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Mt. Echo Newspaper
September 1890 Issues
Abstracted & Copyrighted
by Gladys Horn Brown

Dividing Line

October 3, 1890 Issue

       Mitchellville, N. Y., September 14. The wife of John Beam of this place, aged 65, gave birth to twins on Monday evening. Her daughter, Mrs. Stratton, who lives in a neighboring township, presented her husband with twins the same evening. Mrs. Stratton's daughter, Eva, was married a year ago, and lives in Bradford. The friends of Mrs. Stratton and her mother were not yet through congratulating them over the interesting natal coincidence in their families when Mrs. Stratton received a letter from her son-in-law announcing that her daughter had given birth to twins herself on Monday evening. The three double births all occurred within ten minutes of each other. St. Louis Republic.

       Evansville, Ark., September 19th. Thursday morning a frightful accident occurred one mile north of this place. Two families of Turks were camped for the night at the ford of the creek. During the night there must have been a cloudburst, for the creek rose so rapidly that it cut off their escape, drowning six out of the nine comprising the two families and washing everything they had away, including $1,300 in money. The bodies were all recovered in the morning except one, which was found Wednesday. Their names and ages are as follows: Dinah George, 30 years, and three children, aged respectively 11 years, 2 years and 11 months; Hannah Jones, aged 30 years, and Hannah Jones, age 11 month. The two men saved themselves by climbing a tree. They also saved a child in this way. They claim to own a farm near Kansas City, and it is presumed that they are Gypsies, and the names they go by on the road are assumed. They say the water came in waves three or four feet high.


Mrs. Jesse F. Horner, of Rea Valley, has been very sick over two weeks.

Don, the little son of A. G. Cravens, died last Monday. Mr. Cravens is also quite sick.

Mrs. Etta Thompson, of Washington City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Berry.

DeWitt Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Harris, has been quite sick for some time but is better now.

J. S. Cowdrey, who is just back from St. Louis, says that men, who ought to know, told him that Marion county would certainly get a railroad in the near future.

Mrs. Francis Hunt, of New Mexico, arrived in town last Tuesday and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Montgomery. Mrs. Montgomery is her daughter.

Deputy U. S. Marshall, H. W. Hudson, went up to Boone County to serve some papers last week. He came home sick but is improving now.

W. A. Coburn is the boss mail carrier of northwest Arkansas. He never fails to be on time. His stage line is also doing a good business.

North Arkansas and Missouri company in which William Cowdrey and W. Albert Chapman are interested, is pushing work on James Creek.

Some sneak thief, or thieves, stole four galons of alcohol from Dr. Bryan last Monday night. They entered his office by raising a back window. No clew(sic).

The little 10 year old girl of John Dunlop, who lives about two miles south of town, fell from a swing last Tuesday, fracturing her arm and cutting a large gash in her forehead to the skull.

Newt Mathews is about to buy an interest in the Huntsville Democrat. Newt is an excellent printer and a true gentleman in every respect and if he goes into the venture we wish him success.

J. I. Thompson, of Rush, will start to Little Rock about the 20th of this month. He will enter the medical college. His brother, Ben, will leave for Texas in a few days.

J. S. Cowdrey is back from St. Louis where he bought the largest cheapest and best stock of goods that has ever been brought to Yellville. Look out for the railroad store and railroad prices next week.

Rev. Lazarus, of Rea Valley, while carrying a surveyor's chain, slipped and fell off of a steep bluff, going about 40 feet before stopping. He was badly hurt by the fall but it is thought that no bones are broken.

We hereby give fair warning that we intend in the future to publish the Mayor's Court docket at the end of each month. We don't like to publish such reading, but it is legitimate news and hereafter we will use it. If you don't want your name in it, you had best keep out of trouble.

A Mr. Vickery, of St. Louis, arrived here last Saturday to look after the timberlands of this county. He and Norman Bennett went down to Rush Creek where they expected to obtain a guide and give the country a thorough examination. Of course he will like the country and will make some investments.

R. S. Lefevers has bought John Thompson's interest in the blacksmith shop. The style of the firm will be Ward & Lefevers. They will move the shop to the northwest corner of the public square in a few days and will be ready at all times to accommodate the public. We wish the new firm success. Read their card in this issue of The Echo.

