Index of Names in Woodruff County, Arkansas

compiled by Gary Telford

Obituaries, articles and weddings can reveal a wealth of information for people researching their family. It is one of the best sources available to genealogist. Old pictures are priceless.

Some old obituaries, articles, weddings and pictures from the Woodruff County newspapers are now available, starting in 1930 to 2004 (none for 1931).

For several years, Gary employed someone to search through all the old newspapers of Woodruff County, AR, to find obituaries, articles, weddings and pictures. Most of these were copied on a commercial digital copier and are very good quality. All of these are copies of the original articles. Any of these would make a great addition in a family history scrapbook.

Gary Telford died in 2017 and I'm sorry but I don't know how to find copies of these items.
Lacefield, A. Forrest, h/o Arkie T. Lacefield (Burial Record)
Lacefield, Andy F., Jr., s/o Andrew Forrest Lacefield, h/o Bernice Lacefield (Obit.)
Lacefield, Arkie T., w/o A. Forrest Lacefield (Obit.)
Lacefield, Dorothy Karen, w/o Ralph Dean Lacefield (Burial Record)
Lacefield, Gerald/Jerry N., age 4 (Burial Record)
Lacefield, James H., WW II (Picture-Article) (Obit.)
Lacefield, Lieut. James Howard, "Services Held For Cotton Plant Flier" (Obit.)
Lacefield, Jerry N. (Burial Record)
Lacefield, Judy Ann, infant of A. F. Lacefield, Jr. (Obit.)
Lacefield, Mary Bernice, w/o Andy F. Lacefield, Jr. (Picture typed Obit.)
Lacefield, Ralph D., Andy F., James H., "Three Brothers In Service" (Picture Article)
Lacefield, Ralph Dean, WW II, h/o Dorothy Karen Lacefield (Obit.)
Lacey, Louis J., WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lackey, Charlie Sue, d/o C. E. Lackey, "Weds" (Article)
Lackland, Mamie Deberry, of Patterson (Obit.)
LaCommare, Mike, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lacy, America (Cannon), w/o Wm. H. Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, Andrew, Died 1888, s/o B. H. Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, Anna H., Died 1947 (Burial Record)
Lacy, Byrd Hilliard, of Des Arc, AR, h/o Rosebud Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, Hugh Ross, father of Woodford Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, Jim Woodell, son of B. H. Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, Lucy Mae, dau. of Wm. H. Lacy, w/o Dee Gipson (Burial Record)
Lacy, Luther, s/o W. H. Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, Mattie J. (Burial Record)
Lacy, Mary Montene, (black), of Augusta (Obit.)
Lacy, Minerva "Neva" (Marriage Cert.)
Lacy, Minnie (Marriage Cert.)
Lacy, Montene, (black), w/o Louis V. Lacy (Obit.)
Lacy, Rosebud "Rosa", wife of Byrd Hilliard Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, Sarah Melissa Garner, w/o John Henry Garner & William H. Lacy (Obit.)
Lacy, Wagner, s/o B. H. Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, "Treasures Untold" by Mrs. W. H. Lacy (Article)
Lacy, William H., h/o Martha L. Lacy, America Lacy, Sarah M. Garner Lacy (Marriage Cert. on all)
Lacy, William H. (Death Cert.) (Obit.)
Lacy, William Harrison, h/o Opel Gladys Lacy (Burial Record)
Lacy, William T., WW II (Burial Record)
Lacy, Woodford, son of Hugh Ross Lacy (Burial Record)
Ladd, Mrs. Allie (Holt), "Home Burns" (Article)
Ladd, Angela (Burial Record)
Ladd, Barbara Lee, married HanselVeazey (Burial Record)
Ladd, Betty Ann (Burial Record)
Ladd, Billy Gene, age 10, "Augusta Child Killed When Struck By An Automobile" (Obit.)
Ladd, Bobby Carl, h/o Rebecca Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Burley William, WWII (Burial Record)
Ladd, C. E. (Caroll Edward) "Edd", s/o Owen Cecil Ladd (Burial Record)
Ladd, Chester D. (Burial Record)
Ladd, Deloris Lee, w/o Doyle W. Ladd (Burial Record)
Ladd, Dora M., w/o James H. Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Doyle W., h/o Deloris Lee Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Ed, of Michigan City, IN, formerly of Augusta, s/o Mrs. Virginia Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Grover Marvin, h/o Hazel Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Harry O., s/o Owen C. Ladd, "Pvt. Harry O. Ladd Completes Course" (Article)
Ladd, Hazel, w/o Grover Ladd (Burial Record)
Ladd, Henry Washington "Mann", h/o Edna Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, James Henry, h/o Dora M. Ladd (Burial Record)
Ladd, James Jackson, h/o Mary Erdeel Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Jessie Lee, s/o James Henry Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, John Edward, h/o Mollie Maldon (Burial Record)
Ladd, John Edward Jr. (Burial Record)
Ladd, John Wesley, h/o Mary Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Julius, h/o Wanda Lee Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Julius Allen, s/o Owen C. Ladd, h/o Anna Belle Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Kathryn, "Asks office as Circuit Clerk" (Picture Article)
Ladd, Leonard Allen, h/o Juanita Ladd (Burial Record)
Ladd, Linda, infant daughter of Julius Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Marie (Mrs. J.C.) (Burial Record)
Ladd, Marion Allie, w/o Nathan Elkie Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Mary Erdeel, w/o James J. Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Mary Josephine (Obit.)
Ladd, Mollie M. (Burial Record)
Ladd, Myrtle Mae (Ladd) Hix (Obit.)
Ladd, Opal Eloise, d/o E.M. Ladd (Burial Record)
Ladd, Owen C., h/o Virginia E. Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Paul James, dead, "Charles Kuhn Acquitted Of Murder Charge At Augusta" (Article) (Obit.)
Ladd, Rose Mary, died 1950 (Burial Record)
Ladd, Virgil Wilson, of Belleville, IL, s/o James Henry Ladd, h/o Pauline Ladd (Obit.)
Ladd, Virginia E., w/o Owen C. Ladd (Picture Obit.)
Ladd, Wanda Lee (Camp) Keen, w/o Julius Ladd (Burial Record)
Ladd, William Bailey, h/o Beulah Ladd (Obit.)
Lafever, Clarence Walter, of McCrory (Obit.)
LaFever, Henry, h/o Lou Porter LaFever (LPR)
LaFleur, Mrs. Emma (Burial Record)
LaFleur, Frederick Clovis, Civil War (Burial Record)
LaFleur, Frederic Clovice, Died 1926 (Burial Record)
LaFleur, Hopy (Taylor) Stokes-LaFleur, widow of William R. Stokes (LPR)
LaFleur, Mrs. Luther (Picture of Mrs. Luther and her children)
LaFleur, Willie Luther, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lagerwall, Eleanor "Ellen", w/o Maurice H. Lagerwall (Burial Record)
Lagerwall, Maurice H., h/o Eleanor "Ellen" Lagerwall (Obit.)
Lail, Johnny A., s/o Theo T. Lail of McCrory (Obit.)
Lail, Theo T. of Newport, AR (Obit.)
Laird, Reddick, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Laird, Walter Henry, (black), h/o Pauline Laird (Obit.)
Lake, Joe, (black), Died 1984 (Obit.)
Lake, Joseph Joe, Jr., (black) (Burial Record)
Lake, Luther, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lake, Perry, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lamb, Dick, Died 1968 (Obit.)
Lamb, Lance Harrison, f/o Patricia Louise (Lamb) Beard (Obit.)
Lamberson, J. L., of Augusta, h/o Toba Jane Lamberson (Obit.)
Lamberson, John F., h/o Nannie P. Lamberson (Burial Record)
Lamberson, Leland Dale of Little Rock, s/o John Lamberson, "Weds" (Picture Article)
Lamberson, Maggie, w/o Robert Lee Lamberson (Burial Record)
Lamberson, Monce L., bro. of Rob Lamberson, h/o Lenaberson (Obit.)
Lamberson, Morris, "Named Captain Of Football Team", s/o R. L. Lamberson (Article)
Lamberson, Nannie P., w/o John F. Lamberson (Burial Record)
Lamberson, Robert Lee, h/o Maggie Lamberson (Obit.)
Lamberson, R. Lee, s/o Robert L. Lamberson, "Weds" (Article)
Lamberson, Mrs. Tobia Jane, of McCrory (Obit.)
Lambert, Ada Frances, w/o William F. Lambert (Obit.)
