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Mt. Echo Newspaper
March 6, 1886 - First Issue
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Linda Haas Davenport

Dividing Line

When the print is so faded that it cannot be read <.....> will be used . All transcription will be as found in the paper, misspellings and all.

Two very tattered pages are all that survived of this issue. The type is very faint and dim and in some places cannot be read.

Page 1, Column 1:

The right side of column 1 is torn off and only a bit remains. It contains advertising that is not readable. It looks to be the same as the 03-09 issue

Page 1, Column 2:

Subscription Rates
One copy one year in advance $1.00
One copy six months in advance .50
One copy three months in advance .25
Advertising rates can be ascertained on application at the office.

       Today The Mountain Echo is laid before the public and meekly asks a careful perusal and due consideration at the hands of the good people of Marion Co.
       There is a "want" for a newspaper in this county, whether "long felt" or not, is apparent to the publisher and it is sincerely hoped The Echo will fill that want. At least we shall strive to make it worthy of your respect and support.
       Without editorial experience and being but little used to writing, we <........> the purity of motive, to <......> our little editorial birque upon the irregular, buffeting waves on the quill-driving sea.
       Politically, The Echo will be Democratic - not Democrtic one week and Republican or Independent the next, but always Democratic, without any "side-shows" However, the main features of the paper will be State and county affairs . It is our intention to make this a thorough county paper and we hope one you will not be ashamed of if you are not proud of it. We shall encourage all laudable enter <....>, both private and public, that will help build up and develop our county.
       With this brief outline of our purposes and aims we now ask the cooperation of all good citizens in the effort to make The Mountain Echo the exponent of the progress and development of the progress and development of our county and people.

G V Hughes will in all probability <...> date for re-election <...> a good Governor, and <...> no reason why he should not be his own succesor.

It is a settled fact, we suppose, that there will be at least two candidates for Congress in this district - Hon. Sam Peel, the present Representative, and Hon Hugh A. Dinsmore, of Fayettville.

Eternal vigilance is the safeguard of the Democracy. Let the party be organized in every county in the State before the campaign opens. Prepare to meet the enemy and gain victory.

The present year, just now two months old, has been one of fatalities to prominent Democratic leaders. Of Democratic statesmen well known a score of years ago, Mr. Tilden is about the only survivor.

Hon Z. Baker, the sweet singer of Benton, has been "called" by a number of his fellow citizens to make the race for Congress at the coming election. In the language of Opie Read, Mr. Baker, "your friends are your enemies," seeking to close your political career with a "dull thud." Stick to your innocent little songs, and the legislature.

We call special attention to the advertisement of the Arkansas Gazette, to be found in another column of this paper. The Gazette was established in 1819 and is the oldest newspaper in the State. It is a sound Democratic paper, and contains the current news of the day, both foreign and domestic, market reports, crop news, religious news, literary matters, etc. The Weekly Arkansas Gazette should be a visitor to every fireside in the State. The Weekly, one year, only $1.50. Subscribe for it.

Page 1, Column 3 (Top)

Attorney General Garland was recently interviewed by the associated press agent on the Pan Electric telephone matter, and he expressed the opinion that he had determined upon a course that would satisfy all who really desire to be satisfied. He will not reason.

One year ago today Grover Cleveland was inaugurated President of the United States. He has shown himself an honest and fair-minded President. He has a will of his own, and we believe he has been guided by a conscientious desire to do what was for the good of the nation. He may have erred - who has not?

a very faded out bit about the leasing of the Hot Springs bath houses to a pivileged few ... editor is unhappy about it

This issue of The Mountain Echo is not what we would like to see it nor what we intend to make it, if the people will only give us the proper encouragement. Its prosperity and growth in usefulness and size depends wholly on the efforts made by the citizens of the county to support it. It certainly devolves upon us to make the paper worthy of your patronage, and our best efforts will be to that end. From the people of Yellville and Marion county we claim nothing of right, but we have reason to hope that they will grant us that support which our enterprise merits. Let us co-operate in this work.

Clip from the Louisville Courier-Journal's Washington Correspondent - talking about diplomatic service.

Clip from the Memphis Avalanch - talking about Arkansas and Cotton

Page 1, Column 4 (Top)

(bottom of col 3 - top col 4) Clip from the Gazette's Washington Correspondent - talking about Republicans and the land office in Washington

Clip from the Newport Harold - much too faded to figure out what it's about

       There being enough dollars coined to supply the present and the immediate future, why should we go on coining more? Because a man like potatoes he does not go on buying potatoes when he has already a whole year's supply in his storerooms, nor is he damaging the potato trade because he stops buying until his stock gets low. - Memphis Appeal
       But if he should like potatoes, want plenty of potatoes, and discover a strong plot formed to prevent further use of potatoes, he would doubtless continue to buy potatoes and resist all efforts to stop their production. - Little Rock Gazette.
       We think the Gazette is entitled to the potato.