Roney and Stell Davis, of Powell, left last Sunday for Texas. Roney has a school at Greenwood and Stell has one at Brumbelow. Each has an 8 months' term at $50 per month. They are splendid young men and we wish them great success. They had both contemplated starting to school here next week, but changed their minds a few days ago.

Bud McVey had a dog to go mad last Sunday evening ___ Uncle Jim Wickershams. The alarm was given and in a short time 20 or 30 excited boys and men were on hands and the dog was shot. He had followed Mrs. McVey to Mr. Wickersham's, and had been out where the children were playing for quite awhile and came into the house and took a fit. The folks managed to get him out the door and "Uncle Jim" went after help. It would be a good time to kill about 9 tenths of the dogs in Yellville.

The stage going west between Berryvill and Green Forest was robbed last Tuesday night. This is about the fourth time the stage on this line has been robbed. The driver says the robbers were a man and a good sized boy. The man was armed with a pistol and the boy with a club. The robber told the driver that he would not destroy the mails but that when he met the other stage to tell the driver to stop and get the mail. Mr. Emanuel was on the stage going east and says when the stage he was on got to where the robbery had taken place the mail was all there except about 13 registered letters. The mail pouches were cut to pieces. No attempt was made to rob the passengers.

       Editor Echo: Our school taught by Prof. Burns closed last Friday. The good people of that vicinity furnished an excellent dinner and we had an exhibition at night. Both teacher and pupils regretted that the term was not longer. Prof. Burns did his duty as a teacher and was loved by his students. We sincerely hope to have him with us again. Success to The Echo. -- Will Cantrell.


Cotton opening, but the caterpillar is stripping the stalks of their foliage.

The lumber is all ready to build the ferry boat.

Several members of the General Baptist Church attended their Association at Isabella, Mo. They report a large crown present.

Milton Hunt and little son, Raymond, after visiting relatives here, returned last Tuesday to their home at Kully-Claw-Haw, Chocktaw Nation.

John F. Keesee is going into the mercantile business at Protem, Mo. He will soon have his storehouse completed.

Squire Perkins, of Peel, while on his way from Springfield, took suddenly very sick at Protem and came near dying on Tuesday night of last week. He left for home the next day though in very poor health. [Unable to transcribe the remainder of this Keesee's Ferry communication.]


The stone foundation of Mr. McBee's new residence was completed last week. It is a fine piece of work.

Ike Vohers and Ben Baker put up new residences this week and A. G. Cravens is building a barn and improving his dwellings.

Charley Newberry, who has been employed as clerk for McBee for some time, has left for his home near Springfield on account of bad health. His many friends regret to see him leave and hope he will regain his health and be with us again in the near future.

Miss Minnie Clendenin's school at District No. 1 closed this week.

It is reported that Thos. Barb will complete his large farm this fall.

If anything happens such as a wedding or a dog fight, or if anybody runs away, I will let you know by the grapevine telegraph that McBee folks are putting up.

The above communication should have appeared last week but on account of high water did not get here in time. -- Ed.


Dr. J. G. Roberts and J. C. Earley brought back a fine stock of merchandise from Springfield and are doing a good business.

Mrs. Linley of Clay county has returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. Hensley returned on the 17th bringing Mrs. James Hamilton's two little boys with them the little boys being their grandsons.

Capt. Dowd's splendid school closed on the 26th.

Judge Keener and Milt Trimble of Lead Hill were in Peel last Saturday on business.

Judge Brown has moved his storehouse to the west side of Main street and it improves the look of our town.

Mr. Linn is putting in a new boat at the old Keesee ferry.

James Roberts has picked and ginned one bale of his cotton and sold it to G. W. Coker of Lead Hill for ?2-1/2.

[Cut off] ___ week, Mrs. Jones being detained at home on account of the sickness of her little daughter.

Will Brady, son of John Brady, and Enoch Brady, son of James Brady, of Powell, entered school here last Monday. They are splendid young men and our people will extend to them a cordial welcome.