Lambert, Barbara Frances (Burial Record)
Lambert, Carl Blaine (Burial Record)
Lambert, Della (Burial Record)
Lambert, Garland W., s/o William Franklin Lambert, h/o Grace Irene Lambert (Burial Record)
Lambert, Grace F., "Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. WW II" (Biog.)
Lambert, Grace Irene, w/o Garland W. Lambert (Burial Record)
Lambert, John Donald "Mickey", s/o Garland Lambert (Obit.)
Lambert, Joy Loretta, w/o Milton Bailey Lambert (Obit.)
Lambert, Milton Bailey, h/o Joy Loretta Lambert (Burial Record)
Lambert, Missouri (Obit.)
Lambert, Tom, "Killed by Jet Weems near Riverside Tuesday, 1912" (Article) (Obit.)
Lambert, William Franklin, h/o Ada F. Lambert (Obit.)
Lamey, Johnny Elizabeth, w/o Willie E. Lamey (Obit.)
Lamey, Samuel L., s/o Elizabeth Lamey, "Wins Promotion" (Picture Article)
Lamey, Willie Edward, h/o Johnnie Elizabeth Lamey (Obit.)
Lamkins, Burl F., s/o William Lamkins (Obit.)
Lamphier, Bettye Jo (Foster), d/o Elbert Foster of Augusta (Obit.)
Lampkin, Hartzell, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lampley, Sue, w/o Jack H. Lampley & Richard E. Morris (Articles) (Picture Wedding) (Picture Obit.)
Lancaster, Earnest (Ernest) Delmar, WW I (Enlist. Record) (Burial Record)
Lancaster, James Reubel (Burial Record)
Lancaster, Miss Lavinia, of Memphis, formerly of Wynne, d/o Mrs. C. L. Lancaster of Wynne (Obit.)
Lancaster, Roxie Mae (Wallis) (Burial Record)
Lance, Jewell Orlena, w/o J. C. Lance (Obit.)
Land, William A. & Margaret E. (Land) Reed (Family History)
Land, Abram (LPR)
Land, Eugenia V. (Burial Record)
Landers, Cecil Arthur, s/o Mr. & Mrs. John Grady Landers (Burial Record)
Landers, Ellen (Edwards), of N. Little Rock, formerly of Augusta (Obit.)
Landers, Hubert Grady, h/o Oleta Faye Landers (Burial Record)
Landers, John Grady, WW I, h/o Ruth M. Landers (Obit.)
Landers, Ruth M., w/o John Grady Landers (Obit.)
Landon-Smith, Asa Landon Family 1835 - 2011 - 5 Generations (Family History Book)
Landon, Acie D. (Burial Record)
Landon, Asa, h/o Elizabeth Landon (Burial Record)
Landon, Fannie, w/o George W. Landon (Burial Record)
Landon, George Frank, WWI (Enlist. Record)
Landon, George Frank, s/o George W. Landon, h/o Deloise "Lois" Landon (Obit.)
Landon, George W., h/o Fannie Landon (Obit.)
Landon, Lizzy T., d/o G. W. Landon (Burial Record)
Landon, Lois, w/o George Frank Landon (Obit.)
Landrip, Elton, of Tip, "Injured When Log Boom Is Broken" (Article)
Landrum, Isaac David, Jr., (black) (Burial Record)
Landrum, Mossie L. (Doss), (black), w/o Abraham Landrum, Jr. (Picture Obit.)
Lane, Annie, (black), Died 1920 (Burial Record)
Lane, Bonnie "Bon" Homer, WW I & WW II, bro. of Mrs. Martha Clavenger of CA (Obit.)
Lane, Hezekiel (LPR)
Lane, Hubert, s/o George Lane (Burial Record)
Lane, May, Lucy, Lenore, & Ginnie Lane (LPR)
Lane, Martha W., Died 1874 (Burial Record)
Lane, Patsy Ruth (Burial Record)
Lane, T. S. (LPR)
Laney, Henry, h/o Nancy D. Laney (Burial Record)
Laney, Lovie F., of Fargo Michigan, s/o Nancy Laney, h/o Mary Lee Laney (Obit.)
Laney, Nancy D., w/o Henry Laney (Burial Record)
Lanfair, Sam, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lang, Alex, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lang, Winston, (black), s/o Chism Lang of MS, h/o Lula Lang & Ruby Lang (Picture Obit.)
Langford, Julia (LPR)
Langford, Stephen (LPR)
Langley, Auvis Louise, w/o Lawrence Cecil Langley (Burial Record)
Langley, Edmund Hill (Burial Record)
Langley, Josephine L. (Burial Record)
Langley, Lawrence Cecil, h/o Auvis Louise Langley (Picture Biog.) (Obit.)
Lanier, Emily (Gathings) (Burial Record)
Lanier, Paul Story, (Dr.), of Little Rock, bro. of Mrs. Ford Smith of Augusta (Obit.)
Lankford, Ray, of Hollywood, CA (Obit.)
Largent, B. A. (Burial Record)
Largent, L. T., s/o Ella of McCrory, "With Military Police Group In England" (Article)
Largent, L. T., "Two McCrory Boys Congratulated By Lt. Gen. James Doolittle" (Article)
Largent, William Owen "Buster", "Killed At Home Of J. B. "Brad" Moore" (Obit.)
Larker, Baby (Burial Record)
Larker, Charles Lewis, s/o J. M. Larker (Burial Record)
Larker, Elmer (Burial Record)
Larker, Hubert, of Gridley, CA, s/o John Milan Larker (Obit.)
Larker, John Milan, h/o Margaret Adeline Larker (Obit.)
Larker, Margaret Adeline, w/o John Milan Larker (Obit.)
Larker, Pamela, w/o John Larker (Obit.)
Larker, Ruth Vivian, w/o Horace C. Larker (Obit.)
Larkins, M. S. (Burial Record)
LaRue, Glenn Allen, Sr., s/o John Fred LaRue, h/o Virginia Irene LaRue (Obit.)
LaRue, Glenn Allen, Jr., s/o Glenn A. LaRue, Sr. (Obit.)
LaRue, John Fred, s/o Mrs. A. J. LaRue of Fitzhugh, h/o Tommie LaRue (Obit.)
Lassiter, Isaac Homer, Jr., of Jackson, TN, h/o Sadie Lassiter (Obit.)
Laster, Blanch Pearl, (black), of CA, w/o Othell Laster (Picture Obit.)
Laster, Daniel Franklin, formerly of McCrory, "Dies In Conway" (Obit.)
Laster, Sarah, (black) (Obit.)
Latch, Mrs. Dollie (Henry), of Hickory Ridge, AR, d/o James Marion Henry (Obit.)
Latham, Ellsworth, of Hunter, f/o Darrell Latham of IL & others (Obit.)
Latham, Eva Alleen, of Forrest City, w/o Lloyd A. Latham (Obit.)
Latham, Lloyd Alton, Jr., of Forrest City, AR, s/o Lloyd Alton Latham, Sr. (Obit.)
Latner, Normey E., w/o Henry N. Latner (Obit.)
Lavaughn, Joseph Walter "Boom-Pa", h/o Marion Lavaughn (Burial Record)
Lavaughn, Marion, w/o Joseph Walter "Boom-Pa" Lavaughn (Burial Record)
Lavriers, Mrs. Leonal Des, of VA, m/o Jim Arthurs of Cotton Plant & others (Obit.)
Law, Ethel L., w/o Wallace Cleveland Law (Obit.))
Law, Golye Lamar, h/o Lois Law (Obit.)
Law, Lois I., w/o Golye L. Law (Burial Record)
Law, Nannie Bell, w/o William Berryman Law & Mr. Chew (Obit.)
Law, Wallace Cleveland, h/o Ethel Law (Obit.)
Law, Pfc. Wallace M., s/o Wallace Law, "Arrived for a visit with parents" (Article)
Lawhon, Lawhon Family (Family History) (Family History Book)
Lawhon, Anna, of Harrison, AR, w/o T. J. Lawhon (Obit.)
Lawhon, Caswell W. "Cass" (Burial Record)
Lawhon, Edith, w/o Rhuel "Cricket" Lawhon (Obit.)
Lawhon, Jay Noel - U.S. Naval Reserve WW II, "Weds" (Wedding Article) (Picture Article)
Lawhon, Jay Noal, h/o Lillian Elizabeth Lawhon (Obit.)
