Kidd, aged 50; came 1834.
Elizabeth Sharp, aged 60; came 1830.
Mary Crawford, aged 55; came 1828.
W. Drake, aged 65 years, came 1829.
Jack Simpson, aged 65; came 1829.
T. W. Marrs, aged 72; came 1817.
James Young, aged 62 came 1828.
Arthur Crawford, aged 77; came 1824.
Benj. Strickler, aged 73; came 1830.
T. C. Crawford, aged 66; came 1828.
Wm. Wilbanks, aged 70; came 1831.
M. Jones, aged 78; came 1835.
A. B. Reed, aged 55; came 1830.
James McCulloch, aged 64; came 1839.
J. D. Thompson, aged 61; came 1829.
George Morrow, aged 82; came 1826.
W. P. Barclay, aged 63; came 1830.
T. J. Kelly, aged 67; came 1828.
J. R. Pyeatt, aged 78; came 1827.
Elisha Dyer, aged 83; came 1830.
A. Taylor, aged 60; came 1829.
David Carter, aged 76; came 1835.
Wesley Marrs, aged 53; came 1830.
A. Marrs, aged 52; came 1832. (Alexander? -bf)
John Spencer, aged 80; came 1836.
W. K. Scott, aged 46; came 1837.

If you know the name of the person please send it and I will add a note. bf

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