W. T. Swanigan, Union, 22 -Sadie Hampton, Union, 20
Wm. G. Hines, Union, 30 - Ida Foster, Union, 19
B. B. Nelson, Blythe, 26 - Jane Lewellen, Blythe, 15
John H. Jones, Prairie, 2? - Julia A. Sullivan, Blythe, 15
L. R. Taylor, Tomahawk, 21 - L. B. Adams, Tomahawk, 16
E. M. Williams, Big Flat, 31 - Mary C. Davenport, DeSoto, 18
James R. Goad, Blythe, 21 - Cora E. Smith, Blythe, 20
Joseph Rom, Blythe, 45 - Mary C. Cantrell, Blythe, 37
J. C. Conley, Tomahawk, 22 - D. A. Younger, Tomahawk, 14
L. R. Lowrance, James Creek 19 - L. F. Buckmaster, James Creek 16


October 10, 1890 Issue (Top)


A bran new girl at James Estes'.

The Durin(sic) house is being recovered.

Willie Layton has been quite sick this week.

Mrs. J. N. Griffin and children are still visiting friends here.

Mrs. S. A. Mitchell has removed to below McBee's landing.

Mrs. S. W. Wood is visiting relatives and friends at Melbourne.

J. T. Montgomery and family are visiting in Rea Valley this week.

Rev. Griffin of Oakland was in town a day or two the first part of this week.

J. W. Pierce is still very poorly. He has had quite a siege of serious sickness.

Squire Peery(sic) occupies the chair in the Clerk's office lately occupied by James Estes.

Mrs. Park left for her home at Hot Springs last Wednesday. She enjoyed her visit here very much.

The stage robbery that we mentioned last week occurred about six miles west of Harrison.

Capt. Dowd, of Oakland, was in town a few days this week shaking hands with his old friends.

S. W. Woods will attend court at Melbourne next week. He has several important cases down there.

John Nanny last Monday brought in the first bale of cotton to Yellville. Berry & Son bought it at 10 cents per pound.

T. H. Young is visiting his brother, J. A. Young, of this place. He has been teaching music in Green Forest.

B. J. Carney has had the house he recently purchased from J. E. Wickersham recovered and otherwise improved.

A. S. Layton, this week sold the J. C. Berry property to S. W. Woods. This is one of the best residences in town.

J. D. Stanley, one of the best farmers in Prairie township, called in this week and made himself solid with The Echo for another year.

Little Freddie, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Berry, died last Friday night and was buried Saturday in the Tutt graveyard.

The infant child of John P. Sims, who lives south of town, died week before last. We did not know this until we had gone to press last week.

Mr. Powell, of Mountain Home, has bought out D. L. Stockton's contract and will keep up a first class hack line between here and West Plains.

Messrs. Schemmerhorn, D'Ailey, Gibson and Allen, of Harrison, was in Yellville last Saturday. Of course mineral was the magnet that drew them here.

Squire Couch, of Prairie township, got into deep water while trying to cross Crooked creek near "Uncle" John Briggs. He lost his overcoat and got wet all over.

H. T. Booker and B. S. Halbert are putting the finishing touch on the Layton marble front. It is being shelved and we presume it is to be used as a dry goods store.

Elds. Sasser and Parmer held a five days meeting at the Hurst school house last week. There were 8 conversions, three additions and the church was greatly revived.

Mrs. Etta Thompson, of Washington City, returned home this week. Mrs. E. L. Berry went with her on a visit. E. L. Berry went with them as far as West Plains.

A great many of the citizens of Peel were down this week as witnesses in the bastardy case of Caroline Cason and S. J. Ritz. About 80 witnesses were present. Ritz was acquitted.

Wickersham and Powell have concluded to have nothing to do with Sharpe in the newspaper business. He is too heavy a load for them to carry. We admire their taste.

Alf Joblin was in town last Saturday. He says if we can have the right kind of weather from now on the damage to the cotton crop will not be great. We have had splendid weather this week. Let us hope for the best.

The medical society met at Yellville last Tuesday. The following members were present: Drs. Elam, Pierce, Bryan, Wilson, Adams, Ware, Brookshire, Noe, McCurry and Lay. Drs. Lay and McCurry became members of the society. Dr. Cox was present as a visitor but did not become a member. An interesting session was held.

Dr. Pierce has become greatly interested in mining. He and his son, A. A., have recently located some splendid claims on James Creek. From one of those claims they took out three tons of zinc in one day. The doctor has also bought an interest in the Shanks, Godfrey & Sons claims. This is said to be among the finest mining property on Sugar Orchard.