Lawhon, Jay Noal (Family picture)
Lawhon, Jay Noal II, "Weds" (Picture Wedding Article)
Lawhon, J. Noel, III, infant son of J. Noel Lawhon, II (Obit.)
Lawhon, Lillian Elizabeth, w/o Jay Noal Lawhon (Obit.)
Lawhon, R. A., s/o Robert Owen Lawhon (Burial Record)
Lawhon, Rhuel "Cricket", s/o Thomas Jefferson "T. J." Lawhon, h/o Edith Lawhon (Obit.)
Lawhon, Robert Owen, s/o Caswell W. Lawhon (Burial Record)
Lawhon, Sarah Ann "Annie", w/o Thomas Jefferson "T. J." Lawhon (Obit.)
Lawhon, Thomas Jefferson "T. J.", h/o Sarah Ann "Annie" Lawhon (Obit.)
Lawman, Earnest R., Died 2005 (Obit.)
Lawman, Forrest E., h/o Mary Lawman (Obit.)
Lawman, Frank, of Otwell community near Jonesboro, h/o Freda Lawman, & Mary Lawman (Obit.)
Lawman, George B., of near Jonesboro, b/o Forrest Lawman (Picture Obit.)
Lawman, Lawrence, Jr., s/o Lawrence Lawman, Sr., h/o Betty Lawman (Obit.)
Lawrence, Alice Meta Kenney, w/o William Ralph Kenney, Sr. & Roy Hagen Lawrence (Obit.)
Lawrence, Lela (Ervin), (black), d/o Charley Ervin (Obit.)
Lawrence, Roy Martin (Burial Record)
Lawson, Elmer C. (Clinton), h/o Eunice E. (Obit.)
Lawson, Eunice E., w/o Elmer C. (Obit.)
Lawson, Franklin Garner, h/o Mavis Cleo Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, Dr. J. F., Rev. (Article)
Lawson, Jeanette, w/o Dallas Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, Jeffrey Clinton, s/o Franklin Garner Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, Joseph David, s/o Franklin Garner Lawson, h/o Cleo Lawson (Picture Obit.)
Lawson, Mrs. June Lawson, d/o J. H. Talley, "Weds" (Article)
Lawson, Mrs. Lethy, of near Posey, AR (Obit.)
Lawson, Martha Alberta, widow of Rufus B. Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, Milton Robert, of Brinkley, formerly of Wheatley, h/o Vivian Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, Neoma Ilene, d/o Elmer C. Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, Randy Clay, of Marianna, AR, s/o Clevon Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, Rufus Benjamin, h/o Martha Alberta Lawson (Obit.)
Lawson, William F., of near Newport, AR, bro. of Mrs. Della Wilson of Newport (Obit.)
Lay, Rev. Henry Champlin (Picture)
Laymon, William J. "Joe", of Utica, KY, h/o Dorothy Jean Laymon (Picture Obit.)
Layne, Willie, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Layton, Joe Farris Layton, "Weds" (Article)
Leach, Annie Eva (Heath), of Bald Knob, widow of Henry D. Leach (Obit.)
Leach, Calhoun D. (Burial Record)
Leach, D. D., Maj., son of Richard T. Leach (Biog.)
Leach, Dora Lucetta, d/o D.D. Leach (Burial Record)
Leach, Henry Dewey, h/o Annie Eva Leach (Obit.)
Leach, Jasper Neuton, h/o Sarah Ellen Leach (Obit.)
Leach, John (Burial Record)
Leach, Richard T., h/o L. M. Leach (Burial Record)
Leach, Sarah Ellen, w/o Jasper Neuton Leach (Burial Record)
Leach, Sarah Ellen (Mrs. J. N.), "In Memory, by Mrs. Calla Strange" (Article)
Leaf, John A., of Augusta, "Drowns In White River While Fishing" (Obit.)
Leaman, Lillie Myrtle, w/o Pearl D. Leaman (Burial Record)
Leaman, Pearl D., WW I (Enlist. Record)
Leaman, Pearl D., h/o Lillie Myrtle Leaman (Burial Record)
Leaptrot, Talitha, w/o William Jessie Leaptrot (Obit.)
Leaptrot, William Jessie, h/o Talitha Leaptrot (Obit.)
Leasure, Emogene, w/o Herman Leasure (Obit.)
Leasure, Herman Howard, h/o Emogene Leasure (Obit.)
Ledbetter, Ephraim H., William S. Ledbetter & father David Ledbetter (LPR)
Lee, Albert, h/o Margaret Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Aubrey Woodrow, s/o Clinton Edward Lee of DeView, "Weds" (Article)
Lee, Aubrey & Thelma Lee, "Honored with Reception" (Lg. Picture Article)
Lee, Aubrey Woodrow, h/o Thelma D. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Bernice (Burial Record)
Lee, Ben H., h/o Nannie L. Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Bertha C. (Burial Record)
Lee, Betty Jo (Hopkins) (Burial Record)
Lee, Betty Maud, w/o Ruben A. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Beulah S., w/o Robert E. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Miss Bonnie Lou, d/o Douglas Lee, "To Direct School Paper" (Picture Article)
Lee, Miss Bonnie Lou, "Valedictorian Of McCrory High School" (Picture Article)
Lee, Callie M. (Burial Record)
Lee, Miss Carolyn, d/o Rufus Lee of Fisher, "To Wed May 20" (Picture Article)
Lee, Charles, WW II & Korea Vet. (Biog.)
Lee, Clara M., w/o Nathan Edward Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Claudie, w/o Clint E. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Clint E., "Fire Destroys Barn On Clint Lee Place" (Article)
Lee, Mr. & Mrs. Clint E. Lee, "Golden Wedding For McCrory Couple" (Article)
Lee, Clint E., h/o Claudie Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Debborah S. (Burial Record)
Lee, Douglas Williba, h/o Pearl C. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Edward, (Pvt.), s/o Franklin Lee of Batesville, "Weds" (Article)
Lee, Edward Mango, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lee, Elsie Popejoy, w/o Edd Popejoy, & Mr. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Fletcher, WW I (Enlist. Record) (Article)
Lee, Franklin W., of Batesville, AR, h/o Velma Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Hansel, h/o Muriel Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Herman Edward, Sr., of N. Little Rock, h/o Della Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Herschel, s/o Robert Lee, of McCrory, "Weds" (Article)
Lee, Irene, d/o Mrs. Robert Lee, "Weds" (Article)
Lee, James E. (Burial Record)
Lee, James L., h/o Marie Lee (Obit.)
Lee, James R. "Ricky", h/o Amy R. Lee, "Dies in auto accident" (Obit.)
Lee, Jimmie Claud Lee, of Patterson, h/o Maudie Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, John, s/o Robert Lee, h/o Mattie Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Mrs. John, "Suffers Attack. Is Unconscious" (Article)
Lee, John C., (black), s/o Robert E. Lee, Sr., h/o Beverly Lee (Obit.)
Lee, John Wendell, s/o Aubrey W. Lee, "Enrolled At Ashbury Theologic Seminary, Kentucky" (Article)
Lee, John W., h/o Sallie Lee, Emma Lee & Beady Lee (Obit.)
Lee, John Wilson, h/o Effie Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Leonard of Hunter, "Shot By City of Hunter, Marshall, W. L. Robinson" (Article)
Lee, Mamie Marie, w/o Roy Morris Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Mary Jessamine, d/o Robert E. Lee, "Weds" (Article)
Lee, Mattie, w/o John Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Maudie Maurm, w/o Claude Lee (Picture Obit.)
Lee, Miss Merrill Dawn, d/o Herman Lee, "Wins Ad Club Contest" (Picture Article)
Lee, Michael Ray, s/o James E. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Mickey Thomas, h/o Lou Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Mildred "Shorty", w/o Richard Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Muriel (Burnett) Lee-Green, w/o Charlie Hansel Lee & Jimmy R. Green (Obit.), in fold
Lee, Nannis L., w/o Ben H. Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Nathan E., s/o Clint Lee of McCrory, "Weds" (Article)
Lee, Nathan Edward, h/o Clara Lee & Opal Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Pearl (Chandler), w/o Douglas W. Lee (Picture Obit.)
Lee, Mr. Pearl H., "End Comes To Life Of A Good Citizen", h/o Rhomie Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Mrs. Rhomie, w/o Pearl Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Rickey Shawn "Catfish" (Burial Record)
Lee, Robert, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lee, Robert E., 22, "Weds" (Article)
Lee, Robert, WW I, h/o Beulah Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Robert E., WW II Vet. (Burial Record)
Lee, Robert Edward, Sr. (black), h/o Margie Ann Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Robin Elizabeth, w/o Roger Dale Lee, Jr. (Obit.)
