Obituaries, Weddings, Pictures and Articles

An index of newspaper items compiled by Gary Telford.

Obituaries, articles and weddings can reveal a wealth of information for people researching their family. It is one of the best sources available to genealogist. Old pictures are priceless.

Some old obituaries, articles, weddings and pictures from the Woodruff County newspapers are now available, starting in 1930 to 2004 (none for 1931).

For several years, Gary employed someone to search through all the old newspapers of Woodruff County, AR, to find obituaries, articles, weddings and pictures. Most of these were copied on a commercial digital copier and are very good quality. All of these are copies of the original articles. Any of these would make a great addition in a family history scrapbook. I'm sorry but I don't know how to find copies of these items.

Note: these are roughly in order by date, Part 1 being the oldest.