The town council last Monday night passed an ordinace forbidding blacksmith shops being built or blacksmithing done within 20 feet of any frame building. It also ordered the Marshall to set back all the fences on the street running past the parsonage to the lines of the recent survey. The property holders along this street have agreed to the move. This will make a neat 40 foot street that will be very valuable to the town. "Uncle" Jim Wickersham kindly gives the town permission to use the street and improve it, but has not yet given a deed, but will as soon as the town is able to pay him for it.


Richard Radcliff, who has been very low with remittant fever, complicated with pneumonia, is slowly mending. His recovery for 8 or 10 days was very doubtful.

Jimmy Haws, of this neighborhood, and Jennie Nashburn, of Oakland, were married on the 21st. James Dean accompanied the bridegroom down there and brought back the newly married couple in his wagon. When they arrived at Big creek it was past fording and they tied the wagon bed fast and rashly plunged in. Mr. Dean's train was large and strong and luckily reached the opposite shore, but they had a narrow escape from drowning.

Mrs. Linley, who has been visiting her son "Dink," left for her home east of Black River last week.

J. H. Graham contemplates erecting a water mill on Shoal Creek. The stream is small but Mr. Graham thinks he can get sufficient water during winter and spring at least.

       Mountain Home, Ark. October 6, 1890. Editor Echo: On last Sunday night one of the blackest crimes was committed in this town that was ever perpetrated in any civilized community. Old Mrs. Dill, a widow and her only daughter, Mamie, live in an old house in the south part of town alone. They are idiotic people but have enough sense to know how to work for a living. They are peaceable, hard working and regarded as virtuous women. On the night mentioned above three boys, Geo. and Elmer Hammons and Martin Toney, who live two or three miles from town, entered the house after the women had gone to bed and siezing the girl, tied a handkerchief around her neck and over her mouth and dragged her from the house in her night clothes and made her walk and dragged her together a distance of a mile and a half through briar thickets, brush and over rocks, fences and creeks to a dense thicket in Mrs. Toney's field where they accomplished their fiendish purpose, keeping her there about three hours. During this time the old lady, however, had aroused a number of citizens who went in search of the scoundrels and the victim. At one o'clock, the girl having been turned loose and on her way home almost naked and shivering with cold, met the Sheriff who gave her his coat to put on and took her to the house and she is lying now in a precarious condition. She was unable to tell who the parties were that night, consequently, no arrests were made. Positive evidence was obtained yesterday, however, as to the guilt of the parties above named, but they had got wind and were in hiding when the officer went to make the arrest. Toney is said to have left early yesterday morning, but the Hammons boys did not leave the neighborhood till this evening. They crossed North Fork tonight at dark at Tolburt's Ferry. Their father went with them to the river and the last words he said to them was "keep away from the railroad and if they follow you and attempt to arrest you sell out to them." A posse has gone tonight after them and will probably overtake them tomorrow. -- Sug.


Willie and Walter Lewallen, two of the best young men in Flippin Barrens, entered school here last Monday. They are highly pleased with the school.

Claud E. Wilson, of Harrison, entered school here last Monday. Claud is a young man of most exemplary habits and is a true gentlemen in all that the term implies. He will be a very valuable acquisition not only to our school but to our society.

Robert Bussey, of Baxter County, arrived here with his family last Monday. He occupies Dr. Wilson's farmhouse east of town. He has three children who will enter school next Monday, besides Miss Mary and Mattie Louis and P.H. Adams, of Baxter County, came over with him and will also enter school here next Monday.


October 17, 1890 Issue (Top)