       A State system of good dirt roads, extending from the county seat to county seat, worked by each county to the county line, would be one of the very best means of making Arkansas what she ought to be in the near future. Take for example our own county. Suppose we had a good road to the county line, leading to Searcy, Evening Shade, Melburne, Mountain View, Jack<......., .....> and Sugar Loaf Springs. What a blessing it would be to the people! Neighborhood roads would <.....> toward it by the very shortest route. - Batesville Pilot.
       The present road system is a farce and some change should be made. We thank the Pilot's suggestion is a good one. This plan the rest of this column is torn and too faded to make out

Page 1, Column 5: (Top)

Its Timber, Mineral, Marble and Agricultural Resources - Its Climate, Fruits, Railroad Prospects, Etc.
       In this the first issue of The Mountain Echo, we deem it highly proper to give to the public a brief sketch of our county - its towns, resources and general advantages.
       Marion county is situated in the northern tier of counties in this State, being bounded on the east, south and west by the counties of Baxter, Searcy and Boone respectively, and on the north by Missouri. From her throne upon the mountains she shines forth like a jewel in the casket of these North Arkansas counties.
       TOWNS - Marion has but few towns, and all are small. Her people devoting themselves rather to agricultural pursuits than to the building of towns. Yellville, the county seat, and chief town of the county, is situated near the center of the county, on Crooked creek. It takes its name after that illustrious ex-Governor and first Congressman of Arkansas - Archibald Yell. Although small, Yellville is an important commercial point in this section, and does an immense mercantile business. Last season one firm shipped 1040 bales of cotton. Besides Yellville, there are several small towns where considerable trading is done. Among these are Doddsville, Clear Creek, Noes, Flippin, Sylvia and one or two other points.
       TIMBER - One of the greatest and most valuable products of the county and one which will greatly augment its wealth and general prosperity, whenever our present transportation facilities are improved, is our immense timber resources. Pine, oak, cedar and sycamore abound. In the north western, western and southern portions of the county are extensive and valuable pineries. In the hear of these pineries already the sound of saw-mill is heard. But this enterprise is limited and impeded by our meager means of transportation. Cedar is found in great abundance along Buffalo river. Many a cedar brake has been laid low by the ax of the raftsman with in the last ten years. The cedar is cut in to poles, of proper lengths which are carried to the river and rafted to Batesville and Newport.
       MINERAL AND MARBLE: The mountains of Marion are full of marble, lead, copper, zinc and silver. Many different varieties of marble are found: gray, yellow and variegated. It is unsurpassable for building and monumental purposes. Zinc is the most abundant of the minerals. On George's creek are situated what are known as the "George's Creek Mines," which have been discovered for years and which have always been regarded as valuable by the owners. At present they are owned by capitalists at Galveston, Texas. In this same part of the county there has been lately discovered an extensive bed of candle coal. In the southern portion of the county also, there are zinc and copper mines which for a year or two have been more or less worked, and have attracted considerable attention. Various parties, mostly miners, are interested in the claims. Among others, a company at Batesville with a capital of $40,000, are at work. The ore is said to be very rich, and the fact that the mines are so distant from river or railroad transportation alone prevents an immense mining boom.
       AGRICULTURAL, FRUITS, WATER, ETC. Whatever may be our future prospects, our resources in the past have been chiefly and so may say almost exclusively agricultural. While timber covers the mountains and minerals and marble are imbeded in them, yet our valleys are rich as the soil of the Mississippi and her uplands are valuable and productive. No county in this part of the State can show a greater per <....> or proportion of bottom land than Marion. White river enters the county near its north western corner, and after meandering in a notherly direction unit it passes the State line, then entering again it flows in a southeastern direction, striking the Baxter county line and following the line of the counties till it reaches across almost the entire eastern portion of the county. Crooked creek, which was properly named on account of its zigzag course, enters the county on its western border and flows in an easterly direction across the entire county into White river on the east. Buffalo, a stream whose lands are very rich, but not yet fully developed, flows across the southwest portion of the county. Bottom lands on Crooked creek, Buffalo and White river are unsurpassed in any (Column 6) county for productiveness. (Column 6) Besides these, there are many smaller tributaries to these several streams. In fact, much of our agricultural land, is situated on some of these streams or tributaries. The principal agricultural products are cotton, wheat, corn, oats and potatoes. Peaches grow in abundance, and apples as well. We see no reason why apples would not do as well in this county as in Boone Washington and Benton, and we think that the secret lies in the fact that our farmers do not plant the orchards.
       We have a delightful climate, notwithstanding we were favored a few weeks ago with a two-foot snow. Our waters are pure and healthful. The fountains that leap forth from the mountains have in their cry <....> currents a magic healing for the sick, rose for the cheeks and our <....> and strength for the aged and feeble. No country under the sun is blessed with better water pure air a more salubrious climate, taken all in all, than this mountain region of North Arkansas.
       Yet we need two things, which we must have ere this section will reach the meridian of its prosperity - more immigration and railroads. The immigration will show the world our resources and the railroad will furnish an opportunity for developing them. At present our railroad prospects are flattering. Then, let us extend a welcoming hand to all good people who want to come among us and encourage by all honorable means the building of railroads through this section. Be assured that the united effort of all can do much to encourage capitalists to invest their money in our midst. Let very one lend a helping hand.