Lee, Roy Morris, h/o Marie Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Royce V., "Patterson Man Escapes Injury In Auto Wreck" (Article)
Lee, Ruben Alfred, bro. of James L. Lee of Hoxie, h/o Betty M. Lee (Burial Record)
Lee, Terry Wayne, infant s/o Claude W. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Thelma D., w/o Aubrey W. Lee (Obit.)
Lee, Timmothy Wade, s/o Claude Wayne Lee, Jr. of Cabot (Obit.)
Lee, Travis O'Donald, s/o Hubert Lee, h/o Kathleen Lee (Picture Obit.)
Lee, Vicky Jo, d/o Manuel Lee of Thermal, CA (Obit.)
Lee, William, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lee, William, Died 1897 (Burial Record)
Lee, Willie, (black), Army WW II (Burial Record)
Lee, Winnie D., d/o J.L. Lee & Callie Lee (Burial Record)
Legendre, Octave J., of Brinkley, formerly of Forrest City, h/o Vedell Legendre (Obit.)
Legg, Ada Belle, w/o Robert Wilson Legg (Burial Record)
Legg, Elbert Hill, of Hammond, LA, formerly of Wynne, AR (Obit.)
Legg, Helen DeLand (Stoker), d/o James Ira Stoker (Obit.)
Legg, Mary (Wray), of Gould, AR, formerly of Cotton Plant, w/o Tom Legg (Obit.)
Leggett, Bobby Lee (Burial Record)
Leggett, Joe (Burial Record)
Leggett, Lyle Edward, Sr., h/o Eleanor D. Leggett (Burial Record)
Leggett, Robert M., WW I (Enlist. Record)
Leggett, Robert M., WW I (Obit.)
Leggett, Robert, Died 1920 (Burial Record)
Lehman, Lena (Drexler), of Memphis, TN, formerly of Wynne, AR, w/o I. Lehman (Obit.)
Leigh, Edith, of Little Rock, formerly of Augusta, w/o William W. Leigh (Obit.)
Leighton, Eugene F., h/o Mary Ollie Mitchell-Leighton (Obit.)
Leighton, Neumon (Burial Record)
Leighton, Ollie Mitchell-Leighton, w/o Robert Mitchell & Eugene F. Leighton (Obit.)
Leisinger, Goldie (Cheek), of Memphis, d/o L. A. Cheek, w/o O. Frank Leisinger (Obit.)
LeMaine, Jules (LPR)
Lemon, John (LPR)
Lemay, Arthur B., "Rites Held For Accident Victims Tuesday Afternoon" (Obit.)
Lemay, Arthur, husband of Maggie, " In Memory" (Article)
Lemay, Pfc. Billy, "Home From Japan For Holidays" (Article)
Lemay, Billy Arthur, killed, " Driver Of Truck Found Not Guilty Of Manslaughter" (Article)
Lemay, Billy Arthur (Obit.)
Lemay, Clarence, h/o Florinda Lemay (Obit.)
Lemay, Claud, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lemay, Claude Madison, hus. of Clora Lemay (Obit.)
Lemay, Mrs. Claud (Chlorie) (Obit.)
Lemay, Finus Ewin (Obit.)
Lemay, Florinda, w/o Clarence Lemay (Burial Record)
Lemay, Isabelle Alabama, w/o Nathaniel Lemay (Obit.)
Lemay, Julie (Shue) (Burial Record)
Lemay, Melton Maynard, h/o Lillian Lemay (Obit.)
Lemay, Nathaniel "Thaniel" Newton, h/o Julia Lemay & Isabelle Alabama Lemay (Obit.)
Lemay, Nathan N., Jr., "Pvt. Nathan N. Lemay Wounded In Korea" (Article)
Lemay, Nellie Gibson, w/o Lee A. Gibson, & Finus Ewin Lemay (Obit.)
Lemay, Sarah Eliza (Obit.)
Lemay, Sydney David, s/o Nathaniel Newton Lemay, Jr. (Obit.)
Lemay, Willie Dean Reddell, w/o Neal Donald Reddell & Milton Lemay (Obit.)
Lemire, Orentha C., of Greenbrier, AR, w/o Omer R. Lemire (Obit.)
Lemke, Jimmy O'Neal "Buddy", s/o Albert W. Lemke, h/o Amy Lemke (Picture Obit.)
Lemke, Juanita, d/o Albert Lemke, "Valedictorian Of Hickory Ridge Class" (Picture Article)
Lemke, Luie Marshall, h/o Virginia Carroll Lemke (Obit.)
Lemke, Michael Lynn, s/o Jimmy O'Neal Lemke (Obit.)
Lemoine, Altie M., of Bald Knob, AR (Obit.)
Leon, Roy, Jr., "Final rites for patrolman", s/o Roy Leon of Brinkley, h/o Martha Leon (Obit.)
Leonard, Arthur A. (or Alvin Arthur, per obit.), h/o Bertha L. Leonard (Obit.)
Leonard, Arthur Donald, s/o Bertha Leonard, "Weds" (Picture Article)
Leonard, Bertha L., w/o Arthur A. Leonard (Burial Record)
Leonard, Geraldine, w/o John C. Leonard (Obit.)
Leonard, Jasper Alvin (Obit.)
Leonard, Sgt. John C., "Moving to Little Rock", h/o Geraldine (Article)
LeRoy, Olive Taylor, Died in a Hosp, Miami, FL, formerly of McCrory (Obit.)
Lesinger, William L. (Burial Record)
Lester, Ada Ivry (Whitehead) (Reynolds) (Obit.)
Letchworth, Alice Leona, w/o John Henry Letchworth (Burial Record)
Letchworth, Hattie (Letchworth) Hall, w/o Carrell Jackson Hall (Burial Record)
Letchworth, John Henry, h/o Alice Leona Letchworth (Burial Record)
Letchworth, Rachel Tennessee Starnes (Burial Record)
Lett, Alfred (Burial Record)
Lett, Minnie O. (Burial Record)
Levee, Old Spanish (Article)
Levitt, Amanda (Burial Record)
Lewellen, J. E., hus. of Winnie Lewellen (Obit.)
Lewellen, Lucy I., w/o Walter L. Lewellen (Burial Record)
Lewellen, Lula Mae, "McCrory Entrants In White River Event" (Picture Article)
Lewellen, Lula Mae, d/o Walter Lee Lewellen, w/o John W. Taylor (Obit.)
Lewellen, Walter Lee, hus. of Lucy I. Lewellen (Obit.)
Lewellen, Winnie, w/o J. E. Lewellen (Burial Record)
Lewis, Alexander Curry "A. C. Lewis (Family History)
Lewis, Alexander Curry (Burial Record)
Lewis, Andrew, Jr. (Burial Record)
Lewis, Austin H., h/o Pauline Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, B. F. (Burial Record) (Marriage Certificate)
Lewis, Mrs. B. F., "For Sale, My Stock In The Bank of McCrory" (Article)
Lewis, Mr. B. F., "Buys Myers and Stoker Service Station" (Article)
Lewis, Barbara A. (Burial Record)
Lewis, Benjamin F., h/o Bettie Lee Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Bettie Lee, w/o Benjamin F. Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Betty (Burial Record)
Lewis, Brister, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lewis, Miss C. C., , age 48, "Weds" (Article)
Lewis, C. H., bro. of Mrs. Rosa (Lewis) Fore (Obit.)
Lewis, Caroline (LPR)
Lewis, Charles E. "Chuck", h/o Joann Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Charles Nugent (Burial Record)
Lewis, Daniel, (black) (LPR)
Lewis, Edward, Jr., (black), s/o Ed Lewis, Sr. (Obit.)
Lewis, Edward "Ed" Roddy, Sr., (black), h/o Sallie Mae Lewis (Picture Obit.)
Lewis, Elizabeth "Lizzie" B. Jones, "Attends Centennial Homecoming In Searcy" (Article)
Lewis, Elizabeth "Lizzie" Booth, w/o Fletcher E. Lewis (Large Picture Obit.)