Hon. J. C. Floyd has been over at Mountain Home all this week examining the parties who have been arrested in the Dill Rape case. It transpires, that there are six young men implicated. Joseph Taylor, two of the Toney boys and three of the Hammons boys. Taylor and two of the Hammons boys have been arrested. Taylor was arrested at home in Baxter County and the two Hammons boys were arrested near Springfield, Mo. One of the Hammons boys and the two Toney boys are still at large. Four days were taken up in examining Taylor and now that the Hammons boys have been arrested, the examination will consume all this week and probably the next. One of the witnesses testified that Martin Toney confessed the whole thing to him. He says Toney came to his place riding a mule and wanted to trade for a horse. Being well acquainted with him, he asked him what had happened as he saw there was something wrong. Toney replied that he had got into a little trouble down at Mountain Home and was going to leave the country. He said that he and two of the Hammons boys went to Mrs. Dill's house, that he broke the door down and they all went in and all accomplished their purpose in the house. They then took the girl out about a mile and a half to where the other boys were and they accomplished their purpose. The Hammons boys confessed to about the same, stating that while they were in the house, part of them held the mother while the others ravished the girl. The girl is now able to be in court, but is in a horrible condition according to the physicians who examined her. The brutes dragged her from her bed with nothing on but a chimese, and dragged her in that condition over rocks and in one place through a thorn thicket, for over a mile and a half. Great big thorns were sticking in her feet and legs the next day. Her breast is also badly bruised and she is otherwise seriously injured. Horton Bros. are conducting the defense. This is unquestionably the most fiendish outrage that has ever occurred in the state of Arkansas.


Mrs. J. N. Griffin returned home this week.

Squire Peery(sic) has moved into the Durin house.

Will Weast will clerk at the railroad store this winter.

Wesley Lewallen will clerk for H. A. Young.

L. Taylor, a young gentleman from New York, is enjoying himself hunting in this county.

Mrs. Carter had a pumpkin vine that grew 14 nice pumpkins this season.

Martha V. Pennington, a young lady from Wayne County, Ill., is visiting relatives here.

W. M. Haislip, of Benton county, is here representing Dr. H. W. Wood of Sedalie, Mo.

Everything Prof. A. V. Hicks was in town last Wednesday. He reports his school at Big Flat on a big boom.

N. Schoonover had a steer shod in town last Wednesday. It was a queer sight to those who witnessed it.

Mr. J. G. Pillow and Misses Isa and Nettie Estes, of Boone County, were visiting relatives here last week.

Mrs. Carter has had a nice addition built to her dwelling west of town and will move out there in a few days.

Mrs. Una McChesney, of Honolulu, H. I. is visiting her father, Dr. Jobe, and other relatives in this county.

Joe Lemen has put six men to work this week and intends to put more to work in a short time and move things for all they are worth. Mining is on a boom.

W. J. Barnett, of Flippin, called in last Monday and made himself solid with The Echo. He will teach at Goodhope on James Creek this winter.

J. G. Lewallen, of Flippin, will move to town in a few days and will occupy the Carter property. We will be glad to have "Uncle" John with us.

Bud Stokes and Don Camp are running the Fletcher and Gleghorn(sic) Mill and Gin. They offered to gin the first bale free. John Horner was the lucky man.

Dr. J. C. Higgs was in town last Monday. He was getting ready to start back to the medical school at Little Rock. He will graduate before he comes back. We wish him great success.

Nick Miller has sold his marble yard to Theo. Stiedley, and left for the "King Solomon Mines" where he expects to develop the best lead of mineral in north Arkansas. Harrison Times.

Newt Strickland, of Prairie Township, dropped in on us this week. He is attending school at Rally Hill at present and will teach in Boone this winter. Newt is always a welcome visitor at our office.

John Pennington and Jeff Summers are running the Whitfield Harris Mill and Gin four miles south of town. They put up a bale for Pat Carson last week that weight 550 lbs. out of 1648 lbs. of cotton in the seed.

Rev. I. N. Linton has purchased two lots at Valley Springs, one to build a dwelling on and the other to build a large storehouse on, and will begin the work by the first of November. Harrison Times.

T. J. Smith is at Fort Smith and will stand trial on his case in which he is charged with selling whiskey in the post office without Government license. Lawyers Keener and Pace are there representing him.

L. L. Seawel is having a nice stone walk built in front of his property opposite the court house on Main Street. He will put in a new front on the house and otherwise improve it and make it both a nice and desireable business place.

Claud E. Wilson resigned his position with W. F. Gordon and left last Saturday for Yellville to attend the M. E. South Institute at that place this winter. Bud, as he is known by all, is one of Harrison's brightest and best Christian young men and we are proud to see him working for an education. Boone Banner.

It will be remembered that some time ago "Bob" Woods got his leg broke while working on a bridge at Fort Smith. His father A. S. Woods has brought suit against the bridge company for $20,000. He has procured the best legal talent in Fort Smith and it is thought that he will get judgment for several thousand dollars.