Page 1, Column 6 (Top)


John G. Gongh, the temperance apostle, died at Philadelphia on the 18th ult.

Hon Samuel J Tilden was 72 years old on the 9th ult. He is in excellent health.

Major-Gen Winfield Scott Hascock died on Governor's Island near New York city on the 9th ult.

A bill to reduce the fees on $3 money orders from 8 to 5 cents will probably become a law in a few weeks.

Henry Waterson, of the Louisville <....> Journal, who has been seriously ill, is not reported out of danger.

The <....> tournment fund in New York is still <...> short of a million. The amount raised to date is $115,198.

The domestic consumption of sugar in this country for the year 1885 amounted to 1,245,574 tons which indicates a decrease from the consumption of 1884 of nearly 1 1/2 percent.

A bill has passed the Kansas legislature for consolidating the three towns of Wyandotte, West Kansas and <...ourdale, adjoining Kansas City, Mo on the KS side of the line.

During the seven months ended January 31st the values of bread-stuffs exported from the United States fell off more than $35,000 from the figures of the corresponding period in the previous year.

The third and forth class postmasters of the United States held a convention in Chicago recently, to consider matters to be brought to the attention of Congress for the better of their condition. Thirty Three States and three Territories were represented.

During the past six months the United States exported cattle, valued at $5,845,100; hogs valued at $247,894; corn valued at $12,797,107; wheat $18,796,144, flour 19,142,231; raw cotton, $107,473,232; refined sugar, $6,050,001; leaf tobacco $18,720,451.

The National Press Association was organized at Cincinnati on the 25th ult. Several newspaper men of this State were present, and Mr. J.R. Bettis, of the Little Rock Democrat, was elected treasurer of the Assocition. It is to meet annually at a place to be selected each year. Denver was selected for the next place of meeting.

Gen. Hancock died a poor man, and his friends in New York have started a subscription fund to be presented to Mrs. Hancock. Mr. Tilden subscribed $1,000; Wm. R. Grace $500, and others $250 each. In Philadelphia George W. Childs and A.J. Drexel gave $1,000 each, coupling their gift with "more if necessary." The necessity of this action is explained by the free giving of Gen. Hancock toall the distressed who called upon him.

Page 2 - Columns 1, 2, and 3 (Top)

Many of the small weekly papers received some pages that were already printed that could be added to the local paper. These columns are obviously such since the type size is different from the local items

These columns contain: A Poem ... Voice of the Helpless by Carlotta Perry , Democrat's Monthly

A story "A Delicate Situation - The Trials of a Man with a Kleptomaniac Wife"

A funny short story "Why Squirrels Cough - A Pretty Indian Legend of the Magical Production of Food"

"Now Pa, are you satisfied? Just look at my testimonial: 'Political economy, satisfactory; fine arts and music, very good; logic, excellent'" Father: Very much so, my dear - especially as regards your future. If your husband should understand anything of housekeeping, cooking, mending and the use of a sewing-machine perhaps your married life will indeed by happy" - N.Y. Independent

A story "Army Wrecks - An Ex-Army Officer's chat About Unfortunate Comrades"

A story "A Disgusted Juror - The Sensation Caused by a Citizen Who Was Not Entertained in Court"

A short tribute to Gen Joe Hooker

The right side of the last column is missing and cannot be read

Dividing Line

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