Lewis, Elizabeth "Nonie", w/o John Etheldred Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Ella Inez, d/o J.S. Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Emma (Burial Record)
Lewis, Mrs. Eugenie "Geanie", (Jelks), "Has Lived Volume Of Fiction" (Picture Article)
Lewis, Fletcher Alexander "Cooter", age 27, s/o Fletcher Lewis, "Weds" (Article)
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher A., "Honored at Bridge Party" (Article)
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher A., "Honored With Buffet Dinner" (Article)
Lewis, Mrs. Fletcher, Sr., & Mrs. Fletcher A., "Attend Centennial Homecoming" (Article)
Lewis, Fletcher Alexander, h/o Lucille Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Fletcher Curtis, s/o Lucille Lewis, "Birthday Party" (Article)
Lewis, Fletcher E., h/o Elizabeth Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Miss Frances M., of Texas, formerly of Beards, d/o C. W. Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Gildart A., s/o John E. Lewis, "Trades Talents For Various Articles" (Article)
Lewis, Gildart Alexander "Abe", formerly of McCrory, h/o Josephine Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Grace, d/o A. C. Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Hester Ann, d/o Owen L. Lewis, "Weds" (Article)
Lewis, Hicks J., WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lewis, Hicks J., "Weds" (Article)
Lewis, Hicks J., formerly of McCrory "Dies In St. Louis" (Obit.)
Lewis, J. A. "Pat", h/o Lena Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, James & Mrs. Nannie Lewis (LPR)
Lewis, Miss Janet, d/o John Lewis, "Bride Of Recent Months" (Picture Article)
Lewis, John E. & Elizabeth "Nonie" Lewis, "Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary" (Article)
Lewis, John Etheldred, h/o Elizabeth "Nonie" Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, John F., of Jonesboro, AR, b/o Owen Lewis of McCrory (Obit.)
Lewis, John H., (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lewis, John James (Burial Record)
Lewis, John L., Jr., (black), WW II Vet. (Burial Record)
Lewis, Johnnie (Burial Record)
Lewis, Jonas Steven, h/o Lula Alberta Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Joseph T., of Mer Rouge, LA, a native of Lewisburg, MS, bro. of Mrs. Rosa Fore (Obit.)
Lewis, Lena, w/o J. Allie "Pat" Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Leora A., w/o Owen L. Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Leroy, (black), h/o Louella Lenoir Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Lester Booth, s/o Fletcher E. Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Lizzie Booth, w/o Fletcher Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Louella (Lenoir), (black), w/o Leroy Lewis (Picture Obit.)
Lewis, Lucille, "Attends Centennial Homecoming In Searcy" (Article)
Lewis, Lucille, w/o Fletcher A. "Cooter" Lewis, & Wilbur L. Robins (Picture Obit.)
Lewis, Lula Alberta, w/o Jonas Stephenson Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Marian, Widow of Nugent Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Martha, d/o B. F. Lewis of Hot Springs, "Weds" (Picture Article)
Lewis, Martha Eugenia, w/o Alexander Curry "A.C." Lewis (Burial Record)
Lewis, Mary, (black) (Burial Record)
Lewis, Mary Elizabeth, d/o John E. Lewis of McCrory, "Army Nurse" (Picture Article)
Lewis, Mary E., d/o John E. Lewis, "Lt. Mary E. Lewis At Miami Beach" (Article)
Lewis, Mary Elizabeth, "Women, Too, Can Serve" (Extra Large Picture Article), 2 parts
Lewis, Miss Mary Elizabeth, d/o John Lewis, "Weds" (Article)
Lewis, Mary Elizabeth, "Weds" (Article)
Lewis, Mary Jane, w/o B. F. Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Matlaco O., "Serving Aboard Aircraft Carrier USS Leyte" (Article)
Lewis, Mattie Louise (Burial Record)
Lewis, Melvin, of Cotton Plant, "Shot by Linzy Motton, "Man is jailed after shooting" (Article)
Lewis, Melvin (Burial Record)
Lewis, Mike, of Amagon, AR (Obit.)
Lewis, Nina Jannie (Joplin), d/o Phillip Harm Joplin (Obit.)
Lewis, Owen L., h/o Leora A. Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Ronnie Joe (Obit.)
Lewis, Ruth V., w/o M. E. Lewis (Obit.)
Lewis, Miss Sammie, d/o John E. Lewis, "Bride Of Recent Months" (Picture Article)
Lewis, Sammie, d/o J. E. Lewis of McCrory, "Weds" (Article)
Lewis, Victor, (black), of Cotton Plant, s/o Andrew Lewis (Picture Obit.)
Lewis, William Basil, WW II (Burial Record)
Lichty, Ezra, "Accuser Of Arkansan Kills Himself " (Article)
Lightle, Walter, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Ligon, Ed Jeffrey, (black) (Burial Record)
Ligon, Ella, of Carlisle, AR (Obit.)
Ligon, Ellen, (black), w/o J. Ligon (Burial Record)
Ligon, Julia Virginia, w/o W. H. Ligon (Obit.)
Ligon, William Horace, h/o Julia Virginia Ligon (Obit.)
Ligons, James, (black), h/o Margo Ligons (Obit.)
Ligons, Margo, (black), w/o James Ligons (Obit.)
Liles, Elsie Marie, w/o Howard Liles (Obit.)
Lilly, Frances Mildred (Dabbs) - April 25, 1920 - July 9, , sis. of Clint Dabbs of Beedeville, Mrs. Ruth Woodcock of Mich, Mrs. Mary Peacock of McCrory, & Mrs. Sylvia Breckenridge of Beedeville - Eight Mile Cem., Jackson Co., AR
Lilly, Ricre, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lily, "Aunt Mec" Former Slave of Elias Huff Of Woodruff County, Dies" (Obit.)
Limbird, Charles, of Torrance, CA, formerly of Augusta, h/o Frances Limbird (Obit.)
Limbird, Iris Eleanor, w/o Mark A. Limbird (Burial Record)
Limbird, Mark Anthony, h/o Iris Eleanor Limbird (Obit.)
Linder, Louis A., s/o H. H. Linder (Obit.)
Linderman, Carolyn Ann, w/o C. J. Linderman, Sr. (Obit.)
Lindley, Mina Lorean, w/o Rev. Thomas E. Lindley (Obit.)
Lindley, Thomas E. (Burial Record)
Lindley, Tommy E. (Burial Record)
Lindley, Will L., of Pine Bluff, AR, f/o Rev. T. E. Lindley (Obit.)
Lindsey, Allie Mae, d/o Walter L. Lindsey, "Weds" (Article)
Lindsey, Allie Mae (Lindsey) Barnett, w/o Marvin Barnett (Obit.)
Lindsey, Clara Carl, h/o Walter Lee Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Dicie, w/o Andrew Mackey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Don Roe, h/o Roggie Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Edward, s/o Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Eugene, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lindsey, Glenda Sue (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Hilton Leon (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Ida Mae, widow of J. J. Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Infant, age 7 mos. (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Miss Inez, d/o W. E. Lindsey, "Weds" (Article) (Picture Article)
Lindsey, Lois Dean (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Lola, w/o Ed Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Margaret (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Nannie Lane, w/o Wm. E. Lindsey (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Naomi (Burial Record)
Lindsey, O. H., of Searcy, a barber, "Two Accused Of Kidnaping Plead Guilty Tuesday" (Article)
Lindsey, Pearl (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Pearl Marie, d/o Luther Lindsey of McCrory (Obit.)
Lindsey, Robert (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Terry Dale (Obit.)
Lindsey, W. A. (Burial Record)
Lindsey, W. E., Aged 2 years (Burial Record)
Lindsey, Walter L., "Third Oak Leaf Cluster Received By Sgt. Walter Lindsey" (Article)
Lindsey, Walter Lee, h/o Clara Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Walter M., s/o Walter Lindsey of McCrory, "Awarded Air Medal" (Article)
Lindsey, Walter M., s/o Walter Lindsey, "Receives Discharge" (Article)
Lindsey, Walter M., "McCrory Boy Receives His Fouth Oak Leaf Cluster" (Article)
Lindsey, Walter M., s/o Walter L. Lindsey, "Weds" (Article)
Lindsey, Walter Murray, h/o Edna Margaret Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, Walter W., "Receives Oak Leaf Cluster In England" (Article)
Lindsey, Wesley A., (Rev.), of Memphis, TN, h/o Virginia Lindsey (Picture Obit.)
Lindsey, William Edward, h/o Nannie Lane Lindsey (Obit.)
Lindsey, William Hoyle, w/o Ima Jean Lindsey (Obit.)