James Wickersham, Sr. hadn't "so kindly consented" to let the town improve the street running west by the parsonage as we heard last week. He kindly(?) informed the Marshall that if he didn't __ work on it he would have him and all the work hands arrested. Just what damage was being done no one has discovered. He claims about half the streets in town and says they shall not be opened for less than $100 per acre.

Ross Strickland has struck a good thing. He has taken charge of the Carrollton Academy. He will take the principalship of the free school and will work up a good outside attendance. The people of Carrollton have just completed a new academy and are taking a deep interest in school work.


October 24, 1890 (Top)

Old Tom Star, the once noted Indian desperado is dead. He was at one time charged with 37 murders.

Sheriff Briggs, of Howard County, Ark. has disappeared with over $6,000 of the county funds. His bondsman promptly paid the money and have brought suit against Briggs' estate. Briggs is said to be worth $30,000. His disappearance is a mystery.


"Uncle" Bill LeFevers had a mule to die with the blind staggers this week.

Mrs. W. R. Jones was on the sick list awhile this week but is now better.

T. R. Wheeler was in town last Saturday. He has been teaching at Colfax, Baxter County for awhile. His health is much improved.

James Callahan has not yet recovered his team that was stolen last week. The thieves went toward Batesville.

We forgot to mention last week the departure of Mrs. J. W. Pierce's mother for her home in Illinois.

Sam Williams, of Onset, who has been at Dyer, Ark. for about a year has returned home. He says he has had good health and been prosperous ever since he left.

Ida Carter, one of our little typos, is sick this week. She had an attack of St. Vitus' dance. She is one of the best girls in town and we hope she will soon recover.

Last week we stated that Ollie Covington could not be sentenced for less than one nor more than three years. In this, we were mistaken. She was only fined $0. and an hour in jail.

On his recent trip to the eastern markets, J. S. Cowdrey bought $117 cases of Boots and Shoes. The man that buys in such quantities as this certainly can undersell those who buy in small quantities.

J. H. Berry and son are agents for the Love sewing machine. It is the finest machine in the market. Works buttonholes, sews on the buttons, in fact does everything in the way of sewing. Call and examine them.

Taylor and the two Hammon boys were bound over at Mountain Home to await the action of the grand jury. Of course they will ___ be allowed to give bail. Sheriff Wolf and some of his deputies passed through town last Monday on their way to Harrison with the Hammon boys, where they will be left for safe keeping. Taylor is still in jail at Mountain Home.


Detective James Holt was around last Saturday on official business.

James Ridinger has the best sorghum in this section.

Rev. J. A. Connor, recently of Idaho, is locating in this locality. He much prefers this country to the western wilds. He lived here several years ago.

Last Sunday during service at the Christian Church some miscreants from Mo. fired several shots near the house. The people are satisfied who the parties are and they will probably be taught a useful lesson.

Andy May had the misfortune to get his right leg broke at Markels Mill last week. He had the left leg broke about two years ago. He has the sympathy of all of his neighbors.

Protem has a splendid brass band, composed of the following gentlemen: J. F. Eddleman, instructor; Thos. F. Merritt, J. W. Eddleman, G. L. Holt, J. W. Owens, Edward Wright, Burrell Wood, George Conner, Alonzo Ingle, and H. G. Moore. Your correspondent wishes the band success.

Marion Circuit Court
Loucinda E. Linsley - complaint in Equity
Daniel Linsley,
The Defendant Daniel Linsley is warned to appear in this court within 30 days, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff Loucinda E. Linsley. -- A. W. Wickersham, Clerk.


To make labels adhere to tin use a freshly made solution of gum tragacanth and water.

Wheatcakes. One cup of buttermilk, one half teaspoonful of soda, a little salt, and flour to make a batter. - Household.

Add a tablespoonful of borax to a pan of hot soap suds, put the table silver in it, and let it stand two hours, then rinse it with clear water and polish with a soft cloth or chamois skin.

Baked Bananas: Select large ripe bananas and bake them in the oven as you would potatoes. When the skin begins to split at the seams they are done. Take them out and serve one to each person as a vegetable. They should be peeled and eaten with butter and a little salt. Boston Budget.