Linebarger, Wilson Frederick, h/o Merdis Linebarger (Obit.)
Linhart, Charles E., Jr., h/o Geraldine Linhart (Obit.)
Linhart, Charles E., h/o Nellie E. Linhart (Obit.)
Linhart, Emma Lou (Burial Record)
Linhart, Gerald E., s/o Mrs. Charlie Linhart, "Brothers Serving" (Picture Article)
Linhart, Jerrell Edward, h/o Mary Lee Linhart (Obit.)
Linhart, Lela Marie, Aged 17 months (Burial Record)
Linhart, Mary Lee, w/o Jerrell E. Linhart (Obit.)
Linn, Augusta Largent, of Beverton, Mich., formerly of McCrory (Obit.)
Linthicum, H. W. & Mary Ellen Linthicum (LPR)
Lipford, Rev. H. L., "Weds" (Article)
Lippman, Family (Family History)
Lippman, Allen B. & Wife, of Somerset, TX, "Robbed & shot by Will Long & wife" (Obit.)
Lippman, Elizabeth C., w/o L.L. Lippman (Burial Record)
Lippman, Judge L. (Burial Record)
Lippman, L. L. & A. B. Lippman (LPR)
Lippman, Mrs. Maggie, of Tupelo, "Sustains Fractured Hip" (Article)
Lippman, Mrs. Maggie, dies at Tupelo, formerly of Augusta (Obit.)
Little, Edgar Lee - Ancestors & Descendants - 8 Generations - 1822-2010 (Family History Book)
Little, A. J. (Burial Record)
Little, Mrs. Annie F., w/o Edgar Lee Little (Obit.)
Little, Annie Lane, "Kerosene Explosion Causes Death Of Annie Lane Little" (Obit.)
Little, Archie E., "Uses Shotgun To Take His Life", h/o Elta Marie Little (Obit.)
Little, Billy Gene, s/o Cledits E. Little of Marvell, AR (Obit.)
Little, Billy Joe, U.S. Army, s/o Otto Little, "Training at Fort Hood, TX" (Article)
Little, Mrs. Charettie A., w/o Menzo Little (Obit.)
Little, Charles Lee, s/o Archie Little, "Weds" (Article)
Little, Charles Lee, h/o Madge Little (Obit.)
Little, Delbert Easter, h/o Lyda Mae Little (Obit.)
Little, Edgar Lee, h/o Annie F. Little (Burial Record)
Little, Edith Elizabeth, former owner of McCabe Grocery (Obit.)
Little, Elta Marie, w/o Archie E. Little (Obit.)
Little, Mrs. Emmer, of Newport, w/o Ronnie Little (Obit.)
Little, Eula Mae, w/o Menzo Robertson Little (Obit.)
Little, Freddy, s/o Otto Little, "Weds" (Picture Article)
Little, Freddy, "McCrory reservist Freddy Little honored posthumously" (Picture Article)
Little, Freddy (Obit.)
Little, Garland Paul, h/o Margaret Little (Obit.)
Little, Glinda, d/o Otto Little, "Receives State FHA Degrees" (Picture Article)
Little, Mrs. Helen Louise, w/o Otto Little (Obit.)
Little, Infant, child of Menzo Little (Obit.)
Little, James Earl, h/o Ruth Little & Etta Lou Little (Obit.)
Little, Jeffrey Earl, "Prisoner mistakenly released is involved in accident near Morton" (Article)
Little, Jimmy Leon, infant s/o of Leon Little of McCrory (Obit.)
Little, Kristen Nicole (Burial Record)
Little, Lyda Mae, w/o Delbert Easter Little (Burial Record)
Little, Lyda (Combs) (Obit.)
Little, Madeline, w/o Otto Little (Obit.)
Little, Malla Ruth, of McCrory, d/o Otto Lawhorn (Obit.)
Little, Marie, w/o Archie E. Little (Obit.)
Little, Menzo Robertson, h/o Eula Mae Little (Obit.)
Little, Minnie, w/o Henry K. Little (Obit.)
Little, Otto (Burial Record)
Little, Dr. R. L., h/o Robbie Bell Little & Mrs. Rose M. Little (Obit.)
Little, Ronnie, Ray Atkins, Adrion Nance & Dean Hyatt, "Four charged in burglary" (Article)
Little, Rose M. (Burial Record)
Little, Roy Clay, s/o Edgar Lee Little (Burial Record)
Little, Wesley E., h/o Omie Little (Obit.)
Little Rock, Little Rock's Yankee Prison (AKA Rebels' Hell) 1863-1865 (History)
Littleton, E. L., " Quadruplets Born Near McClelland, But Soon Die (Obit.)
Littleton, Wm. Oscar, "McClelland Man Killed In Fall Down 50-Foot Bluff" (Obit.)
Littlejohn, Calvin, "Photographic chronicler of black American life dies" (Obit.)
Livingston, Marvin O., h/o Ruth Livingston (Obit.)
Livingston, Ulysses Samuel, (black) (Burial Record)
Livingstone----Irene Heard, (black) (Burial Record)
Llewellyn, Richard, age 68 yrs. (Burial Record)
Lloyd, Billy H., of Brinkley, h/o Gloria Lloyd (Obit.)
Lloyd, Kenneth Lee, Sr. (Burial Record)
Lock, Correlus (Burial Record)
Lock, Davie, s/o Ill Lock & Caroline Lock (Burial Record)
Lock, Ervin (Burial Record)
Lock, Eva Frost (Burial Record)
Lock, Roena (Burial Record)
Locke, Charles E., s/o Reuben Locke (Obit.)
Locke, Grant, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Locke, Henry, age 27 (Burial Record)
Locke, John F., Jr., James, Franklin, & Benjamin Locke (LPR)
Locke, Lorney/Lonnie (Burial Record)
Locke, Lula (Burial Record)
Locke, Maggie Lou, d/o R. H. Locke of Patterson, "Weds" (Picture Article)
Locke, Maria (Burial Record)
Locke, Mary E. (Burial Record)
Locke, R. H. (Burial Record)
Locke, Ruben L. (H), aged 59, of Patterson (Obit.)
Locke, T. A. (Burial Record)
Locke, Thomas A., s/o T. T. Locke (Burial Record)
Locke, Thomas T. Locke, "Pioneer at Cotton Plant, AR" (Family History)
Locke, Thomas Todd (Burial Record)
Locke, W. H. (Burial Record)
Locke, Willie Gertrude, of Senath, MO, formerly of Woodruff Co., AR, w/o Fred Locke (Obit.)
Lockett, M. L. "Bud", of Patterson, AR, "A Good Colored Citizen Passes" (Obit.)
Lockhart, Betty Ann (Brown), (black), d/o Fletcher Brown (Obit.)
Lockhart, Carroll Lewis, h/o Judy Lynn Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockhart, Collie (Mellon), (black) (Obit.)
Lockhart, Dallas Lorie, of Bald Knob, w/o George A. Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockhart, Edna Anna (Obit.)
Lockhart, Edna Olline, w/o Murray L. Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockhart, Ernest Lee, (black), s/o Lionel C. Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockhart, Floyd Holland, h/o Ernestine Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockhart, Gaither L., h/o Ruby F. Lockhart (Burial Record)
Lockhart, Gaither L., Jr., h/o Rosetta Lockhart (Biog.)
Lockhart, George A., h/o Dallas L. Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockhart, Gid L. (Obit.)
Lockhart, Mrs. Indiana, w/o G. L. Lockhart, of Gregory (Obit.)
Lockhart, M. L., of Augusta, "Tow Boat Bought By Two Local Men" (Article)
Lockhart, M. L., "Appointed to the United States Advisory Committee Board" (Picture Article)
Lockhart, Murray L. D., h/o Edna Olline Lockhart (Lg. Picture Obit.)
Lockhart, Murray L., "Pallbearers, honorary pallbearers at M. L. Lockart funeral named" (Lg. Article)
Lockhart, Myrna Dee "Butchie", d/o Murray L. D. Lockhart, "Weds" (Picture)
Lockhart, Opal Laverne (Burial Record)
Lockhart, Pearl, w/o Troy W. Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockhart, Robert & Mrs. Sallie Lockhart (LPR)
Lockhart, Ruby F., w/o Gaither L. Lockhart (Burial Record)
Lockhart, Thomas A., III, (black), s/o Thomas A. Lockhart, Jr. (Obit.)