Egged Bread. Bread, fresh or stale, is cut in long strips, or in squares or rounds with cake cutter. Let them soak till soft but not broken in one pint of salted milk into which two eggs have been beaten. Bake a nice brown or fry on a griddle in half suet half butter. May be made with one egg. N. Y. Observer.

Tomato Jelly. Break ripe tomatoes into pieces and stew them until done, in as little water as will keep them from burning. Pour all the pulp into a jelly bag, and when the juice is trickled through, add a pound of loaf sugar to each pound of the juice. Return it to the stove and let it boil rapidly until it jellies. This is very nice with roast meat. Farm, Field and Stockman.

Sweet Pickled Grapes. Either ripe or green grapes may be made and put up in the same way by using a syrup of one quart of the best cider vinegar and three pounds of sugar to seven pounds of fruit, boiling such spices as seem desirable in the syrup or take fine full stems and dip them in the boiling syrup long enough to become thoroughly heated, then place them in jars and pour the syrup over them scattering whole pieces among them if liked. Housekeeper.


October 31, 1890 Issue (Top)

       I learned my trade in one of the best shops in the state of Illinois. I have not yet ordered a stock of Millinery goods but I am prepared to do any kind of dressmaking. I will also do or teach fancy work, painting, etc. Until arrangements can be made for a shop in the business portion of the town, I will receive work at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jones. Satisfaction guaranteed. I respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the good people of this county. Martha V. Pennington.


Neal Cypert, of Flippin, is lying at the point of death.

A bouncing boy at R. S. Lefevers.

Cowdrey's motto is to underbuy and undersell all competitors.

A. W. Wickersham took in the fair at Harrison last week.

A nice lot of saddlery at J. H. Berry & Sons cheap for cash.

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Dodd took in the fair at Harrison last week.

Mrs. J. S. Cowdrey visited friends at Harrison and took in the fair last week.

T. A. Blake will remain with us all winter. This means that there will be some mining done.

H. C. Soward, of Wynnewood, Ind. Ter. writes us that he likes the country out there splendidly.

Mrs. Geo. Chase left for Marion County yesterday to join her husband. Fayetteville Dem.

I. B. C. Porter last Monday homesteaded the land on which the town of Rentchler is built.

Mrs. J. H. Berry went to Springfield last week on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Mary Gear.

Miss Francis Hudson went over to Mountain Home on a pleasure trip last week.

George Stone of Oakland is completing a dandy residence. Henry Woodward is up there this week papering and painting it.

The two Toney boys and one of the Hammon boys are still at large. Gov. Eagle has offered a reward of $200 for the arrest of each.

R. R. McGregor, of Dodd City, is the happy father of a bran new girl. "Bob" is doing well at last account.

J. D. McGregor was engaged this week in surveying some mining claims on Clabber creek for Dr. Derryberry.

T. M. Montgomery moved back to Rea Valley last week. We think he will come back as soon as he picks his cotton.

Mike Grundler, one of the New York company's superintendents, left for his home at Joplin this week. Henry Jones, of Galena, Kan., takes his place.

Mrs. H. W. Hudson, in getting out of a wagon last Monday, caught her foot in the wheel spraining her knee badly. She is better now.

W. A. Bradley, of Searcy County, was in town a day or two this week. He brought his son up to enter school here. The Institute is drawing students from every direction.

Better late than never. J. B. Wilson has been the happy father of a bran new girl for over three weeks. We though we had mentioned this but our files show to the contrary.

Sol Koontz called at the Record office last week to secure some old newspapers. He said he had heard that sweet potatoes wrapped in paper would keep better than any other way. Wayne Co. [Ill.] Record.

The little 11 year old girl of Pink Milligan, of Hampton township, was thrown from a horse last Wednesday and her leg was broken in two places. Dr. Adams dressed it skillfully and she is doing first rate.

A few days ago, Alex Hurst, one of the best farmers in the county, had a good mess of beans that were a second growth. He raised a good crop of roasting ears and beans this spring, then broke up the ground and sewed turnips. The beans that had been plowed under came up and thus he got his second crop. What country is it besides Arkansas that will produce a crop of corn, two crops of beans and a crop of turnips in one season.

In a personal difficulty last week, the Sheriff of Searcy County was shot in the hand and stomach with squirrell shot. Fortunately most of the shot entered his hand and none penetrated his stomach beyond the skin. One report is that the trouble was about a woman, and another is that it was about a debt. We did not learn the name of the party who did the shooting. It is thought that Lawrence is not seriously hurt.

J. S. Nowlin, of Itaska, Tex., has traded places with J. Q. Adams of Hampton township. Mr. Nowlin is a brother of Eld. T. H. Nowlin of this county. Mr. Nowlin was in town last Saturday and seems to be highly pleased with the country. He has been reading The Echo for some time and is so well pleased with it that he ordered us to send it to a friend of his at Itaska saying that he believed it would induce his friend to do as he had done, come to northwest Arkansas before the boom gets too high for a man to get hold of property at reasonable rates. We welcome Mr. Nowlin to our county but regret that we will lose so good a citizen as Mr. Adams.

A. S. Woods and son, Bob, got home last week. "Bob" is in very poor health and his leg pained him greatly after taking the stage at Eureka Springs. Mr. Wood had to nurse him all the way and had a hard time getting him home at all. He informed us that he had only brought suit for $5,000 and that the trial is set for the November court, but that it will have to be continued as "Bob" will be unable to attend. He also informed us that Ollie was not put in jail at all but was allowed to stay in the Marshall's office for one hour. She has already brought suit for divorce against Charley Covington and the trial will be held in the Muscogee(sic) court. As soon as she gets her divorce she and Overtaker will remarry.

Elders Henry Sasser of Bruno and W. A. Collis of Mountain Home dropped in on us this week. Eld. Sasser, it will be remembered, is the traveling missionary of the Mississionary Baptist Church of this Association. He last week held a meeting at Rocky Mt. Church in Boone County. There were some converts, several accessions to the Church, two ___, and a wedding.


Weather still fair.

Cotton picking is about all you can hear from the farmers. The fields are white and the laborers few.

James Tuttle came near losing his life the other day. He and another boy were fooling with a gun, snapping it at each other, when the gun fired, tearing several holes in Tuttle's hat. One shot grazed the hide and it is thought he will lose the sight of one eye from the powder burns. A charge to keep ___ ___ old gun no one thinks is loaded.

       About two weeks ago Wm. Ham, a J.P. of Tomahawk township about 12 miles south of this place, had Abner Brassfield arrested charged with stealing a pocketbook. On account of technicality, Brassfield was discharged. Last Saturday Brassfield went into the field where Ham was picking cotton and proposed to sell his field of cotton to Ham saying he intended to go to Texas. He told Ham that he had picked four rows of cotton and told him how much cotton these rows had made. He then told him how many rows he had and told him to make a calculation as to what the field is worth. Ham began figuring on the problem, when Brassfield made an assault on him with a club, crushing his skull in two or three places and bruising him up terribly. Samuel Bradshaw and a Mr. McFarland were present when the assault was made. Bradshaw tried to stop Brassfield from committing murder, but was prevented by McFarland, who it is thought is an accessory. McFarland has been arrested, but Brassfield is still at large. The sheriff went down there Monday to assist in arresting him and he will probably be caught. Mr. Ham was just alive Monday morning and cannot possibly live. -- LATER. Mr. Ham is dead. Brassfield was captured last Wednesday evening. Floyd and Fee were down at Bruno attending the examination of McFarland at the hour of going to press.


Since my last communication, we have had several splendid accessions to our school. They are as follows: Henry Hand, Sam'l. Williams, Onset; W. A. Bradley, Snowball, Searcy County; Roseo Hensley, Peel, and Miss Florence Thompson of Yellville. Miss Lillie Nelson visited her home in Baxter County Saturday and Sunday. She expects two or three of her friends over to enter school next week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jo Pace, of Flippin, and Miss Addie Cox, of Gassville, visited us week before last.

A. A. Bradley, of Searcy County, and R. F. Patterson, of Yellville, visited us this week.

Last week Misses Mary and Abbie Young accompanied Miss Addie Pace on a visit to her home. -- Friend.

H. W. Taber, Franklin, 21 - Tiny Yocham, Franklin, 17
W. G. Cook, Tomahawk, 22 - Georgia I. Harris, Tomahawk, 18
S. F. Honeycutt, Union, 57 - A. E. Vanzant, Water Creek, 30
M. L. Hicks, Bearden, 22 - Alice J. Gaines, White River, 18

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