Lockhart, Troy W., h/o Pearl Lockhart (Obit.)
Lockridge, B. W., "Birthday Dinner" (Article)
Lockridge, B. W., h/o Minnie & Matilda Lockridge (Burial Record)
Lockridge, Matilde, w/o B. W. Lockridge (Obit.)
Lockridge, Minnie, w/o B. W. Lockridge (Obit.)
Lockwood, Charles L. (Burial Record)
Lockwood, Ed, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lockwood, Golden, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lockwood, Millie R. (Burial Record)
Lockwood, Minnie, w/o Charles Lockwood (Obit.)
Loftin, George L., h/o Lula N. Loftin (Obit.)
Loftin, Iverson L., h/o Ruth Loftin (Obit.)
Loftin, Jessie Jewell, w/o William R. "Bill" Loftin (Obit.), in fold
Loftin, Lula N., w/o George L. Loftin (Obit.)
Loftin, William R., Sr., h/o Jessie Jewell Loftin (Obit.)
Loftin, William R., Jr., s/o Wm. R. Loftin, Sr. (Article)
Loftis, Birdie Louise, age 5 mos. (Burial Record)
Loftis, Emogene, of Newport, AR, w/o Hubert Drummond, & Orvil Loftis (Picture Obit.)
Logan, Mary Lee, w/o Oliver W. Logan (Burial Record)
Logan, Oliver William, h/o Mary Lee Logan (Obit.)
Lohse, William, h/o Rosie Mae Lohse (Obit.)
Long, Agnes, w/o Dallas Crutcher Long (Obit.)
Long, Anna (Flippin) (Burial Record)
Long, Anna Lee, d/o Dallas Long, "Weds" (Article)
Long, Annie Eliza, widow of Franklin Long (Obit.)
Long, Burrell Alexander Fletcher, Jr., "Seeks re-election" (Picture Article)
Long, Charlie D. (Burial Record)
Long, Dallas, "Elected Editor of the Devilaire" (Picture Article)
Long, Dallas Crutcher, h/o Agnes Long (Obit.)
Long, Darling H. (Burial Record)
Long, Doris, w/o Otto Long, Jr. (Burial Record)
Long, Dorothy, d/o E. L. Tiner (Obit.)
Long, Emily Josephine, w/o Fieldon Edward Long (Obit.)
Long, Miss Emogene, d/o Hershel Long of Duffel community, "Weds" (Article)
Long, Earnest (Burial Record)
Long, Fieldon Edward, h/o Emily Josephine Long (Obit.)
Long, Fletcher, s/o Dallas C. Long, "Augustan's Bride" (Picture of bride, Wedding)
Long, Fletcher, s/o Dr. D. C. Long, "Meets His Son" (Article)
Long, Fletcher, s/o Dr. D. C. Long, "Woodruff Co. Boy Cited For Courage" (Picture Article)
Long, Fletcher, WW II Vet. (Picture Article)
Long, Fletcher, h/o Peggy Long (Obit.)
Long, Forrest, "Elected President Of The U. Of A. Student Body" (Article)
Long, Forrest E., s/o D. C. Long, h/o Joann Long (Obit.)
Long, Miss Frances Sue, d/o Dallas Crutcher Long (Obit.)
Long, Frank, s/o Frank Long, h/o Elsie Long (Obit.)
Long, G. L. (Burial Record) (Burial Record)
Long, Hazel Josephine (Obit.)
Long, Hazel Lee (Obit.)
Long, Hope (Mildred Hope), w/o John Emanuel Long (Obit.)
Long, Infant, s/o Darling H. Long (Burial Record)
Long, Irene Lavern, w/o John Edward Long (Obit.)
Long, James Marion, h/o Joy Evenlyn Long (Obit.)
Long, James Peter (Burial Record)
Long, Jeremiah L., (MD) (Burial Record)
Long, John Dewayne, s/o Otto Long, Jr. (Picture Obit.)
Long, John E., s/o Otto Long, of McCrory, "Awarded Certificate of Merit" (Article)
Long, John Edward "Son", h/o Irene Lavern Long (Picture of couple) (Obit.)
Long, John Emanuel "Manuel", (Rev.), h/o Mildred Hope Long (Obit.)
Long, John L., h/o Sarah F. Long (Burial Record)
Long, John Wesley (Burial Record)
Long, Karen Sue, age 9, of Fort Wayne, IN, d/o Donald J. Long (Obit.)
Long, Lena (Connor) Hollis, w/o Mr. Hollis & Clark Long (Obit.)
Long, Lola Esther, w/o Otto Long (Pictures)
Long, Lola Esther, w/o Otto Long (Obit.)
Long, Louisa, w/o William Roy, Russell Johnson, & Walter Long (Obit.)
Long, Lula May, of Cherry Valley, w/o William Arthur Long (Obit.)
Long, Manuel, h/o Hope Long (Burial Record)
Long, Mary Bettie, d/o L.H. Long (Burial Record)
Long, Mattie B., m/o Rosco Duke Long (Obit.)
Long, Melissa Jo (Burial Record) (Burial Record)
Long, Michael Todd, s/o Otto Long, Jr. (Burial Record)
Long, Nancy Jane, w/o Frank Long (Obit. 1938)
Long, Nannie E., "5 Generations" (Picture Article) (Obit.)
Long, Nina Louise, d/o Manuel Long of Wynne, "Weds" (Picture Article)
Long, Otto, Jr., h/o Doris Long & h/o Clara Mae Long (Picture Obit.)
Long, Otto L., Sr., WW I (Enlist. Record)
Long, Otto L. Sr., h/o Lola Long (Obit.)
Long, Paul M., s/o Nannie E. Long (Burial Record)
Long, Pat, s/o Nannie E. Long (Obit.)
Long, Rachel Maxine, d/o Otto L. Long, Sr. (Obit.)
Long, Robert "Bobby" Lee, Sr., s/o Hershell Long (Obit.)
Long, Rosco Duke, h/o Hazel Usrey Long (Obit.)
Long, Sarah Francis, w/o John L. Long (Burial Record)
Long, Susie Revelle (Burial Record)
Longcoy, Anna B. (Burial Record)
Longrader, John (Burial Record)
Longrader, Nellie (Rosenbaum) (Obit.)
Longrader, Phillip D., s/o John Longrader, h/o Jewell Marie Longrader (Obit.)
Looney, Looney Family - 1840 - 2009 - 5 Generations (Family History)
Looney, Bennie Joe, s/o William Melvin Looney, h/o Betty Sue Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Bert, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Looney, Bert, h/o Vina Looney (Burial Record)
Looney, Billie Gene, s/o Tom Looney, of Fitzhugh, "Weds" (Picture Wedding)
Looney, Bill Gene, h/o Nancy Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Brenda Sue, Aged 3 months (Burial Record)
Looney, Clarence Herbert, of Bradford, AR, h/o Hazel Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Claudy Melvin (Burial Record)
Looney, Cleo Sue, w/o Lewis Kyle Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Cyrena Adaline, w/o Thomas J. Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Miss Dorothy, d/o Tom Looney, "To Wed" (Picture Article)
Looney, George W, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Looney, Ida Ann, w/o Joseph Allen Looney (Burial Record)
Looney, Ida (Looney) Crial (Burial Record)
Looney, James Mode, of Augusta, AR, "Granted Pardon By Governor" (Article)
Looney, James Mode, s/o Thomas Jefferson Looney, h/o Pauline Looney (Burial Record)
Looney, John P., WW I (Enlist. Record)
Looney, John Preston, s/o Thomas Jefferson Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Joseph Allen, h/o Ida Ann Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Joseph E. (Burial Record)
Looney, Joseph Monroe, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Looney, Lenda L. Piker (Burial Record)
Looney, Lester, h/o Cora Lee Looney (Burial Record)
Looney, Marvin C., s/o Thomas Jefferson Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Maye (Emma Maye Marlar), w/o Tom Looney (Burial Record)
Looney, Michael Steven (Burial Record)
Looney, Myrtle (Asberry) (Burial Record)
Looney, Nancy Carolyn (Gullic), d/o Wm. B. Gullic, "Weds" (Picture Article)
Looney, Orby Mack (Burial Record)
Looney, Reva Marie, d/o William Melvin Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Robert Albert (Burial Record)
Looney, Mr. & Mrs. Tom, "Fitzhugh Couple Injured In Accident Near Augusta" (Article)
Looney, Thomas J., "Augusta Couple Wed 67 Years" (Article)
Looney, Thomas J., "Augusta Couple Wed 69 Years" (Article)
Looney, Thomas Jefferson, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Looney, Thomas Jefferson, h/o Cyrena Adaline Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Tom (Thomas Jefferson), h/o Maye Looney (Obit.)
Looney, Virlin Timothy, s/o Thomas Jefferson Looney (Burial Record)
Looney, William Melvin, h/o Stella Marie Looney (Burial Record)
Lost Family, A Lost Family United by Family Roots, The Sheila Joy McCall Keith Story (Family History)
Lotridge, Clinton Alfred, of Judsonia, AR (Obit.)
Lotridge, I. L., of Wynne, "Added To Staff Of The Leader" (Article)
Lotridge, Ona Juanita, d/o Lester Lotridge (Burial Record)
Lotridge, W. L., "Rhythm Strings Broadcast Over KARK, Little Rock (Article)
Lott, John, Aged 26 years (Burial Record)
Lott, Delbert, Aged 33 years (Burial Record)
Loudermilk, Mary E. (LPR)
Love, Clarence Edward, of Cotton Plant, s/o Eugene Love (Obit.)
Love, David F., of Memphis, "Youth Killed As Car Crashes" in Augusta (Obit.)
Love, Edgar, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Love, Frank Monroe, s/o Calvin J. Love, h/o Freda A. Love (Obit.)
Love, Freda A., w/o Frank M. Love (Burial Record)
Love, Henry C., formerly of Russellville, AR, s/o W. H. H. Love of Greenbrier (Obit.)
Love, Joe, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Love, John Dunkin, h/o Mary Florence Love (Burial Record)
Love, Margaret Elouise, (black), w/o Rickey Love (Picture Obit.)
Love, Mrs. Mary Florence, w/o J. D. Love (Obit.)
Love, Nealie, d/o John Dunkin Love (Burial Record)
Love, Nettie, d/o John Dunkin Love (Burial Record)
Love, Rachel Matilda (Burial Record)
Lovell, David O., of Little Rock, AR, "Weds" (Article)
Lovell, Miss Ella, of Little Rock, formerly of Cotton Plant (Obit.)
Lovell, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth, w/o George W. Lovell (Obit.)
Lovell, George W., of Little Rock, formerly of Cotton Plant (Obit.)
Lovell, Mollie, of Moro, formerly of Cotton Plant, w/o Robert W. Lovell (Obit.)
Lovell, Myrtle, w/o John Lovell (Obit.)
Lovell, Robert W., h/o Mollie Lovell (Burial Record)
Lovell, William, h/o Jennie Lovell (LPR)
Lovett, Joseph A., f/o Mary E. Lovett & Albert Pike Lovett (LPR)
Lovett, Paul Fehrentz, Jr. (Obit.)
Lovett, Paul Fehrentz, Sr. (Burial Record)
Lowe, Blanch Amelia, w/o L. E. Hoefs & Mr. Lowe (Obit.)
Lowe, Dessie A., (black) (Burial Record)
Lowe, Edmond T., Sr., of CA, h/o Annie Mae Lowe (Obit.)
Lowe, James Alexander, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lowe, Marshal, (black) (Burial Record)
Lowe, Ricky Lynn, s/o Ellec Benjamin Lowe, h/o Stephine Lowe (Obit.)
Lowe, Walter Lewis, (black), WW I (Enlist. Record)
Lowe, William Arthur, s/o Edgar Hugh Lowe, of Monroe, GA, to marry (Article)
Lucas, Lena, (black) (Obit.)
Lucas, Ray, (black), s/o Jack Lucas & Lena Lucas (Obit.)
Lucas, Tessie (Waltermire), of Batesville, AR, w/o George Lucas (Obit.)
Lucas, Trudy Alma (Burial Record)
Luke, Otis Wingo, WW I (Enlist. Record)
Luckenbill, James W., s/o J. Luckenbill (Burial Record)
Luker, Jerome S., WW I (Enlist. Record)
Luckinbill, Newton (Burial Record)
Luder, Billy, of Doniphan, MO, uncle of Chess Williams (Obit.)
Luker, Ida, age 17 of near Wynne, AR, "Weds" (Article)
Luker, Jerome S. (Burial Record)
Luker, Lee O. (Burial Record)
Luker, Mary, of Atlanta, GA, formerly of Cotton Plant, AR, w/o Samuel Luker (Obit.)
Luker, Ruby (Picture)
Luker, Samuel C., of Atlanta, GA, formerly of Cotton Plant (Obit.)
Luker, William Valliant, of Bradford, AR, formerly of Cotton Plant (Obit.)
Lum & Abner, "Lum and Abner Highway", Chester Lauck & Norris Goff (Article)
Lumley, Arthur "Ott" (Burial Record)
Lumley, David Burton, h/o Lena Lumley (Obit.)
Lumley, Evie, w/o Milford Floyd Brown & Arthur Franklin "Ott" Lumley (Obit.)
Lumley, Lenar W., m/o Arthur Lumley of McCrory (Obit.)
Lumpkin, Walter W., (Dr.), h/o Minnie Lee Lumpkin (Burial Record)
Lunceford, Angie, d/o Mrs. Oweta Luceford, "Weds" (Article) (Picture Article)
Lunday, Beulah O., w/o Howard Thomas Lunday (Burial Record)
Lunday, Charles A., s/o Herbert Lunday (Picture Article)
Lunday, Claudean (Hazel Claudean), d/o Howard Thomas Lunday (Obit.)
Lunday, Elmer, age 48, (Burial Record)
Lunday, Herbert H., Army Engineers World War II (Biog.)
Lunday, Herbert Henry, h/o Marion Lee Lunday (Picture Obit.)
Lunday, Homer (Everett Homer), h/o Virgie Lunday (Obit.)
Lunday, Howard Thomas, h/o Beulah O. Lunday (Burial Record)
Lunday, Mrs. J. H., mother of L. C. of McClelland & others (Obit.)
Lunday, James Henry (Burial Record)
Lunday, Jessie Lee (Burial Record)
Lunday, Lonzer Clifford, h/o Lottie J. Lunday (Burial Record)
Lunday, Lottie J., w/o Lonzer Clifford Lunday (Burial Record)
Lunday, Norman, (Infant) (Burial Record)
Lunday, Virgie, w/o Homer Lunday (Obit.)
Lunday, Woody (Burial Record)
Lundeen, Shirley, w/o Jim Lundeen (Obit.)
Lunsford, Allison R., of Harrisburg, AR, formerly of Earl, AR (Obit.)
Luster, Carolyn, w/o Clyde Luster (Obit.)
Luster, George M., h/o Lottie & Betty Luster (Obit.)
Luster, Joe, (black), of Weldon (Obit.)
Luster, Juanita (Dodd) (Burial Record)
Luton, America J., d/o R.L. Luton (Burial Record)
Luttrell, Barbra A. & Phyllis D. Luttrell, "Two Girls Drown At Augusta Beach" (Obit.)
Lyles, Sanford, "Shoots James Fortune" (Article)
Lynch, Alberta (Burial Record)
Lynch, Augusta J. (Wood) (Burial Record)
Lynch, Edgar S., h/o Flora Rosalee Lynch (Obit.)
Lynch, Eliza J. (Burial Record)
Lynch, Flora, w/o Edgar S. Lynch (Obit.)
Lynch, Janie (Burial Record)
Lynch, Julia (Burial Record)
Lynch, Lilly Kate (Burial Record)
Lynch, Mable Wood, w/o Ross P. Mathis (Picture-Article)
Lynch, Minnie (James) (Burial Record)
Lynch, Robert Cherry, 1855 - 1913, "Prominent Merchant In Cotton Plant (Family History)
Lynch, Robert Cherry (Burial Record)
Lynch, W.B. (Burial Record)
Lynn, Doyl Lee, "Joins U.S. Marines", grandson of Mrs. Lura Morgan of McCrory (Article)
Lynn, Hattie C. (Jones), (black), w/o Tyree Lynn (Obit.)
Lynn, Lena (Matthews), (black), w/o Samuel Lynn (Picture Obit.)
Lynn, Paul R., h/o Eyvonne M. Lynn (Picture Article)
Lynn, Paul Rollen, s/o James Lynn (Obit.)
Lynn, Royce (Burial Record)
Lynn, Tyree, (black) (Burial Record)
Lynthicum, H. W. (Burial Record)